Sunday, January 12, 2014, 19:15
Caffeine is not ‘just a substance exciting, but also enhances memory: a quantity of less than three cups of espresso taken shortly after an ‘exercise’ improves mental fact, the next day the memory of what they have learned. To discover the effects on memory for a long time the best ‘spread the exciting’ was a group of U.S. researchers led by the University ‘Johns Hopkins whose work’ was published in Nature Neuroscience. To understand the researchers asked 100 volunteers to perform a series of tests of learning, in particular to identify and store a series of images. Just finished the test each participant received a pill containing 200 milligrams of caffeine, or placebo simple. Returning the next day the volunteers were again shown pictures of the previous day in which they were added new ones, both random and somewhat similar. The task was to divide them into three different categories: old, new and similar to the original. The results showed that volunteers who received caffeine had a greater ability ‘to distinguish the new images’ similar’ to the initial ones. This improved capacity ‘memory and not’ observed in subjects who received doses of caffeine very small and even in those who had taken prior to the test.
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