Saturday, November 30, 2013

Health: created tongue piercing that 'guide' wheelchair -

A piercing that allows you to drive the movements of his wheelchair, thanks to the movement of a small magnet on the language detected by the sensor and converted into commands.

The system ‘was designed by a team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and potra’ be applied to a wide range of devices controlled by the pulses of the language.

The project ‘was featured on’ Science Translational Medicine ‘and a piercing tip on the size of a lentil that produces a magnetic field that varies in response to the movements of the tongue.

The system ‘was tested on a group of 23 people without disabilities and 11 with quadriplegia, six different positions of the tongue have been programmed to induce six different controls in a wheelchair, such as touching his left cheek to turn the chair to the left.

The results were very promising and hope and ‘create a different command for each tooth, and using combinations of positions of the tongue to develop a potentially unlimited number of instructions that may help individuals suffering from paralysis to write and use mobile phones, computers and televisions.

Sleep apnea and health risks - The Arena

sleep breathing disorders of the male population suffers from a quarter Italian, and you should not underestimate them, because in addition to annoying symptom of snoring can lead to serious health risks. He’s talked during the 42 th National Congress dell’Aipo, the Italian Association of Hospital Pulmonologists, which concludes today at the Palexpo VeronaFiere.
“Let’s talk about sleep apnea,” says Fabrizio Dal Farra, Head of group study of sleep-disordered breathing dell’Aipo, “suffers so severe between 4 and 7 per cent of the population, which has more than 30 apneas per hour, while 25 per cent of the male population and 9 percent of the Women have between five and 30 apneas per hour. It is a disease with many symptoms and often are treated as a single unit, without connecting to the apneas. When patients finally turn to the pulmonologist are already at an advanced stage and the recovery becomes impossible. “
Among the symptoms, as well as sudden awakenings, there are headache upon awakening, a serious daytime sleepiness, attention deficit and the tendency to urinate frequently during the night. “In most cases we turn to the doctor for the tendency to snore,” explains Dal Farra, “but then we discover that there are also all the other symptoms. Very often these people sorvappeso and weight loss is the first thing to do. If the disease is taken at the onset, it is possible to cure, so prevention is very important. ” The apnea can be dangerous because sufferers tend to fall asleep suddenly, maybe even while behind the wheel. But there’s more. “We found that apneas are to be linked with diseases such as diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease. They can cause high blood pressure and increased cholesterol, for physiological mechanisms. In addition, poor sleep increases weight, “the expert concludes. “Studies show that people who suffer from sleep apnea, so moderate or severe, has a survival rate which fell by 20%.” During the congress were also presented news and pharmacological techniques for respiratory diseases. For a better night’s sleep was patented a pillow that helps you to snore less. The item will be on the market, although prices are not just popular (between 600 and 700 euro). E.INN.

Alarming shortage of staff at the mental health centers - Italian Weather Center

worrying decline of staff is affecting long care centers for the mentally ill. According to the Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP), according to a study launched in 14 regions, there has been a reduction of 50% of human resources for assistance: in fact, by a 0.8 per 1500 inhabitants was passed in a decade to 0.4. All this in the face of a very large number of people in psychiatric care in Italy, amounting to about one million and two hundred thousand people. These numbers are striking compared to an industry suffering from psychiatric constant shortage of suitable staff, compounded by the difficult context of the economic crisis that does not encourage the situation.

Mencacci Claudio, president of the SIP, emphasizes the seriousness of the problem because it is a symptom of a growing shortage in the quality of services offered by the facilities, in addition, all the weight of these absences rests with the professional staff really active, with a increased load of stress, fatigue and hours of work that does not allow a clear approach to work every day.

mental health

Today, 2 percent of the Italian population is suffering from disorders related to mental health. Obviously, these values ??are not all those people who do not resort to care for fear of social stigma of their disease. The known data show us that 34% of Italians between 18 and 34 years suffer from psychological disorders, compared to 39% of individuals between 45 and 64 and a lower 27% of people over sixty.


