Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Studying? Good for your health – Corriere della Sera

Milan , April 30, 2014 – 10:22


The Carolina Abecedarian project dates back to 1972, when a group of researchers from North Carolina, United States, decided to investigate the potential benefits of an educational intervention in the early years of childhood solid to reduce inequalities between children from wealthy families and those from poor families. The premise is that, since then, we had realized that children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds landed in the first year of primary school already behind the other, a disadvantage that normally carry with them forever. Research today shows that 3-year-old children who come from wealthy families have a vocabulary three times richer than those who belong to modest economic environments; 4 have heard 30 million more words. For the experiment, a group of children from poor families was divided into a completely random into two groups: the experimental children were cared for five years, 6-8 hours per day, five days a week, from less than two years of age, with educational activities based on the game and that emphasized the learning of language and exposure to its wealth. Decades later, these children showed cognitive abilities more developed, the best routes and academic achievements and professional.

shadow carousel


“Carolina Abecedarian»


Better physical health

There was a possibility that the researchers had not anticipated at the time: that the treatment ‘privileged’ reserved for the children of Abecedarian would make them grow into adults very healthier, also from the point of view of physical health. It ‘just what happened instead: 42 years later, one study just published in Science notes that the education programs of quality early childhood have been shown to have substantial results not only in reducing crime and increase in economic gains, but that the children assigned to the experimental group, particularly males, thirty years later have a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Less risk of high pressure, the “good” cholesterol and lower rates of obesity.

bet Lille

Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille newly-elected for a third consecutive term, has made it a horse in the campaign: the French city in the country will pioneer of this method called “spectacular.” Lille has already experienced in some facilities, “Parler Child ‘educational facing the same age group that immerses children in a” bath of language “to stimulate it to its full potential. With Abecedarian means taking a step further, with a reception in crèches and strongly individualized and time to help every child in school success and social integration. In France Abecedarian was recently promoted from the study of an influential think-tank Progressive, Terra Nova, which is pressure to make this investment in the future of the children is plugged in public policy. In Quebec, where it is called “Jeux d’enfants” is a generalized method.

opportunity for all

It’s not just the French-speaking world watching with great interest in these new developments Abecedarian: United States, where President Obama pushes for the “high-quality preschool is enjoyed by every single child in America,” rumors are initiated to raise to point out that effective education, publicly funded, should start well before the age of 4 years. And who knows, soon you will not face a little thought to Abecedarian even in England, where a few days ago he thundered Sir Michael Wilshaw, head of school inspectors of the country: too many crèches and fail to prepare children to deal with the elementary schools, and the losers are especially the poorest children, of whom more than two-thirds come on pews unprepared, “do not know how to hold a pen in hand, they have poor language and communication skills.” “There is nothing of the inevitable link between poverty and failure,” continued the inspector, who asks a more formal and structured education from the nests. And the British government seems to agree.

April 30, 2014 | 10:22


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Trusses, Perrone Capano Committee 167, “Before health and then the … –

The protest of the company ' Saint Lucia at Vinitaly

  The protest of the company at Vinitaly Saint Lucia
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Never ever trade it the life of one person, it’s the 167 or the buffer zone, with millions of plants, companies, vineyards, olive groves that while the livelihood of many people. And then also with the lives of those who reside permanently in the buffer zone . “

And ‘arrrivata reply by return of Roberto Perrone Capano, owner of’ farm Saint Lucia, the criticisms raised by the Committee against electromagnetic pollution in 167 against the article published on Veronelli Seminar entitled “A trellis threatens a historic vineyard of Nero di Troia.”

In particular, according to a statement by the Committee, the article put “equate the health of citizens and the territory.”

“Accurate to have the highest esteem for you and “167 committees” – writes today Perrone Capano Vito Di Chio, spokesperson of the Committee 167 – for shared values ??of life, mentality and his style of work in defense of the 167 loyal, honest , civil and democratic.

is not trampling on ourselves, that we grow as a territory! In the interview with the magazine’s digital Seminar Veronelli during the Vinitaly fair I only have no clear ideas, mainly agricultural, against those who govern us and who has governed us, to the City Council, which approved at the time the new project. No reviews for political content, but only my personal ideas as a producer to a member of the Italian agricultural culture, ie Veronelli the seminar, which is not for profit and that can not fail to be interested in defending the values ??which are Italian agricultural Nero di Troia and the cultivar “Coratina.”

I hope – read – soon be able to clarify and to avoid misunderstandings between those who fight for the same purpose, namely to safeguard the health first and then also the environment. But the two things often go under strict arm.

Never ever would I dare to argue with her, serious and respected, or harassed by the inhabitants of 167 coratina. Never ever trade it the life of one person – it’s 167 or the buffer zone – with millions of plants, farm, vineyard, olive grove that while the livelihood of many people. And then also with the lives of those who reside permanently in the buffer zone!

We defend ourselves and the plants on which we work, to respect them as persons and our health. So I think it is legitimate to my and our commitment, as well as in his defense of his neighborhood and its people.

None of us has ever said that he wants the line remains where it is today! At the same time, it is not fair to penalize 500 residents of the buffer zone, in order to preserve 5 thousand. are speeches that are made in the war against 500 soldiers to bury 5 thousand to save. But not democracy!

We can not but agree with her, coadiuvandoci loyally, hoping no strumentalizzi our defense of common goods: Health and Environment!

you, thoroughly educated and with experience living and working in European civilians, can not share. Please kindly extend to the Committees and to the people of the 167, and its usual partners, my estimation – concludes Perrone Capano – and at the same time firm and common civil battle defense of ourselves and the environment in which we live. “

Monday, April 28, 2014

Michael Schumacher / Latest news health conditions. Schumi is … – The

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MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (Update) – In recent days there have been no new news on the health conditions of Michael Schumacher . As always happened in these cases from the day of ‘ accident on, rained on, then the rumors Schumi . Friday afternoon, in particular, several sites had reported the news of a possible awakening from coma the seven times World Champion Formula 1 . Someone also wrote that Schumacher would have recognized his wife Corinna . However, in response to these assumptions no official responses have arrived, and the only statement made by the filter manager and spokesperson Sabine Kehm – reported by journalist Nicola Pohl – is that the khm “can not confirm” rumors from Spain (they were in fact widely used by the portal Iberian ‘Actualidad’). In short, we are still at the improvements that were discussed days ago, but the road to the former pilot Ferrari still seems very long.

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Health: Observatory CODACONS born on diets, exposes the … – Web Weather



DIET COVER With the approach of ‘summer multiply on the web, in newspapers and on TV commercials’ diets and miracle weight-loss products able to lose weight fast. Often sin is true ‘buffalo’ – says the CODACONS – but there are cases where abuse of diets and weight loss products can cause serious harm to health. For this reason Codacons, in collaboration with TER.MIL.CONS (Consumers of the Third Millennium), decided to set up an Observatory on diets. These tasks and targets of the organization: to identify the most advertised products and diets; analyze the techniques of communication for the promotion of diets and products; identify and analyze the deception and aggression ‘of the advertisements; analyze the compliance of the means of communication used, with the Consumer Code, the NRA deliberations and European legislation, and in particular with the directives of the Ministry of Health in the labeling of foodstuffs and Regulation claim. And finally, create a document that can be a handbook of advertising ‘on diets and / or nutritional products. The Centre will operate ‘for 12 months and the results of the investigation will be made public at the end of March 2015; you can join the companies in the sector and the first company ‘commitment to the project and to provide’ was Gianluca Mech SpA, herbal food and Vicenza. Codacons “hopes that the initiative will take part in other specialized companies.”

