Peppe Caridi
Monday, April 21, 2014
Health, life in Tuscany average of 80 years for men and 85 years for … – Web Weather
Tuscany in good health . And ‘what emerges from the eleventh edition of the Report Osservasalute 2013 on health status and quality’ of care in the Italian regions, presented recently in Rome, at the University Hospital Agostino Gemelli. The Report, which annually examines the health of the population and the quality ‘of health care in different regions, and’ the work of 165 experts, and it ‘published by the National Health Regions, which has its headquarters at’ Universita ‘Cattolica in Rome. The president of the Tuscany region, Enrico Rossi, expressed satisfaction with these results, which he considers “an incentive to do more and more ‘better’, and for which thanks the caregivers. At this satisfaction and ‘associated with the Regional Councillor for the right to health, Louis Brown, who noted that “the efforts made by all in these two years are giving excellent results, as already’ confirmed in the past months by the National Outcomes, the so-called Grid Lea (essential levels of care), and also from the Report SDO, efficiency and appropriateness of hospital services. ” These data more ‘significant matters arising from the report. The life expectancy at birth and ’80.2 years for males and 85 for females: in Tuscany you live an average of about 10 months in more’ for men and 6 months in more ‘for women compared to the rest of the country . In particular, males Tuscans have earned 153 days of life expectancy due to the reduction in mortality ‘tumors (gain national average of 116); for women, and it had the highest gain for the reduction of mortality ‘for diseases of the circulatory system (181 days versus 117 days of average earnings Italian), which is followed by a gain of 107 days for the reduction of mortality’ tumors (level National: 31 days). Consequently, Tuscany and ‘among the Italian regions most’ affected by the aging of the population, with as many as 187.3 seniors (over 65) for every 100 young people (0-14 years), compared with a national value 148% . It also features the most ‘high percentage of males with disabilities ultra65enni’ living alone (41,59% vs 19,93% of the Italian data), hence a high social and economic burden on the working population. It is also the primacy of the Region of Tuscany in Italy lower percentage of healthy elderly who live alone (28.17% vs. the national average of 35.39%). Tuscany is reconfirmed in first place for the consumption of antidepressants, with 55.1 daily doses per 1000 inhabitants (vs. the national average of 36.8), although there was a slight decrease compared to last year’s figure (55.8 DDD / ab.die 1000), so ‘as is decreased, albeit slightly, the suicide rate (7.56 vs. 7.81 per 100,000 last year). With regard to financial performance, continue to decrease the ratio Tuscan expenditure / GDP, 6.43%, 0.6 percentage points less than the Italian average and the per capita expenditure for consumption of drugs at the expense of the NHS, decreased by EUR 14.3 compared to 2011. Tuscans contribute less to the pharmaceutical expenditure through ticket than the Italian average, spending from their own pockets for 9.3% of total expenditure, compared to 12.2% of the average Italian. Good report, as usual in recent years, for the performance of hospital care, as evidenced by its efficiency and appropriateness of indicators: the standardized rate of hospital discharges (143.5 per 1,000 vs. value Tuscan Italian figure of 163.5); more ‘down about 5 points compared to 2011; The average preoperative hospitalization, which in Tuscany ‘of about 0.4 days less than the national average; the percentage of patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture within 48 hours, increased from last year by as much 13.3 points, far exceeding the given Italian (Tuscan value of 69.3% vs. the national average of 44.7%); for cesarean births, lower by as much as 10.38% compared to the average Italian. To these indicators, this year’s report adds data mobility ‘hospital: Tuscany shows a balance of mobility’ positive which identifies a capacity ‘of attractiveness of hospital patients (11.2%), higher than the percentage of patients resident “fled” in other regions (5.7%). The positive picture that emerges and ‘the result of the pursuit of a virtuous regional health planning addressed to quality’ and the equitable accessibility ‘of care, as evidenced by the trend of recent years. Although the 2012 data of the National Program Outcomes, attach to Tuscany the most ‘high percentage of hospital performance better than average.
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