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It is not clear exactly how Nintendo will enter the market of ‘health care, but it certainly will do so in ways adjacent to its core business over the last twenty years. Or through machines that can interact with the human body in unprecedented ways, probably portable and multifunctional. Maybe not to the point of putting Mario and Luigi in a pacemaker, but the Japanese have always loved to dare. As well as the Wii has introduced controls with body movement and fitness platforms such as the Wii Fit, it is likely that the company has in the pipeline Kyoto personal device wearable and able to monitor data body. Whether this will go through the fantasy world of his game is unknown. But it is conceivable that devices aimed at younger children can incorporate elements of this type. And even adult gamers might not be regret measure your heart rate by Samus Aran, the blonde warrior Metroid , or control your blood sugar with a bite of the enchanted sword of Legend of Zelda . Who knows. For now, the details of what is shown by Iwata fall into the classic strategies related to the business of the company.
The varieties of Cannabis not only have hallucinogenic effects and adverse, but can prove to be useful companions to health. The study
Hemp in recent years has been undergoing a sharp revaluation. There are many products available in any supermarket a little ‘provided, use food and salutariness.
In particular, many vegans but also health-conscious people , exploit the beneficial properties of its oil and its seeds. The only drawback: the price is still too high. We speak more than 12 Euros for a bottle of 200 ml Hemp oil – almost 50 euro per liter. Price which, when compared to an excellent olive oil is still very high.
The plant contains very important levels of valuable antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. It is also rich in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and proteins.
Its use has been gradually diminishing since the twentieth century, when many countries have banned the use of due to some varieties that contain large amounts of the most important active ingredient, THC – delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (the one that has amazing properties).
Only recently some states like Colorado have legalized the use of marijuana or have approved the use in the medical field. However, there are still many countries, including Italy, which do not have the drug. The only available seems to be Sativex, manufactured by Bayer, however, can be used exclusively in people with multiple sclerosis and in people suffering from severe muscle spasms.
The European Union acknowledges, however, the products derived from hemp that contain a minimum percentage of THC. For this reason, the research conducted by Fernandez-Arche wanted to investigate its potential benefits of products derived from hemp, including this one, there is just the oil.
Following a detailed analysis of Hemp oil, scientists were able to see how this contain substances that are very interesting from a healthy point of view: linoleic acid, sterols and aliphatic alcohols, long known for promoting the well-being of the person. Among its properties would also have the precise work to help prevent coronary heart disease and chronic type. For this reason, the researcher considers it an instant food to incorporate into your diet.
Rome, January 30 (Reuters) – The Ministry of Health is investing in research. With the announcement 2011-2012 have been made available to approximately 135 million euro for research aimed and 58 million Euros are intended for young scientists ‘under 40′. To decide is The National Commission on Health Research (CNRS), chaired by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, which approved the list of the winning projects of the notice ‘Search finalized and young researchers from 2011 to 2012′. Among the 3,353 projects submitted between November 2012 and March 2013 (of which 79 network programs that develop 368 projects in turn bringing the total to 3,642 projects), 372 were selected. Among these are included 5 network programs that develop 19 projects, in turn, bringing the total to 391 projects funded.
“Research is a value, even cheap – says Lorenzin – and invest in means to focus on intelligence and knowledge, to combine our cultural and scientific tradition with the production of an industrial model.’s an ethical way to grow country. We have invested about 135 million Euros in research aimed and 58 million Euros were allocated to young researchers under the age of forty. A major funding in order to build a path for our research – he continues – we face to look forward, towards new goals. “
specifically funded projects are: 201 projects of young researchers, 4 projects co-financed by the industry, 28 research projects involving the participation of Italian researchers abroad, 137 research projects aimed ordinary and 5 network programs covering all medical fields, with a particularly strong presence in the neurosciences, oncology, genetics and genomics” s healthcare ‘.
The analysis and evaluation of projects involving about 800 scientists evaluators and the U.S. NIH-CSR dell’Isnaff and five Commissions ‘study session’ constituted by Italian researchers resident for more than ten years abroad. Each project was evaluated anonymously by auditors after they met and agreed on the final evaluation. 73% of the projects has come to ‘study session’ with the agreement of the auditors. The five Committees ‘study session’ analyzed the projects on which the auditors had not reached an agreement on the final evaluation.
