Monday, June 9, 2014

Teens and health, how to manage – Corriere della Sera

Milan , June 9, 2014 – 9:22


hard for excellence, adolescence is a difficult phase for the whole family For the children, at the mercy of a process of change and growth, both physical and psychological, which destabilizes them, and their parents, in front of the puzzle difficulties of children from day to day seem to become “other people” . Moreover, it is an age when in most cases you are healthy, but they can develop problems with “aftermath” that affect the whole future life, from smoking addiction to sexually transmitted diseases. How to make sure, then, that children grow up healthy and not endangered?

Recommendations to parents

“The first recommendation is for parents to be present in the lives of teenagers, in a discreet yet attentive – notes Piernicola Garofalo, President the Italian Society of Adolescent Medicine -. Often moms and dads oscillate between alarmism and indifference, we need instead to be mute sentinels, to realize immediately the warning signs. Unfortunately, many parents are the first to close the doors of communication with their children, because, for example, are never at home: the kids need to know that someone is following them, is present, is a reference to turn to ” . Observing is the first step to notice when something is wrong, as confirmed by Giuseppe Di Mauro, president of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Paediatrics: “All the sudden changes of everyday life are suspicious: a sharp and sudden drop in school performance, a marked isolation, the abandonment of the sport, a change in the relationship with food are all indicators of a hardship to investigate with discretion. ” Go with feet of lead appear to be essential not to clash with an impenetrable wall of silence, threatening to complicate even more the relationship. This can help, then, the family pediatrician, with which the children often fail to confide more than with mom and dad.

“Check-up” at eight years old

“The time is right for a” check-up “is the” health check “, which by eight years onwards should be performed at least every two years, preferably once a year – includes Di Mauro -. This is a tour where you control your weight, height, blood pressure, the back, the reproductive system and everything else, but which becomes an opportunity to talk and figure out if something is wrong. A real tool of prevention, because, in addition to assessing whether everything is in place and recommend, if needed, a visit to the specialist’s case, it is above all an opportunity to educate families and present valuable opportunities, such as vaccination against the human papilloma virus be proposed to all the twelve year olds to prevent cervical cancer in adulthood: the vaccination coverage in Italy does not reach 50 percent because often “lose” contact with adolescents who, not having obvious health problems not come from the doctor. The financial statements should be made instead, because they are the key to having healthy children. ” In Italy are not mandatory and is therefore the parents and the pediatrician to “commit” to get them regularly.


In addition to these general check-ups, they also serve regular blood tests and test more accurate? Some guidelines, such as those of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the U.S., recommend screening for cholesterol, blood glucose and other parameters already starting from 9-11 years, but not everyone agrees, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, does not recommend testing all the kids on the carpet. “Screening should be guided. Get regular blood tests to all teenagers do not need, nor would a good cost-benefit ratio – says Garofalo -. The physician must identify “weaknesses” of the boy who grows, according to his personal and family history: If your dad has diabetes will be necessary to be careful not to gain weight, because otherwise he runs the risk of getting sick as well and at a young age; if a sister is gluten intolerant and there is some slight suspicious symptoms, it will be good to do the tests for celiac disease. ”

Bad habits

Among ” threats “that put more in danger the health of adolescents there are several bad habits, first of all unregulated power: a study just published in the U.S. Public Health Nutrition explains, for example, that the threshold of puberty quality snacks and meals begins to decrease, to become bad in the middle of adolescence because of the greater freedom and meals eaten outside the home together with friends. “A proper diet is undoubtedly essential at this age, as well as encourage the sport in order to become a healthy passion with which to occupy your free time: Unfortunately, however, many abandon their adolescent physical activity – says Di Mauro -. It should be stimulated movement outdoors, organized, and not even to “save” the boys from captivity to computers, tablets and mobile phones which often isolate themselves, risking real addiction with serious psychological repercussions that can reach up to depression. Equally important is to talk to the boys of the damage from smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, very real dangers to their lives: put your head in the sand is not needed, needs to be discussed. ” “Unfortunately, the young have often uncritical use of these substances, do not choose to transgress but only because the context leads them to do so, this serves to inform them about the consequences – notes Garofalo -. Although eating disorders are very common among teenagers, constantly growing as well among males, as they are a great danger sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies: there is no education to the body, it makes sex so inconsiderate since everyone is doing it, trivializing it, without thinking of the consequences. However, it is essential to educate young people to sexuality; it is absurd that none of them is responsible for contraception and then the girls go in search of the morning-after pill. ” “An unwanted pregnancy, HIV, a substance dependence problems that are then radically change the future. Teenagers are healthy, but have the potential to be very, very bad. For this reason, parents and pediatricians have to be around them, talk, informing them the only way to grow aware of the dangers that could face, “concluded Di Mauro.

June 9, 2014 | 09:22


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