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November 14 – The pharmacies are preparing to change things. If they want to beat the competition to corner drugstores and supermarkets have become little market health and become a commercial enterprise. The profitability of the ethical drug, in fact, is falling and it always will be more in accordance with the regulations that will be taken by the National Health Service, while there was a slight increase in commercial products, from supplements to skin cosmetics. In a nutshell pharmacies must adapt to new lifestyles of customers, now more attentive to maintaining the health and well-being.
From now on you will come to the pharmacy to buy only drugs, but also for a whole range of additional services offered by the pharmacist: from booking appointments and tests to physiotherapy, nurse assisting you at home with the choice of lifestyle and wellness products. “The pharmacy in order to survive, – said Vincent Santaniello of Co.Big, Co-entrepreneurship, innovation and changing business to grow, already responsible for starting the medication Coop Italy – must strengthen its role of central services for the area, for customers who come with confidence to ask for advice and performance of behaviors and needs. Pharmacists, for their part, have an advantage over other work, professionalism immediately after graduation and suitable for the management of the enterprise. The diversification of merchandise is the key to success, because the drug will weigh less and less in the management of the pharmacy “
And ‘what emerged from a comparison of industry experts during the meeting Retail Health 2013 organized by Paola Gallas networking for the annual meetings of Pharmacy Evolution , with the aim of identifying changes in the competitive between pharmacies, drugstores and supermarkets in the current political and economic instability, although for now the commercial market is still holding to the pharmacy for 91% and the rest divided between drugstores and supermarkets.
“But the multidisciplinary management of a pharmacy is not easy – reported Laura Crespo of Federfarmaco, the organization that brings together unions-pharmacies. For this reason it is important to enter the network and to join, offering a diversity of services. Of course, the pharmacy services is not redditiva, because the additional services are expensive and also involve the responsibility of the pharmacist for benefits made by medical personnel attached. But the pharmacist has to revolve around whether the interest of citizens, associations, the area and prove ready to solve the immediate problems that the customer poses. The danger is lurking. What will happen the day that drugs will all biotechnological and will be distributed by hospitals or by the local health authorities, as they are already asking some health facilities? “
An example of pharmacy services in the network is to be implemented in Rome from Infarma , a cooperative that has opened a consortium of primary care, said CAP, which, with the guarantee of the pharmacist, provides users nurses, doctors, laboratory analysis and diagnostics, service the terminally ill and frail people, overseeing the operation of the staff. The cost? Those in the public service, such as ticket or a little more, because the consortium has not for profit. But quickness, guarantee and proximity are the cornerstones of this service. “
The needs that are changing, even pharmacists must therefore change taking into account some characteristics of the pharmacy, which are: reference point for access to medicines, the neighborhood and return to the neighborhood. But there are also some weaknesses, such as adding Santaniello: passivity, because customers must enter into pharmacy because they are not good; lack of creativity because there are differences in the products, lack of competition, because pharmacists are not used to it and their profit depends on the current and future operations of the National Health Service.
But what has happened since the start of the liberalization of the drug , that is from 2005 with the decree Storace about discounts for over the counter medicines and then from 2006 with the famous “lenzuolate” Bersani and subsequent measures? The ethical drug, the one with the recipe, fell 1, 8%, like all drugs of group A, while the products in band C increased by 2.5%. And the comparison between shops, drugstores and gives retailers a +34 percent for commercial products. “The signs of growth, then – says Dr. Valeria Radrizzani , IMS Health – relate to the drugstores even though the distribution of commercial products is in favor of the pharmacy with 91%, while at drugstores goes 7% and 2% of retail corner. Among the products growing need to record the success of supplements, while costing more (from 14 euro a pack of supplements compared to 7-8 euro OTC).
E see now the voice of consumers through an analysis of the Altroconsumo , the organization for the protection of individuals with regard to purchases of products and services. “For the commercial products the supermarket – says Laura Filippucci , project officer of the investigations Altroconsumo – it is cheaper by 14% compared to pharmacies and drugstores that lined the prices, but prices in pharmacies can to have an oscillation that comes to 64%. For example Reactine can cost in pharmacies from 8.9 to € 12.80. If there is a reference price of the pharmaceutical company, see Verecolene at 6.30 Euros, 60% of pharmacies keep it. In terms of discounts, however, only 12% will apply to products on prescription. “
Finally, considerations of two experts at Bain & Company ( Valerio Di Filippo and Andrea Petronio ), which opens up new scenarios of the pharmaceutical world: reduced margins ethical products, greater competition among distribution channels, greater attention of the pharmaceutical distribution channels and privilege for the forms of cooperation , the central role of the pharmacy in the provision of health, wellness and growing demand for more knowledge and information from the users. Opportunity to grasp not to lose profitability, as they have done abroad, otherwise what has been lost over the past 10-15 years it is difficult to recover.
Edward Stucchi
November 14, 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved
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