Day for Safety and Health at Work: chemical products in … –

is celebrated today, April 28, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work , recurrence established by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in order to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, shedding light on the rules of safety. The celebration of the Day is also an integral part of the Global Strategy on Safety and Health at Work and the ILO promotes the creation of a global culture of prevention in the field of safety and health with the participation of all interested parties.

In 2013, the report presented on the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work has addressed the issue of occupational disease prevention , while quests ‘focus of the anniversary year will be “ Health and Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work “: two themes absolutely consistent and closely linked. The ILO has in fact responded to the challenge concerning the prevention of occupational diseases with the development of an international directory related to such diseases, supplemented by criteria for the identification and recognition, many diseases are caused by its chemical agents.

In the occasion of this day, the ‘ILO has now published the report “ Health and Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work ” with which we examine the situation relating to ‘use of these products and their impact on the workplace and the environment, also analyzing the strategies put in place at national and international level in the field of chemical safety, and presenting elements to establish national programs that help to ensure the rational management.

The production and use of chemicals in workplaces around the world is one of the most significant challenges of the programs for the protection of jobs says the report “ they are essential to life and their benefits are widespread and widely recognized. Pesticides that improve the scope and quantity of food production, to pharmaceutical products that treat diseases, to cleaning products that help to improve the hygienic conditions, the chemicals are essential for a healthy life and for the convenience of the modern world [...] However, control exposure to these products in the workplace and the limitation of emissions to the environment are challenges that governments, employers and workers continually strive to address

The main problem is represented by risks associated with exposure in these products and, although in recent years there have been considerable progress with regard to their regulation and management, the challenge is without a doubt still open.

Accidents, with serious impacts on human health and the environment, and continue to occur too often, workers exposed to directly to potentially hazardous substances are not properly informed, trained and protected. “ You need a global response – says the ILO report – consistent with the scientific and technological progress, global growth in the production of chemicals and changes in ‘organization of work. Similarly, it is important to continue to develop new ways to have more readily than information on the risks posed by chemicals and related security measures, as well as organize and use this information to structure a systematic approach to health and safety in the use of products chemicals in the workplace. “

A lot of the impacts that exposure to these products may have on the human body: if a chemical agent is in a physical form that allows it to easily penetrate into the body, and is in sufficient quantity to cause a certain amount or extent of exposure, it can lead to a situation of poisoning, or even death, even following a single exposure. Situations, these widely documented and recognized, as opposed to those resulting from exposures minor but repeated over time.

In these cases, the difficulty in determining the extent of the impact on health in the workplace arising from exposure to chemicals is due to ‘ inability to recognize the different types of effects that may occur and the long latency period that can elapse before symptoms start to appear . The lack of information on the consequences of exposure to chemicals has also long hampered recognition of the link between a case of exposure occurred, for example, 20 years ago, and a case of cancer occurred today.

Although the extent of the disease due to chemicals remains unknown then, in September 2012, during the International Conference on Chemicals Management, the World Health Organization (WHO) has circulated a note on the global burden of disease attributable to them also include information relating to the economic and social costs related to poor management of chemicals, including the cost of inaction and the implications for health.

The results of the study show that in 2004, the year for which data were available, globally 4.9 million deaths (8.3% of the total) and 86 million years of life lived in the net of disability (5.7% of the total) were found to be attributable to environmental exposure and management of some chemicals. These data include occupational exposures and not, as the smoke produced within the environment from the use of solid fuels, outdoor air pollution and passive smoking, respectively, with 2 million, 1.2 million and 0.6 million deaths each year. These data follow the professional particulates, chemicals involved in acute poisoning and pesticides involved in poisoning involuntary, respectively 375 000, 240 000 and 186 000 deaths each year.

Data absolutely appalling that reveal how much more there is to do in the area of ??prevention, because the right to work does not turn into a death sentence. It is no coincidence today also marks the day is dedicated to the memory of the victims of asbestos: since the nineteenth century, a period when the industrial revolution sparked the massive use of asbestos, you began to suspect that the ‘asbestos was linked to serious respiratory diseases such as pleural mesothelioma. But no one cared a risk to the health of workers who went to support only the most well-known then shyly diseases such as tuberculosis and asbestos continued to be used in many processes, for which it was a key issue due to its fireproof and sound absorbing. They had to wait until 1992 because in Italy was launched a permanent solution to what was becoming, especially in certain working environments and geographical, an issue of great importance and gravity . The law sanctioned only 275 that year to ban the use of this deadly material and dispose of all cleaning products, which it contained, such as recognizing occupational diseases related diseases – cancer of the pleura and lung cancer – causing programs to assist victims. The areas most affected by asbestos-related diseases have been the north-west and north-east of the peninsula, with particularly high concentrations in the provinces of Alessandria and Gorizia in Monfalcone area alone there are more than one thousand five hundred people in the last twenty ‘ years, died of lung cancer, but estimates that about four thousand deaths each year in our country and more than twenty million tons of asbestos still be reclaimed . In this regard, it is worth remembering that even the inhalation of a single fiber of asbestos, which measures one thousandth of a human hair, is potentially able to trigger the disease. Of course, regular and prolonged exposure increases the risk exponentially. Although the medical and scientific community has recognized for decades, then the related risks, although there are many committees that strive to support victims of asbestos and prevent new cases, although for some time the institutions and legislators have dealt with the problem, asbestos remains a killer who wanders in the foot.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Power line, the 167 Committee, “The health of the citizens and not the territory … –

 The candlelight vigil against ' power line

  The candlelight vigil against the power line
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The Committee against electromagnetic pollution in the 167 takes a stand against an article published a few days ago on Veronelli Seminar entitled “A trellis threatens a historic vineyard of Nero di Troia.”

According to the committee

“this article does not help to solve the problem” of the power line that runs through the outskirts of Corato.

“Perrone Capano (owner of ‘ farm Saint Lucia is located in the vine mentioned in the article, ed) – reads a note signed by (Vito Di Chio, Gino Bucci, Michael Mintrone, Anna Maria Tarricone, Antoinette Cillo, Roberto Lojodice, Cosimo Masi, Maria P. Sardano, Michael Torelli, Francesco Bucci, Gary Bucci, Felice Hardy and Philip Hardy – makes an unhappy reconstruction of the chronology of a still unresolved: the power line in 167 at Corato.

“A trellis threatens a historic vineyard of Nero di Troia” – but Perrone Capano pylons Via Massarenti / Via Prenestina in Corato threaten – or not – the public health?

The health of people is a good thing that the Italian Constitution (Article 32: “the fundamental right of the individual and collective interest”) and the Parliamentary Assembly / Council of Europe (Resolution 1815 of May 27, 2011) compels us to protect the face of all the risks and, of course, even in the face risk of disease inflicted by electromagnetic waves especially in children and young adults.

This was the position of the Committee since 2002 in Corato require the Administration to free up an entire neighborhood – the 167 – from the threat of high voltage pylons for the health of citizens.

This request was based, and is based not on abstract reasoning and in scientific, but on the the basis of the 1. the World Health Organization (WHO); 2., The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC); 3. The Italian League Against Cancer; 4. The Environmental Commission of the European Communities demanded: that did not exceed the electromagnetic pollution and does not exceed 0.2 / 0.5 microtesla, especially where there are children and young people, such as schools, gymnasiums, sports fields and homes. Europe requires us that the high-voltage power lines and other electric installations should be kept at a safe distance from the town …

The Administration Perrone, contrary to the promises made and overt, did the citizens’ health a political priority. The possibility of burying the line that crosses the town had been wasted and was mysteriously in 2007 were “given away” to Enel, Terna-24 thousand Euros for the landfill project without this work was never taken into consideration; on the contrary appeared – as a rabbit from the hat – the project of relocation in the agricultural zone with all its complications and absurdities that have come to light.

