Monday, May 26, 2014

5 goals for improving global health –

are those identified in Geneva by the World Health Organization

 WHO Assembly

It’s been a busy week, that of the 3,500 delegates who took part in the 67th World Health Assembly . In Geneva, the experts of ‘ WHO have found themselves faced with a dense network of issues, as stated by the Director-General Margaret Chan : “ It is a clear projection of the increasing complexity of issues related to health, and our deep interest in dealing with “. There are five key objectives that can be drawn from the 20 resolutions adopted by the organization in recent days.

1. Guaranteed access to basic medicines
Improving global access to essential medicines has been a cornerstone of the Assembly. In particular, it was approved the selection of a list of medicines (on the basis of price, availability and targeted use) that may serve to improve the quality of medical care in many countries. Not only that, the WHO has also made available to assist national governments to evaluate investments, related to medical technology , highlighting the priorities and recommending the right strategy to avoid unnecessary expenses.

2. More attention to the resistance of microorganisms
The delegates shared some concern about the increasing drug resistance demonstrated by some microorganisms, and insisted on the need to strengthen international cooperation in matter, in order to increase the wealth of information. For this reason, the organization will seek to develop an action plan concrete to combat these resistances to antibiotics, with the aim of reaching an approval and implementation of the project as early as 2015.

3. Support for the Convention on the Minamata mercury
The Assembly requested that the WHO Secretariat given such help governments around the world to support and implement the Convention Minamata mercury ever considered among the most dangerous chemicals to public health. The agreement, dated 2013 and signed by 140 states (also including Italy) aims to prohibit the marketing of mercury by 2020 and to protect people and the environment from toxic emissions: will enter into force when at least 50 states have ratified it.

4. Combating violence against women
Each year about 1.4 million of people lose their lives due to violence and it has been estimated that, globally, a in three women is a victim of physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. The WHO is a partner internationally to combat this phenomenon, developing a plan to strengthen the role of national health systems in this area.

5. Reduction of child mortality
was approved the first comprehensive plan to reduce infant mortality, in the light of a situation that can not be ignored: every year about 3 million children die in the first month Life , and 2.6 million others die in the last 3 months of pregnancy or during childbirth. The objective of the Organization is to reduce mortality below the threshold of 1% of births by 2035, carrying out projects for prevention and training side by side with national governments.

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