The common cold , which is contracted mainly during the cold months and confined him to bed millions of Italians, is mainly caused by numerous viruses according to which the symptoms vary. Among the most frequent: runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, hoarseness, muscle aches. It is not the cold itself to cause the common cold during the cold season, but because of our habit of spending more time indoors in close contact with each other, we are more affected by the spread of the virus . Here are the main ones:
rhinovirus: viruses are small and ideal temperature for their replication is 33-34 ° C, the same as the human nasal mucosa. The rhinovirus colds has an incubation period of 24-48 hours, lasts about 4-9 days and resolve spontaneously.
CORONAVIRUS : are viruses that can have different shape, filamentous or spherical, with sizes ranging from 80 to 230 nm. They are active from autumn to early spring, and cause 10-20% of the forms of colds.
parainfluenza are the cause of the common cold in adults, but can cause more severe infections in the lower respiratory children (eg, croup, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis).
ADENOVIRUS : affects autumn early spring, mainly small children, causing pharyngitis and tonsillitis. PH resist stomach acid, so it can get into the active form in the intestine where they can cause gastro-enteric infections.
The most common form of infection is direct : sneezing, coughing and saliva droplets allow the passage of the virus from one organism another. During a normal conversation, are involuntarily expelled small droplets of saliva . But the infection can also occur indirectly, by shaking hands or by manipulating objects contaminated . In addition, the dry air lowers resistance to infection of the viruses that cause colds and the same reaction can take place due to smoking, even passive smokers are more likely than non-smokers to cool.
Let’s see what are the foods and natural remedies that help fight the common cold:
GRAPEFRUIT : While the becomes yellow grapefruit contains vitamin C , a powerful antioxidant that fights the cold and flu, the red grapefruit contain lycopene and anthocyanins , protective circulation, anti -diabetics, which stimulate the immune system. The dried grapefruit peel is an excellent natural remedy for colds: just chop it, preparing an infusion with mint, sage and grapefruit peel in equal parts, filtering everything and drank a cup several times during the day soon began to sneeze
ORANGES : are rich in vitamin C (50 mg per 100 g of product) and help the body absorb iron from vegetables, stimulating the immune system. In addition to strengthening the immune system, vitamin C helps prevent colds and colds . They are also an excellent source of terpenes, which protect against cancer, and vitamin A for healthy eyes, skin and to protect against infection. For the requirement of vitamin C, just consume 2 or 3 oranges a day! Make a note of this natural remedy: boil in a saucepan of water, the zest of half orange and half a lemon, 1 or 2 slices of orange and 2 teaspoons of sugar cane, leaving to brew for a few minutes. Filter through and add a cup of tum, drinking it before going to bed.
LEMON : is rich in vitamin C, which increases the resistance of the body, decreasing the duration of the disease. Lemon relieves the symptoms of sore throats, colds and flu, has antiviral and antibacterial properties . A whole lemon (including peel and seeds) are used to nip a cold in the bud, and gargle with the juice, are useful in fighting the sore throat. Here you are another natural remedy: dilute the juice of one lemon in a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey, taking this compound for 2 times a day.
CLOVE : Eugenia Caryophyllata ??strong> is an evergreen tree native to the Molucca Islands, which has adapted to live in Indonesia, Madagascar and Zanzibar. The its buds have not yet bloomed are treated and dried to obtain the cloves, which have anti-inflammatory effect due to flavonoids and are used in aromatherapy to relieve not only the cold, but also arthritis, bronchitis, sinusitis and anxiety . The clove tea is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds, but also they are used correctly by inhalation, through the vapors of the facial sauna or fumigations.
CHESTNUT : chestnut, while having a calorie, is rich in starchy substances, so it is nutritious and energy, contains potassium (antiseptic, which strengthen the muscles and glands, and has anti-inflammatory qualities), sulfur (to strengthen bones ), chlorine (for the health of your teeth and tendons, phosphorus (a calcifying essential for the formation of nerve cells involved in growth, renovation and repair of tissues) and so on. The legend says that keep a chestnut in your pocket allonta colds. In fact, it alludes all’ipocastano, whose fruit is similar to chestnut, with apulei little pungent. It is also called “chestnut horse” or “chestnut crazy”, because Turkey and then from us, they used to chop the chestnuts to feed them to horses asthmatics and cooled, noting their improvements. Applying the same logic to umoni, it was seen that a pulp taken from the subjects cooled, thanks escin contained in such , gave good results. From here, they used to always keep a few seeds in your pocket for colds! good against the cold and cough is the infusion of the leaves of chestnut leaves can be purchased in herbal medicine. bollirne Just 2 tablespoons in about half a liter of water, drinking the cooled liquid in small sips.
GARLIC is a known strengthener of the immune system, excellent antibacterial and antiviral, fights colds, cough and flu. Contains many useful compounds, including allicin, one of the most powerful among those antibiotic substances of vegetable origin. The garlic and echinacea fight infection, while the onion, garlic close relative, contains chemicals antivirals. To prepare an effective garlic soup: 3-4 cloves of garlic cut into pieces, put to boil in a cup of water.
HONEY : is composed almost exclusively of sugars and enjoys anothe concentration of fructose, funzoni with antibacterial and antibiotic. The secret of honey lies in its sweetness: the soothing power comes from the fact that sweet substances naturally reduce the reflection of saliva, causing mucus secretions and the sedative effect and softening of the larynx and pharynx. Here is a great natural remedy is simple: mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with a teaspoon of honey, eating it twice a day. Other helpful tips: when you are cooled, you take plenty of fluids (eg water and fruit juices) to promote the hydration of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and clear the mucus (at least 8 Bucchieri of water or fruit juice). It is the chicken broth, which contains nutrienri that help replenish the body and provide more liquid to prevent dehydration, to reduce nasal congestion and to facilitate the elimination of mucus. No to exciting drinks or diuretic effects and no to alcoholic beverages, as alcohol worsen the swelling of the nasal mucosa, which often accompanies a cold, and coffee and caffeinated beverages predispose the patient suffering from colds to dehydration.
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