Our committee Via Massarenti / Via Prenestina was in solidarity with the citizens of the so-called “buffer zone”, the heads of which wanted to move the pylons. We fought together and continue to fight.

And yet we can not accept that you put on the same level a permanent concrete danger to the health of citizens and a certain aesthetic of the land: no indeed we can accept that we should bring more attention to the grape vines of Troy to the 5,000 people who live here; who wants to fight for the preservation of agricultural land, while it omits the threat to the health of citizens in the 167 procured from the high voltage pylons, rather it bagattellizza the health impact of more than three decades of electromagnetic pollution with all the hazards involved.

We also espoused the cause of the landfill to support the arguments of those who saw themselves attacked or who simply sniffed the aggression of the new pylons in the countryside, but also as a solution for Corato – even if the pundits argue dell’ingegneristica electromagnetic peregrine thesis (but see what he writes Enel, Terna on the benefits of the landfill!).

We can not close our eyes to the fact that day by day the aim of burying the power line Via Prenestina / Via Massarenti is becoming an alibi – especially in politics – to continue to postpone the solution of the problem. There are more than 12 years that the Committee continues to claim that you put into practice the precautionary principle to protect the health of citizens.

The long history of suffering that this suburban Corato door behind him to think seriously of the power line that the problem can not be solved with the positions of the Region, with the resolutions of the various TAR of Italy and citizens – as Perrone Capano – that are challenging and that they plan to appeal in all future deliberations. Citizens who, incidentally, do not live under the power line, but under the mere thought of that pylons would bring havoc to the land, to the branches of the wine of Troy.

‘re missing foresight? But when all the technicians, the engineers, the so-called science of that time denied the danger of eternity, who has had more foresight: the hucksters and tranquillizzatori or the Committees of the people of that time who spoke of a threat to health?

In the 167 nobody will give politicians the votes to relocate the power line just because of Via Prenestina / Via Massarenti and take him to the countryside coratine, already so devastated by our negligence or move the head other citizens.

We concludes the statement of the Committee – but we will continue to fight for the power line going away from the town of 167. Punto “.

Few smokers and few donors, the picture of health in Puglia – Barlettalife


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Posted Osservasalute Report 2013



Puglia is the region with the highest percentage of non-smokers: they are 60.9% of the regional population of 14 years and over (national average 54.2%). But Puglia is the region with the lowest rate used by donors (donor from whom at least one solid organ was removed and transplanted) in Italy to 6.9 million, compared to an average rate of 18.9 Italian. It means that the process must be improved in order to increase the donation to transplantation activities.

Some of the data that emerge from the eleventh edition of the Osservasalute Report (2013) , an in-depth analysis of the state population health and health care quality in the Italian regions presented at the Catholic University. The report is published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions which is based at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome and coordinated by Professor Walter Ricciardi.

In the data concerning the good news also came from Puglia chapter ‘mental health’. In Puglia, in fact there is a consumption of antidepressants 29.7 defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants in 2012. Nationally, the average consumption is 36.2 daily doses per 1000 inhabitants. The standardized rate of suicide is equal to 5.22 per 100,000 population, compared to a national average of 7.21 per 100,000 among persons aged 15 and over. Puglia has the lowest rate of suicide for the age group 65-74 years: 6.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to a national average of 9.64.

The Report Osservasalute (2013) measured how and how much the local health authorities and hospitals to connect online and communicate with citizens through social and web channels. In Puglia 17% of ASL uses a web channel (Twitter, Youtube) to communicate with the citizens against a national average of 34%. “The Report Osservasalute (2013) testifies – according to the regional director Filippo Caracciolo – a job well done in Puglia in the field of health care. Positive comparison with other Italian regions and the performance of certain indicators positive trends compared to the national average encourage us to move forward to achieve new goals. “

” In Puglia health and health care go on together with the welfare thanks to the excellent work done by the Regional Dear Elena: it is no coincidence that Puglia has its best results among the indicators that analyze the lifestyles and mental health. ” “As can be seen from the report published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions Puglia has to improve the donation process for the purpose of the increase in activity by transplantation. Just as there are jobs in communication : to increase and make more and more active relationship between the hospital and local health authorities and the citizen-user. “




Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ebola, Ministry of Health: “No danger from immigrants” – Web Weather



EBOLA COP The Ministry of Health is closely following the evolution of the disease Ebola virus, which affects the Guinea and some neighboring countries in West Africa, “although the risk of infection in imported Italian – says the ministry – and ‘absolutely remote “. Was provided by the Ministry of Information and instructions to its offices of health ‘maritime, air and border and all the other ministries that are involved in the management of health issues, including those dealing with irregular migrants, and are disseminated regular updates on the situation In line with what was communicated in this regard by the World Health ‘and with the feedback of the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). With regard to potential risks associated with irregular migration, the ministry noted that “the length of the paths that leads migrants from their countries of origin Italy makes even the remote possibility ‘that the possible occurrence of the disease, which has a period of incubation of up to twenty-one days, occurring in Italy. ” More ‘in general the Ministry of Health reports that “the disease Ebola virus is not transmitted by air, but only through contact with patients and / or their body fluids and with their bodies and / or body fluids of patients who died or in countries where the disease and ‘present, through close contact with live or dead wild animals. At present, the World Health Organization ‘still does not deem necessary restrictions to travel or trade routes. “

Mental Health, chaos on the future of patients – Ctzen

By Monday patients with mental disabilities guests for more than 72 months of Therapeutic Communities should be assisted resigned and the municipality must take charge. Pena configuration of loss of revenue to the region. The order, the last leg of a winding path and maimed sector reorganization of mental health, was sent Wednesday by the ASP to the CTA and the building of the Elephants. A potential bomb considering the social issues of the town of Etna, where there are 171 people on Monday in danger of being put to the door by the communities in which they lived until now. In many cases, without an alternative place to go, or to follow a path of rehabilitation.

The Regional Department of Health has identified the municipalities competent bodies to continue to assist patients through service lighter (with a maximum number of patients and a reduced presence of lower professionals), as residential communities, groups flat, protected structures or assistance in family . However, the single fund that would have to secure funding, inserted in ‘ Article 19 of the Regional Financial has been challenged by the commissioner of the state, as most of the stability law , and not repeated in the budget measure. A real headache for local authorities. Even if these patients were to remain in the CTA, the municipalities would still have to take charge. Catania it would be an expense of € 11 million , according to calculations by the Directorate of Social Policy Fiorentino Trojan horse , who yesterday meeting Lucia Borsellino and Joseph Bruno , new commissioner for the Family. “Beyond the lack of regional funds, which complicates the situation, the fact remains that we would not, however, sufficient facilities to accommodate these people. We are discussing and we will find a solution, but the ultimatum of the ASP can not be met , “says Trojan horse.

The decision of the Department of Health is part of the plan of reorganization Health in Sicily and came after a series of directives, regulations and memoranda of understanding in preparation for the approval of the famous article 19. A tool that was supposed to fill a historical gap for the region, regulating health and social integration – ie, services for those patients who are no longer or even competence, but they still need health care – and by setting up a special fund only. “Without this article, the reorganization has remained incomplete and dell’assessorato Directive which provides for the divestiture by the CTA in patients with more than 72 months of stay has become a bomb,” the complaint Francis Lirosi , president of the Regional Coordination mental health which brings together 40 associations between houses, family and social cooperatives. “And ‘as if one breaks a leg, but he was denied him fossilises the rehabilitation period,” he continues. Hence the challenge: “At this point better reopen the asylums ,” writes King Co. Sa. M. in a statement. “It ‘obvious that we are opposed to mental hospitals, but we face a glass ceiling in the Region, with whom do we speak?” You ask Lirosi.

