The National Institute of Health has reported one case in a person occupationally exposed to sick birds belonging to the establishment of the company Mordano Eurovo. He is now in his home on antibiotics. On task force to limit contagion between animals
The National Institute of Health has recorded a positive for the H7N7 avian influenza virus in a person “suffering from conjunctivitis and occupationally exposed to sick birds belonging to the farms in the region of Emilia Romagna”, in which it was found to have of the viral infection. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. Conjunctivitis is one of the first symptoms of the virus.
Infected is an employee of the company Eurovo: “Of the more than 100 employees, only one case has been established a form of mild conjunctivitis” in Mordano (Bologna), where are two farms affected by the H7N7 virus. Thus, the group announced that the man Eurovo positive to the virus is one of the workers slaughter chickens affected by bird flu, and sanitation of establishments.
All personnel involved in remediation activities, explains in a statement, “are, as a precaution, given health and fitness health check and the more than 100 employees, only one case has been established a form of mild conjunctivitis which represents the most frequent consequence of infection that can ‘ Humans may contract the H7N7 virus and exclusively in the case of direct contact with sick or dead animals, as it is for those who are working in the sanitation of farms. “ Republic Bologna Follow on Facebook and Twitter The man is at home and is subjected to antibiotic therapy. It was therefore admitted to a department of infectious diseases and appears to have no respiratory complication. What we learn at a similar prophylaxis are subjected his family. The situation is constantly monitored.
“The H7N7 virus is not easily transmitted to humans – remember the ministry – which can become infected only if it is to be in direct contact with sick or dead animal. Unlike other avian viruses (such as H7N9 or H5N1) H7N7 tends to give the man a mild disease (such as conjunctivitis), as already observed in a human outbreak occurred years ago in Holland. “Into” Being rare transmission from person to person – adds the statement – the human outbreaks tend to self-limiting, for which the risk of community is extremely low or even irrelevant. ” The Emilia Romagna Region, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, having “readily identified outbreaks animals, has taken all the necessary procedures to bring the infection under control.”
“In order to expedite the ongoing activities, and thus reduce significantly through the rapidity of the risk of possible spread of the virus and, in the current epidemiological situation achieve the reduction of the restricted areas by the Commission European Union, the Minister of Health, Lorenzin, and the Minister of Defense, Mauro, have implemented today by the first example in Italy of civil-military cooperation in the veterinary field, agreeing on the use of veterinary doctors and nurses belonging to the Army in support of local veterinary authorities – says the ministry -. Minister will adopt an ordinance establishing a support unit to the Region consists of such personnel and personnel from the Ministry of Health relating to the National Centre for the fight against animal diseases and emergency support to veterinary services as well as for local and regional support, including financial support, in the disposal of carcasses of slaughtered birds. Minist er Beatrice Lorenzin continues to ensuring the effective commitment to the poultry industry in order to implement control measures and in order of expected obligations for the payment of compensation. “
Coldiretti economic damage to farmers. A caring breeders are the economic losses that threaten to shut down businesses and this requires action urgently with exceptional measures to support the sector, which has already suffered losses of tens of millions of euro also as a result of the numerous constraints on the movement of poultry products that have virtually halted production and the market in the marked areas. And ‘what it wants Coldiretti in commenting on the note from the Ministry of Health on the recent developments of bird. There should be no unjustified psychosis that in the past have damaged heavily an industry important to the economy and employment, where – according to Coldiretti – find job oppor tunities hundred thousand people between direct employees and induced. It is to defend one of the few sectors in which Italy is practically self-sufficient, which produces 1.3 million tonnes of poultry meat and 12 billion eggs with industry turnover of 5.7 billion Euros (2012 data). It should be noted, however, that – concludes Coldiretti – at a difficult time of crisis with a sharp drop in food consumption, the only voice to rise in the first half of the year is the expense for eggs (+4 per cent) and for natural chicken meat (+6 per cent) with an annual consumption of more than 19 pounds of poultry products each providing families the necessary protein intake adequate feeding at lower prices.
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