Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ilva: archbishop, no health against job -

Ilva: Archbishop , no health work against (ANSA) – Taranto, AUGUST 31 -” The contrast between health and work is the result of a perverse dynamic, daughter of those who have not thought about the future of Taranto, but have followed the path of immediate profit.” This was written by Msgr. Filippo Santoro archbishop of Taranto, in his message for the 8 / A Day for the protection of creation for tomorrow promoted by CEI, referring to the events of Ilva. ” Unfortunately – he adds – we have witnessed the loss of the ruling classes, national and local.”

Friday, August 30, 2013

Three days of health and sport in Diano - The Press

Into It ‘widely outlined the program of the three-day health and sports to be held in Diano Marina on Friday 13, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September, and will culminate with the running race of 10 km. The event, organized by the municipality of Diano Marina, the Italian province of Imperia Sports Centre, the Association “Run Diano”, with the technical collaboration of the Pro San Pietro di Sanremo, is part of the project “Run Diano,” which aims to testify that it is possible, thanks to the weather conditions which offers the gulf, to succeed in less than a year to prepare for participation in an international marathon, such as that provided in Rome in March 2014. To embellish the event, the extraordinary presence of Professor Sand ro Donati, coach of the Italian national team in Athletics from 1977 to 1987, which has fought for many years doping in sport across the board and in 1993 he published a dossier on the use of EPO in cycling . In Diano Marina, Prof. Donati will present his famous book “The Sport of Doping”, whose proceeds will go to support the activities of corporate Abel Don Ciotti to which the author has donated all his royalties.

Into The “three days of sport and health ‘provides to Friday (16:30, Council Chamber of the Town Hall), a conference on the theme” Families between nutrition and sport. Sports nutrition education and prevention of doping between truth and myths “, with experienced speakers such as Dr. De Maria Clara (degree in Dietetics and nutrition consultant) and Dr Lara Rebecco (Psychologist), and with the extraordinary intervention of the Prof. Sandro Donati to Saturday (always 16:30, Council Chamber of the Town Hall), a conference on “The sport of doping …”, with the participation of Prof. Sandro Donati and Dr. De Maria Clara . Extraordinary testimonial will be champions Stefano Mei and Ornella Ferrara on Sunday morning non-competitive running race of 10 km, open to all, valid for 1st Trophy Diano Marina.

Into “This is an extremely important event – said the Councillor for Sports of the Municipality of Diano Marina, Francesco Bregolin – during which we want to give a strong signal of support for the right practices in sport, doping, for a correct power. In this sense I think it is a great fortune for us to have Prof. Donati will present his new book. It ‘s definitely a great joy. ”

Referring to Run Into Diano, echoes David Carpano, Managing Director and trade and manifestations of the municipality of Diano Marina: “We’re all out of shape and with this initiative we want to show that with the help of doctors, nutritionists, osteopaths , p hysiotherapists, coaches, we can become athletes, able to take part in the Rome Marathon. The group now has about 60 participants, so we get noticed and promote Diano Marina, a city where you can do sports and physical activity throughout the year. ”

Into Sandro Donati is a former track and field coach and current adviser to the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). Source:

Into Clara De Maria, born and resident in Albenga Diano Castello, graduated in Dietetics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Genoa, with the highest grades. He has collaborated with some of the leading hospitals in the Liguria and has participated in numerous courses, conferences and meetings, national character, even as rapporteur.

Into Ornella Ferrara, Piedmont marathon runner, won the bronze medal at the World Championships in Gothenburg 1995. (Source:

Into Stefano Mei, La Spezia athlete w ho specializes in middle distance and 10,000, won a gold (Stuttgart 1986), one silver (Stuttgart 1986) and a bronze (Split 1990) at the European Championships in Athletics. (Source:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Health, USA in last place among the richest countries. Appeal to scientists ... - Adnkronos / IGN

Into A volunteer distributes food to the poor in San Francisco (Xinhua) A volunteer distributes food to the poor in San Francisco (Xinhua)

Into last update: 29 August, 20:08

Into Rome – (Adnkronos Health) – The world of science calls for the creation of a National Commission on public health