On a regional total of 50 therapeutic communities assisted the Catania province has a population of 17. Of these, only one, in Caltagirone, is totally public. The other sixteen are private and affiliated with the Asp. Anomaly that arises from the fact that there were no asylums in Catanese and these structures have been born earlier than the rest of Sicily. In addition, the communities in the province of Etna can accommodate up to 40 patients, while elsewhere the maximum is 20. “ The limit of stay has always been – explains Lirosi – before he was 30 months, then was increased to 54, now 70, but has never been observed . Now, however, the commissioner Borsellino has introduced the principle of loss of revenue if you continue in abuse and this changes things. It would be good, because at the moment the system is blocked and many people waiting to get into a CTA. “

From the 17 communities in the province of Catania Monday should be discharged 400 people. “But no one will be thrown out “, reassures Trojan horse after yesterday’s meeting in Palermo. “The health and social facilities of the town which should take care of patients is insufficient, there is actually where to put these people. It ‘a serious problem that can not be solved by ultimatums. Theoretically, a notice should be done ad hoc, or should be relocated where there is room: Trapani, or Reggio Calabria. A deportation for people who in some cases live for thirty years in the same building . But – said the commissioner – we’re working to reach an agreement that goes in another direction. “

[Photos Cesvot]

Friday, April 25, 2014

FAO: healthy oceans to feed 9 billion people – Weather Web



fao Need urgent and coordinated action to restore health of the oceans of the planet and ensure well-being and food security in the long term to a growing world population. This’ is the key message of the International Summit which ends today in The Hague, in the Netherlands. Participating in the World Summit of action for the oceans (22-25 April) Ministers and high level representatives of governments, the fishing industry, the communities ‘coastal, the world of science and society’ civil with the intent to attract the ‘global attention and investment to address the three major threats to the oceans of the planet and food security: the excessive overfishing, habitat destruction and pollution. “It ‘Urgent action is needed and coordinate the community’ to address international threats on our oceans – Dijksma said Sharon, Minister of Agriculture of the Netherlands, which hosts the summit -. Innovative solutions must be identified at the local level that are able to put together the ecological with economic ones and implement them in other regions. The Summit Global Action for the oceans Hague offers the opportunity ‘to change the situation. ” On average, 17 per cent intake of animal protein in the world comes from fisheries and aquaculture, and the demand for protein from fish and ‘expected to double over the next 20 years, although about 28 percent of world stocks are already ‘overexploited. At the same time climate change threatens biodiversity ‘, habitats and productivity’ of our fisheries. “Oceans in good health have a central role to play in resolving one of the most ‘great problems of the twenty-first century – how to feed 9 billion people by 2050,” said Árni M. Mathiesen, deputy director general of the FAO Fisheries Department and Aquaculture. The summit focuses on the underlying causes that led to overfishing, an increase of marine pollution and the loss of critical habitats and possible solutions. This means being able to balance the demand for growth with the need ‘for the conservation of marine areas; tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing on the high seas and exclusive economic zones national; and to ensure that private sector growth does not come at the expense of the livelihoods of the communities’ local. “There are solutions combining ecological needs with economic ones,” said Juergen Voegele, Director of Agriculture and Environmental Services at the World Bank, co-organizer of the event. “We have the chance ‘to align all of our efforts and bring solutions to the local level. With public-private partnerships and shared approaches can restore the health of the oceans and ensure food and jobs to communities’ around the world. ” Among the approaches discussed will be highlighted inclusive partnerships that combine public, private, community ‘local society’ civil.

Oral health, how to protect themselves from the risks of menopause – the Newspaper

There are not only the classic hot flashes between the disorders caused by menopause . It says a search of Vitaldent which shows that women who are found to cross this period can also meet with other diseases in the oral cavity.

Among these, first the feeling of having your mouth on fire, otherwise known as “ Burning mouth syndrome “: looks like an unpleasant burning sensation in the gums, lips and tongue, and causes pain to the teeth, as well as halitosis and an alteration in taste perception.

Behind the name xerostomia lurks on the other hand the so-called “dry mouth” caused by the decrease or absence of salivation. Among the consequences, there is a continuing difficulty in swallowing, eating and drinking, as well as a lower oral hygiene, normally beneficial guaranteed by the action of saliva.

In these cases, the dentist may possibly interfere with prescription stimulating salivation or, in more severe cases, of saliva substitutes.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Health: developed a technique that reveals the effects of … – Web Weather



baby A group of scientists from University College London has developed a new technique that allows the pilot to monitor the activities’ of the brain of children in developing countries by birth, so as to reveal signs of cognitive dysfunction caused by failure to nutrition. The research and ‘was published in the journal’ Scientific Reports’. From what we read in the study, the cognitive functions of children can be viewed and tracked in a more ‘quickly, easily and accurately with this method, called functional near infra-red spectroscopy (fNIRS). The technique provides better results than behavioral assessments that are taken for decades in Western countries. The first tests were performed on children in the Gambia with age ‘between 4 and 8 months. The system monitored the activities’ of the brain of children showing changes in blood flow in the brains subjected to visual stimuli through the projection of videos of adults who carried out specific movements.

Minister of Health signed release turnover Campania Region –

Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin today signed the interministerial decree for granting exceptions to the block in turnover in the region of Campania. The grant covers 48 health professionals and follows a release (of 208 units) took place last January.

In particular, the decision ‘was taken after an investigation technique conducted by the Ministry of Health has determined that the ‘existence of critical points in the supply of essential levels of assistance due to their block of turnover of staff. The complex and articulated investigation, said in a statement from the ministry, he kept in mind is the reorganization of the appropriateness of that care networks in the provision.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

You can trust the “Doctor-tablet” – Corriere della Sera

Milan , April 22, 2014 – 9:24


There’s really something for everyone and it seems not a day without it creation of a new: there are now app (software installed on mobile or tablet) to remind you when to take medications, doctor’s appointments or vaccinations, to keep a food diary and help us lose weight, to monitor pressure or blood sugar, to help you quit smoking. These are just a few examples, because it seems there is no limit to the imagination of the developers: according to the latest estimates available medical apps for smartphones and tablets are already more than 40 thousand and growing at a phenomenal rate, so that for these tools suggest 500 million users by 2015, while in 2018 half of all smartphone users in the world have downloaded at least one mobile medical app. In this endless sea of ??applications of all kinds lose the compass seems more than likely: it is not surprising that the European Union has published a few days ago a Green Paper on “mobile health” (open to the public consultation and suggestions for changes of up to 2 next July), which will also address the app sector, trying to figure out how to regulate it, for example to ensure the protection of personal data, the rights and safety of patients. An integral part of the Green Paper is also a guidance document for developers, who are often unaware of the legal implications of their products, along the lines of a similar one approved last September by the Food and Drug Administration with the aim of giving precise directions.

