Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Getting ready for the first day of the Festival of Health - Versiliatoday.it

Into Pietrasanta. The wait is over. Just go to Pietrasanta from Thursday 26 to Sunday, September 29 and pulling the free ticket for the sixth edition of the Festival of Health will spend pleasant days thinking of his own health and well-being. It is the Goodlink of Bologna to organize the Festival in collaboration with the Region of Tuscany Viareggio and ASL 12 and under the high patronage of the President of the Republic. The largest health Kermesse in Italy you can find just about anything.

There are the free screening of the skin, of the posture, to the prevention of cancer of the oral cavity, but also to measure the level of its own memory or the test for hemoglobin and blood glucose … and many others. There are associations, 52, from all over Italy with their stands and their information initiatives. There are intelligent and entertaining shows with David Rion and Flavio Oreglio. There is polita, with the president of the Tuscany region, Enrico Rossi who will be interviewed on a specific subject such as health. There robotics for rehabilitation and the proper use of footwear. There is a talk about the dramatic phenomenon of femicide with Catiuscia Marini President of the Umbria Region Catherine Spaak television presenter, actress Lucrezia Lante della Rovere Lunetta Savino Actress Actress Paola Maugeri vj and writer Michele Pecchioli Creative

Into There are young students involved in theater and in schools with many initiatives on health, addictions and the proper use of prorpio brain-class international school with teachers that will provide students with open forums, and not academic lessons. There is health for seniors with conferences and initiatives. There are talk shows on health and nutrition with nutritionists, psychologists and people like Beppe Bigazzi and Oscar Farinetti. There is a spectacular exhibition on the blood.

Into There are rare diseases. There is the sport with Olympic champions such as Nicola Vizzoni that incotrerà young students. There are extraordinary cooking show with Michelin starred chefs and restaurants that cook gradni live healthy dishes which follow free tastings.

There Into the ‘Austerity at the table: how they change the habits of the Italians in times of crisis by the Foundation Italianieuropei with the nutritionist Mario Mauro Mariani, Professor Pietro Pietrini Professor Rosario Trefiletti Consumers Association and conducting Fabrizio Diolaiuti

Into And then the health of women over 50, the death explained to children, the reorganization of health care companies, the value of diversity in the family, the ivecchiamento active in Italy, the role of emotions in organizational frameworks, the path of ‘gender identity, complementary medicines … and much, much more. To know the details, times the locations of appointments that are all still in the historic center of Pietrasanta, you can visit www.goodlink.it

Into Well the wait is over. Thursday 26 the largest Italian event on health will open in the beautiful Pietrasanta to give birth to 4 days of prevention, education and enjoyment on the fundamental theme of our life: health.

Seventy meetings on health and wellness from Thursday at the Festival of ... - The Republic Firenze.it

The Region discusses the management of health and human services to the public Sept. 26 to 29. At the center of the debates prevention, diabetes care, sport and elderly

“An opportunity to discuss health to 360 degrees and take stock of the health of Tuscany and of our healthcare system.” So the commissioner the right to health Louis Brown presented this morning, the sixth edition of the Festival of Health, to be held September 26 to 29 in Pietrasanta. The initiative was presented with the Regional Councillor Luigi Amabile Paul Brown, managing director of Goodlink srl (which organizes the Festival), Brunero Canopies, general manager of Asl 12 of Viareggio, Domenico Lombardi, mayor of Pietrasanta, and Michele Pecchioli, director Air Creative Advertising and author of the project “Stop the bastard,” violence against women.

“The Festival of Health is an honored tradition, which I gladly host in our region – said the Councillor Brown – A formula innovative, with events open to all and not reserved only for professionals, with many events for schools and the opportunity to interact between citizens and operators. Our health care system – added Brown answering questions from journalists – is within the range highest in Italy, with very good results. We are moving forward in the reform, we are investing a lot territorial assistance, the houses of health, primary care, small hospitals. “

Paul Amabile, director of the Festival , gave some numbers on the event: “The 4-day festival will see conferences, talk shows, performances, exhibitions, sports activities.

70 meetings, over 200 speakers, personalities from the world of culture and entertainment. More than 4,000 students, 80 voluntary associations, with 2,500 volunteers. The Festival will be centered on the theme of prevention, and it is called the public health, nutrition, diabetes, sports, health of the elderly. Citizens can make free 20 types of screening: last year there were more than 20,000 citizens who have benefited. “Into Brunero Canopies stressed” the commitment of the ASL 12 of Versilia, next to the City of Pietrasanta, in supporting this event, which has the great merit of talking about health issues in a language comprehensible to everyone. “And the mayor of Pietrasanta Domenico Lombardi recalled the” important moment of the debate on health care, in Versilia, but also at the regional level and national level. “

Among the many initiatives, Sunday 29 there will also be an on violence against women, with the participation of actresses Catherine Spaak, Lunetta Savino and Lucrezia Lante della Rovere.” Working for years with the women – said Michele Pecchioli – and I think that anyone who works with women has a duty to do something to combat violence against women. The campaign “Stop the bastard” has been disseminated throughout Italy and has had over 100,000 hits on the internet. “

Drugs such as candy, the alarm of the Ministry of Health - Body Velvet Italy

Into They hide behind innocuous names, but in reality are a danger on the rise, especially for the very young: the Ministry of Health warns for ‘smart drugs’ , drugs that clever are easily found online and that health professionals have to identify hardships.

Drugs easy traveling on the Web , hidden behind mundane product offerings for the home or garden: orders and payments are accepted online and delivery is entrusted to ingnari mail carriers, all without control by health authorities and with effects that can be devastating for those who consume them. Suffice it to say that, only in Italy, the National System of Early Warning found that about 70 patients who presented to the emergency department with acute intoxication and who needed intensive care: it is only the tip of the iceberg, because most of the consumers of this type of drugs is not detected.

Into “I’m widespread and devastating the effects of new drugs on health, particularly young people . It ‘a priority for the country to ensure that adolescents and young people, so that’ they can have a future without weights, “said Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, emphasizing the importance of prevention and information.

Our country is the second lowest for consumption, in a league dominated by Ireland, Poland and Estonia. “The reduction in Italian data on the consumption of heroin can not reassure. What drug is a frighteningly growing market, “he added. Since 2009, the National Early Warning System on Drugs of the Department for Anti-drug Policies of the Presidency of the Council has discovered about 280 new substances : are the data provided by the head of manager John Serpe, who presented a national plan that provides for the training of staff of local health authorities, primary care teams and hospitals, to enable operators to recognize cases of patients poisoned by these more new substances.

