LATIN – Ribbon Cutting for the House of Health Sezze. The opening ceremony, presided over by the President of the Lazio Region Zingaretti, it was this morning in the structure, which for years has housed the city hospital. After the blessing of the bishop of the diocese of Terracina-Latina-Sezze – Privett Mariano Crusade, the meeting was opened by the Director General of the ASL Latina Michele Caporossi. “Today – he said Caporossi – is a stage reached by the Regional importassima. The House of Health is not just a physical structure, it is a new model of care to the person. And ‘changed the way we think about health care has changed since the medicine itself. And ‘that takes place in the House of Health taking charge of the patient and this will allow us to improve even the crisis unit of the Hospital of St. Maria Goretti Latin America. People can finally find resolution to their problems in the region. “
Sosddisfatto Mayor Andrea Campoli. “Today, the large presence of citizens – said – testifies to what I am saying for some time: at last started another historic moment for health care. Our region, unfortunately, has suffered from health point of view a review of public spending as a result of accumulated debt, mostly penalize the provinces. Because of the crisis, in addition, large sections of the population are forced to forgo treatment. The House of Health, which today we are going to inaugurate, represents a new model of health care, in which you invest on the needs of the person. Finally, the person returns to the center of the health care system. Sezze has the good fortune to be the site of the first experimental launch of House of Health of Lazio. We hope that these structures can be replicated soon in other situations. “ The Governor of New York in his speech pointed out that the region is developing a new network of primary care and social care territorial continuity of care. “The House of Health – said Zingaretti – it is an experiment that begins in the area. We must not stop because that is taken the right way. We want to open 48 Case of Health of New York as well as already begun in other regions, making it possible for citizens to have better services with less. It ‘a system which until now did not exist, where citizens can meet a new range of services, more accessible and better organized. “ Another element highlighted by Zingaretti is the hiring freeze. “The hiring freeze – said Zingaretti – is causing a huge disaster, because they keep out young doctors and nurses fueling insecurity. Moreover, it is also happening that our staff is hired in other regions where, however, there is this block. So the other challenge that we intend to be able to win with this new model of health care is to retrain staff. Among other things, since 2012 we have certified that Lazio has what it takes to overcome the block of turnover. For the same cost you can carry 400 to stabilize the precarious social and health sector. “
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