Saturday, May 25, 2013

Health: stop funding for health education - Live Sicily

 purse, decree, health education, Russian healthcare Into The Department of Health

PALERMO – The scissors of the Department Health are forced to cut. And to be cut this time are the contributions for the promotion, prevention and health education. To establish this fund which in recent years have drawn
especially associations, foundations and agencies was the former commissioner Massimo Russo. The fund was in fact created by a decree of 2011, which effectively suspended today Lucia Borsellino. The region thus saves about 500 thousand euro per year, which in the past had been allocated.

“There is no money, the choice is must for this reason,” says Jade Calzi Li, head of the technical secretariat of the Councillor for Health. In the decree, issued on 8 May and published today in the Official Journal, says, however, that “organizers of events, in keeping with the provisions of art. 15 of Law no. 22/1978, may continue to formulate requests for legal aid and the use of the logo of the Sicilian Region. ” Meanwhile square Ottavio Ziino do know, however, that health authorities and hospitals have at their disposal a budget to meet the above purposes. They will then use their cash on hand to carry out the activities of health education. And the region, at least from this point of view, save.

The health industry -

I propose, with a simple copy and paste and confessed, the analysis of Intesa Sanpaolo – Prometeia on manufacturing, made public May 23 Into

Ratio Analysis of Industries * – May 2013

Industry: fall in turnover in 2012-13 (-8.3% amounting to 56.5 billion euro at constant prices), caused by the expected further sharp decline domestic demand for consumption and investment. Challenge even the less cyclical sectors.

The Italian industry is experiencing a prolonged downturn in sales, which for the biennium 2012 – 13 will be higher than 8%, amounting to 56.5 billion euro at constant prices. It will thus nullified the brief recovery of the previous two years and will hit a new low point in production, also lower than at the end of 2009. The fall in demand Inside, both for consumption and investment, will be only partially offset by sales abroad, provided for an improvement in 2013 despite the criminalization of the crisis of the euro area countries.

Unlike the 2008-09 crisis, the difficulties in the biennium 2012-13 will be disseminated to all manufacturing sectors, including those usually characterized by little cyclical profiles, such as food and beverage, consumer and pharmaceutical industry. better results than the previous crisis, though still negative, instead characterize the chemical intermediates , mechanical and metallurgy , all sectors with a propensity to export close to or above 60%, thus demonstrating the predominantly “inside” of the recession. The good results abroad at the high end of the range of products will not be enough to bring in a positive turnover of the undertakings of the fashion system . Most affected, with an increase of the already problematic conditions of excess production capacity, will be the areas related to durable goods ( furniture, motor vehicles and motorcycles, appliances ) and products and building materials .

The new drop in turnover, with an extension of the problem of excess production capacity, and financial balance conditions critical for a growing number of companies, will continue to fuel the processes of selection of domestic production base.

From the historical financial data emerges as companies best equipped in terms of economic and financial to deal with the current phase of tightening of the crisis tend to be larger than firms in difficulty strong , with some exceptions in traditional sectors such as food or fashion industry, but also in mechanics, in which even relatively small firms are able to obtain good results with niche products or high-end. It is also of business with an investment activity more consistent and higher productivity of capital invested in the business . Also contributes to higher productivity better management of working capital, the faster inventory turnover and the capacity / ability to keep collection times (and payment) relatively faster. Together, these features help to ensure their fin ancial structures in balance and a lower average cost of debt , in some cases up to 2-3 percentage points, compared to competitors in difficulty.

should boot from the recovery in the manufacturing 2014, due primarily to the acceleration of exports, which will push the trade balance over the 100 billion euro.

Starting from 2014, Italian industry should return to a path of growth, driven mainly by exports, expected in acceleration throughout the forecast horizon, and the partial improvement in domestic demand, particularly investment.

greater competitiveness that characterize media firms exit from the long crisis that will allow them to successfully seize the opportunities offered by foreign markets. The competitive strengthening of many manufacturing companies is also confirmed by the full integration into global supply chains, as shown by the data on the added value of Italian exports, and an appeal to foreign investment and technologies of ICT or greater than that of German companies, our main competitors in many areas.

remain, however, some important nodes. Already in our newsletter of January had been highlighted the criticality of the delay experienced by the retail sector in conveying the offer Italian industrial abroad. The analysis of the intensity of ICT investment, which is contained in this edition of the Report, also indicates the strong competitive gap accumulated by the sectors of services for businesses. The service industry is increasingly referred to as the driver of competitiveness of an industrial country, but in this field, unlike in manufacturing, Italy pays an important deficit competitive against the major European countries. growth, but in some cases the real modernization of entire sectors of the Italian economy is one of the major problems that the country is called to give a rapid response.

