hyper medicine and its matrinomio with the god profit favored not only the business of a few large multinational pharmaceutical companies but also the creation of new categories of disease, drug intoxication and loss of ability of each individual to take care of himself, to look after their own fragility and rethink their lifestyles. Yet, it is established by all field studies that environmental and social factors affect to a significant extent on the quality of health, the same rates of mortality are related to income, the ability to care and healing of a person depends largely on the his condition of life and family and community supports. For this reason, in the words of Ivan Illich, the goal is unmask the idea that health is something that you buy and that you do not
Into Paolo Cacciari
Into The CEO of a well-known pharmaceutical company, Merck Henry Gadsen, more than thirty years ago, Fortune magazine declared: “Our dream is to produce drugs for healthy people. This would allow us to sell to anyone. ” Looking at the trend of drug spending in the OECD countries increased by 17 times from 1980 to today, we can definitely confirm that the paradoxical hope, shared by the majors of medicine, it has become reality. How the Big-farm we have succeeded? They explained many good doctors, epidemiological, movement activists to protect the health and rights of the patient called by the Movement for Happy Contraction at a conference organized by the Chamber of Deputies, attended by members of the Democratic Party, the Movement and Sel 5 stars .
Into Many of them will return to meet in late November (the 29th and 30th at the auditorium of the Piccolo Regio, in Piazza Castello in Turin) to the second National Congress of Slow Medicine , a movement that is fighting for a medicine “sober, respectful and just.” Anthony Lee, a director of a company hospital of Monza and president of Slow Medicine, thought to have been three moves “winners” who were able to transform a fair question of health in a thriving business in Italy alone is worth 25 billion euro: l ‘ early detection of diseases that otherwise would have remained silent, through the proliferation of diagnostics (not to be confused with preventive practices appropriate), the creation of new diseases at the table, and the constant lowering of thresholds of normality of many biological parameters (blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, etc..). This complex of marketing actions and therapeutic logging is called disease mongering , creation and commodification of the disease. This is not news. Already Ivan Illich, one of the most inspired thinkers who have existing groups that challenge consumerism, waste and economic growth for its own sake, in one of his major works, Medical Nemesis. The expropriation of health. The paradoxical harmfulness of a medical system that knows no bounds , written in 1976 (reissued a few years ago by Boroli), he warned against the misuse of scientific achievements, from the “evil power”, and a medicine and ipertecnologizzata iperspecializzata which tends to “medicalize life” and include people on journeys of “total therapy”: from prenatal diagnosis to post-mortem samples from erectile dysfunction to menopause, from sadness to obesity …
Dr. Knock
Into The inevitable consequences have been the creation of new categories of diseases and patients, drug intoxication, and, most dangerous of all, the loss of the ability of each individual to take care of himself, to look after their own fragility and vulnerabilities, and to control their behaviors and lifestyles. They are so grown up over time heteronomous regulation of homeostasis in the human body and the power of health and medical equipment. Although this is nothing new. A sharp play by Jules Romains, written in 1933, Dr. . Knock , or the triumph of medicine (there is a film version), tells of how a doctor in cahoots with the pharmacist in the country is able to convince the population to “be sick without knowing it.” Today screenings are done in square promoted by the same industries that produce the remedies and check-ups are sold online on the websites of e-commerce. Try it! A private clinic in the Veneto promotes internet “seven ultrasound examination and prostate specific to 49 euro.” Another clinic sells a package of “10 sonograms for only 69 Euros.” A clinic of Spresiano offers a “miniliposuzione to 299 €” and a “bilateral breast augmentation to 449 Euros.”
Into According to some scientific studies (Nejem, 2007), 33 per cent of Tac are not clinically justified and the doses cause the 1 .5 to 2 percent of cancers. Research published by a leading medical journal (BMJ, 2012) claim that the check-up do not reduce mortality, do not prevent disease, avoid hospitalization, disability and even anxieties. Upon the path of corporatization, it is no wonder if the market falls prey to health benefits calculated on the standard DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) invented and imposed by the insurance. The financialization of the economy is a food not a secondary hospitals built in project financing, a system that allows you to make money for the banks and builders through the outsourced management of internal services and diagnostics. The participation of the patientInto John Peronato, the association “ No thanks, I’ll pay “, Julia Mannella of “ Court of Patients ‘Rights “, Paolo Roberti di Sarsina of’ “ Association for medicine person-centered “and other speakers at the conference of the Movement for the decrease, denounced the conduct medical debilitating the patient’s wishes and then deresponsabilizzanti. Quite the opposite of the much-vaunted “free informed choice,” difficult to achieve in a system of powers very asymmetric. The objective of the conscious participation of the patient in the therapeutic choices becomes a chimera if we also consider the cultural context of the “affluent society” which is rooted in “the idea that health is something that you buy and that you do not” – yet Illich. In other words, it passed the conviction that the well-being of individuals depends on the availability of spendable cash in the markets of the “health wellbeing” (clinics, medicines, nutritional supplements, fitness centers, etc.. Etc..) Rather than by the usual health environments of life and work. What the institutionalized medical system tends to conceal it is the non-biological determinants of disease, social variables.
