the report on the regions dell’Issirfa-CNR
Milan , May 27, 2014 – 15:46
Growth stops, ensures the existing
“The socio-political welfare affected by the economic crisis. Without the boost to growth, there is a tendency to ensure the existing – explains Mangiameli -. The year 2012 was a year of great difficulty, as the Stability Law has allocated the National Fund for Social Policies only EUR 70 million, of which just 10.7 for the regions, many of which are continuing to support low-income families with elderly and / or disabled, and to intervene in the child care services. ” Some regions have attempted to restrict access to social benefits for length of residence in the territory, the criterion that the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional. “The report shows that, despite some institutional limits Italian, judgment remains positive on the Regions – concludes Mangiameli -. Regionalism has improved public policies, making it more bearable the hardships that people, families and businesses are suffering in these years. With regard to the system of relations and the division of powers between center and periphery, the crisis has, however, marked a return to centralism. “
May 27, 2014 | 15:46
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