Monday, January 13, 2014

Religion is good for your health -

Varie_10322C.jpg Keywords | spirituality, prayer, faith,


Believing in God is good for health, and not just that of the spirit. A study conducted by psychologists and Safety Laboratory Stockpor, in Britain, has revealed how religious people get sick less and live the best moments of anxiety and stress when they may stumble.
Explain the researchers “religiosity can be a resource in some subjects, making these people more resilient during times of stress and when you are faced with new challenges working.”
Moreover, there are numerous studies on the relationship between medicine , prayer and spirituality. Another study reinforces the idea that spirituality is beneficial for mental health.
Researchers at the University of Missouri have set themselves the goal of assessing the existence and nature of which was the relationship between the level of spirituality and physical and mental health. research has embraced Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.
The results of the study, published in the Journal of Religion and Health, show that a higher degree of spirituality has been associated with lower neuroticism and increased susceptibility to social relationships and extroversion. Among all, the practice of forgiveness, was the major source predictive of mental health.
“In many ways, the results of our study support the idea that the spiritual functions is a personality trait – said in a statement the university study co-author Dan Cohen -. With increased spirituality, people reduce their own sense of self and feel a greater sense of unity and connection with the rest of the universe. interesting thing is that the frequency of participation in religious activities or in general the degree of support to the congregation was not found to be significant in the relationships between personality, spirituality, religion and health. “This
study does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship between spirituality and mental health, but the results show less stress and a better response to physical illness by spiritual people.
“One of our previous research – adds Cohen – shows that the mental health of people hospitalized for various medical conditions, such as cancer, stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury, appears to be related significantly and positively to spiritual beliefs and, above all, support and spiritual interventions congregation. spiritual beliefs can be a coping mechanism to help people manage emotional stress. “
To have faith is to hope for something that is beyond our comprehension and provides a reason to relate with others and with life . Question to free medical specialist

Andrea Sperelli

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