Another critical issue is represented by the internal market, which in all mature economies is the main element of support production growth. The crisis continued throughout 2013 and the slowness of the recovery in sales, they may have even more negative impacts on the spending power and savings of Italian households. This could compromise resilience of those businesses that operate primarily on the domestic market, a share still relevant despite the increasing propensity to export of our manufacturing, tap the expected 50% in the horizon of 2017.

The loss of spending power by Italian households and businesses and the most contemporary projection of the latter on the foreign markets will translate into a steady and significant improvement in the balance commercial manufacturing, able with its more than 100 billion euro surplus at the end of period balance also structural deficits on the energy front and back of the net position in foreign territory of Italy firmly positive.

In 2017 a new landscape sector: Winning the sectors and companies to greater international

The start of a recovery phase from 2014 does not allow you to completely write off the losses incurred in the long and difficult phase, begun in 2008. In 2017 consumption will be, in real terms, 10% lower compared to 2007 levels and investment will be even more adversely affected (-20%) while only foreign demand will be placed at a level of almost one-third higher.

In this context, the sectors and companies that will come out winners will not only be those with higher external projection. Overall turnover at constant prices of Italian manufacturing will remain 13% below 2007 levels, with some areas that will see its output reduced by more than 20% than before the crisis: products and building materials , furniture , motor vehicles and motorcycles , appliances , metal products and metallurgy .

The recovery in 2014-17 will be more intense in the areas of mechanical and ‘ electrical engineering , where the strong competitive position will be added to the best opportunities on the domestic market. In the case of confirmation by multinational enterprises of their production capacity in Italy, pharmaceutical consumer and cars and motorcycles should experience growth rates faster than the manufacturing average, mainly due to a high international profile. The expected growth in downstream sectors and the inclusion of more and more companies in the international supply chains will enable < span class="c7"> metal products to record similar performance . The complex situation in the steel industry, along with the gradual disappearance of the coupling induced by the export of precious metals, lead metallurgy to record growth rates similar to the average manufacturing industry, as well as other producers of intermediate goods ( other intermediates chemical intermediates ). Less dynamic in perspective, the fashion system, the appliances, i furniture and the food and drinks , affected strongly by the domestic demand, and l ‘ electronics , where the Italian companies will struggle to seize the opportunities created by a national market expected recovery.

Average return on the upswing thanks to the release of weaker firms

The selection process of firms in difficulty and the moderate recovery in sales will allow for a gradual recovery in average margins of manufacturing . At the end of the period, gross operating margins as a percentage of sales are expected to exceed the threshold of 8%, with still a gap of about one percentage point compared to the previous decade, the result of strong competition in foreign markets and domestic demand away from its maximum in all sectors.

These same factors, however, will push companies towards a more marked recovery efficiency, which will result in an improvement in profitability (ROI) of more than 3 percentage points, ensuring a good self-financing capacity to the Italian manufacturing firms continue to support investments required by the competitive environment.

This situation however, will be more complex in the early years of the forecast, underscoring the urgency of appropriate tools to support the financial needs of Italian manufacturing firms, particularly in the most negative phases of the economic cycle.


Ilva, the Board resigns. Via Zanon also to: "Ensure health and ... - Adnkronos / IGN

Into The establishment of Ilva The plant Ilva

Into last update: 25 May, 19:52

Taranto – (Adnkronos / Ign) – The decision, after the seizure of 8.1 billion yesterday, ordered by the prosecutor in Taranto. The company: “We will resort .” As far as he learns the Adnkronos the Minister of Economic Development Monday will see Enrico Bondi . The meeting was also invited Vendola

