News > Chronicle> Ilva, the Board resigns. Via also to Zanonato: “Ensuring health and work”
The plant Ilva Into last update: 25 May, 19:52
Taranto – (Adnkronos / Ign) – The decision, after the seizure of 8.1 billion yesterday, ordered by the prosecutor in Taranto. The company: “We will resort .” As far as he learns the Adnkronos the Minister of Economic Development Monday will see Enrico Bondi . The meeting was also invited Vendola
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Into Taranto, May 25 – (Adnkronos / Ign) – It will be held on Monday afternoon, a first meeting between
the Minister of Economic Development Flavio Zanon el
‘Ilva CEO Enrico Bondi . And ‘as he learns the Adnkronos. The Minister Zanonato
invited to the meeting the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola who spoke by phone. According to reports from government sources, the minister going to meet in the coming days the trade unions on the dossier Ilva. On the front of Ilva has been a hectic day. The board of directors has resigned. This was announced by the same company, after a meeting of about three hours in Milan, stating that the resignation will take effect from the date of the shareholders’ meeting that the council has called for the “day, June 5 at 9″. 221; Given the gravity of the situation – said in a statement – and affecting the seizure on sharing control of Ilva, held by Riva Fire, the Directors Bruno Ferrante, Enrico Bondi and Joseph De iure
have submitted their resignations from their respective offices with effect from the date of the General Meeting, the Council has called for the
June 5 9 hours, putting on the agenda the appointment of the new Board of Directors.” The company has announced that it will appeal the seizure. “The board of directors of Ilva company, today announces the decision of the investigating judge of Taranto on 22 May and current
has instructed its lawyers to challenge it in the competent fora “. “The order of the judicial authority affects the assets attributable to Riva Fire and residually properti es of Ilva that are not strictly necessary for the exercise of the production plant in Taranto – continues the company -. For these reasons, the measure has objectively adverse effects Ilva, whose assets are all strictly necessary industrial activity and therefore protected by law 231 of 2012, declared legitimate by the Constitutional Court. “For the Minister of Economic Development Flavio Zanon is important” avoid creating
conditions that make” impossible” the realization of investments needed to implement the Hague. ” The Minister notes that” the government is committed to ensuring that
the two fundamental rights to health and to work , protected by the Constitution can be both guaranteed to citizens and workers of Taranto Ilva and other production sites. For this reason all the institutions in their respective roles, with no exce ption, and the same direction are called Ilva at this time a strong assumption of responsibility towards the country. “This news, that the resignation of the board, defined as” worrying “by
secretary of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso asking ensured “the continuity of management of establishments and production continuity.” With the resignation of the board of Ilva says the national secretary of the FIM CISL
Marco Bentivogli , “the situation involving
the industry group is likely ending up in total disarray ”. From
Rocco Palombella, secretary general of Uilm , comes the appeal to the government to assume “direct responsibility for the management of the establishment Ilva Taranto and all the other sites of the steel group.” The Chairman of the Committee
Labor Senate Maurizio Sacconi shows as “
persistent climate of ideological bias to the undertaking in which they are recurring legal actions “create” certain and immediate damage – in the face of uncertain outcomes – the entire national economy and society.” For the Secretary of the PRC Communist
, “the only possible way is the expropriation and nationalization of the company.” The resignation of the board of directors of Ilva, notes, finally, the president of the Greens
Angelo Bonelli , show that “there is no
never been the real willingness to invest adequate resources to address one of the biggest environmental disa sters in the country and in Europe. “
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