Into The Jama scientific journal published an article – Stephen M: bridging the divide between health and health care, in 2013 – which states: “The medicine acts as if all diseases have a biological cause and were treated with drugs and surgery . (…) The health services explain only 10 percent of preventable mortality. The remaining 90 percent is associated with lifestyle, environmental factors, social and cultural, genetic predisposition and … case. ” To be more precise, as explained by Chiara Bodini, medical specialist of infectious diseases of the center of International Health at the University of Bologna and the “ Movement for the health of the people “, we should speak of” determination on the part of health consist of social interests. ” E ‘found can not be disputed by all field studies that environmental and social factors affect to a significant extent on the quality of health. The same rates of mortality are related to income. And, anyway, the ability to care and healing of a person depends largely on his condition in life and the family and community supports that are closest to her. Fulvio Aurora Democratic Medicine he still remembered how they affect the “occupational diseases” and how much exposure to risk factors is deeply unjust and class-leading ” health inequalities. ” John Ghirga pediatrician of ‘ ISDE ( for Doctors’ environment ) has once again drawn attention to the real its environmental catastrophe caused by the slow worsening air pollution due to inhaled ultrafine particles. No need to go to China to find the brown cloud which leads to more frequent and severe respiratory infections in children in particular, the air you breathe in the Po Valley is the worst in Europe. Just this week, the Italian Society of Internal Medicine has calculated that if we could halve the gaseous emissions polluting there would be at least six thousand deaths expected in less than a year and recorded a saving of € 10 billion of health care costs.time of depression and neuropsychiatric disorders
Into To all this must be added the spectacular explosion of the discomforts and emotional suffering. A real pandemic. Inevitable consequence of a society characterized by insecurity and precariousness that produce anxiety, stress competitiveness, existential anguish, and loss of self-esteem, destruction of normal human relationships. “To have a healthy mind – have written epidemiologists Wilkinson and Picket in The measure of the soul. Why inequality make societies more unhappy – you have to appreciate and accept yourself. ” Depression and neuropsychiatric disorders are the new social ills of contemporary life. Robert Whitaker, author of Investigation of an epidemic, estimates that in the United States 46 percent of the population suffers from mental disorder and spends $ 25 billion a year for antidepressants, antipsychotics, many sleeping pills. The figure is multiplied by four if we include medical care due to mental disorders. The promise of pharmacology is to reach a state of alternating artificial stimulants (including drugs) and sedatives (tranquilizers).
Into Medicalization, farmacizzazione and psychiatrization the inconvenience and behaviors outside the norm are the only answers that the health system seems to be able to provide. It so happens that the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders American amps dramatically in the diagnosis of “attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity” of children restless, transform the normal pain of mourning in “major depressive disorder”, shyness in a manifestation of social phobic anxiety and snappier Consider the character of a person as a symptom of the “break-destructive mood” (see the fine article by Claudio Benatti, Too much medicine in Newfoundland in October). Continuing along this ridge, the next stage will be the eugenics performing bodies and minds. The patents to play with the human genome have already been granted. The worst nightmare of Aldous Huxley are within the reach of biogenetic laboratories. Health does not delegateInto Unless they are the inner forces, moral and civic, to reverse the route considering the promotion of health as a non-delegable action to specialists in the pharmaceutical industry and the medical care standardized, but as a goal which is borne by society as a whole, reducing the exposure of individuals to risk factors, improving hygienic conditions and nutritional capacity of the population, increasing the perceived well-being and skills of individuals and families to resolve on their own health needs .
Into these are, after all, the main factors that have enabled us to extend life expectancy, more of the same antibiotics, surgery and refined techniques of resuscitation – as documented by Pier Paolo Dal Monte dell ‘” Italian Association for Bioethics surgical . ” “A society is much healthier at the very least must have recourse to health services, echoed Eduardo Missoni, teacher, of ‘” Italian Observatory of global health “. Ultimately you should think of “health as a shared asset,” said Roberto Beneduce of ‘ Association Frantz Fanon , not as a commodity and then subtracted to the logic the market. The young doctor Jean-Louis Aillon and Maurizio Pallante, respectively, and vice president of the Movement for the Descent Felice, the merit of having brought home the parliamentary nullifying an argument not so much and only for the public purse, in times of fiscal crisis of the state , but for the quality of life of women and men in this country.
Paolo Cacciari (paolo.cacciari_49 @ libero.it) has been working on ‘ Unit and it was more than just a contributor to the weekly Map . Town councilor and councilor in Venice for various periods, currently working with the Network for degrowth which was one of the organizers of the third international conference on degrowth (Venice, 2012). Among his publications Think degrowth. Sustainability and Equity , Paper and Intra Moenia, 2006. The municipality does not think only garbage , in: you change? The challenge of a thousand families of the consumer society , books dell’Altreconomia, 2006. Decrease or barbarism, Paper, 2008 now available for free on decrescita.it , and other The company of the commons , Ediesse, 2011. More articles by Paolo Cacciari in the archive of the municipality are HERE .
Into TO READ“New” diseases, ie new users They extend the definitions, without reasons, or best to only one: the business
Living in the Land of Fires Province of Naples, waste poison. Alternative? The decrease
Heal man. Medicine rebel Meeting with Adolfo Maldonado, a doctor from Accion Ecologica
To Live and Die Ilva Taranto The largest steel plant in Europe sinks wrapped its poisons. He dragged to hell thousands of workers, an entire city-and the conscience of those who now amazed to hear his master: “Two-tumors more? A-bullshit. ” A book to understand the work and life
Dr. Knock the triumph of medicine
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