In relation to the news published in the press in which he highlights the difficulty of finding the domestic market of some medicines, the Ministry of Health announced that it has already done so, “within the provision transposing Directive 2011 / 62/UE amending Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use in order to prevent the entry of counterfeit medicines in the legal supply chain, being approved by the Council of Ministers of the specific provisions intended to ensure that drugs deemed essential and non-substitutable are present on the national territory. ” “In particular – says the statement – has been attributed to AIFA empowered to draw up lists of specific drugs of which will be on a limited basis for such export, in order to ensure the public health service and meet the needs of all patients . Such drugs will necessarily have to be necessarily held by wholesalers and pharmacies. The Minister of Health shall, as soon as the measure in question will be expressed the Parliamentary Committees, to do final approval by the Council of Ministers. “
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