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Into Taranto, May 25 – (Adnkronos / Ign) – It will be held on Monday afternoon, a first meeting between the Minister of Economic Development Flavio Zanon el ‘Ilva CEO Enrico Bondi . And ‘as he learns the Adnkronos. The Minister Zanonato invited to the meeting the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola who spoke by phone. According to reports from government sources, the minister going to meet in the coming days the trade unions on the dossier Ilva. On the front of Ilva has been a hectic day. The board of directors has resigned. This was announced by the same company, after a meeting of about three hours in Milan, stating that the resignation will take effect from the date of the shareholders’ meeting that the council has called for the “day, June 5 at 9″.  221; Given the gravity of the situation – said in a statement – and affecting the seizure on sharing control of Ilva, held by Riva Fire, the Directors Bruno Ferrante, Enrico Bondi and Joseph De iure have submitted their resignations from their respective offices with effect from the date of the General Meeting, the Council has called for the June 5 9 hours, putting on the agenda the appointment of the new Board of Directors.” The company has announced that it will appeal the seizure. “The board of directors of Ilva company, today announces the decision of the investigating judge of Taranto on 22 May and current has instructed its lawyers to challenge it in the competent fora “. “The order of the judicial authority affects the assets attributable to Riva Fire and residually properti es of Ilva that are not strictly necessary for the exercise of the production plant in Taranto – continues the company -. For these reasons, the measure has objectively adverse effects Ilva, whose assets are all strictly necessary industrial activity and therefore protected by law 231 of 2012, declared legitimate by the Constitutional Court. “For the Minister of Economic Development Flavio Zanon is important” avoid creating conditions that make” impossible” the realization of investments needed to implement the Hague. ” The Minister notes that” the government is committed to ensuring that the two fundamental rights to health and to work , protected by the Constitution can be both guaranteed to citizens and workers of Taranto Ilva and other production sites. For this reason all the institutions in their respective roles, with no exce ption, and the same direction are called Ilva at this time a strong assumption of responsibility towards the country. “This news, that the resignation of the board, defined as” worrying “by secretary of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso asking ensured “the continuity of management of establishments and production continuity.” With the resignation of the board of Ilva says the national secretary of the FIM CISL Marco Bentivogli , “the situation involving the industry group is likely ending up in total disarray ”. From Rocco Palombella, secretary general of Uilm , comes the appeal to the government to assume “direct responsibility for the management of the establishment Ilva Taranto and all the other sites of the steel group.” The Chairman of the Committee Labor Senate Maurizio Sacconi shows as “ persistent climate of ideological bias to the undertaking in which they are recurring legal actions “create” certain and immediate damage – in the face of uncertain outcomes – the entire national economy and society.” For the Secretary of the PRC Communist , “the only possible way is the expropriation and nationalization of the company.” The resignation of the board of directors of Ilva, notes, finally, the president of the Greens Angelo Bonelli , show that “there is no never been the real willingness to invest adequate resources to address one of the biggest environmental disa sters in the country and in Europe. “

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Spending review 'lights out' of organ donation day -

The Spending review, with the planned cuts in various fields, ‘turn off the lights’ on the National Day of the donation and transplantation of organs. Tomorrow, in fact, the date of the celebration of the thirteenth edition of the event, the volunteers of the Italian organ donors (Aido) and other organizations will enliven 1,020 Italian squares, from North to South, with stand and information for citizens and made exclusively through the proceeds of their ’5 for 1000 ‘, not being available this year, for the first time, the funds provided by the Ministry of Health.” Into The Law Spending review – says the president Aido Vincenzo Passarelli – unfortunately determined this year a massive cut in funding allocated annually to the Ministerial information campaigns on organ donation and transplantation and the National Day. A residual amount still available will be ‘still used by the Ministry for an information campaign on television networks, which should start after the summer.” Cuts that have not, however, ‘discouraged volunteers:” Tomorrow we will be equally in the streets, to raise awareness and collect statements of will’ to donation. The information materials – says Passarelli – we have them but ‘realized only thanks to the proceeds of the ’5 by 1000′ associations.” This is because ‘the message, which is fundamental, and’ be there, to spread even more ‘culture of organ donation also on the basis of the results achieved in recent years, and that bodes well. Italy, with 21.8 organ donors per million population, and ‘in fact the third among the major European countries by n umber of donors, after Spain (35.3) and France (25).

therefore essential to increase the declarations of will ‘in favor of donations, statements that the citizen can’ present, remember Passarelli,” AIDO, local health or, in some municipalities, at the time of renewal of the identity card ‘ ”.