Into Photo by Twitter

Monday, September 23, 2013

Back in town ONDa to talk about the health of the woman - gonews

Into Back in October, in anticipation of World Osteoporosis Day, which is celebrated on the 20th, l ‘(H) Open Day sponsored by Wave, the National Observatory on women’s health, to raise awareness on health of the bones. Even all’Aoup, which is part of the network of 70 hospitals rewarded with pink Bollini, therefore, open doors on the topic of osteoporosis with instrumental examinations and consultations free of charge and a day dedicated to training with industry experts. In Pisa visits, organized in collaboration with the structures of Rheumatology, Nuclear Medicine, Orthopedics, Gynecology to address oncology and endocrinology, have been scheduled for Saturday, October 5, from 8:30 to 12:30, is that Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa.

Into The exams are reserved for people over 60 with high risk of osteoporosis, who have never performed a densitometry. A reservation is required and you can book only 23 to 27 September, calling the following telephone number 050.997864.

Into Saturday, October 12, however, meeting open to the public at Palazzo Gambacorti (from 10 to 12 – Ciuco Hall, 4th floor), titled: “The prevention of osteoporotic fractures.”

Into The meeting, attended by the councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Pisa Sandra Capuzzi, attended by Professor Ombretta Di Munno and Dr. Maurizio Mazzantini (rheumatologists), prof. Claudio Marcocci and Dr. Edda Vignali (endocrinologists), Dr.. Marco Gambacciani (gynecologist), Dr Vanna Bottai (orthopedic), prof. Giuliano Mariani and Dr. Paola Erba (Nuclear Medicine).

Into The meeting will be distributed informative material concerning the subject. All initiatives have been treated by Dr. Federica Marchetti, head of the corporate program Bollini pink.

Into “Osteoporosis – explains the President of Wave, Francesca Merzagora – is a disease in large social impact, with a variety of proven negative consequences of matrix health, social and economic, often underestimated and dealt with severely delayed. It is, in fact, a silent disease, which may progress for several years until the diagnosis is confirmed or until a fracture occurs.

Into The numbers speak for themselves: because of the high index of aging, it is estimated that by 2050 hip fractures will rise from the current 1.6 million per year to 5-6 million, only in Italy, it will go from 86 thousand fractures of the femur, recorded in 2000, about 150,000 by 2020. Fundamentals are therefore, on the one hand, the focus on the stage of the disease prevention and treatment prescription, which should reduce the risk of fracture and re-fracture, and the other, the patient’s motivation to continue therapy, often broken or not properly followed, with a severe economic waste.

Into The H-Open Day initiative is made possible thanks to the contribution of Amgen and aims to accompany women in referral centers of their city to receive appropriate care. “

At the conclusion of the events organized in the area, will be held in Milan on Tuesday, October 22 conference open to the public “Osteoporosis and drugs: what future?” (11.30, Ricci Hall – Cultural Foundation of San Fedele, Piazza San Fedele) . For more information and a list of centers where you will play the lead www.bollinirosa.it visit, call 02/29015286 or write to openday@ondaosservatorio.it.

In October, the second Forum of Health of the Bat - AndriaLive.it

Medical base

General Practitioner n

“Health is wealth when he can build a future for individuals, for communities, for the system. Health is wealth when it comes in prevention, healthy lifestyles, well-being and improvement of the state disalute. And ‘this set the starting point and the guideline of the second edition of the Forum of Health Asl Bt that this year will be held in Trani in Piazza Quercia and Palazzo San Giorgio from Thursday 17th to Saturday, October 19. “

E ‘was announced by the Director General of the ASL Bt John Gorgons. “The event – said Gorgons – is realized in collaboration with the Province, the Order of Physicians, the world of the school, the cones and Federations sports physicals and is specifically intended to create an arena for discussion, debate and dialogue to propose to professionals and citizens glistrumenti best to stay in the health system, building health. The second edition of the Forum of Health will consist of three days and will give ample space to the topics devoted to proper nutrition, movement and sport, to prevention. In the square there will be a Oak Square Health with stands dedicated to health services and organized to give people more immediate and direct answers to the health needs and prevenzionementre the conferences and training will be held at Palazzo San Giorgio. “

“Young people and students – continues – enliven the day on Friday while inserata concert will be held by the employees of the local health authorities, because even Lamus is an instrument of welfare, get-together and disocialità engine. Saturday will be devoted to conference services of ASL: cisarà the direct involvement of the Joint Consultative Committee (organ dirappresentanza of voluntary associations that-members of the company) and will be presented the projects already implemented and realizzareproprio in collaboration with the world of voluntary associations. “

Particularly interesting are the conferences on “ACTIVITY ‘PHYSICAL AND SPORT FOR THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES”, scheduled for Oct. 18 from 8 to 14 and has as responsible Scientific dr. Domenico Meleleo and the conference “SPORT FOR A SAFE MEDICAL EVALUATION BETWEEN LEGAL REQUIREMENTS and” always scheduled Friday, October 18 from 15 to 18.30 and has as its scientific responsabvile Dr. Domenico Accettura.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Running Innovation, the March of Health - Corriere della Sera


Marco Lottaroli – Last Updated: 20/09/2013


Description: It’s called “Innovation Running” Running the festival, with charitable purposes, in calendar – Sunday, September 22 – in the city center. The initiative, organized by the ITC companies with the technical collaboration of ASD Road Runners Club Milano in support of the Project B2Blood for blood collection promoted by Avis Milan, divided into three types of races: the “Walk of Health,” open at all, 3 kilometers, the Trophy “CorriMi” non-competitive over a distance of 6.5 kilometers and the competitive version along a path 10 kilometers, valid in this case also as provincial championship Master (male and female) of Fidal ( Federatletica). Saturday, September 21 due to open in the Village (15-18.30 hours) that will take forward Sunday, September 22 (7:45 am) with music and performances on stage. Register online and on site. The meeting, Sunday, Sept. 22, at the Arena Civica Gianni Brera, with the start at 10am. Site: www.innovationrunning.it; www.marciadellasalute.it; www.avismi.it.

TAG: Arena Civica G. Brera | Milan Avis | B2Blood | CorriMi | Travel | Innovation Running | Running Health | road racing | Road Runners Club Milano | running |


