Usually we are careful-with certainty-what is bad for our health. The antennas that emit electromagnetic waves, smoke and pollution, the excessive cold in winter, the sun is too hot in the summer. We know that eating too much meat is bad, it kills too much alcohol, too many sweets that carry the diabetes … but we did not know that the computer keyboard could make us sick !
did not know that the handrail of the staircase can carry germs and bacteria or the handles of public toilets would be better not to touch them, or that the buttons switches can transmit germs too. To this list also adds the receipt, that very innocuous card issuing merchants. The receipt , in fact, is made with substances that are also present in the plastic like bisphenol A and touching them or roll them between your fingers for a long time, playing to rub your eyes or provide us with the aereoplanini short, it may also cause serious problems, such as sexual dysfunction for adults and cognitive problems in children. And if this sounds like an exaggeration, consider that a recent study from the University of Geneva has just discovered that even stethoscope (or stethoscope), the instrument that the doctor uses to listen to our breathing or the beat Heart is not just a vehicle for bacteria very healthy! After analyzing the hands of the doctors after about 90 consecutive visits we have seen that the area is contaminated the most are the tips (467 colonies of microorganisms), followed by the diaphragm of the stethoscope (the metal rod that touches the patient’s skin, with 89 colonies) and finally the palm of doctor’s hand with half of the colonies of microorganisms on the instrument.
To read all of this makes you want to stay at home and do not touch anything. But this is not the solution. The world needs to be lived, with its dangers and damage … the important thing is to remember to always run with the best of weapons of defense: the soap, or wipe, or both.