” Organ donation – said the director of the National Transplant Center (NTC) Alessandro Nanni Costa – and ‘an act of social awareness and it must be said that the Italian network works.” Then a recognition to the new Minister of Health:” Although it has just settled – detects Costa – Minister Lorenzin is already ‘showing great attention to the theme of the donation and transplantation. We look short his visit and assured us – he concludes – its fullest support to the initiatives, operational, organizational and communication of the National Transplant Center.”

Saturday dedicated to health in Piacenza, all appointments in ... - Piacenza24 (press release) (subscription)

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Artificial light, all of the health risks - The Sciences

Into The increasingly intense and prolonged exposure to artificial light after sunset is closely associated with sleep deprivation, a condition that predisposes to health problems such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And the spread of LED lights can make the situation worse (red)

From technological breakthrough in health risk: this would be the historical parable of artificial light according to an opinion piece that appeared in the pages of “Nature” written by Charles Czeisler, of the department of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Artificial light is one of the factors most strongly associated with sleep deprivation, a very common condition in our society and that is one of the risk factors for pathological conditions that are becoming more epidemic proportions, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression and stroke.

Artificial light, all of the health risks Exposure to light of a screen is a risk factor for sleep deprivation and then for conditions such as obesity ( © Tom Grill / Corbis)
Recent research in this field, conducted both on the animal model is directly in humans, have shown for example that stay awake longer alters the expression of hundreds of genes. At the behavioral level, it is seen rather than the prolonged wakefulness causes you to eat more, well beyond the energy needs of the organism. And there are measurable effects on the immune system: to keep his balance, the body needs an adequate number of hours of sleep per night.

Even more obvious are the effects on the mental faculties: to be Most affected are attention span, concentration and learning, and even moo d can pay the price, in addition, it causes an increase in the state of anxiety and depression that some studies have even linked to a higher rate of suicide.

To complain of an insufficient number of

hours of sleep (typically the threshold for adults is six hours per night), according to statistics is now about one-third of Americans are active adults, while only 3 percent 50 years ago. Not be better for children, it is true, as the data show, that in the world the children sleep on average 1.2 hours per night in less than a century ago.

The causes of this shift are patt ‘another sought in the social trend to move more and more towards the production of goods and services 24 hours a 00:07 days a week, the results of which are evident from studies of individuals who work on night shifts. But it is not to be neglected sleep deprivation voluntary and recreational activities, such as staying awake watching television.

 Artificial light, all of the health risks The growth of light pollution in Italy (courtesy In all this, the role of artificial light is rarely emphasized, but it is fundamental as well as the ear has two functions, the hearing and the balance, the eye has, besides the function of vision, also to transmit to the brain, via the ganglion cells of the retina, the informati on about the presence of ambient light, the most important of the signals that regulate the circadian rhythms, our “internal clock”.

Once in the brain, these signals trigger a series of different effects: inhibit neurons that promote sleep, suppress the release of the hormone melatonin, which is important for the regulation of the sleep-wake cycles by the pituitary, and activate orexin neurons in the hypothalamus that promote wakefulness.

So the overall picture is as follows: the human being has evolved according to circadian rhythms regulated on natural light. But a little more than a century after sunset the lights artificial, reproducing even at night the signals that are peculiar of the day. And the phenomenon is more intense and pervasive, to the point that in areas inhabited almost total darkness no longer exists: artificial lighting is now being allocated 19 percent of the energy produced in the world.

Artificial light, all of the health risks The components of blue-green spectrum of the wealth of the LED lights activate more than other brain mechanisms that boost the waking ( © Ryan Palmer / Science Faction / Corbis) And the more we illuminate the darkness, summarizes Czeisler, much less sleep. Mor eover, the advent of LED lighting, more efficient than the classic incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs also, will only make things worse. The white LED light has a wealth of blue-green parts of the spectrum, which are precisely those that are most sensitive ganglion cells in the retina. Result: the artificial lighting will report more and more to our brain that is not yet time to sleep, and this will do their part also televisions and computer monitors, some years are also based on LED technology.

Into Fortunately, the mechanisms by which the artificial light suppresses sleep are more and more clear, and this also helps to remedy this effect: for example, we are already thinking to correct the blue-green component of LED lights with a ‘emission shifted to the yellow-orange hue. But there’s nothing we can do all the effort to organize our day in a different way, perhaps avoiding to remain in front of a screen until the wee hours. the application that helps diabetics -

Into MILAN – The adage ‘You are what you eat’ is worth much more ‘for some people than for others. From this conviction and ‘born, the first database, but also community and smartphone application that helps diabetics in carbohydrate counting and food.

