information and advice on the conscious use of drugs and products for the health and well-being

just a click to get information on health

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Pine Linen, Jimmy Smuggling, Flack 1, Fart, Dr. Leaf, Chimi-Kotto characters are not taken from a cartoon, but the cute characters who yesterday accompanied the students, high school second degree, to the discovery of key issues for their health and safety: what, how and when you use it and how it keeps a drug, healthy lifestyles, self-medication, the use of the internet for ‘ purchase of products, the counterfeiting of drugs and health risks.
are some of the many topics considered for the XI National Day of safety in schools .

XI National Day, which began Friday at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, will continue in other Italian cities so as to raise more and more young people on this subject so delicate and understated, and will end on December 3 with a number of initiatives that ranging from concrete actions to remove architectural barriers to municipal emergency plans to the basics of first aid.

Everything is collected in the multimedia guide “health comes by clicking” and is the result of collaboration between Cittadinanzattiva and Assosalute, National Association of self-medication and was presented today at the Museum of Science and technology of Milan, part of the “Knowledge” promoted by green cloud.
The Guide is navigable online on its website.

The conscious use of the internet as a means to buy products and drugs to self-care, it is a matter left to chance.
In a society like ours where, especially young people, surf the internet as if was their daily bread, this guide, as well as being useful in terms of health, it is also very useful to prevent and discourage the purchase of counterfeit products.

Nowadays you buy everything on the internet, from the bag to the drugs. But health is the most important thing that we must safeguard. Just click to learn how to protect themselves.

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