Palermo, busy yesterday the Regional Department of Health: Images - Giornale di Sicilia

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GALLERY Palermo (30/11/2013)

Palermo, analysis laboratories in the department: the images of the protest

Testing Labs on a war footing, busy yesterday the Regional Department of Health. But in the evening the police forced the protesters to vacating the premises. The protest was triggered after that on Thursday the structures have received an email with the quantification of the amounts to be repaid, because the application of the regional tariff that since 2008 had instead be replaced by the so-called Bindi. “Within 30 days – explains Fabio Nicolosi – laboratories should only return in 2013 of approximately 110 million Euros, which will be deducted from refunds. Our facilities are virtually bankrupt: it is work already undertaken on which we paid the taxes. We show that it is not only a problem but affects the health of our citizens. Since July we can not get answers. ” “The arrival of today (yesterday for the reader, ed) in Department – replica Councillor Lucia Borsellino – was not announced or expected. I have never been free from any comparison as though I can not escape from the institutional arrange for compliance. ” Meanwhile, the Department has called the trade unions to December 6. And the MEP Salvatore Iacolino calls “a regional comparison table that safeguards the future employment of 7000 employees.” Text by Stefania Giuffre.

Free Exams against cancer. More and more women in health - The Nation

mammograms for those 45 to 75 years

Sandro Bennucci

The examination of mammography is an important way to prevent breast cancer (Newpress The examination of mammography is an important way to prevent the breast cancers (Newpress

Florence, November 30, 2013 – “Every thousand breast screening we do, we can save the lives of nine women,” says Professor Gianni satisfied Amunni, general manager Ispo institute for the prevention of cancer Florence. What comments on news of the day for health Tuscan namely the decision of the governor, Henry Smith, councilor and Louis Brown, broaden the age range of women invited to undergo Tuscany Free mammograms to prevent breast cancer. Today is intended to ladies between 50 and 69 years. Very soon (probably from January 1, 2014) will cover a wider audience: indeed to all women aged between 45 and 75 years. If the percentage declared by Professor Amunni correspond to reality, this choice allows to avoid dangers in dozens of ladies seriously affected by breast cancer.

choice due, of course, the desire to shelter a female universe more and more exposed, but also, apparently, by two reasons. The first, as he wanted to emphasize the president Rossi , the answer is “who spread the word about the intention of Tuscany introduce a ticket on cancer prevention.” The screening is free and invited to undergo mammography will come directly to your home through the mail.
The second reason is organizational: as pointed out also Amunni, spreading his age will prevent hundreds of requests for preventive examinations individual. In fact, one of the longest waiting lists that are found in almost all of Tuscany ASL (it may take a year and a half between the request and the conduct of the examination) affects its mammography. But why from over 45? Still Amunni: “From the scientific point of view, it is seen that did not need. This is not to say that younger women are not at risk, I would just point out that before the age of 45 mammography is not effective. For a sinus problem? Yes, even for this. “

sandro.bennucci @


Friday, November 29, 2013

Health: cancer prevention, access and extended to other 250 thousand ... - Il Tirreno

Tuscany will soon pass from 50-69 to the 45-75 age group of Tuscan women who will be invited by their local health authorities to get a mammogram

FLORENCE. will soon pass from 50-69 to 45-75 age group of women who will be invited to Tuscany to get a mammogram, one of the cancer screenings that are part of the program launched for many years by the Region. It will continue to be a free exam for women included in the age group concerned. This will increase the female population who will be invited to undergo the examination of approximately 250 thousand units.

By the end of the year the region is preparing to approve a resolution that, on the proposal of the right to health Louis Brown, extend the age range within which the Tuscan women will be called by their local health authorities to carry out the examination in question, extending the age of 11 years (first 5 and 6 after). “Somewhere I hear – said the regional president Enrico Rossi – that we are going to introduce a ticket on cancer prevention, an area in which Tuscany has always been ahead of the rest of the regions through a long and steady work year . Not only does this not happen, but we also decided to extend to a greater number of women mammography screening just to enhance the activity of free prevention with the aim of extending their life expectancy. “


what will be the new procedures, the women will be called Tuscany’s first visit to a personalized medicine 45 years will be decided together with the medical screening to follow the path up to 50 years. Then women will enter the regular screening program, the current one, which includes a check every two years, but in this case the age limit will be extended to 75 years. At national level, no other region offers such a cancer prevention program. The cost of each exam is around 50-60 €, Tuscany guarantees it for free.