(ANSAmed) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 30 JAN – Immigrants residing in our country feel more ‘health’ of the Italian lifestyle and also best, at least in terms of smoke and power: they are less fond of cigarettes and in physical form, even if it remains a ‘hard core’ of one-third of foreign nationals who is overweight. From the elderly, however, many foreigners tend to return to their countries of origin to seek treatment, giving rise to the phenomenon dubbed as ‘salmon effect’. And ‘This is the identikit track by Istat in the Report, covering the years 2011-12,’ Foreign citizens: health conditions, risk factors, use of care and accessibility of health services’.
Between foreign nationals prevails, therefore, says the Mayor, a positive perception of their state of health, rather than among Italians. For the 87, 5%, in fact, their health is good or very good compared with 83, 5% of Italians. In the class of the over 54 age group, 59.9% of the foreigners said to be good or very good, compared with 42.4% of Italians. This trend, however, specify the Istat,” should not lead to the conclusion that as age increases the health of the Italian deteriorate more than is the case for foreigners. It is instead the result of action by which the sick or elderly immigrants tend to return to their country to seek treatment,” the so-called ‘effect salmon’. Compared with diseases, however, the most widespread are those of the respiratory, digestive and teeth, nervous system. In terms of lifestyle, 23.2% of foreign nationals aged 14 years and more habitually consume tobacco, compared with 25.8% of Italians. As for the Italians, the habit is more common among men (32.4% versus 15.1% of women). Foreign virtuous also with regard to the line: the majority have a proper body weight (57.8%), especially if women (62.9%). Nearly a third of foreigners, however, overweight (30.9%) and obesity affects 7.8%. Similar altitudes are observed even among Italians. In the absence of noise, then go to the doctor for 57.5% of foreign nationals, more women (59.6% versus 53.9% of men) and young people under 14 (62.9%), less the Chinese (44.1%). 13.8% of foreigners has, however, difficult to explain in our language disorders and 14.9% advised to understand what the doctor says. The disadvantage is higher for women, and those over 54 communities Chinese, Indian, Filipino. In addition, 13% of foreigners have difficulty doing the paperwork in access to health care. But Istat also notes another aspect: foreigners rely in majority on the Italian doctors and conventional medicine. In most cases, the drugs were taken by prescription or recommendation from a physician Italian (78.9%), a trend that affects all communities. More prone to the use of drugs coming from abroad only are the Chinese (6.7% compared to 1% of the total number of foreigners). The use of non-conventional therapies cure is still not widespread in the last three years, just 3.1% of foreigners turned to the Chinese or Indian traditional medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy or other remedies.(ANSA).
Committee, excluded from the meeting in the Province last Monday, accuses local authorities do not keep their commitments
The cement Sacci
The recent meeting in the province (see article) plan for environmental monitoring in the municipalities concerned to assess the Cement Sacci sparked the reaction of the “Committee to Save Health Castelraimondo” who writes:
“At the end of the meeting institutional last December in San Severino, the mayor of San Severino, Castelraimondo and Pioraco, the president of the Montana, the director dell’Arpam and other parties representing the City of Gagliole and Marche Region, they have agreed to establish a forum for discussion to decide together with the European Health Save the manner and timing of the survey and epidemiological environment where you would have to submit our territory, in order to assess the impact of Cement in Sacci municipalities concerned. The agreement provided that the Arpam would have formulated a hypothesis that monitoring would be discussed with the representatives of the Committee to Save Health Castelraimondo. On January 27, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the Province of Macerata, during which the mayors of San Severino and Castelraimondo, the deputy mayor of Gagliole, President of the mountain community and the Director of Macerata dell’Arpam have decided how and where to monitor, without, however, call or contact the Committee. As explained by the President of the mountain community, who spoke on behalf of all the participants in the meeting of 27 January, “… the decision to carry out this investigation stems from the awareness that there can be no doubt about the effects of human activities …”. The Committee recalls that the first proposal for monitoring dall’Arpam formulated and shared by all those who participated in the meeting of December 6, 2013, included the installation of a single unit mobile without adding another. Only as a result of complaints from representatives of the Committee had considered other possibilities, such as, for example, the study of lichens, the possibility of which should have been discussed together . The Committee, on the one hand, pleased to note that thanks to his work