Thursday, April 17, 2014

Italian improves health at risk but by cutting the NHS –

improves the health of the Italians, but at the same time diminish the services especially in the South and ‘the paradox that emerges from the eleventh Osservasalute Report 2013 – Health status and quality of care in the Italian Regions, presented today at the University Hospital’ Agostino Gemelli ‘.

The Italians, therefore, earn life expectancy due to reduced mortality from circulatory system diseases and cancers, a trend which is due both to the investments already made in prevention policies, both to advances diagnostic and therapeutic. He also sees some signs of improvement in lifestyle, at least in terms of the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, even if it is worsening the fitness of the citizens, more and more fat. The Report then a real danger: the Spending review” threatens to blow up the National Health Service, leading to difficulties in the short and in the long term, either due to a reduction in health services offered to the population, either because of a increase in health care spending over the long term due to the effect of the boomerang reduction of investment in prevention and early diagnosis.” There are many threats: doubled in 10 years, the expenditure incurred by the Italian for drugs and performance, and are increasingly unprotected departments and facilities, with thousands of doctors and nurses who ‘emigrated’ abroad. The report, the work of 165 experts, is published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions which is based at the Catholic University of Rome and is coordinated by Walter Ricciardi.

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