? Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 am, departing from the Parco del Boschetto, will the first place? Walk of health?, organized by? Association? Thank you so much? and the? Door Health?, sponsored by the City of St. Market Severino, with the collaboration of? Association? Solidarity?.Broke the news of the President of the Commission for Social Policies Carmine Landi, as well as president of? association? Thank you very much?. L? Initiative was organized in collaboration with? Municipal Administration and the sharing of Mayor John Romano. ? With this initiative? ? Landi explained?? we intend to send a clear message of awareness to the Community for you to take conscience that urges a change in lifestyle to prevent cardiovascular disease and not, including tumor cells. The? Walk of Health? is a strategy t hrough which we intend to reach not only to citizens but also to the conscience of the directors, for the warn? opportunity to make choices and evaluate initiatives aimed at prevention?.Into? The route of the walk? continued the director Landi? is 4 Km We will meet at the Park Grove, 9.00, and travel along the following route: via Marcello, Via S. Vincent, Via Vincenzo Alfano canon, Via Basilio Palmieri Capocasale, Via Capocasale for Lombardi, Via Dei Lombardi, Ciorani Street, Park Santina Bell, Via S. Vincent, Via Vincenzo Alfano, Via Solofrana, Corso Diaz, Via Roma, Via Remembrance, Via Giovanni Falcone. At 11:00 am arrival at the Grove Park?. Into? Reduce the risk of disease? concluded the Mayor John Romano? also means contributing to health care cost containment as different diseases have originated from incorrect habits of life and, therefore, from a lifestyle unhygienic that takes no account of the good rules that help to prevent and should, for this reason, fall w ithin the normal daily patterns of every citizen?.
15/09/2013 18:35:46
15/09/2013 18:35:46
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