and the pressures bodies are finally moving to understand what has been the impact of the cement plant on the territory and its inhabitants, on the other hand, notes with dismay as administrations continue obstinately to keep citizens away from any possibility of participation and discussion, even on issues of vital importance such as health and the environment. Without going into the merits of decisions taken (two control and a study of lichens seem a very small thing compared to monitoring “complete” – also soil and animals – promised at the meeting of 6 December) and without discussing the distribution of burdens from the study (to be borne by the community and not the subject that has polluted), it is surprising the fact that environmental monitoring is decided when the cement work for over forty years and having authorized the Sacci to build a plant of the size and potential equal to two and a half times the current structure. It also appears unqualified authorization to act at variance with national and EU legislation concerning emissions, granted to Sacci without knowing the impact that until now has had the cement factory on the territory and population. It is noted that the existing Community legislation and the agreements signed by our country, oblige public bodies to involve associations of citizens in decisions on activities that have an appreciable impact on the environment. We believe that the meeting of 27 January, in addition to being illegal, represents yet another missed opportunity and yet another demonstration of how the entities fail to meet their commitments and to comply with the rules, and these rules when these commitments fee transparency and cooperation with the people. “
January 29 – Signed this morning at the offices of Pisa, the Decree of the Commissioner ad acta relating to the Houses of Health. The final draft says that the new reality will represent “a network of local structures organized by levels of complexity of care.” They will be linked together “with shelter facilities accredited public and private, with the Primary Care unit outside the facility, with public and private pharmacies, and other principals in the area to provide a range of services such as ensure the effective take-over of citizens and ensure the coordination of responses to them. ” And to achieve these objectives, it was determined that “the software folder orientated problems (CMOP) in the general medicine must be in the cloud; Siat the platform will be integrated with the applications in use in general practice.”
Into the complex all general practitioners will be able to work at the Houses of Health and without obligation, at present, have not been provided lanes for doctors precarious. The functional connection with the land and with the other principals Company will be realized mainly through “the sharing of a computing platform on which to make available relevant information to professionals in the treatment of patients.” Apical will figure the “Medical Director of the district” that is primarily responsible for the aspects of the structure and sanitation for those organization and management. He treats “in collaboration with the Coordinator of general practitioners and district nurses Manager application of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the internal structure.” The Case of Health will be characterized by mode integrated work and, to that end, multi-professional and multi-disciplinary teams are formed to “coordinate clinical care processes organizing the work function of the integration of the intervention, sharing objectives, methods of organization, division of labor and coordination activities.” Are part of the team all the professionals, health and social, involved in treating a particular patient. The Region will realize a training program tailored to the House of Health, “with particular reference organizational arrangements and operational requirements designed to train a limited number of tutors for each local health authorities. ” They will then own the local health authorities, by tutors, to “carry out specific courses dedicated to the team of the House of Health, set up on the main PDTA and, more generally, educational events intended for all personnel working in the House of Greet, extended to the staff from other services and facilities of reference. “Gennaro Barbers
January 29, 2014
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we of Silvia tells her “Roman adventure”: the story of a small town, instead of waiting at home bureaucratic responses has been personally in the office of the Ministry of Health to protect the seats of continuity of care Ossola.
The trip was preceded by a letter requesting a meeting with the minister Beatrice Lorenzin, which we of, president of the ‘Families frail elderly and Alzheimer’s patients, “he wrote to focus attention on places of Rba (short hospitalizations Alzheimer’s disease) that the territory is likely to lose.
After some answers to the offices of the Ministry, which said that the meeting would have been in time to be, we of decided to leave for Rome on Wednesday and the next day it was received by Laura Vinci’s technical department of the Ministry , who has worked for many years at the ASL of Biella and was aware of the particular situation of the Ossola.