November 29, 2013

Tuscany, health: cancer prevention, access and expanded to ... -

mammografia450 will soon pass from 50-69 to 45-75 age group of women Tuscany that will be invited to undergo a mammogram, one of the cancer screenings that are part the program has been in progress for many years by the Region. It will continue to be a free exam for women included in the age group concerned. This will increase the female population who will be invited to undergo the examination of approximately 250 thousand units. By the end of the year the region is preparing to approve a resolution , on the proposal of ‘ the right to health commissioner Louis Brown, extend the age range within which the Tuscan women will be called by their local health authorities to carry out such an examination, widening the age of 11 years (first 5 and 6 after).

“Somewhere I hear – said the regional president Enrico Rossi – that we are going to introduce a ticket on cancer prevention, an area in which Tuscany has always been ahead the rest of the regions through a long and steady work of years. Not only does this not happen, but we also decided to extend to a greater number of women mammography screening just to enhance the activity of free prevention with the aim of their lengthen life expectancy. “

According to what will be the new procedures , Tuscan women will be called to a first visit to personalized medicine 45 years together with the physician will be decided screening to follow the path up to 50 years. Then women will enter the regular screening program, the current one, which includes a check every two years, but in this case the age limit will be extended to 75 years. At national level, no other region offers such a cancer prevention program. The cost of each exam is around 50-60 €, Tuscany guarantees it for free.

First step to the House of Health in Modena - ModenaToday

Editors November 29, 2013

The area that will be built will be in the area northeast of the city. To submit bids is time until December 23,

Press Release also continued in the province of Modena, the program realization of the Houses of health, structures that are gradually becoming a new benchmark for the health of citizens, as it thought of as places to turn to in every moment of the day to get a competent answer to the different needs of care that do not require the use of the hospital. It is particularly in health and social care, where primary care services are integrated with those specialists, hospitals, public health, mental health and social services and the voluntary sector.

“It is important to remember that the House of Health is not just a physical place, but a new way of working. Within these organizations work together in an integrated manner different professionals: general practitioners , paediatricians, specialists, nurses, midwives and social workers. The House of Health becomes the reference point for the citizens on the ground regarding “health” in a broad sense, the promotion of health through the development of healthy lifestyles, to take charge of integrated chronic and non- self-sufficiency, to the management of the emergency-urgency “recalled the director of the district of Modena, Francesca Novaco.

In particular, at this stage, with the publication of the notice, notify the USL intends to purchase a building that will become the seat of the House of Health in Modena. With the publication of the notice in line with the provisions of the guidelines of the Emilia-Romagna and the Local Implementation Plan, you start the project for the construction of the structure.

notices shall specify the characteristics of the property that must be already prepared or easily converted into a structure that can accommodate activities of a medical nature. The property must be located in the North East of the town of Modena (district 2), having an area of ??approximately 2,800-3,000 square meters, have an easy access to major roads, with good accessibility and be adequately served by public transport.

The House of Health will be medium in size, can accommodate a group of general practitioners and paediatricians, integrated with the health functions of primary care (family counseling, pediatrics communities, home care, diabetes center, specialist clinics, continuity of care). To submit tenders are open until December 23. The notice is available on the website internet Azienda USL di Modena (Section Calls for Tenders). For information you can contact the Sector Procedures and Gare Technical Service Company (telephone 059.435715, 059.435695 fax, sat @ ausl. )