3C Health Clinic, the co-op enters the soft healthcare - Reggionline

The ribbon cutting of the Clinic

Reggio Emilia – “The social enterprise is an example of how you can continue to produce jobs and wealth that has in it the values ??of the community, away from that” extractive capitalism “- as Some economists define it – which divert resources to the territories and impoverish them. “
The minister said Graziano Delrio ushering in the new polyclinic of Health 3C, the new social enterprise through which social cooperation Reggiano Consortium Oscar Romero and Confcooperative enters for the first time in the field of so-called “soft healthcare.”
From Delrio also applaud the “teamwork” that gave birth to the new company, a partnership that sees the field in the Consortium Oscar Romero, social cooperatives The Sheepfold, CO.RE.SS, Dimora d’Abraham, Creativ, L’Arcobaleno Services, New Crop, Mother Teresa and, in conjunction therewith, Confcooperative, CNA and Reggiana Bank, together with the technical partner Italian Welfare Services , a company which is part of the national social CGM Group and specializes precisely in the pattern of health lightly.
“The well-being – added the Minister for Regional Affairs and autonomy – is a mix of new business formations, structures and institutional reforms: Reggio Emilia has grown because of this, because public and private support themselves, grow together based on a common vision of community well-being. “
values ??that can lend a hand to that attraction of new investments esters which Italy needs and that have been halved in four years – said the minister – reduced to 12 billion (less than those attracted by Switzerland), “we do not care which subtracts companies – said Delrio referring, by way of example , to the gaming industry – but what they add. “
Just to add – have stressed the president and CEO of Health 3C, Mauro and Maurizio Ponzi Gozzi – started the project of the new health care (clinics specialists and dental laboratories) opened in Largo Marco Gerra: “to strengthen – said – a private offering that is capable of ensuring not only high quality, but also a inclusivity that binds to price performance content and accessible and, at the same time, the very nature of society, which is a social enterprise nonprofit that looks to the needs of all people and all walks of life. “
 The audience this morning

The clinic of “Health 3C (and the three C’s stand for Care, Community and Cooperation), as has been said, is in Largo Marco Gerra, 2. Arranged on one floor, the center – which is medical director Dr. Franco Viappiani, former director of the districts AUSL of Reggio Emilia and Castelnuovo ne ‘Monti – offers different specializations in the field of medicine and health services, covering areas ranging from cardiovascular disease and respiratory outpatient surgery, ophthalmology, dentistry (2 clinics are already active, with spaces up to 4), psychology, occupational medicine, sports medicine, speech therapy, up to a few segments of the diagnostics (there is a shopping withdrawals ) and rehabilitation, with premises specially equipped.

Health: the first generation of elderly survivors of HIV feels ... - Weather Web

ELDER HIV - Copy According to a recent study conducted by the University ‘of Keele and taken over by the British newspaper The Guardian, the first generation of older people who Thanks to new drugs introduced in the 90 ‘has managed to survive and live with HIV, feels lonely and marginalized. According to the data of the Agency for the protection of health one person in five (16,550) among those treated for HIV in the UK in 2011 had more ‘than 50 years (in 2002 there were a nine, 3,640 cases). Many have lived together for a long time with the virus but there ‘s also an increased incidence of infections in eta’ also made due to incorrect belief that older people are not susceptible to the virus, the Guardian writes. The study of the University ‘of Keele underlines the difficulties’ a community’ that you feel particularly marginalized. “HIV and ‘associated, in general, to young people. The population more ‘older living with HIV feels invisible. Many believe that there is nothing for them, “says Dana Rosenfeld, who oversaw the research. The survey, the most ‘big in the world of this kind, and’ lasted two years and involved two other universities’ British mental health centers and grassroots organizations. Have completed more than 100 interviews with HIV-positive people between 50 and 80 years. The result is’ that most of them feel the weight of social stigma. “Some people try so ‘so ashamed of their state who are unable to speak with their families, friends and neighbors. Who does not have a companion often afraid to die alone. And there ‘uncertainty about their health, “said the British newspaper. Rosenfeld for the first generation of elderly people with HIV are like the first men on the moon. “Every chronic disease generates uncertainty by definition, there are good days and not so good. But with HIV and aging there ‘even more’ uncertainty, “says a researcher at the Guardian. He adds: “If you have a symptom, and if you do not know ‘due to the normal aging process or HIV. People end up being ipercoscienti of their bodies and also overanxious. “

Friday, September 20, 2013

Skin health: focus on deodorant 48 hours - Blasting The News

Into Among the cosmetics of the latest generation are also deodorants 48 hours , deodorants that last for two days, but that’s certainly not good for your health leather . To say it is the association Altroconsumo stating that these deodorants are rich in aluminum salts that occlude the pores, the skin can not breathe so in the proper manner and the possibility that adverse reactions occur increases.

Really Into the deodorants are effective 48 hours , really manage to keep your armpits smelling so long? Indeed it is true, but it would have to question whether it is right to plug the pores for long periods of time just because you do not want to wash, after all there is in fact no other explanation do not you think?

Into But let us reflect for a moment on healthy skin . The pores of the skin should never be closed, it is through these pores fact that the skin is able to breathe and thus remain in health. If the pores are closed the skin does not breathe , chokes, and then becomes a little dry and fed. That’s what happens 48 hours using a deodorant that contains substances such as Aluminium Chlorohydrate or Aluminum Zirconium. But this way, at least not sweat, this is one of the answers that comes to mind to many people. It is true that we sweat, but sin that sweating is important for the health of our body. An account is then deodorarsi so as to prevent odor is one thing to occlude the pores jeopardizing our own well being.

Into Finally, we must remember that the air fresheners 48 hours , as indeed most of the commercially available deodorants, fragrance ingredients present which can in some cases give way to reactions and allergies . It is obvious that these substances are more time in contact with the skin and the greater the risk of adverse reactions.

Into The deodorants 48 hours are then to be avoided if you want to maintain the health of the skin , but how to succeed in deodorarsi in the proper manner? Altroconsumo decided to draw up a short guide to ‘ use deodorant , I will report below:

  • In the morning, wash and dry and only then put on deodorant, in this way you will keep odors away for the whole day.
  • After a day of washing and drying without putting on deodorant, so the skin can breathe all night.
  • If you must go out in the evening you can reapply the deodorant, but it is important to remember to wash it off with soap and water before going to sleep.
  • You should shave your armpits in the evening without applying deodorant, so you will avoid irritation.
  • Caution, never put a fresh coat of deodorant on the old one, you are likely only to generate fact odors and irritation and is also likely to stain clothing.
  • House of Health Opening of Borsano without services - The Province of Varese

    House of Health Opening of Borsano without services

    Busto Arsizio – site visit to the house of health (Photo by caprera / Varese press)

    Busto Arsizio – Here Into the House of Health Borsano: open Monday, but the services are still there. “Soon the supervision of the Red Cross and the booking center of the Hospital.” Opening the weekend of 5/6 October, when the neighborhood celebrates the Feast of the “Angels.”

    Into Doors open from Monday to former City Hall on St. Peter’s in Borsano, converted by the municipality at House of Health, serving the neighborhood “more peripheral” of the city. Completed for almost a year the renovations, which cost about 750 thousand euro, meanwhile the administration has defined a series of memoranda of understanding with the Red Cross and of the hospital services to fill the renovated building, which the district Borsano had specifically asked to be allocated to activities relating to health, pointing in particular to a aging population.