“The 22 have been received from a collaborator of the minister, to which I have referred the matter of Rba, but also the point at Novara births and the amalgamation of the central part of the 118 and I was satisfied – he says -. The next day he was made an appointment with the technical department and found out that in July there will be a “national dementia plan” prepared by the National Institute of Health to improve home care and ambulatory care network. ”
“As regards the posts of continuity of care, the point births and 118, it is the ASL act taking into account the geographic location of Verbania – continues we of -. At the ministry were aware of the issues of the 118, but not the one on the seats of Rba: now there is a file that has been created about it in my name and is a step forward to bring these issues to national attention. ”
“I do not always reach the goals you screaming – he concludes -. Sometimes you need patience, perseverance and good education. For now I am satisfied, because the parties have declared their willingness to resolve the issues pertaining to the ministry. ”
condemned by the Court of Ferrara that, for the first time in Italy , acknowledged a causal link between the tumor and vaccines made during military service lever . After 10 years of court battles, the family of Francis Finessi Alpine 22 years of Codicote in 2002 for a dead cell non-Hodgkin’s , it will be compensated. The judge Alessandra De Curtis has determined that the vaccines were administered ‘grossly’ in the wrong way by doctors. “Now this landmark ruling – said the lawyer Francesco ferrules Martinafranca that has assisted the family along with colleague Anthony Ferrara Boldrini – will be applied to many other similar cases. It ‘a signal and establishes a principle of justice is no accident that I just talked to other military strengths of this pronouncement, will forward their requests. “
Glowing Mom, Santa Passaniti : “All of our efforts have been rewarded by this ruling which recognized the vaccine damage, as we have always maintained our cause will now help many others, as they were more than three thousand soldiers dead and sick who have never put a foot in military missions abroad (and therefore not subject to radiation of weapons with depleted uranium , ed ). The money? To us, me, my husband and my son, does not affect the economic side, in ten years we have spent a lot more for causes, expert , travel and research of what will be compensated. “
In November, the criminal trial for the case Finessi had ended before the court in Belluno with the sentence to three years of Nicola Marchetti , medical officer of the 16 / o Alpini regiment stationed at the barracks Salsa, for fraudulent misrepresentation and false material committed by public officials in public documents, for some visits ever made on the soldiers entrusted to him. In particular, the survey put in relation to the missed visits and an anti-typhoid vaccine administered twice a Finessi. They were the daily Republic and then the site Repubblica.it first to deal with these cases. The investigation stemmed journalistic several parliamentary questions, changing vaccine protocols of the armed forces as well as the establishment of several parliamentary committees.
“It was a very important work that carried out yesterday by the Joint Committee on Health and the Environment because, thanks to the hearings it conducts, it was possible to put on record a very comprehensive picture emergencies and risks that contaminated sites are producing in Calabria with possible repercussions sull’incolumità of citizens. “
So the president of the Healthcare Commission Salvatore Pacenza about the meaning and purpose of the joint meeting of the III and IV of the Commission in the course of which, yesterday, were audited delegates from many environmental organizations, representatives of the Departments of Health and Environment of the Regional Government and the five provincial health agencies, the mayor of Croton, Peppino Vallone, and general manager dell’Arpacal, Sabrina Santagati.
“We deliver this map – says Mr Pacenza – the regional administration because, within the limits of competencies and subject to the powers that the law gives, it can take action on concrete actions for the recovery of the health of the territories polluted, and thus to safeguard the health of citizens. You need to take action as soon as possible on closed landfills, sites contaminated by industrial production and on all other situations that yesterday, in the course of the hearings, were evaluated under a scientific, cultural and political.
regard to the remediation of contaminated sites, the Environment Department official Hyacinth Ciappetta reported that, using funding provided by the CIPE number 60, has completed the remediation of 18 sites for which will be brief published the final draft, which have been characterized 33 high-risk sites and identified sites with low and medium risk covered by the resources of the Plan for the South, with the launch, in particular, of one share of reclamation area of Crotone.
The same official also announced that it has started the race for the identification of those responsible for the monitoring of water bodies and that all the actions of the Department are aimed at reducing environmental pollution, as well as the incidence of cancer. The manager of the department Health Brancati listing the actions taken to protect the life and physical well-being of citizens, stated that, on special Asbestos Unit (made by resolution in 2012), were activated by an operating unit July 31, 2012, at the hospital in Crotone, concerning the onset of mesothelioma, with surveillance activities.
Brancati has also stated that it was initiated, in coordination with the department, a unit on the monitoring of risks on occupational cancer. We will now – ends Pacenza – knowing how to make good use of all the information gathered during the hearings yesterday and assess, together, majority and minority, which are the best actions to be put in place so that we can proceed in certain times in solutions concrete steps to restore the health of the territories and health of citizens. “
We know that the health is a sieve run without controls.
ten years in the region of Lombardy citizens have spent 1.5 billion Euros for the regional passport services, which, except for rare cases, it only serves as the tax code. Now Lombardia Informatica wants to use the electronic health records which will lead to enormous expenses, but will retain the characteristics of the central institutional management. Our health care world in the hands of others who place themselves at the center as a fulcrum between health facilities and citizen.
These days in England have discovered that the health data of the English were being sold to pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies . Statistical reports on epidemiological data, such as a dermatological disease, the research could be carried to the drugs that would be best sellers! Or if the data arrived in the hands of insurance companies may exclude certain types of surgery or procedures if they were cataloged with a maximum impact. Of course, the social costs of health would be greatly affected.
