ROME – Stop the aggressive dogs to affected. Ends the fashion of pitbull between criminals? Here comes the order of the Ministry of Health which provides, inter alia: leash of a meter and a half in the city, muzzle in case you need more protection for the community against attack by animals more responsibility for the owners of the dogs and stop to a fashion for the criminals. It comes, in fact, in the Official Gazette 209/13 the order of the Ministry of Health which sets out new rules for owners of expensive credit. As is indicated in the provision is established the obligation of the leash in the city that can be up to a meter and a half.
Expected the possibility of the muzzle. One of the important news, notes John D’Agata, founder of the “Door of Rights”, beyond a series of common sense measures contained in the order, consists in having given a blow to what had become for years a trend: just type pitbull aggressive d ogs to habitual offenders and offenders’ for willful crime against the person or against property, punishable by imprisonment of up to two years. “
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