AIDS. Published new guidelines of the Ministry of Health - Daily Health



November 29 In line with what has been done in other countries, the Ministry of Health since 2010 the public Italian Guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs and the diagnostic-clinical management of people infected with HIV-1 (LG ), with the aim of providing guidance elements for both the prescription of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) and for the overall management of HIV-positive patients.
The document is intended infectious disease, other specialists involved in the multidisciplinary management of people with HIV in treatment, patients’ associations, administrators, decision makers of public health bodies and, more generally, to all actors involved in the issue in different ways, to serve as an authoritative point of reference common.
The large, multidisciplinary participation in the discussion and drafting of the content, since the 1st edition (2010) in this latest update (2013) – emphasizes the Ministry of Health – has seen several players institutional organizations, many specialists and patients’ associations.
LG, in fact, have been prepared under a mandate from the Minister of Health at the National Centre for AIDS Institute of Health, in collaboration with the National Commission for the fight against AIDS, the Consultation of Associations for the fight against AIDS, the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases.
Where appropriate, the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA) has made available its expertise.
This has had extensive involvement upstream of the rational foster broad sharing of content, prerequisite to predict the successful practical implementation planning. In addition, The fact they have been the foundation on which were drawn PDT regional aimed at rationalizing expenditure, against the appropriateness of prescriptions.
The cART is today recognized as of great benefit to the person with HIV – to block viral replication, prevent complications and avoid the overt form of the disease known as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), thus ensuring a perspective of long-term life of the patient. The treatment of the person with HIV greatly reduces the possibility of transmitting the infection.
As a result, although at the moment it is not possible to eradicate HIV infection (ie recover completely from it), the timely diagnosis HIV and taking care of the patients by relevant structures, as well as serve to the care of patients themselves, represent a public health intervention that can reduce transmission of the virus.
The cART today is based on a wide range of drugs and regimens, ranging from molecules to new generation drugs already in use for some time still active, which, after the patent expires, generic drugs are added. To be effective and to avoid / reduce the risk of emergence of resistance, not only must be conducted in accordance with the principles that ensure long-term effectiveness, but also customized according to the clinical, social and behavioral patient.

cART requires a daily intake and needs a constant intake of drugs that has been and is the key to successful treatment of these years. The tolerability, finally, is a crucial factor in the continuity of care and patient adherence. The guidelines, being based on evidence obtained evidence from the scientific literature and on an expert assessment, allow you to direct the prescription and management of therapies within the parameters of effectiveness and appropriateness.
The high standard of care and remarkable results obtained by cART in our country that we are recognized around the world are a point of excellence is due to the high quality of the network of infectious diseases which immediately took charge of the management of the disease is the constant collaboration between the network clinical care and numerous professional, even in the institutional and social, on our territory.
In this regard, it is now possible to say that over 85% of patients treated achieved a plasma viral load undetectable parameter indicator is the state of health of the person (together with the levels of CD4 + T cells), which currently have a life expectancy similar to that of a person seronegative age-matched, and the potential transmission of the infection itself.
To achieve this remarkable result, the design of LG’s Ministry of Health has certainly competition, providing a valuable tool to ensure standards of quality care and prescription high, appropriate and as consistent as possible throughout the country, which was accompanied by a process of optimization of resources in some regions has led to a reduction in pharmaceutical expenditure per capita.
The 2013 edition of the LG is deliberately more concise, but just as full of content, in order to ensure the usability of the document among all the actors involved, and thus promote the best clinical governance pathology.

November 29, 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved

spacer The guidelines Aids 2013

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Lions for health": a cycle of lectures on health organized to ... -

From 28 November

Arma di Taggia – The main objective of the initiative is to sensitize the population to the knowledge of their own bodies and their own health to prevent and cure diseases

Thursday, November 28 to 21 in Arma di Taggia at Villa Boselli (Church Square) begin a series of lectures entitled “Lions for health”. The meetings are organized by the Lions Club Arma Taggia and with the patronage of the Municipality of Taggia and will focus on key issues for health: prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Initiative’s main goal is precisely to sensitize the population to the knowledge of your body and your health to prevent and cure diseases.
The first meeting will see the digestive system and as a speaker Dr Massimo Coinage, Director of SC Gastroenterology Hospital of San Remo and authorities at the international level on esophageal disease.
will be an important opportunity to learn and develop the argument, gastroenterological diseases indeed have a strong impact on the health of the population and the cost of the system health.
The upcoming conferences are scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2014 – “Breast Diagnostic Clinic and” with speakers Dr. Claudio Battaglia and Dr. Stefania Russo and Thursday, March 13, 2014 – “The metabolic diseases” with the speakers Dr. Stefania De Montis and Dr. Maurizio Raffa.
The meetings are free entry, citizenship is cordially invited to attend and at the end of the relationship will be able to interact with the presenters.

Guglielmi Mario


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