    Into From Monday, September 23, in the morning from 10 to 12, the House of Health will open its doors to visitors, thanks to the operators of the City and the Red Cross that will provide information about upcoming services. “But it will also be a one-stop” sensor “of the needs related to health and social issues,” explains the mayor Gigi Farioli. The official opening will be agreed with the Parish of Borsano, will coincide with the celebration very much felt the “feast of the Angels” on the weekend of 5/6 October. At that point the garrison borsanese will be enriched with the first services. Guaranteed by section Bustese of the Red Cross, including measurement of pressure and blood glucose, intravenous therapies, medications, first aid courses, courses to support the elderly and disabled.

    the door of the Central Reservations of the hospital, to book outpatient services at the hospital. From 2014 there is also activation of the service of social dentistry.

    A. Ali.

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    Because sport is good for health - Panorama

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    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Increased health problems at the table, we need chefs 'white coat' - ANSA.it

    Into ROME – Italy aging, and if a group of ten friends went to dinner at the restaurant, at least three diners state power problems. Who is hypertensive, those who are allergic or celiac disease, those with metabolic disorders such as obesity or diabetes. The chef, but also to your host public and the dining room staff, “must become operator of well-being, a distributor of health, such as suggesting a plate hypoglycemic or inquiring of any allergies when ordering. Relationships with customers must become as confidential with the family doctor. ” To ask is the chief of gastroenterology at the Policlinico Gemelli Antonio Gasbarrini, at the round table organized by the Gambero Rosso training on food and wine.

    “It does not claim an education comparable to a doctor or a pharmacist – he explained – but knowing risks related to the excesses of wine and alcohol, yes. Italy which has among its strengths the good food, must become ambassador of the health of the Mediterranean diet. ” Prevention goes through a proper diet, hence the request of the Ministry of Health, the voice of the Director-General for Health and Food Safety Silvio Borrello, “menu more transparent for those who are forced to eat outside the home frequently and for hypertension, diabetes and obesity. ” “I note with great interest in this role as a communicator of taste and health,” he said finally the chef Heinz Beck.

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Fidenza - Food and health: lifestyles for all ages - Gazzetta di Parma

    “Food and health: lifestyles for all ages” is the title of the next event “Gaining health and well-being in Fidenza”, the project carried out by the city of Fidenza and by the USL which saw a packed schedule of initiatives with a common thread: the prevention and health promotion.

    Into The event scheduled for Saturday, September 21, in the courtyard of the Town Hall, was presented this morning in the hall of the Municipal Council, at a press conference which was attended by the Mayor Mario Cantini, the Councillor for Social Policies Marilena Pinazzini and health, the director general of USL di Parma Maximum Fabi and the director of the district health authority of Fidenza, Maria Rosa Salati.
    Present at the meeting also Paolo Orsi, director UOC Digestive Endoscopy and Gastroenterology Hospital Vaio Luisa Mainardi, Head of Service of Motor rehabilitation District of Fidenza.


    Into Saturday, September 21, at 17, the audience will be able to make “small talk” with the professionals AUSL Paolo Orsi, Director, OU Digestive Endoscopy and Gastroenterology Hospital Vaio, on “Celiac Disease, food allergies and intolerances, obesity, disease prevention through diets” and Luisa Mainardi, Head of Service of Motor rehabilitation District of Fidenza, who will address the topic “Osteoarthritis: motor activity to prevent damage. “
    Finally, Aristide Lupini, chef and teacher at the Institute of Hospitality Magnaghi Salsomaggiore, will explain how to cook foods in a healthy way and how to proper food storage. Conducts the meeting RAI journalist Luke Ponzi. There will be exhibition stands with food and information points of different Associations of Municipal Council of Voluntary social, health and the Joint Consultative Committee of the District of Fidenza.

    Into All the initiatives of the project “Gaining health and well-being in Fidenza” were an opportunity to meet with local doctors and health professionals. In the appointment of 21 September, it will be possible to meet in the square also a number of operators who in their activities are health conscious and well-being of the community.


    Into MARIO CANTINI, mayor of Fidenza.
    “The health, according to WHO (World Health Organization), is a” state of complete physical, mental and social, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity be in health is therefore not only the product of a healthcare organization efficient, but the result of a series of factors. The health of “state” becomes “process,” by which the individual and the community are actors: it is through the enhancement of their capacities and skills that can increase control over their health and improve it. The initiative of the City and Integrated Health Trust aims to inform and to send a message that reflects this. “

    Into MARILENA PINAZZINI, Councillor for Social and health of the City.
    “The project started in October 2012, in addition to giving visibility to experiences of prevention and health promotion carried out on the territory of the USL, I believe and hope have encourage d coordination and harmonization of activities and the existing experiences, promoting a unified planning of preventive measures and health education. The meeting on Saturday integrates and finds its natural fulfillment in the Feast of Volunteers who will also play Saturday and will represent a further opportunity for discussion and confrontation with specialists, to provide the community with the tools to live better. “

    Into MAXIMUM FABI, director general of the Health Trust of Parma.
    “In the face of the real problem of collective health, represented by m alattie chronic, there can be limited to only act with the care, we need a ‘ constant attention to the prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The initiative we’re announcing today goes in this direction. “

    Into MARIA ROSA SALTED, director of the district health authority in Fidenza.

    Into “Health education and information to the citizens to know the chances of cure and raise awareness of everyone: with these goals, the professionals of the hospital and the District have worked and still work together with the Administration. These goals, in fact, are part of their professional culture and values ??at the base of their daily work. “

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    Found the missing woman with the dog, scared but in good ... - Il Resto del Carlino

    Into The husband this morning raised the alarm. Were immediately taken to research conducted by the fire department and the police in Cagli

    A patrol of the police (photo Newpress)

    A patrol of the police (photo Newpress)

    Into Cagli (Pesaro-Urbino), September 17, 2013 – The 51 year old disappeared yesterday from Cagli was found. She was out for a walk with the dog and had lost track of him. The husband this morning raised the alarm. Were immediately taken to research conducted by the fire department and the police of Cagli.

    Into A passer-tracked her down in the late morning in the locality ‘La Pradella , along a path of one of the forests of Mount Paganuccio. With her was also the dog. The woman and ‘appeared frightened but in good health .

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    'Movirindi', health moving: all walk between Marina and Stampace - L'Unione Sarda

    opens today at 11, the second day of the European Week of sustainable mobility.

    From Cagliari Elmas at coming up with a Sestu Bicimipiaci: is the project that brings together the Region of Sardinia and features on cycling initiatives implemented by local authorities, associations and of all those subscribers Programme Agreements funded by POR FESR 2007/2013.

    The second day of the European Week of Sustainable Mobility opens in the sign of the path Laguna. A journey through history, landscape and nature in Giliacquas. A new pedestrian and cycle route than two kilometers, along the ancient village of fishermen masesi to the church of St. Catherine, will be inaugurated today, Tuesday, September 17, at 11 in Elmas within the European Week of Sustainable Mobility, scene the island until Sunday 22 September. The ribbon cutting is entrusted municipal alderman for public works and technology services Mariano Strazzeri, in the presence of the mayor and councilor of Elmas Valter Piscedda Regional Programming Alessandra Zedda. Also present will be the various associations of cyclists.

