(AGI) – Rome, May 18 – Part Federanziani by the Coordination of the southern regions (Sicily, Apulia, Basilicata and Calabria), with over 1500 delegates, the organizational tour de force for the definition of guidelines to address the Third Congress of the Court of Justice for the People’s Right to Health next the end of November, which will see ‘involved: Institutions, 44 Societa’ Medical-Scientific, 6000 Federanziani delegates, 4,000 physicians, and FIMMG Federfarma at the forefront and that will have ‘as Honorary President of the Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin and as President of the Congress the Rector of the University ‘of Brescia, Professor Sergio Pecorelli. “I made my requests Federanziani – Lorenzin writes in a message – how to establish a Commission for the policies of the third age ‘, to help me to the Ministry every day to have a horizontal approach on the issues that we deal with. Cosi’ I’ll make ‘bearer in the Council of Ministers for a convention to exempt senior citizens centers, places that are not for profit, by the payment of SIAE, to dance with the CD during the holidays. During this time I’m making a big political battle to Government and before the public ’cause we have to build a Sanita’ suitable for elderly should be sustainable in the coming years. This and ‘the purpose of the Covenant of Health but also of the European Semester “. “Knowing that we over65 we have a Minister of Health who listens, who gives a share, to explain, but above all protect the right to health of the most ‘fragile, or of over65, makes us all more’ strong and hopeful for the future. We welcomed with great satisfaction the news of the establishment of a Commission which is the guarantor of our problems, something that has always advocated and Federanziani required, also that there is left to dance the right to be free from ‘tolls’, as the SIAE, and ‘Our another great achievement, “said Roberto Messina, President of Federanziani. “Furthermore, we are convinced that, with the Federanziani Coordination Centre in Rome on 21 May, and with that of the North in Padua May 30, together you can ‘evolve the NHS,” said the President. (AGI).
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