- Posted on January 6, 2014
- Of Antonio Luzi
news is that a group of researchers from the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), found that the steroid hormone Pregnenolone would reduce the effect of a specific molecule in the brain , said cannabinoid receptor type 1 countering the effects of marijuana also helping to combat the effects of addiction.
The results of the study were published in the scientific journal Science .
In summary, according to the research data, the antidote to cannabis dependence resides in the human brain.
hormone product, in fact, constitutes a defense mechanism against the harmful effects of cannabis.
The scientists explained that the hormone prevents the Thc (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, activating its receptors in the brain thereby preventing the intoxicating effect.
The discovery could lead to the development of new systems to treat marijuana addiction. It may also allow you to isolate substances that produce the beneficial effects of marijuana eliminating somatic and behavioral.
This is the news and we must give it, out of respect of our role and our readers, but we can not but comment on it.
The thing that strikes your author is that this news comes out after a few days in a Latin American country, Uruguay, the government of President José Mujica approved a bill that will ensure that the State produce marijuana and put on sale in pharmacies to its citizens (not foreigners) at a price of one dollar per gram, with a monthly maximum of 40 grams, provided members with a specific register.
Italy marijuana, if of good quality, it also costs 13 euro per gram, and its trade is 90% in the hands of the mafia or Camorra.
For this
President Jose Mujica said that the objective of the law is not to make Uruguay a “smoke free country, but rather an experiment groped outside of Prohibition, which failed, to be able to snatch an important market for drug traffickers. “
On another occasion I will write about this president who still lives in his small house in which the person pays the rent and to tell you that “ The Economist ” crowned Pepe Mujica and Uruaguay the country as of 2013.
Another thing that tickles me is the fact that countries such as the Colorado and the State of Washington have legalized the use of cannabis, recognizing pretty much the same reasons which led Uruguay to do so.
I believe that finding a substance, for now tested on rati and which will need to be studied in greater depth, which reduces the dependence on cannabis may also be important because it could be used on subjects cannabis addicts.
But we should consider some of the data.
The first is that according to current estimates, there would be 147 million people in the world who use marijuana (approximately 2% of the world population).
Considering that according to many scientific studies the risk of developing an addiction to cannabis concerns 1 in 10 among those who smoke occasionally and 1 in 3 of those who make it a daily use, we’ll be looking at an approximate number of 50 millions of individuals who, mind you, are at risk for drug addiction.
Then there is the other argument that is stronger than the risk of transition from the use of cannabinoids in the so-called heavy drugs such as heroin. Compared to this risk controversy in the scientific world is still great.
a study by O’Donnell and Clayton (1982) revealing that among those who have smoked marijuana 1 to 9 times in life, the risk of passing heroin was 1%, while in the most extreme case cited from the study that is among those who have smoked marijuana more than 1000 times in life, the risk of “pass through” rose to 32.2%.
Other studies have stated that “If you can not say that cannabis use is the cause of heroin, it can hardly be argued that the use of cannabis is a serious risk factor with respect to such use” .
In conclusion it may be said, in my opinion, it is very likely that the association cannabis – heroin is “spurious”, which is caused by a third factor that explains known or unknown, and that the state of our present knowledge it There is no confirmation or exclusion of this thesis.
To conclude I would just like to say that the decision taken by Uruguay or from those countries that have liberalized marijuana use is linked only to fight the gangs who profit billions on the skin of young people and prohibitionist policies, the results of which until now have been disartrosi, not at all by reducing the production or use of drugs.
In addition, as also recognized the study of Clayton O’Donnell, serve to create the conditions so that it is clear that “A policy that seeks to reduce the use of heroin availability should at least be considered a legal use of marijuana for break the connection between the two drugs, “and fight the market’s death run by the mafia.
Smoking cannabis increases the risk of lung cancer
Marijuana: under 18 reduces intelligence and memory
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