    The project, which cost 850 thousand euro, led to the creation of un’infrastrutturazione light, with the arrangement of the lagoon belt, a route that includes a long track for lovers Hiking and integrated nature. The entrance is located near the site of civil protection and winds its way along the lagoon along the Rio Sestu, with lookout points for birds and docks with benches and bike racks. The track, one of the territory, comes to Santa Caterina, the ancient church of masesi , and is characterized by two wooden bridges, one of which crosses the river Sestu with a span of over 40 meters, provides visitors an unprecedented stretch of the lagoon of Santa Gilla.

    In the afternoon, the baton passed to Cagliari with the event “Movirindi, health moving”, a group walk around the historical districts of Marina and Stampace, designed by graduates in physical education, organized by the associations Apatraining and Urban Center. Four kilometers on foot for a walk forty-five minutes by consumption of 190 kilocalories to promote physical activity and combat the onset of some diseases related to overweight and obesity double knot, first of all the type 2 diabetes. “The data are clear: every year in Sardinia there are five new cases of type 2 diabetes,” says Gianmario Satta, coordinator for the Sports Medicine ASL 8 Cagliari. “By changing the lifestyle with adequate physical activity and proper nutrition can actually delay or prevent the onset of diabetes and its complications (heart attack, stroke, blindness, amputation of limbs) and reduce the burden on health care costs that According to some studies, amounted to € 2500-2700 per year for each diabetic patient without complications. Counting that every year there are 5 thousand new cases, the bill is done and it’s scary. ” The departure is scheduled at 17 in piazza Matteotti, then walk through Via Roma, Piazza Amendola, Piazza Yenne, penetrating inside the Botanical Garden and back to Piazza Yenne, with a cool down to Piazza Matteotti.

    Also tomorrow, in Sestu to 19, in Piazza San Salvatore, the public meeting will be held on “Mobility in Sestu: public works and roads,” organized by the Municipality .

    Bicimipiaci is the name of the project that brings together the Region of Sardinia and features on cycling initiatives. The heart of the program agreements is the creation of new bike lanes and service infrastructure. Expanding in a concrete and meaningful the opportunity to go biking on the territory concerned and for traveling to work and study, to discover the offer landscape and culture: this is one of the main objectives of the commitment of the Region through the POR FESR 2007 / 2013 in the metropolitan area of ??Cagliari and Sassari Area Vasta.

    The poster of the event

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    Health, a right for all - Trentino Alps Courier


    Into the afternoon will begin the activities of the working groups and will be inaugurated the photographic exhibitions of associations, in the dining Wolf of the Province, the headquarters of the Sun, in Manci 57, and at the Center for the formation of international solidarity alley San Marco.

    Into The titles of the exhibitions: Friends of Ethiopia: “The lack of acuqa in Ethiopia,” Welcome Home to Life Father Angelo: “The listening to mothers and children away,” Italy-Georgia: “Interventions support and assistance to health to the Georgian people, “Mlal:” One day with José, “New Horizons,” Only love remains, “Now Vigil:” Help me to live. ” The program continues, at 17.30, in the lobby of the headquarters of the Sun, in Manci, 57 with the Association of Trentino with the Balkans and the exhibition entitled “Fragments of shadows, glimmers of light.” Photos of Lara Sicher, the Foundation proposes Cesar “Rebecca and the rain.”

    Into In the evening you move in Val di Fiemme, at 20, for the first public meeting, the municipal theater of Tesero, on “The situation of women and maternal / child.”

    Into Participants: Dr. Antonio Mazza, pediatrician, Sister Maria Martinelli, medical missionary in South Sudan, Nicoletta Dentico, the World Health Organization, Belem Tounaba Boukary, physician experienced in community epidemiology.

    Into Coordinator Marco Zeni, director of Life Trentino. Cuminetti to the theater, however, it will open the film festival, with the president emeritus of the Cuamm, Luigi Mazzucato that it will introduce “Doctors with Africa”, by Carlo Mazzacurati.

    Into September 16, 2013

    Sunday, September 15, 2013

    Market St. Severino: Sunday 22/09 before the "Walk of ... - Salernonotizie.it

    class=”vuoto” ? Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 am, departing from the Parco del Boschetto, will the first place? Walk of health?, organized by? Association? Thank you so much? and the? Door Health?, sponsored by the City of St. Market Severino, with the collaboration of? Association? Solidarity?.Broke the news of the President of the Commission for Social Policies Carmine Landi, as well as president of? association? Thank you very much?. L? Initiative was organized in collaboration with? Municipal Administration and the sharing of Mayor John Romano. ? With this initiative? ? Landi explained?? we intend to send a clear message of awareness to the Community for you to take conscience that urges a change in lifestyle to prevent cardiovascular disease and not, including tumor cells. The? Walk of Health? is a strategy t hrough which we intend to reach not only to citizens but also to the conscience of the directors, for the warn? opportunity to make choices and evaluate initiatives aimed at prevention?.Into? The route of the walk? continued the director Landi? is 4 Km We will meet at the Park Grove, 9.00, and travel along the following route: via Marcello, Via S. Vincent, Via Vincenzo Alfano canon, Via Basilio Palmieri Capocasale, Via Capocasale for Lombardi, Via Dei Lombardi, Ciorani Street, Park Santina Bell, Via S. Vincent, Via Vincenzo Alfano, Via Solofrana, Corso Diaz, Via Roma, Via Remembrance, Via Giovanni Falcone. At 11:00 am arrival at the Grove Park?.

    Into? Reduce the risk of disease? concluded the Mayor John Romano? also means contributing to health care cost containment as different diseases have originated from incorrect habits of life and, therefore, from a lifestyle unhygienic that takes no account of the good rules that help to prevent and should, for this reason, fall w ithin the normal daily patterns of every citizen?.
    15/09/2013 18:35:46

    Saturday, September 14, 2013

    Health and disease among philosophical thought and medicine - The Nation

    Into Pisa, September 14, 2013 – Three days of meetings dedicated to the theme “From disease to ‘great health’, Hahnemann, Nietzsche, Jung, Canguilhem, Foucault” .

    Into It begins today at 9:15 at the Hall G. Gronkowski, in the Regional Park of Migliarino San Rossore, a day that will end with the workshop “The Body in the scene” conducted by psychotherapist Claudia Melli. The second part of the conference is instead on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September to “Open Theatre Rossi” in Piazza Dante in Pisa.

