Milan , May 24, 2014 – 20:14
public investments to create jobs and to revitalize small businesses. Guaranteed minimum income in combating poverty and social inclusion. Protection against risks to health caused by the use of chemicals in agriculture, telecommunications or from electromagnetic waves from the side effects of many drugs. Environmental protection and minority rights. Controls on financial speculation and the public billions dished out by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. Resetting the roaming charges by 2015 for those who use the phone between the 28 member countries. These are just some of the many issues on which the new European parliament will take action affecting the daily lives of some 500 million Europeans. It may be useful then vote to represent them adequately in Brussels and Strasbourg in the only EU institution directly elected by the citizens, who can balance on the side of the existing collective dominance of the Council of governments and bureaucrats of the European Commission. The Lisbon Treaty has increased the number of areas where MEPs were a real co-decision-making power in the approval of European laws, promoted by the Commission and finalized by the Council.
The Chair of the Commission
In addition, in this campaign, the European parliament has committed to earn even more political clout. The five main europartiti (popular, socialists, liberals, greens and extreme left) presented their candidate for the presidency of the European Commission. In this way, citizens would have to vote on a nomination so far decided by the heads of state and government (often with confidential negotiations). The goal is not granted. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already said that the prime minister did not give up their prerogative. But the outcome of this “tug of war” institutional remains open because the European parliament can bring to bear its right to approve (or reject) the new President of the Commission.
Salaries and privileges
In the legislative deadline in a large mass of MEPs have not appeared the best that they could send 28 member countries in Europe. Many have attracted criticism for the subjection to powerful lobbies, for the lack of capacity or absenteeism. There remains the problem of their salaries and privileges, often excessive in relation to the work involved. A scandal has confirmed suspicions about the existence of a market for ‘black’ amendments for a fee, which can penalize millions of citizens with few rows inserted into directives hundreds of items.
But ‘ European Parliament has, however, produced significant results for the 500 million Europeans. During the crisis has been the only EU institution impegnatasi least to complain about the excessive austerity measures imposed by Brussels for eurozone countries with budget difficulties, which were later revealed recessive and generating rampant unemployment. She demanded by leaders of the ECB greater transparency in decisions intended to move avalanche of billions of taxpayers (often to the benefit of private banks). Got that would allow the EU banking – at least partly – not to pay more taxpayers bailouts of banks overwhelmed by reckless financial speculation. He promoted an anti-tax speculators (on the model of the Tobin tax) being approved by 10 member countries, including Germany, France and Italy. He called for limits on “golden salaries ‘and bankers’ bonuses. He welcomed the popular protests taking out the Europe Agreement Acta, wanted by the United States and already accepted by other non-EU countries, which limits the freedom of the computer network and the non-commercial sharing of information, videos and music. He asked the blocking of access to financial data of European citizens and granted subject to the constraints in the White House counter-terrorism, when the case Snowden has revealed the degeneration of espionage Use (got to intercept the phone’s Chancellor Merkel). It has strengthened the Erasmus program for young people to study abroad by extending the training and sport. Has limited the intrusiveness of the rich and powerful tobacco lobby in the new anti-smoking rules, which have expanded to 65% of the surface of cigarette packs alarms shock to the serious health risks. Approved more guarantees for consumers in online shopping.
The next targets
In the next term we will have to implement an EU foreign policy with Russia able to defuse the tension exploded in the Ukraine case. You will have to convince big polluters in the world (U.S., China, India) to share the European line-oriented to a greater focus on the environment. The European parliament will protect small business owners from the effects of mega-free-trade agreement between the EU and the U.S., being defined between Brussels and Washington under pressure from big business lobby. New measures should ensure consumers by the advance of “junk food” and of GMOs. We are waiting for a more incisive action to protect children from child abuse (including via the Internet). It is urgent to stop the trafficking of human beings and the tragedies caused by the influx of illegal immigrants into the ‘EU. A dossier important concerns undeclared work and illegal use of labor (making it appear as assumed in another EU country where there are fewer rights and wages). Once again it is announced (this time in 2016) that a compulsory register of lobbyists, which can increase transparency and reduce the high risks of corruption in the ratio of pressure groups with MEPs and Eurocrats. Of course, in the Halls of Brussels and Strasbourg would be possible to launch many other interventions in the five-year term. Much will depend on the quality of the candidates put on the list by the parties. But it is also the responsibility of the decisive voters in the vote on the best (or least worst).
May 24, 2014 | 20:14
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