Made by the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and developed by the company’ Syntactic Brescia Srl, allows you to control the value of the foods with a simple click:” E ‘a help to those who find themselves in front of a food ever tried in condition or not daily, perhaps without scales available – explained Luca Lanzi, diabetic and consultant to the community -. Here you can see photographs of some foods with their card, but also to add new entries. So ‘diabetic users can create their own menu’, summing up the various dishes, and accordingly adjust the dose of insulin needed.”

The app, which is free and available for both Apple and Android , and ‘was presented in Milan during the’ Salotti Sanofi ‘, ??an event dedicated to bloggers, communities and associations of people with diabetes and doctors. aims to become more and more ‘social: a short open’ also a facebook page to enhance the database created by Sanofi. ” The goal – continued Lanzi – and ‘that more and more’ people audition to dose the amount ‘insulin needed according to carbohydrates. This database will allow ‘for diabetics of all the age’ to have more ‘elasticity’ and therefore greater freedom ‘food.”

Health: citizenship and participation in the partnership Novartis day - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

13:50 May 24, 2013 Into (AGI) – Origgio, May 24 – Volunteering in associations, structures and organizations involved in the defense and promotion of the rights of the most ‘vulnerable. At this today devote their day more ‘than 300 employees of Novartis Italy, who have accepted the invitation to join the company’s Community Partnership Day, the annual event with solidarity’ that involves the entire international group. The theme of this year, the seventeenth, and ‘Citizenship in an active form and is inspired by the European Year of Citizens, with which the European Union intends to emphasize the importance of acquired ri ghts and their protection in’ context of a community ‘with shared values.
“It’ a very timely topic, which directly involves us, as citizens and as employees of Novartis” says Philippe Barrois, Country President of Novartis in Italy. “We are well aware of the importance of recognizing and protecting the rights of every person, starting with the right to health, and actively promote, through the commitment and participation. Today, on the occasion of Community Partnership Day, our volunteers offer an important and concrete evidence in this direction, devoting time, energy and passion to patient groups, shelters and support the marginalized reality ‘of cooperation and, in general, organizations that operate for the benefit of the community’ “As in previous editions, Novartis employees who adhere to this day of solidarity ‘will be divided between more’ structures and associations reality ‘engaged in so cial work. There are nine reality ‘partner Novartis Community Partnership Day 2013 organized on this occasion in collaboration with VITA Consulting, a communications agency and social marketing of the Group LIFE. The Community Partnership and Day ‘was established by Novartis in 1997 to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the Group, which took place the year before. It performs all over the world and involves, on a voluntary basis, thousands of Novartis associates. In 2012 and ‘a record number of investments, with over 25 thousand members among employees from 54 countries. (AGI) PGI.

Health here is the razor that 'size' headaches - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

Research and Development

14:04 May 24, 2013 Into (AGI) – Rome, May 24 – A kind of electric shaver, to be placed on the neck just as you do to shave, but to disappear and not ‘a beard, and’ headaches. After the successes abroad, arrives in Italy nVNS the stimulator, which stands for noninvasive vagal nerve stimulation or more ‘simply gammacore, useful in both the treatment and symptomatic and in the prophylaxis of migraine and cluster headaches. The main revolution of this device, the size of a cell phone, and ‘that does not require any brain surgery to place pacing, a revolution similar to that in computer has allowed us to move from wired to wireless. Just place it outside on the right side of the neck, as is done with an electric razor.
Gammacore emits electrical microstimoli about 90 seconds, via the vagus nerve, go back to the areas of the brain, reducing the hyper-excitability R 16;. The intensity ‘of the stimulus can’ easily be varied by a special wheel until the patient does not perceive mild subcutaneous muscle contractions. Using it at the first sign of a migraine or cluster headache the patient can ‘avert more’ easily. Remains the fundamental task of education of the patient: “You must first train patients-says Dr. Licia Grazzi of Besta who, along with colleagues at the San Raffaele Hospital in Rome, directed by Professor Piero Barbanti, conducted the first study of Italian over 30 migraineurs with age ‘between 18 and 65 years-Only with a good patient education reduces errors by improper use and will significantly increase the possibility’ of success “According to Professor Barbanti of the San Raffaele Hospital in Rome and the results are promising the pain is on the accompanying symptoms and patients easily acquire good familiarity nell’autostimolazione. The tolerability ‘general seem s great, although contractions of facial muscles may occur less if patients are wrong to place the instrument, the more reason’ to learn how to use the gammacore in the right way. (AGI) PGI.