    Into “Our goal – says Professor Giuliano Samples University of Pisa – is to promote a reflection on the meaning of health and disease that goes beyond the division between philosophical thought on the one hand and the medical practice on the other hand, more and more detached from an overall view of man and the meaning of existence. “

    Into Promoted by a research group on “Nietzsche and his fortune” of the University of Pisa and the Salento on the subject has led a project funded by the Ministry of Education, the conference sponsored by the municipality of Pisa and Vecchiano and by ‘ Azienda USL 5 of Pisa and is organized by physicians and philosophers which include, in the Scientific Committee, historians of philosophy Brusotti Marco, Julian Champions, Maria Cristina and Maria Fornari Marchitiello, a homeopath.
    Nietzsche, Hahnemann, Jung, Canguilhem and Foucault are therefore the starting points for engaging at the same table Italian and foreign philosophers, doctors, psychotherapists, patients, members of associations and experiences of self-determination of the sick associations such as The Dawn, Pisa Parkinson Project, ORISS, Raphael and Rasas.

    Into “The title of the initiative – concludes Samples – includes the expression of Nietzsch e ‘great health’ and refers to the German philosopher, in various ways, most of the authors discussed, the Nietzsche who, in his first trip to the South in search of health, stopping in Pisa, was able to see ‘first two then five camels’ in the park of St. Flushing. ” An episode that is described and analyzed in the book “Between the tower and the camels. Nietzsche in Pisa “by G. Samples and S. Busellato, (ETS 2013) which will be presented today, 14 September, at the meeting in St. Flushing.

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    Zingaretti launches the Houses of Health "will be the heart of the new ... - The Messenger

    “The Case of health will be the heart of the new Regional Health Service, a system prevalent in neighborhoods and suburbs of Rome and other provinces, to bring the assistance, care and services close to citizens. ” He says the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, commissioner of the government to the regional health “ By September I will sign the decree and will start testing: Lazio turn the page, put an end to cuts and closures to give life to the season of the innovation, the construction of a new model of Health , “says the governor.

    The Case of Health – continues Zingaretti – will be the` real alternative to the file in First Aid , a revolution in the hospital you go to intensive care, to treat the acute phase of the disease, for true emergencies, not for a cut on his finger. But today `an alternative to the emergency room there` s why the Houses of health for many areas of the region will fight desertification health produced by the closures of departments, services and hospitals, consumed in these years. ” “The second revolution – explains the governor – will be the construction of the integration and social care. For many, citizens and families, mean take advantage of a home where you can find answers to the needs for assistance without having to knock on a thousand different doors as still happens today. The Case of health are not just a new service offering, but a system that will weigh little or nothing on the regional budget because it will pro duce substantial savings through the decongestion of hospitals. By the end of the year will be the first Houses of health and for the next 48 we will have made, one in each district of Lazio, 15 in Rome, one for Town Hall, and 33 in the provinces .
    also imagine a complete reorganization of the network: the hospitals will have to recover their function becoming highly specialized centers and intensive care. In Case of Health – said the president Nicola Zingaretti – there will be hospital doctors, family, nurses and technicians; monetize extraordinary professionalism of the region beginning with the many talented young people that are formed in our universities .

    Ministry of Health: "Fewer abortions but more objectors." "It 's about the ... - The Daily

    Always Into less abortions in Italy, which boasts a rate among the lowest among industrialized countries. In 2012 were 105,968, a decrease of 4.9% compared to 2011, in a single year then, and by 54.9% compared to 1982. But it continued rising medical objectors : 17.3% in 30 years. It remains high, although it is stabilizing, the number of foreign women that interrupt the pregnancy: one in three are now .

    Into “For the first time – said the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin that the data presented in Parliament in the annual report – has launched a monitoring articulated . The data indicat e that for conscientious objection and the ‘ access to services the law has had an overall effective enforcement. We are working to ensure, together with the Regions, the presence of any critical local to arrive as soon as possible to overcome them. ”


    Into The Report of the Ministry of Health is confirming the trend of previous years: a decrease in abortions (IVG) according to all indicators. Preliminary data indicate that in 2012 were carried out with 105968 Ivg a decrease of 4.9% with respect to the final in 2011 (111,415 cases) and a decrease of 54.9% compared to 1982, in which it was recorded the highest resort to abortion (234,801 cases). Since 1983, the abortion rate declined in all age groups. Among the underage in 2011 was equal to 4.5 per 1000 (same value of 2010), with higher levels in northern and central.

    Into As in previous years, it is confirmed the minor abortion among young people in Italy than in the other countries of Western Europe, as well as the lower the percentage of repeated miscarriages and of those after 90 days of pregnancy . Remains high reliance by foreign women, out of which there is a third of the total interventions in Italy: a contribution that has been growing over the years and is now stabilizing. Even among these women, however, you begin to observe a decreasing trend to appeal to abortion.

    LAIGA: “OFFICIAL DATA DO NOT TAKE ACCOUNT OBJECTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS – The numbers in the report are, however, questioned by Italian gynecologists Free Association for the application of Law 194/78 ( Laiga ) that focus on the “abysmal differences existing between the various regions” which make it absolutely is not significant to the data reported on a national scale. ” The Laiga appreciates the news activation of a technical committee with the regions to monitor the individual structures and this is expected “data real working conditions of the few gynecologists” that allow the application of 194 , and information “on the obstacles he encounters the right to health of women in the vast majority of regions”, since “ forced to migrate to stop an unwanted pregnancy.  221; Right denied as that of ‘ pharmacological interruption , or RU486 , often inaccessible “for difficulties related to the need for hospitalization expected in almost all regions “whereas if given in day hospital would allow considerable reduction in time and costs.

    MOVEMENT FOR LIFE: “GOOD NEWS. OUR RESPECT AND THE CHURCH – Reading opposite the Movement for Life that defines a “good news” that conscientious objection Gynecologists “in constant growth.” “The Ministerial Report – says the president Carlo Casini – makes the calculation of how many abortions must practice a doctor objector every week. The calculation says 1.7, a figure that shows the absurdity of ideological and intolerant actions brought before the Council of Europe also by the CGIL against Italy. The pro-life movement that was formed before the Council of Europe to defend Italy and conscientious objectors will use this part of the text to counter this attack. ” Casini, in a statement, also notes that “the ministerial report on abortions in Italy raises two questions . The f irst: the numbers are complete? I am certainly with regard to Ivg hospital , but are complete even if the criterion of judgment concerning the destruction of human lives incipient? If we follow this second criterion must take into account the effects produced by ‘ unknowable chemical abortion (400 thousand packs of morning-after pill sold every year) and the persistence of’ clandestine abortion classic of which a few episodes ago judiciary occasionally emerge “existence. Second question posed by the pro-life movement, “If overall decrease in the loss of life has been, what are the causes? Certainly it is not about the law 194, but the collapse in the number of Italian women of childbearing age and ‘ educational action held by the Church and the Movement for Life, from’ welfare action of our Centers in support of life that helped to be born each year not less than 10 thousand children, “says Casini.

