Sunday, April 27, 2014

Few smokers and few donors, the picture of health in Puglia – Barlettalife


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Posted Osservasalute Report 2013



Puglia is the region with the highest percentage of non-smokers: they are 60.9% of the regional population of 14 years and over (national average 54.2%). But Puglia is the region with the lowest rate used by donors (donor from whom at least one solid organ was removed and transplanted) in Italy to 6.9 million, compared to an average rate of 18.9 Italian. It means that the process must be improved in order to increase the donation to transplantation activities.

Some of the data that emerge from the eleventh edition of the Osservasalute Report (2013) , an in-depth analysis of the state population health and health care quality in the Italian regions presented at the Catholic University. The report is published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions which is based at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome and coordinated by Professor Walter Ricciardi.

In the data concerning the good news also came from Puglia chapter ‘mental health’. In Puglia, in fact there is a consumption of antidepressants 29.7 defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants in 2012. Nationally, the average consumption is 36.2 daily doses per 1000 inhabitants. The standardized rate of suicide is equal to 5.22 per 100,000 population, compared to a national average of 7.21 per 100,000 among persons aged 15 and over. Puglia has the lowest rate of suicide for the age group 65-74 years: 6.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to a national average of 9.64.

The Report Osservasalute (2013) measured how and how much the local health authorities and hospitals to connect online and communicate with citizens through social and web channels. In Puglia 17% of ASL uses a web channel (Twitter, Youtube) to communicate with the citizens against a national average of 34%. “The Report Osservasalute (2013) testifies – according to the regional director Filippo Caracciolo – a job well done in Puglia in the field of health care. Positive comparison with other Italian regions and the performance of certain indicators positive trends compared to the national average encourage us to move forward to achieve new goals. “

” In Puglia health and health care go on together with the welfare thanks to the excellent work done by the Regional Dear Elena: it is no coincidence that Puglia has its best results among the indicators that analyze the lifestyles and mental health. ” “As can be seen from the report published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions Puglia has to improve the donation process for the purpose of the increase in activity by transplantation. Just as there are jobs in communication : to increase and make more and more active relationship between the hospital and local health authorities and the citizen-user. “




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