Our technicians and advocates, betrayed, privacy we have thought or are driven by the huge gains related to health? After throwing a lot of money to manage our health data rubarceli also want to cure us less?
For this I am more and more convinced that only by taking care of their own health data (visits, examinations, interventions, taxation) using a memory stick with fingerprint activated when needed, connected to a cloud storage, it may be useful to save enormously on management companies that sell at a high price “ our blood “. This is possible with Health History .
should impose the model of management of our health with certified systems of reading each his own and nobody ours.
The goal is to raise more than € 3 million. Researchers: “The
diet rich in fruits and vegetables valuable ally for our health”
Saturday oranges health Airc back to color squares. Twenty thousand volunteers will distribute 330 thousand meshes of blood oranges and Italians, with a minimum contribution of € 9, will support the work of researchers. Vitamins in exchange for “fuel” for science.
to encourage healthy habits at the table, which are fundamental for the prevention, with health ??Oranges is distributed the special “The right food for all ages. Tips for a healthy diet “, created with the help of Anna VILLARINI, biologist nutritionist and researcher of the Int Milan.
Every age has its own needs and thus also what we put in the pot should vary over time. The guide is also published some recipes prepared by Chef Sergio Barzetti, in collaboration with Italian cuisine, to put into practice the advice of the experts.
“The goal is to raise more than € 3 million – says Colnaghi – The funds raised through the Oranges of health constitute the first injection of financial resources for 2014, because the fundamental help to ensure the continuity of 490 research projects three-year and five-year active in the most qualified Italian research institutions. These projects were selected from a shortlist of 600 foreign auditors, according to the process of peer review. ” And among the winners of the loans we are the new generation of research because it emphasizes Colnaghi, “now we need to focus on the generational change scientists. Just think of the fact that no Nobel Prize has been awarded for an idea had after 35 years. ”
mortality from cancer, experts point out, has been steadily declining for more than 20 years in Italy, with one exception: lung cancer in women. “Of course – explains the scientific director of the Italian Association for Cancer Research, Maria-Ines Colnaghi after a 50-year period that we can define a” heroic phase “of the research, the scenario has changed a lot compared to the past. Once upon a time – tells Colnaghi – The National Cancer Institute (Int) in Milan was called `military hospital ‘. With today’s cancer research aimed at a tumor on two care, but also among these are diseases that heal completely and others do not. ” The message is: the research has come a long way, but there are still many miles to go. Hence the appeal to support it.
“Despite the crisis – said Colnaghi – the number of donors (though it gives less) held, and Italians who have risen to allocate 5 per thousand AIRC (1.6 million). We are working to get to finance as many projects as possible. We also renewed the call for `Marie Curie Programme ‘, which will allow us to obtain financing from the EU for another 4 years of scholarships for those who want to go abroad and for those who want to come back or to do research in Italy. ”
On the occasion of the appointment with the Oranges of Health, meanwhile, comes the warning from the experts on lifestyles and the invitation to quit smoking, in particular for generations of Italians who smoked more (40 – his 70 today): men and women of middle age, the researchers warn, must say goodbye to cigarettes, and even teenagers should stay away from tobacco. “The epidemiological data support the hypothesis that tumor prevention, through nutrition and metabolic status, it is able to prevent or to support the growth and tumor development. That is why it is crucial to choose carefully the foods to bring on our table – recommends Antonio Moschetta, scientific director of the Oncology Institute of Bari – and the Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, is a valuable ally for our health. ”
No wonder then that all this was well known and documented in the medical and scientific long before the Wi-Fi technology to spread, in all our homes, daily coming within the reach of children. The biological effects not only dangerous, but deadly of this technology have been cleverly kept hidden from the public in order to preserve the huge profits of companies and to subsidize the various pockets of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Carlo De Benedetti.