    AVENUE (RADICALS): “READING ON MEDICAL OBJECTORS MISLEADING” – I was the first to observe the conventions, especially in controversy with those who wants to abolish conscientious objection, that the number of doctors do not objectors could be enough and divide the number of abortions per physician, per region, per year and per week, but no concrete steps the simple read data is misleading and instrumental – said Silvio Viale , the gynecologist Turin promoter of the introduction of RU486 in Italy and responsible for the service of the S. Ivg Anna di Torino – Adopting the same criteria for the parties, would attend every gynecologist 2.36 infants per week . The minister would have to add it. ” “I do not know how many of the 1,546 doctors objectors do not really Ivg and under what conditions they are work ing, but do not think it makes sense to ensure the IVG in all more than 500 points Italian birth , “said Viale that are still” sterile controversy on conscientious objection if they are not accompanied by concrete measures that identify the largest hospitals in which focus Ivg, ensuring more staff available and dedicated beds. This would ensure greater privacy , professionalism and better, too, finally dignity and update accordingly. “

    Abortion: Ministry of Health, "seven out of 10 gynecologists are objectors - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

    18:03 September 13, 2013 Into (AGI) – Rome, September 13 – It remains the highest number of conscientious objectors in Italy who refuse to carry out abortions. According to the annual report on the law 194 of the Ministry of Health, sent in Parliament today, are almost seven out of ten gineocologi objectors, since, after the rapid growth of recent years, and is’ stabilized.
    In fact, at the level national, and ‘rose from 58.7% of gynecologists objectors in 2005 to 69.2% in 2006 to 70.5% in 2007 to 71.5% in 2008 to 70.7% in 2009 and 69.3% in 2010 and 2011. Between the situation and the anesthetists ‘more’ stable with a variation from 45.7% in 2005 to 50.8% in 2010 and 47.5% in 2011. For the non-medical personnel and ‘a further rise, with values ??that are passed from 38.6% in 2005 to 43.1% in 2011. There are marked variations between regions. Percentages higher than 80% among gynecologists are mainly in the south: 88.4% in Campania, Molise 87.9%, 85.2% in Basilicata, Sicily 84.6%, 83.8% in Abruzzo, 81.8% in the PA of Bolzano and 80.7% in Lazio. Even for anesthesiologists values ??more ‘high are observed in the south (with a maximum of 78.1% in Sicily, 74.5% in Molise, Calabria in 72.8%, 72.4% and 71.4% in Lazio Campania). For non-medical values ??are more ‘low and have a higher variability’, with a maximum of 85.3% and 81.4% in Molise in Sicily. From 1983 to 2011, the percentage of objectors and Gynecologists’ increased from 59.1% to 69.3%, with an absolute increase of 10.2 percentage points (equal to a percentage increase of 17.3%). Increase, however, offset , according to the ministry, the reduction of abortions, up from 233,976 in 1983 to 111,415 in 2011, a decrease of 52.4%.
    “Any difficulty ‘in access to services, then – according to in the report – are probably attributable to a distribution between operators with appropriate health facilities within each region. “

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Here come the workshops of health, the new garrison in isolated areas ... - Gonews

    The first to go by December, will be six municipalities of the Elbe (Capoliveri, Marciana, Porto Azzurro, Campo Elba, Portoferraio and Rio nell’Elba), then Pistoia and the ‘island of Capraia. For those who live in the mountains or in isolated areas and the shops arriving on the edge of health, presented today during the Expo Rural initiative underway until Sunday at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. A service wanted by the Region of Tuscany in collaboration with ANCI and Uncem, associations of municipalities and mountain communities.

    Into Sixty points to activate – In three years it will be open at least sixty, and you can address these branches are open for at least five hours a day for five days a week, for the certification at health based on income, for her blood pressure tested, glucose, cholesterol or triglycerides, to book and collect reports and laboratory tests or to make an appointment with the social worker. In the shops you can also ask for health information on many other public services or consumer protection, and you can receive assistance for access to online services of Posts and INPS.

    You can book Into the shopping delivered and Home Medicines social or transport services.

    Employees Into municipal and young people of the civil service – in short, one-stop multi-functional, which will operate with municipal staff and young people of the civil service appropriately trained to meet the needs and demands of those who live in countries where there are no more public offices, where maybe it was closed recently and even the post office where there are no pharmacies or medical labs, and it is difficult to move. A service created thinking in particular older, a little ‘as the doors “That’s it!” also aimed to fractions peripherals, but available to all citizens. Free, of course.

    Into “The health of the workshop is an innovative service whose success passes through the participation of all stakeholders in the territory and all actors of civil society-said the commissioner the right to health of Tuscany, Louis Brown – It This is a challenge imposed by the difficult economic situation and the consequent lack of resources and only by developing the best possible synergies we all together to ensure the mountain people the right to health and quality of life, starting with the weakest of which often affects the digital divide. “

    Into “At a time like the present, where we see a steady reduction in the resources available for local authorities – says the president of ANCI Toscana and mayor of Livorno, Alessandro Cosimi – it becomes increasingly difficult for municipalities to be able to provide citizens with services, even those that are essential. Through the project “Workshop of health” we commit ourselves together, communities and regions, to maintain essential services in the area, so that people living in more marginal areas are not forced to move from small to large shopping centers to be able to take advantage. “

    Into “That the Shops of health – says the president of Oreste Giurlani Uncem Tuscany – is an important and innovative, a way to ensure the territories, particularly those most lacking in services, a network of small garrisons socio- health, real ‘sentinels’ of living well. “

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Method Stamina rejected by the experts of the Ministry of Health - Il Sole 24 Ore

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    The method Stamina would not have scientific consistency. The rejection is contained in the highly anticipated opinion delivered to the Ministry of Health by the Scientific Committee for the testing of the method , which uses stem cells , developed by David Vannoni.

    Method Stamina rejected by the experts of the Ministry of Health

    An opinion that comes after months of controversy and after the green of the same trial decided by Parliament last May. ” I expected – commented on the warm president of Stamina Foundation , announcing an appeal to the TAR – it was clear that the committee was not impartial, since 70% of its members had expressed against the method before being appointed.” “With this method – remember Vannoni – are taken care of at this moment in Brescia 40 people, without side effects and with noticeable results.” The opinion is not binding, will be ‘screened by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin , which stated that it had not “yet received the report.” They say thrilled the father of little Sofia, the girl became one of the symbols of the method.” The feeling – he said – is that instead of solving a problem, they wanted to close it. ” Welcomes the committee, however, the ‘ Associazione Luca Coscioni , which also supports the principle of freedom of treatment. Urges the Minister to block the start of the trial.
    Marialuisa Pezzali

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Health: Sip rules for weaning calm, comfortable and ... - Weather Web

