Committee, excluded from the meeting in the Province last Monday, accuses local authorities do not keep their commitments
The cement Sacci
The recent meeting in the province (see article) plan for environmental monitoring in the municipalities concerned to assess the Cement Sacci sparked the reaction of the “Committee to Save Health Castelraimondo” who writes:
“At the end of the meeting institutional last December in San Severino, the mayor of San Severino, Castelraimondo and Pioraco, the president of the Montana, the director dell’Arpam and other parties representing the City of Gagliole and Marche Region, they have agreed to establish a forum for discussion to decide together with the European Health Save the manner and timing of the survey and epidemiological environment where you would have to submit our territory, in order to assess the impact of Cement in Sacci municipalities concerned. The agreement provided that the Arpam would have formulated a hypothesis that monitoring would be discussed with the representatives of the Committee to Save Health Castelraimondo. On January 27, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the Province of Macerata, during which the mayors of San Severino and Castelraimondo, the deputy mayor of Gagliole, President of the mountain community and the Director of Macerata dell’Arpam have decided how and where to monitor, without, however, call or contact the Committee. As explained by the President of the mountain community, who spoke on behalf of all the participants in the meeting of 27 January, “… the decision to carry out this investigation stems from the awareness that there can be no doubt about the effects of human activities …”. The Committee recalls that the first proposal for monitoring dall’Arpam formulated and shared by all those who participated in the meeting of December 6, 2013, included the installation of a single unit mobile without adding another. Only as a result of complaints from representatives of the Committee had considered other possibilities, such as, for example, the study of lichens, the possibility of which should have been discussed together . The Committee, on the one hand, pleased to note that thanks to his work and the pressures bodies are finally moving to understand what has been the impact of the cement plant on the territory and its inhabitants, on the other hand, notes with dismay as administrations continue obstinately to keep citizens away from any possibility of participation and discussion, even on issues of vital importance such as health and the environment. Without going into the merits of decisions taken (two control and a study of lichens seem a very small thing compared to monitoring “complete” – also soil and animals – promised at the meeting of 6 December) and without discussing the distribution of burdens from the study (to be borne by the community and not the subject that has polluted), it is surprising the fact that environmental monitoring is decided when the cement work for over forty years and having authorized the Sacci to build a plant of the size and potential equal to two and a half times the current structure. It also appears unqualified authorization to act at variance with national and EU legislation concerning emissions, granted to Sacci without knowing the impact that until now has had the cement factory on the territory and population. It is noted that the existing Community legislation and the agreements signed by our country, oblige public bodies to involve associations of citizens in decisions on activities that have an appreciable impact on the environment. We believe that the meeting of 27 January, in addition to being illegal, represents yet another missed opportunity and yet another demonstration of how the entities fail to meet their commitments and to comply with the rules, and these rules when these commitments fee transparency and cooperation with the people. “
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