Some apps, for example, are considered by the FDA as real medical devices, and as such should be subject to stringent rules. They are, for example, the app that transforms your smartphone into a sort of portable electrocardiograph for diagnosis of arrhythmia, or those that are used to manage diabetes, giving directions on how to change your insulin according to blood glucose measurements. In these cases, the U.S. agency that requires the app to be subjected to a review process before being put on the market, it must instead for applications with less direct implications on the health of consumers, for example because they help to manage a chronic disease without however, give indications of treatment, because they give only information about the disease or simply because they facilitate the interaction between patient, doctors and health care facilities. The rules are necessary because, though at first glance the idea of ??downloading an app treatment on the phone may seem harmless, some risks do exist for patients, and how. “One of the most critical is the use by a generic user-patient relationship that may not have adequate knowledge and skills – said Marcella Marletta, general manager of the medical devices, pharmaceutical service and safety of care to the Ministry of Health -. This can lead to errors and oversights that alter the function of the app, or misinterpretation of the data or results obtained, thus facilitating diagnosis and therapies “do it yourself” that can have serious effects on health. In addition, with an increasingly wide and diverse apps there are difficulties and potential dangers as well when deciding if it is not carried out on the advice of the doctor, it is common to have doubts and concerns about the quality of the app downloaded or spend hours on the many “app store” to research, often fruitless, for the “right” according to its own criteria for self-diagnosis or their needs, which is not necessarily the real ones are. “

That said, it clear, however, the positive potential medical apps: many can streamline the doctor-patient relationship, to facilitate the use of telemedicine to reduce health care costs, help the chronically ill to follow better therapies. And according to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of cases of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke could be prevented just with better self-care, which means the app could become a simple and affordable for everyone. To achieve this, however, must have a ‘stamp of quality’: patients’ associations have expressed themselves in this way on the platform MyHealthApps, dedicated to the “review” of medical applications, asking for a definition and standard rules. “The Ministry of Health has initiated a number of projects on this line: once the monitored current situation from the perspective of regulatory, technological and procedural arrive at a proposal for the classification of health app in a special register – says Marletta -. In addition, the integration will be defined regulations necessary to have proper and specific rules will be created a “Web Portal Service” experimental, procedures and controls for “certification” of medical apps, where developers can also find directions and guidelines “. “Today – he continues Marletta – consider software as medical devices that are mounted on equipment designed to perform health functions, such as ultrasound or CT scan machines. The app, however, are software tools installed on the medical purposes such as mobile phones or tablet, built for completely different purposes. For this it is necessary to “drive” the industry, investigating the specificity and giving ad hoc rules. ”

Even patients not realize : In a study conducted a few months ago about 250 people from 16 countries, including the five characteristics that the majority considers essential prerogative of the medical app stand out its credibility and security, in addition to ease of use and real ability to help you take better control disease. Same requests from physicians, as noted by Ovid Brignoli, vice president of the Italian Society of General Medicine: “This is an evolution of medicine with many positive traits, but must be managed and regulated. The essential thing is that the doctor teaches the patient how to use the app more suited to his needs, in the most correct, staying by his side: they are useful tools, but they should never replace the relationship with the physician. They must promote and extend the communication, not cancel it or distort it. “

April 22, 2014 | 09:24


Monday, April 21, 2014

Health, life in Tuscany average of 80 years for men and 85 years for … – Web Weather

Peppe Caridi


 WALKING THE ELDERLY Tuscany in good health . And ‘what emerges from the eleventh edition of the Report Osservasalute 2013 on health status and quality’ of care in the Italian regions, presented recently in Rome, at the University Hospital Agostino Gemelli. The Report, which annually examines the health of the population and the quality ‘of health care in different regions, and’ the work of 165 experts, and it ‘published by the National Health Regions, which has its headquarters at’ Universita ‘Cattolica in Rome. The president of the Tuscany region, Enrico Rossi, expressed satisfaction with these results, which he considers “an incentive to do more and more ‘better’, and for which thanks the caregivers. At this satisfaction and ‘associated with the Regional Councillor for the right to health, Louis Brown, who noted that “the efforts made by all in these two years are giving excellent results, as already’ confirmed in the past months by the National Outcomes, the so-called Grid Lea (essential levels of care), and also from the Report SDO, efficiency and appropriateness of hospital services. ” These data more ‘significant matters arising from the report. The life expectancy at birth and ’80.2 years for males and 85 for females: in Tuscany you live an average of about 10 months in more’ for men and 6 months in more ‘for women compared to the rest of the country . In particular, males Tuscans have earned 153 days of life expectancy due to the reduction in mortality ‘tumors (gain national average of 116); for women, and it had the highest gain for the reduction of mortality ‘for diseases of the circulatory system (181 days versus 117 days of average earnings Italian), which is followed by a gain of 107 days for the reduction of mortality’ tumors (level National: 31 days). Consequently, Tuscany and ‘among the Italian regions most’ affected by the aging of the population, with as many as 187.3 seniors (over 65) for every 100 young people (0-14 years), compared with a national value 148% . It also features the most ‘high percentage of males with disabilities ultra65enni’ living alone (41,59% vs 19,93% of the Italian data), hence a high social and economic burden on the working population. It is also the primacy of the Region of Tuscany in Italy lower percentage of healthy elderly who live alone (28.17% vs. the national average of 35.39%). Tuscany is reconfirmed in first place for the consumption of antidepressants, with 55.1 daily doses per 1000 inhabitants (vs. the national average of 36.8), although there was a slight decrease compared to last year’s figure (55.8 DDD / ab.die 1000), so ‘as is decreased, albeit slightly, the suicide rate (7.56 vs. 7.81 per 100,000 last year). With regard to financial performance, continue to decrease the ratio Tuscan expenditure / GDP, 6.43%, 0.6 percentage points less than the Italian average and the per capita expenditure for consumption of drugs at the expense of the NHS, decreased by EUR 14.3 compared to 2011. Tuscans contribute less to the pharmaceutical expenditure through ticket than the Italian average, spending from their own pockets for 9.3% of total expenditure, compared to 12.2% of the average Italian. Good report, as usual in recent years, for the performance of hospital care, as evidenced by its efficiency and appropriateness of indicators: the standardized rate of hospital discharges (143.5 per 1,000 vs. value Tuscan Italian figure of 163.5); more ‘down about 5 points compared to 2011; The average preoperative hospitalization, which in Tuscany ‘of about 0.4 days less than the national average; the percentage of patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture within 48 hours, increased from last year by as much 13.3 points, far exceeding the given Italian (Tuscan value of 69.3% vs. the national average of 44.7%); for cesarean births, lower by as much as 10.38% compared to the average Italian. To these indicators, this year’s report adds data mobility ‘hospital: Tuscany shows a balance of mobility’ positive which identifies a capacity ‘of attractiveness of hospital patients (11.2%), higher than the percentage of patients resident “fled” in other regions (5.7%). The positive picture that emerges and ‘the result of the pursuit of a virtuous regional health planning addressed to quality’ and the equitable accessibility ‘of care, as evidenced by the trend of recent years. Although the 2012 data of the National Program Outcomes, attach to Tuscany the most ‘high percentage of hospital performance better than average.

