News > Entertainment> Film: Rome festival ‘The Chink’ on mental health
Into last update: 23 May, 17:40
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Into Rome, May 23 (Adnkronos / – “The art is always born from the perception of discomfort.” So ‘the Councillor for Culture of the Region of Lazio Lidia Ravera to the presentation of’ The Chink ‘, mental health film festival now in its third edition to be held’ in Rome at the Casa del Cinema on May 31 and June 1. “In times of crisis like this increases the mental distress, there is’ a deconstruction of the self. Consider the forties today who are forced to live prolonged adolescence and are still in need of pocket money of their parents. So we need to consume cinema and ‘somehow cathartic, “says Lidia Ravera, recently assessor and writer for a long time, hoping that” continue to flourish such initiatives despite a tendency to cut off funds to the culture. ” “There ‘a chink in all crisis?’ Asks the psychiatrist Richard Russo, scientific director of the Fes tival and artistic director Franco Montini, journalist and film critic, adds:” There ‘un’aprioristica distrust of a theme as ‘hard as mental distress. should try to overcome this attitude knowing tell discomfort even with less lugubrious tone, think of the movie’ You can ‘do’ or ‘One Flew’ over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. ” Eight feature films and ten short films in competition: the panorama of selected works ranging from “large and poignant love stories, investigation of judicial psychiatric hospitals, films that tell the history of psychiatry, to the world of football as in the case of documentary ‘Zero Zero’ Paul Geremei, which tells the story of three athletes who have seen their careers interrupted for reasons incomprehensible, “says Franco Montini.
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