(Thomas Tetro)
ROME – Change face and strengthened in terms of environmental protection and health of the decree on environmental emergencies and industrial, which is essentially the Land of fires and Ilva. Three points that change the substance of the measure, which arrives in the Chamber of Deputies, after the approval of the amendments in the Environment Committee: introduction of free health screening for the populations of the polluted areas, increase of capital to find the resources to implement Integrated Environmental Authorisation (Hague) Ilva, greater support for the agri-food chain.
The go-ahead free health screening for Campania and Puglia – says Environment Minister Andrea Orlando, who is following near the parliamentary process of the decree – is “an important improvement of the measure. certainties were included on a number of issues,” including “the health of citizens.” The amendment provides 50 million: 25 per Campania (polluted areas, excluding capitals) and 25 for Puglia (Taranto and common Statte) for the 2014-2015 period; expected that the examinations for the patients are free of charge, the regions move on a proposal from the Higher Institute of Health. “I believe that you determine the requirements for reasoning on the subject that combines organic environment and health – noted Orlando – which could be addressed, with the participation of the Ministry of Health, in the connected environment.”
L ‘Another aspect of the decree concerning the Ilva. In particular, it approved an amendment provides for an increase of the share capital to pay for the implementation of the Hague, on the one hand, and the ability to request the resources to the Riva family, on the other hand, as explained by the chairman of the Environment Hermes Realacci . At the special commissioner, “subject to the approval of the Business Plan – reads the text – is given the power” to “require the owner of the sums necessary for the purposes of environmental remediation” on the one hand, and to “increase the share capital payment to the extent necessary for the purposes of environmental remediation. ” In the latter case, shares are offered, and the “new issue will be released exclusively through contributions in money.” The objective of the Special Commissioner should be the financing of “planned investments for the implementation of the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (Hague) and for the adoption of other measures provided for in the Plan, the measures and activities of environmental and health protection.” In case you do not manage to find the resources by 2014 the Commissioner “shall be transferred, at his request, the amounts subject to criminal seizure.” Among other changes to the text even the green light to Provision for reclamation funded with assets and resources confiscated from organized crime and illicit gains arising from eco-related offenses (Justice Fund only), greater participation and transparency for citizens, the safety of the food supply chain, the implementation of the study ‘Paths’ on polluted areas, stop the possibility of having new commissioners to the Land of fires. Finally, the commitment of the Minister Orlando for “riperimetrazione polluted areas” in the Campania region so that they can go back to being Sin (sites of national interest) after the Monti government had brought them to sites of regional interest.
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