Milan , May 27, 2014 – 13:24
cheap Health Tips
The first choice at no cost to stay healthy, according to experts from overseas, it is certainly not to smoke: cigarettes cost a lot, a lot more than increase the risk of many diseases, from lung cancer to chronic respiratory diseases, which involve health and social costs enormous. “That’s why it’s never too late to quit, doing well in the portfolio and eliminating the danger of serious chronic illnesses. You can say goodbye to cigarettes and in addition to willpower can help low-cost methods: there are many opportunities to get help free of charge, both online and off, “write the authors of the paper. Step number two is to stay healthy for a long time to make the move: you do not need to enroll in the gym fashionable to beat a sedentary lifestyle and risks resulting therefrom, may be enough to walk briskly or regularly engage in sports that require little expense such as travel, cycling, swimming. The important thing is to exercise consistently and regularly at least two and a half hours a week, alternating aerobic work that improves the cardiovascular system to resistance, which strengthens the muscles: with little money, say the Americans, you can reduce the risk of diabetes , obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and problems with muscles and joints. Another “rule” to stay healthy on a budget, comply with vaccination programs for themselves and their children: many vaccines are provided free of charge in different regions, to take advantage of these tools is important to prevent serious diseases and dangerous.
Little and health spending on the table
A large part of the advice” cheap “to improve the health concerns food choices: to follow a healthy diet, according to experts of ‘overseas, you do not need to be rich, indeed. “You can replace meat with vegetables, rich in protein and less expensive – the authors write -. To have good fruit and vegetables at a reasonable cost, so the seasonal produce grown not too far from where you live; or, even better, you can create a small vegetable garden or even on the terrace to grow their own healthy, tasty and inexpensive. To stay healthy and reduce expenses, in addition, you can cut the portions not wasting food is important to keep costs down and also to avoid introducing excess calories. ” Equally recommendable choice of water as the main drink: you pay less than any other drink and unlike any other drink contains no calories or sugars. It is, in short, the healthiest beverage and low cost all in preference to wine, beer and soft drinks. “Finally, to stay healthy and spend less you have to avoid taking unnecessary medications – observe the American experts -. A classic example is antibiotics, which many use for viral infections against which these drugs do not serve. ” The drugs cost money and if they are taken out of turn can hurt because side effects may outweigh the possible advantages of taking the pills only when you need it and if your doctor has prescribed, without taking home arsenals of drugs that use case or almost it is therefore a great way to save being healthy.
May 27, 2014 | 13:24
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