By dr. Petrus Amal: the headings of health from the early years of the … – Corriere della Sera

Milan , April 21, 2014 – 10:32


” A blooming season that has not (…). Just mention the exodus of all consumptives in Berlin for tuberculin (…) we must all be wary of the findings that emerge daily on newspapers and die in clinics and hospitals serious. ” It’s 1903, this is a song from the “doctor’s advice”, signed Dr. Petrus, which proves two things: that actually some type of “bloom” has no season and that from the outset the medical disclosure arises seriously the problem of miracle cures reported by “newspapers” and the impact of these on the public. In this case, then it was not easy to reject so much that new hope against one of the scourges of the time. In fact, the tuberculin invented by the Robert Koch discovered the bacillus, proved a failure as a vaccine, although it is still used as a test. But apparently Dr. Petrus, born Peter Favari, a well-known doctor in Milan at the time, was one who understood.

is one of the protagonists of a historical essay just published , “The Journal as a cure”, by Simona Ugolini, educator and researcher in Bioethics, dedicated to the birth of the disclosure in a medical journal such as the popular Domenica del Corriere , born on January 8, 1899 as insert gift the Corriere della Sera . The new weekly gave ample space to medicine, with ad hoc or news articles scattered in his “famous headings” as Gleanings and Americanate. And it was no accident: Just in Milan during the 800 were born the first popular science magazines of science, especially at the hands of the physician and anthropologist Paolo Mantegazza. But it was certainly “The Council of the doctor” at the heart of this “mission” of the newspaper, a book appeared for the first time right at the end of the century, in December 1899, remained until the closure of the newspaper, almost a century later, and inherited then from this very newspaper, the Corriere Health . Dr. Petrus, says the author, “spoke to her patients with the simplicity of an old and valued friend of the family … he used a short phrasing, poor and rich examples of engraved,” was marked by optimism but with a rational approach to disease. That still seems a good recipe. The success was immediately great, as evidenced by the amount of letters that came to Dr. Petrus and that led to the creation of an appendix of the book called “Opinions from a distance”, which reported directly to readers. By offering advice – says Petrus – and not ‘care at a distance “, because in case of troubling symptoms” you had to go by your family doctor for a visit. “

It never failed advice hygiene on how to raise children or shave, but also frequent tirades against the charlatans, against those who would listen to stupid advice of relatives. Starting from 1906 it appears the other protagonist of this little epic. The phone book of medicine Sunday is published with a new signature, Dr. Parva, which shall be the owner until the outbreak of the First World War. Even Parva says that you can not “heal at a distance” and that “there are diseases, but sick” to be treated case by case basis by intelligent physicians. However, using a more literary and flowery language, covers topics less “popular” (to take the risk of infections in the theater, dieting) and appears to be almost obsessed with the theme of hygiene, so as to promote a real campaign against flies . Which is amply justified by the health conditions of the early twentieth century Italy, where millions of immigrants fleeing famine and disease. Even if the protagonist for about a decade, Dr. Parva’s identity remains a mystery. According to Simona Ugolini the best hypothesis is that it was a woman, even to the name of female Latin parvus , baby. But it is possible that in 1906, the medicine was given to a woman? We do not know, but certainly we know that in 1929 it was a woman, Amalia Moretti Foggia, to pick up the book, renamed “The word of the doctor,” under the pseudonym of Dr. Amal ambiguous.

In his writings, in fact, the Corriere della Sera Foundation recently dedicated an anthology. Valance was born in 1872, the second woman to graduate from medical school at the University of Padua, was an extraordinary figure popularizer: not only was Dr. Amal until his death in 1947, but soon became the holder of another famous book of Sunday , signed Petronilla, dedicated to cooking recipes and also collaborated with the Corriere dei Piccoli Reading . Wherever bringing its footprint doctor with an unprecedented attention to the health qualities of the food, which also stemmed from his passion for herbal medicine, when he wrote of gastronomy; with the expertise of a pediatrician, when he invented tales for educational Small ; and with the quality of the writer ushering in the stories for reading a true “narrative medicine”. Prejudice, however, as Dr. Amal, well anchored in reality and actuality. Gracefully, but accuracy, teaches how to read the results of a urine test or explains what the acidity of the stomach. Here it is to report, in 1945, the arrival of penicillin and the difficulty to retrieve it, concluding: “As the same for all should be the law, so it should be the same for all the chance to win an infection.”

April 21, 2014 | 10:32


Saturday, April 19, 2014

“Sanfelice 1893? A small but healthy “- Journal of Modena

Earthquake, flood, endless economic recession, malicious rumors for years that they would like to built some great lending institution. Yet Sanfelice 1893 Banca Popolare will be presented Saturday, April 26th at Pala Round Table sanfeliciano for the shareholders’ meeting with positive data and good signs of vitality.

We spoke with Franco Cocchi, general manager from 2008, guiding the local bank with the president Pier Luigi Grana. And the d.g. does not hide his satisfaction for both numbers Sanfelice 1893 presents the 2013 budget, both on a personal level because Cocchi will join the Executive Committee of the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB) representing the Italian cooperative banks.

“The numbers are good for the bank – says Cocchi – not only for the development of products and services and cost containment. The profit from trading was decisive in our revenues: net income rose 12% on 2012. After the earthquake, we dealt with the restoration of our properties and those of the subsidiary Immobiliare Cispadana and with some operations to a new real estate fund contribution we have made good gains that have allowed a fair profit for the consolidated Group. I would especially like to mention the more than 35 million euro of loans granted by the bank in various capacities to those affected by the earthquake: bridge loans waiting for government grants. “

What are the most significant the 2013 budget?

‘Net commissions denote an increase of 19.21%. As I mentioned at the margin, which for the accuracy recorded a +11.92% +23.29% after 2012. Net result of financial operations – after net adjustments to loans of EUR 7.2 million, compared 1.7 million in 2012 – a record -14.52%. Operating costs are reduced by a total of 7.77% and the income statement closed with a profit of EUR 480 thousand after tax for more than 440 thousand Euros. The assets under management were stable and no small thing, given the decreases in average performance on the system and due to the contraction of loans and the difficulties of families to create new savings. Direct deposits from customers exceeds 646 million euro (-0.03% in 2012), the indirect funding – more volatile since it is linked to the performance of the market – stood at € 379 million, an increase of 2.62 %. Customer loans were stable at 503 million (-0.77 on 2012). The assets under management exceeded € 1,528 million, peak never reached. We are a small but healthy. “

can again propose a dividend to shareholders.

” A dividend of 0.20 euro per share, equal 89, 74% of the individual realized. The consolidated profit is higher (EUR 1.5 million after taxes for 674mila euro) and is due to the contribution of Cispadana Real Estate, a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank: useful that the Board prudently preferred to keep to shareholders. “

The web is increasingly revolutionizing the lives of all the banks are not immune to change.

“The web is already present and future for the distribution of banking products. It is obvious that within a few years will be revised how to set up and organize the branch for advice on loans and securities. ”

He raised a great cloud of dust, the cheese, the affair with the town of Correggio for the recognition of a debt of 10.7 million to your bank with guaranteed comfort letters issued by the City Council .

“The bank – says Cocchi – gave an award to a company owned by the town of Correggio and managed by the same, so it is as if he had committed the same municipality. It consists of a spontaneous committee of citizens, who rightly demand clarity to the representatives of the town of Correggio, so much so that the mayor Iotti end of 2013 had to resign, as well as the Director of the City, Pellegrini, with the inevitable commissioner of the City. Then the company already owned by the City has been declared bankrupt. The story is, so to speak, filed in court, the bank believes that strong letters of patronage issued by the City Council and with the approval of the City Council – to guarantee the company’s former City Hall – they are perfectly regular and should be honored. We look forward to the outcome of the civil proceedings, which are available to assess the proposals of the City, when, after the elections next May, it will be reconstituted and the Executive Council. “

Remuneration and loans to directors, often a cause of controversy.