As demonstrated by Professor John Goldsmith, a consultant to the World Health Organization Epidemiology and Communication Sciences, exposure to microwave radiation from Wi-Fi has become the leading cause of miscarriages : even in 47.7% of cases of exposure to this radiation, cases of miscarriage occurring within the seventh week of pregnancy. And the level of radiation incident on the women concerned started from five microwatts per square centimeter. This level may seem meaningless to a non-scientist, but it becomes more significant, however, if we say that is below what most students receive in a classroom equipped with Wi-Fi transmitters, from the age about five years old.Even more alarming is that children in the absorption of microwaves can be ten times higher than adults, simply because the brain tissue and the bone marrow of a child have electrical conductivity properties different from those of adults because the higher content of water. The low-level microwave exposure can induce permanent ‘stress’ chronic oxidative and nitrosative damage, and then the cellular mitochondria (mitocondriopatia). This ‘stress’ can cause irreversible damage to mitochondrial DNA (it is ten times more sensitive to oxidative stress and nitrosative DNA in the cell nucleus). Mitochondrial DNA can not be repaired because of its low content of histone proteins, and therefore any damage (genetic or otherwise) can be transmitted to all subsequent generations through the maternal line.
The World Health Organization has highlighted these risks in a 350-page document known as the “International Symposium Research Agreement No. 05-609-04″ (“Biological effects and damage to health by microwave radiation – biological effects, the health and excess mortality from artificial radiation of microwave radio frequency “). Section 28 deals specifically with issues related to reproductive function. This document has been classified as ‘Top Secret’ and its contents hidden by WHO and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection – International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection from).
an excellent article by Barrie Trower published by the Italian edition of Nexus magazine, we learn what are the main risks for children exposed to the use of mobile phones and Wi-Fi tecnonologie:
of microwave irradiation at low levels influence the biological processes that affect fetal growth.
Not only that: the same biological processes are involved in:
– blood-brain barrier: is formed in 18 months and protects the brain from toxins. We know that is altered.
– myelin sheath: it takes 22 years for it to form 122 layers of which it is composed. It is responsible for all processes in the brain, muscle and organic.
– Brain: It takes 20 years to develop (I assure you that cell phones do not help him in this.)
– Immune system: it takes 18 years for it to develop. The bone marrow and bone density are known to be affected by microwaves at low levels as well as the white blood cells of the immune system.
– Bones: It takes 28 years to complete development. As mentioned, the large content of water in children makes both the ‘soft bones’ that the spinal particularly attractive for the irradiation with microwaves. The bone marrow produces blood cells.
Clearly, those who decide for us are underestimating a pandemic of childhood diseases hitherto unknown in our 40,000 generations of civilization, which may involve more than one-half of the mothers / children irradiated in the world.
In light of these alarming figures and forecasts of many scientists according to which, if it continues at this pace the uncontrolled spread of Wi-Fi systems, by 2020 cancer and genetic mutations are spread throughout the world-wide pandemic, many countries are happily running for cover, launching laws that restrict children’s use of mobile phones and removing from the classroom wireless devices.
The Russian National Committee for the NON-Ionizing Radiation Protection, in its own research paper entitled “Effects on the health of children and adolescents” highlighted in children exposed to this radiation:
1. 85% increase in diseases of the Central Nervous System
2. 36% increase epilepsy
3. 11% increase of mental retardation
4. 82% increase in immune diseases and risk to the fetus.
in 2002, 36,000 physicians and scientists from around the world have signed the ‘”Appeal of Freiburg.” After ten years, the appeal has been relaunched and warns specifically against the use of Wi-Fi and irradiation of children, adolescents and pregnant women. What Freiburg is an international medical authoritative appeal in Italy unfortunately has been little listening.
And then what?
How to protect ourselves, and especially our children, from this deadly threat unseen?
site Tuttogreen has issued a useful handbook, consisting of ten practical tips that I report below:
1) Do not use mobile phones to children, except in case of emergency. SMS tolerated, but it is better to reduce them also. In France, not surprisingly, has banned all advertising of mobile phones aimed at children under the age of 14
2) Always use the earphones with cable (not wireless ones). Even the use of the speakerphone is recommended;
3) In the presence of the little network or lack of field, not make calls. In these cases it will be necessary more radiant power, resulting in more radiation;
4) Use your mobile phone as little as possible in the movement, such as by train and by car. The constant risk of decrease of the signal increases in these cases, the emission of radiation;
5) Do not hold the phone to your ear or near the head during calls, when the radiation is strongest. Do it, if anything, after waiting for the answer;
6) Do not hold the phone in your pants pocket, shirt pocket or jacket you wear;
7) ear often change during the conversation, and most importantly, reduce the length of calls;
8) Use as much as possible, when you can do it, not the fixed line access, or instant messaging tools such as Skype or similar;
9) Do not ever fall asleep with the phone close to the head, such as using it as an alarm clock;
10) Always choose models that have a low value of SAR (specific absorption rate of radiation).