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Health: get the vaccine against all influences? - Weather Centre Italian

Into Every year there are many people who are infected with influenza and vaccinations are usually executed on individual strains. Often, however, a circular are also other viruses, so doctors have thought of a vaccine that can counteract more than one. It is an experiment carried out on ferrets, made by scientists at the American Center for Vaccine Research of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The result of the experiment was subsequently published in the scientific journal Nature and it was successful.

Influenza vaccine ready all strains

Influenza, ready the vaccine against all strains?

Into Not everyone knows that the name derives from the old concept astrological influence, who claimed that the disease was caused by ‘”influence” of the stars. Usually the appearance of the first symptoms of influenza is generally abrupt and sudden, accompanied by chills and sweating. The fever is usually higher than 38 ° and lasts between 3 and 4 days, headache, malaise and pain in the bones. Fatigue and weakness, however can last up to 2-3 weeks, are also common chest pain during breathing, and especially coughing.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cinema: Rome festival 'The Chink' mental health - Adnkronos / IGN

Into last update: 23 May, 17:40

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Into Rome, May 23 (Adnkronos / – “The art is always born from the perception of discomfort.” So ‘the Councillor for Culture of the Region of Lazio Lidia Ravera to the presentation of’ The Chink ‘, mental health film festival now in its third edition to be held’ in Rome at the Casa del Cinema on May 31 and June 1. “In times of crisis like this increases the mental distress, there is’ a deconstruction of the self. Consider the forties today who are forced to live prolonged adolescence and are still in need of pocket money of their parents. So we need to consume cinema and ‘somehow cathartic, “says Lidia Ravera, recently assessor and writer for a long time, hoping that” continue to flourish such initiatives despite a tendency to cut off funds to the culture. ” “There ‘a chink in all crisis?’ Asks the psychiatrist Richard Russo, scientific director of the Fes tival and artistic director Franco Montini, journalist and film critic, adds:” There ‘un’aprioristica distrust of a theme as ‘hard as mental distress. should try to overcome this attitude knowing tell discomfort even with less lugubrious tone, think of the movie’ You can ‘do’ or ‘One Flew’ over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. ” Eight feature films and ten short films in competition: the panorama of selected works ranging from “large and poignant love stories, investigation of judicial psychiatric hospitals, films that tell the history of psychiatry, to the world of football as in the case of documentary ‘Zero Zero’ Paul Geremei, which tells the story of three athletes who have seen their careers interrupted for reasons incomprehensible, “says Franco Montini.

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Health, Lorenzin: Humanizing care, do not let just sick - TMNews


On Sunday, the XII National Day of Relief

Rome (TMNews) – Sunday, May 26 is celebrated the 12th National Day of the relief and the appeal of neo-Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin is clear: we need to humanize care and not just leave the ill. This is the commitment, and the guideline that intends to become the ministry. “In recent years we have unfortunately had to get used to an approach to the issue of health economistic type, which is certainly necessary but not sufficient. E ‘come Because next to this approach there is a human approach, also an ethical commitment to be close to the patient and not leave him alone. “On the Day of Relief, the minister announced that it intends to take on the commitment to ensure, all regions, the implementation of Law 38 of 2010 on access to palliative care and pain therapy. “We have to monitor that the law be applied equally in all regions, there is actually a match on medical records and that many children and their fa milies who unfortunately have to undergo the treatment there is the option to have the best that’s available. “The National Day of Relief, sponsored by the Foundation Gigi Ghirotti, aims to promote the culture of relief from physical and moral suffering on behalf of all those who find themselves at the end of their life and can no longer rely on resolving cure.

Internet, what is the state of his health? - The Little

Into Into Moreover, this year the conference conceived by Benjamin Pagliaro, Paul Valdemarin and Sergio Maistrello deepen the complexity together with the character “simplifying” of the network in the life of every day, asking how the internet can help people and companies to be more efficient, reducing costs, streamlining transactions, speeding up operations and enhancing their values.