“In our case the fees are very low, amounting to 7 percent maximum of the net profit after tax. For 2014 we are talking about 83 thousand Euros to be divided among the 10 directors. And our Board is transparent on credit: resolved that the credit can not exceed half the threshold specified by the Bank of Italy. ”

Stefano Turcato

April 19, 2014

Ebola virus: Ministry of Health, “import remote risk” –

As for the risk that the virus could arrive in Italy with irregular migration, the ministry noted that the length of the paths is greater than the maximum incubation period of the disease, amounting to 21 days. This, according to the Ministry of Health, “makes even remote” the possibility that the eventual onset of the disease occurring in Italy. In general, the ministry noted that the Ebola virus is not transmitted by air, but through the “contact with patients and / or their body fluids and with their bodies and / or body fluids of patients who died or, in countries where the disease is present, through close contact with live or dead wild animals. “


Friday, April 18, 2014

Ebola, Ministry of Health:” No alarm, there are cases in Sicily … – Adnkronos / IGN

Rome, April 17 (Reuters) – There is no case of Ebola in Sicily. A decision to deny with clarity and rumors these days, relating to an alleged case among migrants reaching Lampedusa , is the Ministry of Health. “ There are no cases of Ebola in Sicily “, emphasized by the Ministry of the Tiber Ripa. In the same vein the Director-General of the ASP of Palermo, which has expertise in Lampedusa, Antonio Candela. Candle told Adnkronos: “No alarm or Ebola in Lampedusa, nor nell’agrigentino. After careful checks, we exclude categorically that at the time have been reported cases of Ebola.” And now a few days ago the Ministry of Health calmed the situation in Italy, where they were “ reinforced as a precaution surveillance measures international ports of entry. about how the epidemic spread by the media of Ebola virus disease, which after the first outbreaks in Guinea is affecting some neighboring countries of Africa West Africa (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali), it should be noted that the Italian Ministry of Health provides constant updates about the situation through press releases sent to the regions and other authorities concerned with health issues related to travel and accommodation worldwide. Such releases are available in the section of the portal of the Ministry of Health ‘Events epidemic abroad.’ ” Adnkronos Health Public Information Office of the Command in Chief of the Naval Navy confirms that there is no case Ebola among migrants rescued in ‘operazioneMare Nostrum in the Mediterranean: “ If there had been, we would have already heard . Currently there is no report from our physicians committed on ships .” “I have long provided strict protocols health to be respected in the sea rescue of migrants – continues from the Navy – The physicians and staff of the Medical Corps of the Navy use gloves, masks and shoe covers sterile. In addition, during rescue operations at each step from the boat to the mainland is used a pan with bleach to disinfect footwear. “

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Italian improves health at risk but by cutting the NHS –

improves the health of the Italians, but at the same time diminish the services especially in the South and ‘the paradox that emerges from the eleventh Osservasalute Report 2013 – Health status and quality of care in the Italian Regions, presented today at the University Hospital’ Agostino Gemelli ‘.

The Italians, therefore, earn life expectancy due to reduced mortality from circulatory system diseases and cancers, a trend which is due both to the investments already made in prevention policies, both to advances diagnostic and therapeutic. He also sees some signs of improvement in lifestyle, at least in terms of the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, even if it is worsening the fitness of the citizens, more and more fat. The Report then a real danger: the Spending review” threatens to blow up the National Health Service, leading to difficulties in the short and in the long term, either due to a reduction in health services offered to the population, either because of a increase in health care spending over the long term due to the effect of the boomerang reduction of investment in prevention and early diagnosis.” There are many threats: doubled in 10 years, the expenditure incurred by the Italian for drugs and performance, and are increasingly unprotected departments and facilities, with thousands of doctors and nurses who ‘emigrated’ abroad. The report, the work of 165 experts, is published by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions which is based at the Catholic University of Rome and is coordinated by Walter Ricciardi.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The digital health goes from wearable technology –

If today we can control our health with smartphones, in short you can add remote consultations and visits remote. And if you do not pay a pledge movement with an app

 Photo: Getty Images

(Photo: Getty Images)

App for smartphones, subcutaneous chip, guided remotely. Patients and big medical industry are ready to open the doors to new market. And health, soon, it could also become a digital business . Confirmation of this comes “The Digital Health Revolution,” the report on the digital health signed by the International Hotwire. “The Digital Health is experiencing tremendous growth worldwide. Only in the United States in 2013, investment in digital health increased by 39% over the previous year, reaching a total of 1.9 billion dollars, “ according to the report just published.

But among the main trends in growth, in the context of digital health, stands wearable technology, wearable tech , from which we can wear sensors located anywhere and in constant dialogue with our smartphones. Products like Fitbit, Nike FuelBand and Jawbone UP bracelets that track our physical activities, contribute now with $ 5 billion to the turnover of wearable technology. And in addition to becoming fashionable items, helping to keep under control kilometers traveled and calories burned in a span of time to create databases also significant for the development of diets ad hoc for each. And although all to be confirmed, the predictions are wasted on a market that by 2018 could reach $ 50 billion in sales worldwide.

“But why go out to visit the doctor , or a check of the blood, when you can stay at home? “ are asking rhetorically to Hotwire, alluding to the new frontier of visit remote . With a site like 23andme is now possible to obtain the map of the human genome by simply sending a specimen to the laboratory in Los Angeles. With just under 100 dollars, however, you can buy the wrist blood pressure monitor in real time signed iHealth Wireless, which of course will track the progress step by step on your smartphone. But with the development of sensors and processors getting thinner , like a pacemaker for the heart, we can now insert the chip under the skin can even monitor the health of other organs. “Advances that have been made only a few years ago,” -explanatory Hotwire. Is not exactly easy, in fact, install inside the human body and hardware devices with a high rate of rejection, even with acute risks to the health of the patient.

In addition to the hardware, though, here’s the software apps for DIY health . According to the report, the amount of medical applications is getting ready to cross the threshold of 100 thousand today 20% of smartphone owners have at least one, but it is estimated that by 2017 users of the category Health and Well-being will be one in two . “So another phenomenon worth mentioning is definitely the rise of m-health , the mobile health, certainly among the trend of industry-leading.” By visiting distance the patient can save disbursements for travel and consultation, while the “advice” of the specialist can also cross the threshold of reality isolated or difficult to reach. With apps like STD Triage, for example, with a smartphone you can request a consultation at a distance on sexually transmitted diseases. And sometimes the immediacy of feedback between the diagnosis of the patient and the next of the physician, can help even the dialogue and the administration of personalized care and based on the recorded data. Thank GymPact, however, a simple application for Android and iOS nailing lazy to its responsibilities: the user signs a pact to which it undertakes to perform some exercises that the app is able to monitor. If the weekly schedule is met, the user will receive cash prizes of . Otherwise, the income is taken a similar amount (a few dollars) as a pledge for the extract of the agreement. A nice way to emphasize the importance and continue to beat the paths of digital health, the new market for companies and patients.

Michael Schumacher / Latest news health conditions. New … – The

-> MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (Update) – Michael Schumacher “the little progress that make us courage.” New declaration of optimism on the part of Sabine Kehm , manager and spokesperson for the seven-time world champion Formula 1 , who made the point about health conditions the former Ferrari driver , which as everyone knows is hospitalized in a coma hospital in Grenoble is now the end of December. Declaration once again concise and not too detailed, but that is a further confirmation of what had already emerged a few days ago on the progress of Schumi : the progress thus continue, and the optimism of Family is definitely a very important signal. The road ahead is still long, but the confidence in a positive outcome grows more and more …

MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (Update) – The German newspaper Bild reported news on Michael Schumacher still hospitalized in a coma at the hospital in Grenoble in northern France. Two weeks ago, two people would have snuck into the hospital, probably to visit another patient, then trying to enter the room of the German pilot to photograph. According to news reports the intruders were, however, promptly blocked by an agent of the security service hired by the Schumacher family. It is not the first time that an episode like this: Bild remember how in the days immediately following the accident in Meribel (29 December) a man had tried to enter the room of Michael Schumacher, disguised as a priest; even then the bodyguards were able to avoid complications. In the latter case it was assumed that the two people they wanted to photograph the former Ferrari and then resell shots. The latest news on the health of Schumacher were positive, the German showed signs of awakening; his recovery, however, is likely to be gradual and therefore still long, barring unforeseen circumstances.

