05/27/2014 – the vision of health second Khemsar Lama Rinpoche and tradition
The disease is nothing but the manifestation of an imbalance and can be cured only if you know the causes (including mental) that ‘ have generated. The words of Khemsar Rinpoche Lama in an exclusive interview for The Stampa.it
We live in a universe where everything is clear, even if we are too taken from our lives for realizing it. What our eyes are able to perceive is a mere manifestation of pulsating life, where a relentless pace of empty and full distinguishes the breath of life itself.
Through observation of such perfection one wonders how it is possible that there suffering or disease, alternating with moments of joy and serenity.
Perhaps it is here that lies the true ?? knowledge. In spite of everything we read, we study and conceptualize, the foundation of true knowledge have always been in front of our eyes.
diseases, in fact, are not generated by bacteria, viruses, or other malfunction of organs, but these factors could be considered – in a broader perspective – only the consequence of an imbalance. Or, rather, an attempt of the Universe in which we live (re) find the balance. If this kind of view is correct, we should stop lashing against the disease, but try to accept it and understand it.
“There are remedies of folk medicine is that Tibetan medicine. According to Tibetan medicine is important to balance the three humors: the mood of wind, bile and phlegm. Rebalance these is very important. When they are out of balance, in fact, begins the disease and its imbalance – explains Khemsar Lama Rinpoche – To balance them you need to use Tibetan medicine, folk medicine but is better. In my approach to folk medicine, it is important to adjust the diet: a certain food may be suitable for one person but not to another. Again, it depends on the three humors. For example, if a person has mood bile is important to reduce high fat foods such oil and butter, but if you wind up the mood of these foods are suitable for him. So you have to understand what kind of food is necessary depending on the person that we face, because for me the food is medicine and medicine is food. This according to the tradition of my folk medicine and, more particularly, to that of my family, from my grandfather to my dad, the tradition continues today. To our view, the food is more important than medicine .
Obviously, the medicine helps us to balance the humors, but if we take the wrong food, the imbalance returns. The medicine helps only temporarily. To maintain health we need to know the right food. The food is not only to feel full, we have to feed on almost as if we assume a medicine. The right food is medicine; what is wrong poison. “
Lama Khemsar, there are differences between the old and the medicine of today, although natural?
« Speaking in a generic way, and in my opinion, medicines pharmaceutical industries are not optimal and in some cases may even be toxic, while the herbal medicines are supposed to be good. But nowadays even the herbs used for natural medicines tend to pump up growth with the use of fertilizers, and this practice is widespread in many countries. It ‘clear that from this point of view not we face the real herbal medicine in ancient times. Because in the folk tradition, in the Tibetan and in Ayurveda, gathered wild herbs, but now everything is industrialized and there un’overproduzione. It goes without saying that the medicines of today are not the same that were used many years ago. “
“Right. In the old days when they were preparing medicines were chosen also favorable periods, for example when the moon was full, and we went to pick them up in the mountains. Here was the shaman who asked Mother Earth for permission to collect them. We have rich traditions and authentic. After asking permission, then, is gathered and essiccavano plants – not the sun, but the shade: it is important to protect the active ingredients. Allow to dry herbs in the sun or in dryers is totally wrong. The drugs were prepared only by hand and not by machine. In addition, during the preparation of the people did not have to speak, and he covered his mouth with a mask, or at a scheduled time, reciting the mantra of the Buddha of medicine. And when all was complete they brought the drugs into the temple, the altar in the room, and again recited a ritual to consecrate, energize and give them power. Only then will the herbal medicine was ready. But ours is not only herbal medicine. The herbal base is: were also used purified metals such as gold and silver. “ From the words of Lama Khemsar shows how the ancient traditions were not only provided with a great knowledge and awareness, but also an extraordinary openness of heart that allowed you to stay connected with the whole of creation. But when the vision is so wide, you have to wonder if you can really be able to cure all diseases or not.
“In our view, all diseases – explains Khemsar Lama Rinpoche – occur through the three humors and therefore all are treatable. However, it is important to consider the roots of primary and secondary disease. Therefore we can say that everything could be treatable – a cancer – if we can understand the underlying causes.
For example, today in modern medicine, a patient with cancer chemotherapy is applied, but this is not the same point of view of Tibetan medicine. Ensuring in this way, the symptoms of cancer would be suppressed and not would know the roots of the disease. Before applying this (or other) therapies is important to know and treat the causes. “
In ancient times there were remedies for cancer diseases?
“There were, however, in times past were not used herbs, but meditation or mantra. Many diseases are treated only with the mantra. Beware though: it is not a treatment where you recite a mantra and heal. To be able to cure by these means you have to meet a genuine teacher and receive an education, power, transmission, and understanding the instructions. Then, once received, the teacher invites you to go to a lonely place in which you will have to stay there for at least three years without seeing anyone. The only thing to which we will focus is the recitation of mantras for nine hundred thousand times. At that point, you have to wait for a sign, and from that moment you will be able to return to the world and treat people with the mantra. “ An example of this kind of healing?
“I remember when my mother had a bad breast cancer, and there were many discussions in my family because many said that for the care you had to turn to the British doctors. But my mom said, “No, I want to go from my blade.” Other relatives, however were not convinced of his choice. However, my mother had great faith in his blade and went to him and told him to have a breast cancer: it was very much ugly, big and with loss of serum. The Lama said, “I will make thy because you have faith in me.” This blade was formed after the withdrawal of three years, three months and three days: so it was a very powerful blade. He began to recite his mantra, which is also very powerful, and repeatedly blew on my mother’s womb. This, according to tradition, is one of the most effective treatments. The first month was terrible because my mother sick sinus lost so much fluid and blood, and you feel severe pain. But she was confident. The Lama told her not to worry, so he continued his care twenty-one days. Sometimes Lama gave her water to drink after having blown inside. Eventually, the breast cancer healed completely and without any sign that remained. Indeed, after this event gave birth to eight more children, and all were breast-fed. “ Lama Khemsar Thanks for sharing with us this amazing story. Finally, could you give some advice to our readers in order to stay healthy?
[The Lama smiles] “What can I say? Your journal is very nice, but it is very important to practice. I am honest and therefore I will be with you too: without practice it remained just intellectual and philosophical. So you have to experience, practice, even if only for three months (which is the minimum). It ‘important to recite the mantra, and for a minimum of one hundred thousand times. If so, then you can put together your knowledge with the practice of the mantra, and this is good. I have to be honest. Thank you! “ Who is Lama Rinpoche Khemsar
E ‘an eminent master of the spiritual Yungdrung Bön tradition, the ancient native Buddhism of Tibet. He received teachings of philosophy and spiritual practices of Yungdrung Bön and Buddhism, including the Sutra, Tantra and Dzog-chen.
Also practice the ancient Tibetan medicine and folk remedies. Rinpoche is the founder and spiritual director of the Tibetan Bön Yungdrung Study Centre (TYBSC) in Britain, Kun Ling-zhi in Switzerland, Italy and Kun-zhi Ling Tibetan Bön Yungdrung Institute in Miami Florida, USA.
Thanks for the valuable collaboration and Availability: Carla Perotti, Anna Tower Tamburini, Christian (Krish) Welcome.
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