We all have at least one. And although aware of what it is, we are not aware of it. And ‘the nervous tic. It is not always healthy for our body. Indeed, there are some that can be really dangerous. To warn us of the worst, most of the ones that others may provoke damage to health, the American Health magazine. What draws up a list of 10 nervous habits that John D’Agata president of the “Door of Rights” should be noted in Italy.
Hair pulling or twisting the time a lock of hair around her fingers. Especially among women, but also men with long hair, you may occasionally see this bad habit. Of course, if you did that once in a while, a woman with sensuality twists the lock of hair around her finger, drawing the attention of lucky, nothing happens. But if the action is dictated by nervousness and therefore continuous, then the risk of ruining your hair is real. The continuous stimulation in this sense, ruin fact also the root of the hair. Resulting in thinning of the hair. State may also become permanent. Some experts also warn that this tick can be a symptom of a behavioral disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder known as trichotillomania. It should be cured with proper treatment and medication.
Far cracked his neck. In a move that seems to give relief at the time. But in the long run leads to the weakening of the ligaments. It also causes wear and tear of the joints. Bringing to cause arthritis and warns the orthopedic surgeon Michael Gleiber, the risk of stroke.
Crushing, scrape or touch the pimples all the time. Bad move, unless you want to damage your skin. The bleeding of a pimple can also result in permanent scarring. In short, better to rely on specific creams and let yourself heal.
That disorder called ‘bruxism’, gnashing or continuation in the teeth. It can happen especially at night while we sleep. This can cause breakage of the root canals; damage to the jaw or tooth wear. The dentist Justin Philipp explains that this disease can be caused by nervousness, misalignment of the teeth or a ‘bite’ wrong. And according to the dentist, orthodontics treatment would be carried out in small and botox injections to reduce the strength of the muscles of the jaw.
I do not think it can be harmful, but also the act of sucking hard candy can be dangerous. First of all because, if they are sugar free, they can cause tooth decay. Also, if you tend to break hard candy with your teeth, they can be damaged. Or they can skip the fillings.
Licking or biting her lips. Again, if it is not done out of pure gesture of sensuality, then there may be a problem. This tic door lips to be getting dry and cracked. In this way it is easier than nicked by various digestive enzymes in saliva. Situation that can cause infections. The nibble continuously can also get to cause fibroids, which can only be removed surgically.
Biting the inside of your cheek. Sometimes it happens that there chomping cheek, and it’s really annoying. Imagine those who do it for nervousness. A bad situation, especially if not corrected in time. Why biting the inside of your cheek can cause swelling, chronic inflammation and bleeding.
Chewing gum constantly. In addition to being annoying to see, the continuous stimulus to the muscles of the jaw can be dangerous. Excessive consumption of chewing gum can also lead to problems of the digestive tract. Especially in sugar-free gum. This is because they contain a sweetener such as sorbitol. Which can have a laxative effect. Furthermore, the continuous Biting door air in the stomach, resulting in gas formation.
As for the act of chewing, even the deleterious chew pens and pencils. First of all, it’s not nice to make a pencil all underpinned by the bite of the teeth to those who ask to borrow. In addition, you may run into various infections and diseases caused by germs that come in contact with the gums.
Do you recognize yourself in one or more of these kind of nervous habits? Perhaps it would be appropriate to do something about it.
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