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Michael Schumacher / Latest news health conditions. New … – The

-> MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (Update) – Michael Schumacher “the little progress that make us courage.” New declaration of optimism on the part of Sabine Kehm , manager and spokesperson for the seven-time world champion Formula 1 , who made the point about health conditions the former Ferrari driver , which as everyone knows is hospitalized in a coma hospital in Grenoble is now the end of December. Declaration once again concise and not too detailed, but that is a further confirmation of what had already emerged a few days ago on the progress of Schumi : the progress thus continue, and the optimism of Family is definitely a very important signal. The road ahead is still long, but the confidence in a positive outcome grows more and more …

MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (Update) – The German newspaper Bild reported news on Michael Schumacher still hospitalized in a coma at the hospital in Grenoble in northern France. Two weeks ago, two people would have snuck into the hospital, probably to visit another patient, then trying to enter the room of the German pilot to photograph. According to news reports the intruders were, however, promptly blocked by an agent of the security service hired by the Schumacher family. It is not the first time that an episode like this: Bild remember how in the days immediately following the accident in Meribel (29 December) a man had tried to enter the room of Michael Schumacher, disguised as a priest; even then the bodyguards were able to avoid complications. In the latter case it was assumed that the two people they wanted to photograph the former Ferrari and then resell shots. The latest news on the health of Schumacher were positive, the German showed signs of awakening; his recovery, however, is likely to be gradual and therefore still long, barring unforeseen circumstances.

© All rights reserved.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Medical visits with the webcam. The British doctors landed on Skype – The Messenger

 Medical visits with the webcam. The British doctors landed on Skype

 The British doctors visit via Skype. It is one of the innovations introduced by the British Ministry of Health. It will be real breakthrough for physicians and patients of the Kingdom which provides, among other things, extended opening hours in the evenings and at weekends to allow even those who work late, such as the employees of the City of London, to see your doctor.

without having to move of the house when strength fails or is too old, the visit can be done via webcam. As Prime Minister David Cameron has announced one in eight family doctors in England will take part in the pilot project, providing an opening seven days a week, an hour from eight in the morning until eight at night, and visits via Skype to their patients.

The plan will involve 7 million patients . To put it into practice was allocated £ 50 million needed for their costs, especially personnel, who will face the clinics participating in the initiative. “It’s a very important step for our health,” said the premier. The funds will also be used to make available to elderly people over 75, who are most in need of health care, computer and iPad to monitor their health status and contact with their doctor, who will also send prescriptions via e-mail.

can not replace the live the medical examination on Skype, especially in the case of complex diseases. But the reform was long overdue given that more and more Britons over the weekend end up clogging up the emergency rooms of hospitals, with no serious physical problems and therefore are likely to slow down the work of doctors and nurses who must give priority to emergencies . It is estimated that in the last decade the number of people who have turned to the emergency department in England has increased by 22%, compared to a population increase of 6.6%.

Criticism there have been . The opposition Labour Party has stressed that with the conservative-led government will be lengthened waiting times to see their doctor. Many patients have to wait weeks before check-up and these delays must be added that in many cases, months elapse between the visit to the clinic and hospital examinations.

Use: in the first Colorado marijuana vending machines –

arrive in Colorado the first marijuana vending machines: the creators of the hi-tech state machines that use a technology to enable people to buy faster cannabis, but likewise keep out of the reach of children.

The distributors, in fact, have a system that requires users to enter a document to verify age and identity, then a camera checks the correspondence of the person who wants to buy marijuana with the owner of the document. The first machine will be installed in the dispensary Herbal Elements in Eagle-Vail. The Colorado and ‘the first state in the Union to have kicked off the sale of cannabis for recreational purposes, at the beginning of the year.



The pregnant woman not his twins’ Under shock, but the kids … – Corriere della Sera

Milan , April 14, 2014 – 8:19


ROME – Those children who so desired , who could not have, she takes them in her lap four and a half months or so. But, like her husband, knows that those twins in good health, which are growing rapidly albeit with some difficulty, not theirs. That there would be a big mistake when the embryo was implanted in the center, in the Pathophysiology of Reproduction and Infertility Roman hospital ‘Sandro Pertini. ” But when it’s terrible report with laboratory tests, more or less a month ago, the pair of psychologists Roman forties – destroyed by pain, annihilated – has faced. And decided: the mother will carry the pregnancy, whatever the cost.

Only one previous to the world

“If he wanted to have an abortion, he would have already done,” he scoffs Michael Ambrosini, counsel he received from them the task of dealing with this matter which – according to experts – has only one precedent in the world, faced (but not entirely clear) with guidelines in the United States. “At least until recently, that was the intention. I say until recently because we were hoping that the case did not become known and that my client could continue this pregnancy so complex in absolute tranquility. But now I can not talk to them. I had asked for confidentiality, instead this was the result. I’m shocked, you have to respect their pain and their privacy, “he says bitterly Ambrosini.

Those names are too similar

must back to December 4 to reconstruct the story, as husband and wife – after the route taken by biologists, geneticists, gynecologists and laboratory (there are eight in-service) – are presented with three other couples to Pertini for the appointment with the hope, linked to the results of medically assisted procreation (PMA). They want to be a child of their own time and could be the decisive day because the dream becomes a reality. In the waiting room there are three other couples. Here – according to hospital sources – may have been a problem in the last couple of psychologists and another there is a difference of only three letters, with the initial identical. In short, in the confusion and emotion of the moment an aspiring mom might have misunderstood and introducing herself in front of the doctors instead of the other.

Assisted reproduction: the error in the test tubes

But the most likely hypothesis to give an explanation for what happened leads directly to the stage of embryo implantation. And the exchange of test material. Of the other three pairs, one is expecting a baby (it seems that the findings have already led to the conclusion that the child has them), another is waiting in turn twins. While the outcome of assisted reproduction for the last has not been positive on the list of treatments that morning near the psychologists, is that the couple – to hear who was involved in the affair – it seems the most likely to be involved in the exchange of test tubes with the other couple who expects his children do not.

The outcome of the CVS

checks will be arranged immediately by the Director General of ASL Roma B (which depends on the Pertini), Vitaliano De Salazar, to determine how it could have happened the resounding exchange tubes. That started when Ambrosini sent a letter to the leaders of the hospital to report the drama that customers were experiencing. Drama emerged after a delicate control – but routine – for a forty year old who learns that she is pregnant with twins: the ‘CVS’ performed at the beginning of March to “Anne” in Rome (center specializing in assisting public maternal and child ) had ruled that she was the natural mother. Another doubt meanders among the “employees to work”: that there has been an error in the compilation of reports to “Anne”?

The response of the “Saint Anne”

Assumptions not entirely ruled out, at least until yesterday. But definitely residual, compared to that of the exchange of test tubes. Another small concern in the expert has awakened to the fact that the official response of “St. Anna” has not yet been delivered by psychologists (for privacy reasons, only they can disclose) to the leaders of Pertini, so that they could compare the genetic profile of the twins with one of the other couples on 4 December were subjected to artificial insemination: the only test that can determine who are the natural parents. On three occasions were urged to do so but, at least until yesterday, nothing had arrived at the hospital. Reply Ambrosini: “Informally, the outcome of the” CVS “already have it. I do not understand … “.

April 14, 2014 | 08:19