    CHILDREN Weaning - Copy For the weaning of children, the advice of nutrition experts of Sip (Societa ‘Italian of pediatrics) is nothing” war of nerves “but extreme delicacy and an environment as calm and comfortable as possible. Rules that apply to everyone in this field does not exist then many, the path must always be personalized – experts point out – although some points and ‘well keep them in mind. For example, the period within which you have to start, never beyond the seventh month: “Weaning (never weaning, better yet complementary feeding) should begin on a period of between four and six months in accordance with the Company ‘European pediatric gastroenterology and after six months according to the World Health Organizatio n ‘, for which up to that stage and’ recommended exclusively breastfeeding – explains Andrea Vania, center manager of pediatric nutrition and dietetics at the University ‘La Sapienza in Rome and Chairman of the ‘ECoG, the European Group obesity’ child – in any case better not to go beyond the seventh month. To tell you when and ‘ready It is the child himself, who begins to put the teeth or show curiosity’ for food. ” The mode ‘and better’ foods to start with semi – solids, which have that ‘an important part liquid, then move on to those of all solids, explains Claudio Maffeis, director of Unit’ of diabetes, clinical nutrition and obesity ‘in age’ pediatric Ulss 20, a professor at the University ‘of Verona. “In essence better to start at the beginning, the porridges with vegetable broth, cream of rice or corn tapioca, then later you can introduce animal protein, s uch as meat and fish” highlights Maffeis. “The important thing to remember, especially if you use the baby food – also stresses Vania – and ‘to be without salt,’ cause it’s good not to use it in the diet of children up to two years.” Even for the fruit, which the child can ‘be given a meal as a snack or better yet, a similar argument applies: you have to be careful that baby foods do not have added sugar. Foods that are introduced gradually, then, and ‘preferable that come from organic farming. If the child resists – pediatricians agree – you have to try and try again, without yielding. “You can ‘periodically repeat the same food up to 10.12 times,” explains fact Maffeis. To facilitate a correct approach to the small “novelty” ‘and’ important to create around him a serene environment with few distractions (no tv so maybe) and especially set a good example with a healthy balanced diet: the food choices of parents, especially the mother in fact – remember the experts – not just affect the baby.

    Dogs dangerous offenders: here comes the prohibition of the Ministry of ... - Excite Italy

    Into The Ministry of Health reach new rules for dog owners and a ban for offenders. The order published in Official Gazette 209/13 Friday, September 6, states that anyone who has had to do with the law “ for willful crime against the person or against property, punishable with imprisonment up to two years “can not keep aggressive animals.

    Dog beaten to death by his master in China: the shocking video

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    Into An important new feature – already tried in the past by the Mayor of Pordenone, who in 2009 published an ordinance prohibiting the possession of dangerous dogs “ to habitual offenders or trend, to those who are subjected to restrictive measures prevention or personal safety measure personal to anyone who has been convicted, even if not definitive, for willful crime against the person or against property, punishable by imprisonment of up to two years “- which has garnered praise from the founder of the branch office of the Rights of John D’Agata, who called the measure “ a blow ” the tendency on the part of offenders and criminals to own pitbull and other breeds that are commonly considered aggressive.

    Into But not only. In the order of the Ministry of Health there is also a set of rules to counter the accidents , especially in residential areas, related to improper handling animals by owners . ” So who has a dog should “ always use the leash to an amount not exceeding mt. 1.50 ” (except for the special areas devoted to trust), “ bring with them a muzzle, hard or soft “and is obliged to always have on hand” appropriate tools to collect “of the stool.

    Into The Ordinance of the Ministry of Health also instituting special training for owners and dogs, organized by individual municipalities in collaboration “ professional associations of doctors veterinarians, veterinary schools, veterinary associations and animal protection associations , “and states that the owners of the animals are responsible for them both civil and criminal law therefore “ anyone, for any reason, you agree not to hold a dog of his own, he takes responsibility for the relevant period .”

    EU, 11% for Italian serious deprivations affecting health - ANSA.it

    Into BRUSSELS – Italy and ‘the only major country of ancient Europe where 11% of the population and’ subject to severe material deprivation”” affecting health, such as heating or the possibility ‘of have certain foods such as meat: in 2011 the number of Italian citizens affected – says a report published by the European Commission – was twice as much as France, Germany and the UK.

    Into The European Commission emphasizes, however, that Italy is the country that in 10 years’ managed to reduce further – than in France, Germany and the United Kingdom – the infant mortality rate, bringing it from an average of 4.4 in 2001 deaths per thousand live births to 3.2 in 2011. Decline even though there is at European level during the same period it has gone on average from 5.7 to 3.9 deaths. For the European Commissioner for Health Tonio Borg” bridge health inequalities must remain a priority at all levels.”

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Animals, the news from the Ministry of Health: no aggressive dogs ... - The Messenger

    ROME – Stop the aggressive dogs to affected. Ends the fashion of pitbull between criminals? Here comes the order of the Ministry of Health which provides, inter alia: leash of a meter and a half in the city, muzzle in case you need more protection for the community against attack by animals more responsibility for the owners of the dogs and stop to a fashion for the criminals. It comes, in fact, in the Official Gazette 209/13 the order of the Ministry of Health which sets out new rules for owners of expensive credit. As is indicated in the provision is established the obligation of the leash in the city that can be up to a meter and a half.

    Expected the possibility of the muzzle. One of the important news, notes John D’Agata, founder of the “Door of Rights”, beyond a series of common sense measures contained in the order, consists in having given a blow to what had become for years a trend: just type pitbull aggressive d ogs to habitual offenders and offenders’ for willful crime against the person or against property, punishable by imprisonment of up to two years. “

    Raoul Bova: no surgery, good health conditions - Excite Italy

    • official Facebook Raoul Bova

    Into No surgery or serious health conditions for Raoul Bova. The actor had to stop for a few days, the shooting of the film directed by Fausto Brizzi, “Guess Who’s Coming for Christmas?” for fever. It seems that the problem has been due to an appendectomy surgery that was submitted two months ago.

    See the best pictures of Raoul Bova

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    Into The Staff of Raoul Bova on Facebook pains to point out the health of the actor: “It has not been subjected to any surgery and there is no relationship between the illness with the current and previous intervention ‘was successful. “

    Into In fact, a few days ago news circulated misrepresented in newspapers and the web that talked about Raoul Bova hospitalized and underwent emergency surgery. In the face of such news, the staff explained: “Dear friends in the face of the many news circulated in the print media and the web, we attach the official press release that clarifies the situation. Thanks to the staff. “Raoul Bova last week has had a high fever for a few days during the shooting of the film Guess Who’s Coming to Christmas for prudence, having been subjected approximately two months prior to an appendectomy surgery, it was considered appropriate to use tests with a short hospitalization, which were negative, and the symptoms’ regressed completely after antibiotic therapy “.

    Into So, no bad news for the actor who instead seems to experience a period rosy from the professional point of view. After the filming of “Guess Who’s Coming to Christmas” Brizzi, will be the protagonist of a film in Hollywood. Play the role of Carlos Gardel, Argentine artist known in the world of tango. The film will be directed by Alfonso Arau.