November 29 – In line with what has been done in other countries, the Ministry of Health since 2010 the public Italian Guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs and the diagnostic-clinical management of people infected with HIV-1 (LG ), with the aim of providing guidance elements for both the prescription of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) and for the overall management of HIV-positive patients.
The document is intended infectious disease, other specialists involved in the multidisciplinary management of people with HIV in treatment, patients’ associations, administrators, decision makers of public health bodies and, more generally, to all actors involved in the issue in different ways, to serve as an authoritative point of reference common.
The large, multidisciplinary participation in the discussion and drafting of the content, since the 1st edition (2010) in this latest update (2013) – emphasizes the Ministry of Health – has seen several players institutional organizations, many specialists and patients’ associations.
LG, in fact, have been prepared under a mandate from the Minister of Health at the National Centre for AIDS Institute of Health, in collaboration with the National Commission for the fight against AIDS, the Consultation of Associations for the fight against AIDS, the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases.
Where appropriate, the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA) has made available its expertise.
This has had extensive involvement upstream of the rational foster broad sharing of content, prerequisite to predict the successful practical implementation planning. In addition, The fact they have been the foundation on which were drawn PDT regional aimed at rationalizing expenditure, against the appropriateness of prescriptions.
The cART is today recognized as of great benefit to the person with HIV – to block viral replication, prevent complications and avoid the overt form of the disease known as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), thus ensuring a perspective of long-term life of the patient. The treatment of the person with HIV greatly reduces the possibility of transmitting the infection.
As a result, although at the moment it is not possible to eradicate HIV infection (ie recover completely from it), the timely diagnosis HIV and taking care of the patients by relevant structures, as well as serve to the care of patients themselves, represent a public health intervention that can reduce transmission of the virus.
The cART today is based on a wide range of drugs and regimens, ranging from molecules to new generation drugs already in use for some time still active, which, after the patent expires, generic drugs are added. To be effective and to avoid / reduce the risk of emergence of resistance, not only must be conducted in accordance with the principles that ensure long-term effectiveness, but also customized according to the clinical, social and behavioral patient.
cART requires a daily intake and needs a constant intake of drugs that has been and is the key to successful treatment of these years. The tolerability, finally, is a crucial factor in the continuity of care and patient adherence. The guidelines, being based on evidence obtained evidence from the scientific literature and on an expert assessment, allow you to direct the prescription and management of therapies within the parameters of effectiveness and appropriateness.
The high standard of care and remarkable results obtained by cART in our country that we are recognized around the world are a point of excellence is due to the high quality of the network of infectious diseases which immediately took charge of the management of the disease is the constant collaboration between the network clinical care and numerous professional, even in the institutional and social, on our territory.
In this regard, it is now possible to say that over 85% of patients treated achieved a plasma viral load undetectable parameter indicator is the state of health of the person (together with the levels of CD4 + T cells), which currently have a life expectancy similar to that of a person seronegative age-matched, and the potential transmission of the infection itself.
To achieve this remarkable result, the design of LG’s Ministry of Health has certainly competition, providing a valuable tool to ensure standards of quality care and prescription high, appropriate and as consistent as possible throughout the country, which was accompanied by a process of optimization of resources in some regions has led to a reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure per capita.
The 2013 edition of the LG is deliberately more concise, but just as full of content, in order to ensure the usability of the document among all the actors involved, and thus promote the best clinical governance pathology.
November 29, 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved
The guidelines Aids 2013
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