Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Unexpected objects that are bad for your health - Wellness - Guidone.it

Posted on March 1st, 2014 from Grace Musumeci

Oggetti unexpected that hurt the salute

Usually we are careful-with certainty-what is bad for our health. The antennas that emit electromagnetic waves, smoke and pollution, the excessive cold in winter, the sun is too hot in the summer. We know that eating too much meat is bad, it kills too much alcohol, too many sweets that carry the diabetes … but we did not know that the computer keyboard could make us sick !

did not know that the handrail of the staircase can carry germs and bacteria or the handles of public toilets would be better not to touch them, or that the buttons switches can transmit germs too. To this list also adds the receipt, that very innocuous card issuing merchants. The receipt , in fact, is made with substances that are also present in the plastic like bisphenol A and touching them or roll them between your fingers for a long time, playing to rub your eyes or provide us with the aereoplanini short, it may also cause serious problems, such as sexual dysfunction for adults and cognitive problems in children. And if this sounds like an exaggeration, consider that a recent study from the University of Geneva has just discovered that even stethoscope (or stethoscope), the instrument that the doctor uses to listen to our breathing or the beat Heart is not just a vehicle for bacteria very healthy! After analyzing the hands of the doctors after about 90 consecutive visits we have seen that the area is contaminated the most are the tips (467 colonies of microorganisms), followed by the diaphragm of the stethoscope (the metal rod that touches the patient’s skin, with 89 colonies) and finally the palm of doctor’s hand with half of the colonies of microorganisms on the instrument.
To read all of this makes you want to stay at home and do not touch anything. But this is not the solution. The world needs to be lived, with its dangers and damage … the important thing is to remember to always run with the best of weapons of defense: the soap, or wipe, or both.

 Tags: wellness, fitness, hygiene

Monday, March 3, 2014

Part "Schengen Health," contact point for treatment abroad - Online-News

After the commercial ones in Europe also fall ‘sanitary barriers’, with patients who are free to move between countries for treatment. To remove the last obstacles has been among the first in Europe, the decree passed by the Council of Ministers, which transposes the Directive on cross-border, and in fact opens the competition between European hospitals. With the go-ahead to the decree, the minister said at a press conference falls on the requirement for prior authorization to go abroad for treatment, although with some exceptions which will be identified by the prosecutor or by the regions. Can not instead be made abroad, writes the ministry, the long-term care, organ transplants and vaccinations. A focal point for implementation of the directive will be the ‘national contact point’, that the ministry is ready to be put in place and that will serve ‘two-way’. Through the contact point foreign patients can receive all the necessary information on the standards of quality, accessibility, and rates and methods of reimbursement structures Italian, and Italian ones will have the same information on the foreign ones. Anyone who wants to travel to other countries for treatment may request a refund once back at home, with the proviso, however, which will be refunded only the amount equal to that which the NHS would spend in its region of origin, according to the principle that the opening of borders can not lead to higher spending on the NHS. Indeed, he explained Lorenzin, this could be an opportunity to increase revenue. “If the national healthcare system will be able to configure itself really competitive in the European scenario and to attract, because of its quality and its efficiency, the patients in the other States of the European Union – said the minister – this will lead to new financial revenue, due to the payment of the benefits provided by the Italian health system. Italy is not afraid of the challenge, and for this reason it is among the first European countries to transpose the EU directive. ” If the decree will result in an exodus to hospitals British, French or German or otherwise in a way to attract patients in Italy, says Walter Ricciardi, Director of the Department of Public Health Catholic University – Policlinico Gemelli in Rome, depend only as you move from ministry and regions in the coming months. “In qualitative terms the excellence of our facilities can easily compete with all those in Europe, plus Italy can also offer another addition to the health, culture and food – says expert -. But we need to attract patients, working on the communication before they arrive, but also on their management, including language, once here and on follow-up when they return home. If you succeed in this game you can pretty much win. “

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Schengen health, from now on we will treat freely in all ... - Italian Weather Center

Schengen health, from now on we will treat freely in all countries of the European Union 03.01.2014 . The already calling the Schengen health , because after the Treaty of Schengen who started the slaughter of borders in the EU countries and the freedom of movement of citizens in all Member States of ‘ European Union , now as you can do to heal. The Council of Ministers has approved yesterday a decree transposing Directive of the European cross-border healthcare in fact sanctioning the right to be able to freely cure in any public health facility in the countries of ‘ European Union . Health care will therefore have more borders in Europe with the Schengen health . Falls so also the obligation of prior authorization for recarsie abroad for treatment, as explained yesterday by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin. However, there are some limitations, such as long term care, organ transplants and vaccinations.

Schengen health, from now on we will treat freely in all countries of the European Union To navigate through the new perspectives that offers just transposed the European directive from Italy, the Ministry of Health will be open on Monday, March 3 www.dovesalute.gov site that will serve to regulate in this Schengen health facilitating the use of health services and health that make up the health network Italian and European , with clear information for Italian citizens and those of other countries European Union standards of quality, accessibility, rates and methods of reimbursement. These can be requested once you return home after treatment. Beware though, with the Schengen health you can cure freely in all countries of the European Union , but cisono rules to follow. In order not to raise the costs of public health, The National Health Service will reimburse only the amounts equal to those which are provided in the regions belonging patients.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Latin Zingaretti opens in Sezze the first House of Health of ... - The Messenger

LATIN – Ribbon Cutting for the House of Health Sezze. The opening ceremony, presided over by the President of the Lazio Region Zingaretti, it was this morning in the structure, which for years has housed the city hospital. After the blessing of the bishop of the diocese of Terracina-Latina-Sezze – Privett Mariano Crusade, the meeting was opened by the Director General of the ASL Latina Michele Caporossi. “Today – he said Caporossi – is a stage reached by the Regional importassima. The House of Health is not just a physical structure, it is a new model of care to the person. And ‘changed the way we think about health care has changed since the medicine itself. And ‘that takes place in the House of Health taking charge of the patient and this will allow us to improve even the crisis unit of the Hospital of St. Maria Goretti Latin America. People can finally find resolution to their problems in the region. “

Sosddisfatto Mayor Andrea Campoli. “Today, the large presence of citizens – said – testifies to what I am saying for some time: at last started another historic moment for health care. Our region, unfortunately, has suffered from health point of view a review of public spending as a result of accumulated debt, mostly penalize the provinces. Because of the crisis, in addition, large sections of the population are forced to forgo treatment. The House of Health, which today we are going to inaugurate, represents a new model of health care, in which you invest on the needs of the person. Finally, the person returns to the center of the health care system. Sezze has the good fortune to be the site of the first experimental launch of House of Health of Lazio. We hope that these structures can be replicated soon in other situations. “

The Governor of New York in his speech pointed out that the region is developing a new network of primary care and social care territorial continuity of care. “The House of Health – said Zingaretti – it is an experiment that begins in the area. We must not stop because that is taken the right way. We want to open 48 Case of Health of New York as well as already begun in other regions, making it possible for citizens to have better services with less. It ‘a system which until now did not exist, where citizens can meet a new range of services, more accessible and better organized. “

Another element highlighted by Zingaretti is the hiring freeze. “The hiring freeze – said Zingaretti – is causing a huge disaster, because they keep out young doctors and nurses fueling insecurity. Moreover, it is also happening that our staff is hired in other regions where, however, there is this block. So the other challenge that we intend to be able to win with this new model of health care is to retrain staff. Among other things, since 2012 we have certified that Lazio has what it takes to overcome the block of turnover. For the same cost you can carry 400 to stabilize the precarious social and health sector. “

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