Saturday, September 14, 2013

Health and disease among philosophical thought and medicine - The Nation

Into Pisa, September 14, 2013 – Three days of meetings dedicated to the theme “From disease to ‘great health’, Hahnemann, Nietzsche, Jung, Canguilhem, Foucault” .

Into It begins today at 9:15 at the Hall G. Gronkowski, in the Regional Park of Migliarino San Rossore, a day that will end with the workshop “The Body in the scene” conducted by psychotherapist Claudia Melli. The second part of the conference is instead on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September to “Open Theatre Rossi” in Piazza Dante in Pisa.

Into “Our goal – says Professor Giuliano Samples University of Pisa – is to promote a reflection on the meaning of health and disease that goes beyond the division between philosophical thought on the one hand and the medical practice on the other hand, more and more detached from an overall view of man and the meaning of existence. “

Into Promoted by a research group on “Nietzsche and his fortune” of the University of Pisa and the Salento on the subject has led a project funded by the Ministry of Education, the conference sponsored by the municipality of Pisa and Vecchiano and by ‘ Azienda USL 5 of Pisa and is organized by physicians and philosophers which include, in the Scientific Committee, historians of philosophy Brusotti Marco, Julian Champions, Maria Cristina and Maria Fornari Marchitiello, a homeopath.
Nietzsche, Hahnemann, Jung, Canguilhem and Foucault are therefore the starting points for engaging at the same table Italian and foreign philosophers, doctors, psychotherapists, patients, members of associations and experiences of self-determination of the sick associations such as The Dawn, Pisa Parkinson Project, ORISS, Raphael and Rasas.

Into “The title of the initiative – concludes Samples – includes the expression of Nietzsch e ‘great health’ and refers to the German philosopher, in various ways, most of the authors discussed, the Nietzsche who, in his first trip to the South in search of health, stopping in Pisa, was able to see ‘first two then five camels’ in the park of St. Flushing. ” An episode that is described and analyzed in the book “Between the tower and the camels. Nietzsche in Pisa “by G. Samples and S. Busellato, (ETS 2013) which will be presented today, 14 September, at the meeting in St. Flushing.

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