Into Anything with the catchy formula already launched last year, which provides not only individual actions but, say the organizers, “a path to do all along: it will be a great conversation open and collective.” The entrance, in line with the spirit of the initiative, will be free: to registered participants, yesterday at an altitude of 700, from all over Italy, is only asked to register with the site

Into From our house there’s two big names are planned for this Saturday, Mr Slow Food in person, or Carlo Petrini, who will close the two-day speaking network, movements, and food and still, better known by the nickname of FunkyProfessor, Marco Zamperini, charismatic knowledge of the universe of information technology, ironically indicated by organizers as “one of the culprits in the spread of the internet in Italy.”

Into Zamperini will open the morning session entitled “Self”, speaking of the network and of ourselves. How to administer their own “cloud” personal data scene again on Saturday will instead be a guru like Doc Searls, blogger recognized among the greatest experts of the network and co-author of the Cluetrain Manifesto, one of the texts that most influenced the development of the web in the last 15 years. It will not be for less than the contributions of the day on Friday, which will start with an analysis of the numbers on the network and where stands the name of Dave Snowden, who is preparing to repeat one of the most popular last year.

Into Famous people but not limited to: a State of the Net 2013 will also participate in brains that have contributed to a more open and free sharing of knowledge as Jan Reichelt, founder of Mendeley, a leading global platforms in the field of research. Computing and music are going to merge thanks to Gigi Tagli apietra, who after Debussy propose Bach while Peter Speroni of Fenizio, pioneer of eDemocracy, will attempt to give an answer as to enable millions of people to think together.

Into Federica Gregori

Into May 23, 2013


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App 'stalker' locates health problems in daily gestures -

(ANSA) – Rome, May 23 – Thanks to an app and ‘possible for doctors to know everything of everyday life of patients, realizing then if there’ some problems., tells the magazine MIT Technology Review, and ‘was made on an algorithm developed by the institution and allows for example to see if a diabetic patient and’ lethargic, a sign that he is not following the therapy.

The trial of the app, which can ‘only be used by physicians and health care facilities, and’ started in some U.S. hospitals. The program does not make diagnoses directly, but monitors all aspects of the patient’s journey, showing how it moves on the basis of the accelerometer and GPS, but also how many calls or how many text messages sent. If the system records some significant deviation from habits generates an alarm directly on the computer of the doctors, who can intervene. As well as in diabetic patients, and the app ‘in experimentation even on people with psychological problems such as depression:” At the moment the app only warns doctors – says the CEO of the company that developed the app Anmol Madan – but we are working on an automatic warning system, which could, for example, to display a message directly to the patient or to suggest a few friends to call him to check his condition.” (ANSA).

Tilt, Saturday Pisticci the way "The Days of Health" - Basilicata Region

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Free, Health and Springsteen - Vanity

Into May 23, 2013

Into Events, news, gossip, service information, appointments, here is a small list of things you should know before you face the day. A daily column … not ever find themselves “unprepared”.

First of all rights to legality and justice. As every year, the anniversary of the Capaci massacre, arrive in Palermo ships of legality: 20,000 students and 13 European countries with their youth delegations. In the afternoon, two processions, one from the Chamber Bunker at 16:30, the other from Via D’Amelio to 16 to get in via the Tree Falcone Notarbartolo at 17:58. The whole event can be followed online. Other rights. Today Milan is presented summary of the rights of the partners . The text with the legal guidance will be given to couples who enroll in the register of civil unions and will be on the site of the City.
I know that the announced arrival Geneva , glacial disturbance in the middle of spring, suggests that more winter to summer, but if you are planning holidays is the right time to think about vaccinations and health precautions for travel that you plan . The Ministry of Health proposes If I go for … guide that allows all students enrolled in the National Health Service have information on the right to health care during a temporary stay in any country the world. This page instead dedicated to vaccinations. SPRINGSTEEN

The lucky ones are now in Naples. In Piazza del Plebiscito is the first concert of the season of Italian Bruce Springsteen. For today’s stage there are no more tickets online, they are found in retail stores ticketone, while on the site you can find for Padua (May 31), Milan (June 3) and Rome (July 11) . For more music, housewife, as usual on Thursday is the voice of Italy : the singers left in the race are eight, among the guests Sugar and Bob Sinclar.