An eleventh
the advice I would add: if you must use a cell phone to communicate with the world around you, avoid using smartphones. Are by far the most dangerous
Author: Nicholas Bizzi / Source: losai.eu
January 23 – What are the foods that can give you allergies and what the symptoms? Why milk is good? What are bacteria and what is the history of lice? Veterinarians who work place to protect the quality of what we eat? These are some of the questions on which the children of the primary schools will be answered by treading the stage. Topics that will bring the scene to understand the many complex and sensitive issues of public health.
The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Institutes and Experimental Zooprophylactic (IZS), has launched a competition for participation in the educational project on matters relating to veterinary science and hygiene principles. “The Theatre of health”, in fact. A project designed and intended for primary school children which builds on the series “The Theatre of health”, created by the Department of veterinary public health, food safety and of the governing bodies for the protection of health.
number in the series | Title Act only | Contents | IZS Reference | suggested age range for the staging | First Edition Year Competition |
A special snack – The big mess | cognitive elements on the major food allergens and the symptoms more frequently. Food hygiene, labeling, role of the veterinarian in food control | IZS PLV | 6-8 | 2013-2014 | |
1 | Sherlockan and kitten Gatterville | Notes on the methodology of investigation of forensic medicine veterinary | IZS LT | 8-10 | 2013-2014 |
2 | All the good honey and the gang head dead | bee and beekeeping and highlights some of the major highlights of nutrition and environment | IZS VE | 6-8 | 2013-2014 |
3 | 4001: Odyssey in the Milky Way | Milk and milk products, dairy products hygiene and nutritional principles. | IZS LER | 8-10 | 2013-2014 |
4 | History of Pirates: Captain boarding the Vessel of Brucella | The world under the microscope: a theatrical adaptation of viruses and bacteria, with notes on the immune system. | IZS UM | 6-10 | 2013-2014 |
5 | History of louse | Lice in general, mammals and birds, but also primate lice and head lice in humans. | IZS PB | 6-10 | 2013-2014 |
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at first sight, from the research – carried out in collaboration between the Italian Society of General Medicine (SIMG) and Nutrition Foundation of Italy (Nfi) – catches the eye just the problem of liquid : Italians stop it at an average of one liter and 115 cl per head per day, or half of what doctors recommend. It ‘important to drink instead of in an appropriate manner because the liquids involved in all the metabolic reactions of cells and are the main means of transport for substances in the body.
The average consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, equal 10 grams of wine a day for men, and even less for women, it is instead ‘reassuring’, while it is not the data on the amount of physical activity, as a quarter of men and 34% of women say they make less 15 minutes a day.” As to ‘take the average sugar – says Andrea Poli, president of Nfi – we are not faced with high intakes: it is 68 grams per day for men and of 66 grams for women. Data – comments – confirm imagine how difficult it is to solve the problem of overweight in Italy just squeezing the consumption of sugar.”
” They are very different – says Ovid Brignoli, Vice President of SIMG – the factors that impact on the ‘obesity, a condition that now affects 10% of Italians: it happens that 45% of males and 33% of females do not pay attention to the calories that introduces running for cover only when the fat has already begun to accumulate .”To educate Italians to a healthy diet, Brignoli announces that the Simg is preparing a series of fact sheets on food, their characteristics, how to cooking, to be sent to doctors to 500-600 illustrating them to their clients, whose data will be collected at each subsequent visit and entered into a database. The goal is to reach 30 million people.
Saturday, January 25
return the “Oranges of health.” Two thousand and 330 thousand square meshes containing 2.5 kg of fruit to promote a healthy diet and support research
oranges are good for health, are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. But not only that, because with the AIRC can also lead hope and well-being for cancer patients . It ‘just a contribution of 9.00 euro to help support the work of researchers and, of course, take home one of the most healthful citrus that exist. Not by chance are good estimates of cancer.
The research, in fact, now know that the vast majority of tumors, almost 70 percent to be exact, can be prevented through a healthy diet and lifestyle properly. And if there was any problem, it will be early detection to give hope of a better life.Among the many Italian scholars have argued that such research, we can quote Paul Vineis, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London and the University of Turin , which says: “The results of this study, co-funded by AIRC and by the European Community and started in the early ’90s by recruiting about 500 thousand people in 10 European countries, we can clearly see the connection between poor diet and overweight. In particular, it was found that both the body mass index (BMI, which evaluates the overall weight of the person in relation to height) and waist size, light “central obesity” (also known as visceral or abdominal) so far mainly connected to cardiovascular risk, resulting in a reduction in life that also passes through a rise in cases of cancer. “
However, there are specific conditions that, in particular, experiencing the negative effects of eating wrong or unbalanced. These include cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, esophagus, colon and rectum. All potentially preventable through healthy eating.
