(ASCA) – Bolzano, August 12 – In Alto Adige the end of 2012 there are 374 social care facilities with a capacity ’9,414 accommodation places (whether beds principals residential or” simple” places principals in non-residential buildings), spaces are occupied 8,700, or 92.4% of capacity ‘. And ‘because it reveals the Provincial Institute of Statistics – ASTAT that spreads for 2012 the file” Deans social welfare figures.” In the booklet shows the range of social assistance in South Tyrol. The tables and graphs provide information on the various assisted: childhood, children, the elderly, people with disabilities ‘, suffering from addictions, people in distress’. The facilities are well distributed throughout the territory, given the homogeneity ‘of the relationship of places per 1,000 inhabitants (18.4 provincial average value), with the exception of the ca pital, where there is an almost double (28.5 per 1,000 inhabitants), where, however, it has an average size of the structures higher: 30.8 places. These are signs of a type of service offered in different part of nature” and” sovracomprensoriale of certain types of garrison in the capital. Almost half ‘(48.3% of seats occupied) of the service provided and’ made up of the sector of the elderly, where we see the largest number of people-not be accepted for lack of seats: 392 in the year. In 63.4% of cases, the holder of the garrison and ‘a public body, are also widespread non-profit institutions (29.4%). The sector has very strong inhomogeneities Childhood ‘territorial, with a very high use by children of the capital and, secondarily, in Burggrafenamt and in the Lowlands. The result is a very high value in the use of Italian (51.7%). 14.1% of children who use a foreign language and ‘then a consequence of high fertility’ of a part of the population immigrata.MINORI: the cause of most ‘frequent admission of the assisted and’ the difficulty ‘of the parents, even if half ‘of users is part of the family at the end of period: 41.4% of children remains inside the structure for a period of one year or less, but one in five has a period of stay of more than 3 years. For older people and ‘the sector with the largest number of users and’ consists primarily of nursing homes, but also as centers for inpatient and day care centers. Remarkable and ‘the data flow where, in this area, the number of discharges and deaths are equal. The use of the facilities and ‘of 98%, then an incidence of places available frictional closely; such use and in’ which is well distributed throughout the territory. The admission and ‘almost always a result of health problems and care. Of 1,121 discharged in 2012, 801 have returned to family and other 222 were transferred to anot her structure. 25.6% of the clients have between 85 to 89 years, the class of eta ‘more’ widespread, but it also has a 5.9% of persons under 65 years of age: a phenomenon typical of the smaller towns where the house of rest, the only facility in the area, also includes partially inhomogeneous types of users. The types of industry structure disabilities are many, but more than half ‘of capacity’ receptive and ‘consists of sheltered workshops. L” ‘output” more’ frequent for this type of assisted and ‘transfer to another facility, since’ 86, 2% of these people is not ‘self-sufficient. As for the mental distress, this sector primarily pursues objectives of rehabilitation work. This derives from the type of proposed structures (58.9% for the offer and ‘rehabilitation), as from the grounds of admissions (58.6% of workplace training). 29.2% of the resignation testifies to the progress of a concrete’ s condition: joining the company, project placement, autonomy reached or achieved goals. The 81 and 0% of these people ‘still self-sufficient. Significant flows that characterize the field of social exclusion: the 760 places have registered in the year 1200 together with values ??around ‘both incoming and outgoing. The assisted (these structures are the ideal observatory regarding the universe of” homeless”) represent a clear majority were male (86.6%) and more than half ‘(52.6%) belong to the eta ‘central between 25 and 44 years, more’ of 2 out of 3 (67.7%) come from abroad: it follows that the language of use in these principals are mainly Italian (44.4% ) or a language other than the three official languages ??of South Tyrol (45.2%). Overall, the consultants have provided services for 10,865 users: ’88, 8% of cases towards adults and 77.0% in women. red / mpd
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