The candlelight vigil against the power line
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The Committee against electromagnetic pollution in the 167 takes a stand against an article published a few days ago on Veronelli Seminar entitled “A trellis threatens a historic vineyard of Nero di Troia.”
According to the committee“this article does not help to solve the problem” of the power line that runs through the outskirts of Corato.
“Perrone Capano (owner of ‘ farm Saint Lucia is located in the vine mentioned in the article, ed) – reads a note signed by (Vito Di Chio, Gino Bucci, Michael Mintrone, Anna Maria Tarricone, Antoinette Cillo, Roberto Lojodice, Cosimo Masi, Maria P. Sardano, Michael Torelli, Francesco Bucci, Gary Bucci, Felice Hardy and Philip Hardy – makes an unhappy reconstruction of the chronology of a still unresolved: the power line in 167 at Corato.
“A trellis threatens a historic vineyard of Nero di Troia” – but Perrone Capano pylons Via Massarenti / Via Prenestina in Corato threaten – or not – the public health?
The health of people is a good thing that the Italian Constitution (Article 32: “the fundamental right of the individual and collective interest”) and the Parliamentary Assembly / Council of Europe (Resolution 1815 of May 27, 2011) compels us to protect the face of all the risks and, of course, even in the face risk of disease inflicted by electromagnetic waves especially in children and young adults.
This was the position of the Committee since 2002 in Corato require the Administration to free up an entire neighborhood – the 167 – from the threat of high voltage pylons for the health of citizens.
This request was based, and is based not on abstract reasoning and in scientific, but on the the basis of the 1. the World Health Organization (WHO); 2., The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC); 3. The Italian League Against Cancer; 4. The Environmental Commission of the European Communities demanded: that did not exceed the electromagnetic pollution and does not exceed 0.2 / 0.5 microtesla, especially where there are children and young people, such as schools, gymnasiums, sports fields and homes. Europe requires us that the high-voltage power lines and other electric installations should be kept at a safe distance from the town …
The Administration Perrone, contrary to the promises made and overt, did the citizens’ health a political priority. The possibility of burying the line that crosses the town had been wasted and was mysteriously in 2007 were “given away” to Enel, Terna-24 thousand Euros for the landfill project without this work was never taken into consideration; on the contrary appeared – as a rabbit from the hat – the project of relocation in the agricultural zone with all its complications and absurdities that have come to light.
Our committee Via Massarenti / Via Prenestina was in solidarity with the citizens of the so-called “buffer zone”, the heads of which wanted to move the pylons. We fought together and continue to fight.
And yet we can not accept that you put on the same level a permanent concrete danger to the health of citizens and a certain aesthetic of the land: no indeed we can accept that we should bring more attention to the grape vines of Troy to the 5,000 people who live here; who wants to fight for the preservation of agricultural land, while it omits the threat to the health of citizens in the 167 procured from the high voltage pylons, rather it bagattellizza the health impact of more than three decades of electromagnetic pollution with all the hazards involved.
We also espoused the cause of the landfill to support the arguments of those who saw themselves attacked or who simply sniffed the aggression of the new pylons in the countryside, but also as a solution for Corato – even if the pundits argue dell’ingegneristica electromagnetic peregrine thesis (but see what he writes Enel, Terna on the benefits of the landfill!).
We can not close our eyes to the fact that day by day the aim of burying the power line Via Prenestina / Via Massarenti is becoming an alibi – especially in politics – to continue to postpone the solution of the problem. There are more than 12 years that the Committee continues to claim that you put into practice the precautionary principle to protect the health of citizens.
The long history of suffering that this suburban Corato door behind him to think seriously of the power line that the problem can not be solved with the positions of the Region, with the resolutions of the various TAR of Italy and citizens – as Perrone Capano – that are challenging and that they plan to appeal in all future deliberations. Citizens who, incidentally, do not live under the power line, but under the mere thought of that pylons would bring havoc to the land, to the branches of the wine of Troy.
‘re missing foresight? But when all the technicians, the engineers, the so-called science of that time denied the danger of eternity, who has had more foresight: the hucksters and tranquillizzatori or the Committees of the people of that time who spoke of a threat to health?
In the 167 nobody will give politicians the votes to relocate the power line just because of Via Prenestina / Via Massarenti and take him to the countryside coratine, already so devastated by our negligence or move the head other citizens.
We – concludes the statement of the Committee – but we will continue to fight for the power line going away from the town of 167. Punto “.
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