But when we consume food excessively refined or not suitable, you may develop a chronic inflammation that predispose to various forms carcinogenic or hormonal imbalances that could favor the development of cancer of the uterus , breast, ovary and so on.
Saturday, January 25, 2014, over two thousand Italian squares, along with the oranges will be distributed the special “The right food for all ages. Tips for a healthy diet “ created with the help of Anna VILLARINI, biologist nutritionist and researcher at the National Cancer Institute of Milan. Here you will also find many delicious recipes of Chef Sergio Barzetti has developed in collaboration with Italian cuisine.
Schools also participate in the initiative with: “Cancer, I will bud” in which teachers in the classrooms of all kinds spread the knowledge about healthy lifestyles and the value of scientific research. Some of the children and young people and, why not, the parents, can become volunteers distributing the Health Oranges in over 700 schools.
For more information on the squares in which will take place on the initiative, please visit the website or www.airc.it www.aramcedellasalute.it, or call the toll free number 840 001 001.
About 70% percent of the total resources “for building and health technologies, will be allocated to the province of Terni»
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Francesca Torricelli
“A major study on a project aimed at facilitating more and more citizens in the interest of his health.” These are the words spoken by the mayor Leopoldo Di Girolamo in common, Wednesday afternoon, when the architects Charles and Patricia Campili Bientinesi explained to him, the Director-General of the Asl2, Sandro Fratini, the regional president, Catiuscia Marini and the city, the study feasibility of the project that will complement ‘The city health’.
Umbria Approximately 70% percent of the total resources “both of which come from the state budget of the Region, as part of the planning for investment in housing and health technologies, will be intended to Terni province, “said Catiuscia Marini. “These investments – continued – will be allocated to the redevelopment of the hospital in Terni, the construction of the House of Health and the construction of the new hospital Narni-Amelia. Our goal is to make sure that every part of the region of Umbria in the offer of the services of the regional health system is always of the highest quality. “
Combine Services The feasibility study “relates to the construction of a structure – explains architect Patrizia Campili – Company UslUmbria 2, where they will be located all health services and offices that are currently located in different buildings at different areas of the city. With this intervention will be completed ‘The city health’ which includes other important complexes such as those of the hospital Santa Maria, the university and the geriatric center ‘The Graces’. The location of the project locates in the former ‘Sim’ – mental health services – the appropriate forum. “
The area selected The project proposal “includes a part of a building of three floors – more – will be located where all health services most frequently used by the public, while in the hub of the property five-storey offices are mostly located. The position of the area allows you to imagine a pedestrian and bicycle path that the geriatric center at the hospital to grow up. In this way, the new home of Asl2 play a central role, articulation among the various health activities, then that would be integrated and made available to the system to form ‘The city health’. “ The structure The new office “will be implemented in an outpatient facility – said the architect Carlo instead Bientinesi – a body for the administrative offices and a three-storey volume that will contain commercial activities ground floor, a conference room on the first floor and a guest house. The office tower will be located at the pedestrian and cycle path where converge surgeries on one side and the body associated activities – commercial, conference room and guest quarters – on the other. Finally, within the project, there are two parking lots for a total of approximately 1,300 parking spaces. The whole complex will be built according to criteria of environmental sustainability. “ Contract The work will be carried out through the means of tendering concession “to identify a person in a position to implement the whole complex – was attended by the Mayor Di Girolamo – with its own resources and then manage, for a given period, in addition to the structure also the provision of certain services such as housekeeping, energy supply and management of parking lots. A proposal feasible because, not only will the new home of ASL that will pay a fee, but there will also pay car parks and commercial areas to manage. All this, however, marks an important moment for our city and for the health of us all. “ Investiment As regards, in fact, the economic aspect of “the total amount of the alleged implementation of the intervention – said director general Fratini – amounts to approximately EUR 20 million. Considering the forms and sources of direct funding of local health services, you can imagine a ‘Progect financing’ of around € 12 million in 25 years. In addition, the project includes parking fee, containing about a thousand machines we can speculate about a million euro annual receipts. “