How boxing, boxing worse. A search of the neuropathologist of the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Willie Stewart, prove that rugby would be at risk just like boxing for possible cases of dementia and brain injuries. Into Actually, at the moment the search is at the beginning and the cases studied are minimal. Yet the neuropathologist would study the presence of certain abnormal proteins present in the case of head injuries and dementia. And the values ??found in the “human guinea pigs” would be higher in a former rugby player in an amateur boxer . Into The statistics speak of “pugilistic dementia”, which affects about 20% of former boxer and that appears between 12 and 16 years after the start of the sport. A disease already been recognized for decades, but until recently it was considered to hit – in fact – only the boxers. Into “What we’re finding is that not only the boxers. We see that there are other sports where head injuries are exposed to this disease – said Dr. Stewart – . These sports include American football, ice hockey and, lately, I’ve found the same disease on a former rugby player “. Into It would be a man about 50 years old who suffers from dementia praecox. Studying man allegedly found these abnormal proteins in correspondence of that part of the brain that can be more easily exposed to head injuries in phases of the game of rugby.
According to the researcher Scottish dementia cases in rugby percentage should be lower than those of boxing or other sports, because the continuous brain trauma are much rarer compared to boxing. But Stewart points out that “it would be foolish to think that there might be problems and that rugby is immune to brain damage” .
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