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Into Rome, August 29 (Reuters Health) – ‘Sos health’ in the United States. So much so that researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University launched the journal ‘Science’ an appeal to President Barack Obama, an invitation to “remove the veil of ignorance public” and to deal with a pressing question: why ‘health status America and ‘the last places among the nations most’ rich? The world of science therefore calls for the government to mobilize and create a National Commission on the health of Americans. The researchers emphasize the importance of this commitment to ensure ‘that the country is beginning to reverse the decline of the health of its inhabitants. This is not ‘a challenge that can’ be left to private organizations, warn Ronald Bayer and Amy Fairchild, both professors of social and health sciences. “The state of health of Americans and ‘a social problem that requires social solutions” show. Here, according to experts, and ‘play more’ of the U.S. health care system, which fails to provide necessary care to millions of Americans. “There ‘the need’ to brave public policies that move beyond the ‘individual behavior to address the fundamental causes of disease,” the researchers are convinced. A report dated January 2013 the U.S. National Research Council and Institute of Medicine classifies the United States last among the Nations of the same level in terms of health status, and compares unfavorably with 17 countries in almost all stages of life of the inhabitants. The report, entitled ‘The health of the United States in an international perspective: life more’ short and worse health ‘, emphasizes that the main causes are socio-economic and highlights the categories in which you have the worst results. Here then is that the United States has more ‘h igh rates of adverse birth outcomes, heart disease, injuries from road traffic accidents and violence, sexual diseases and lung diseases. Still, Americans lose more ‘years of life due to alcohol and drug use; the States have the most’ high mortality ‘child among high-income countries and the second most’ high incidence of AIDS and ischemic heart disease. Finally, for decades the United States has recorded the most ‘high rate of obesity’ in children and adults, as well as ‘diabetes aged 20 years of age’ on. “Too many studies have been published documenting the serious health inequalities within the United States – say Bayer and Fairchild – now not only inequalities are more ‘bigger than ever for a century now, but we see that the United States does worse than other countries. We fear that this report, as others in the past, end up in the trash. Only resolute action by the President could stop it. “

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Dulse: the red alga health - Reuters

Into Tasty and rich in beneficial properties, it is particularly widespread in the North Atlantic and is an excellent ingredient for the preparation of delicious and healthy recipes

Into Rich in vitamins, minerals and valuable nutrients, the Palmaria Palmata, known as Dulse, has appreciated since 1600 by English sailors who riscontrarono the beneficial properties consuming it during their travels.
INGREDIENT Generally known as Dulse, Palmaria the Palmata is a red seaweed belonging to the family Palmariaceae. It owes its fame to the custom among the English sailors of the seventeenth century, to chew it like tobacco. Crews noticed, over time, a link between the consumption of seaweed and a decrease in cases of scurvy, a disease so common among men of the sea but that seemed to strike a lesser extent than their British. The Palmaria Palmata, in fact, it grows mainly in the waters of the North Atlantic and the Pacific Northwest, is attached to the end of the intertidal rocks, that is the area that is alternately submerged or discovery during high and low tide, both in deeper waters. Its branches, flat, smooth and soft, have a shape similar to that of a hand with the fingers open and have a size between 20 and 40 centimeters. One of the things that most distinguishes it is its beautiful color that ranges from pink to purplish red that gives a pleasant texture to dishes in which it is used. It is harvested by hand in the months between June and October during low tide and then be cleaned and dried in the sun and wind and rolled into large bales thanks to which it is transported in the factories for the processing and packaging. It is sold in leaves or ground and, thanks to ever more massive spread of vegetarian and macrobiotic cuisine, has been rediscovered and today they are appreciated for their high nutritional properties and benefits drawn from them.


THE RECIPE Palmaria Palmata is characterized by a soft texture and a taste very strong, almost spicy. These characteristics make it particularly suitable to be eaten raw or cooked, used as an ingredient to add flavor to many recipes such as soups, sauces, omelettes, quiches and fish dishes as well as simple salads. Its flavor pleasantly alloy with that of cereals and onion. To enjoy a nice summer dish, light and simple, can be prepared as a side dish in a recipe made with corn and vegetables . Just allow it to soak for a few minutes, squeeze it and cut it into strips. In a pan, sauté in the oil need of carrots and onions which add, after a few minutes of corn and algae. After you blow up the whole thing for a few more minutes, add the soy sauce in which finish cooking. The preparation obtained can be served either hot or cold.

THE SECRET Dulse seaweed is rich in nutrients helpful such as vitamin A, iron, zinc, calcium, iodine and potassium. All this, in addition to a high content of mineral salts, makes it particularly suitable to be used also as a valuable dietary supplement, for the treatment of thyroid disorders, and in the case of anemia.

TERRITORY Widespread in the North Atlantic in different parts of Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, New Brunswick and Maine, the Palmaria Palmata also grows along the coast of Japan where it is known the name of Daruse. One of the areas where most prolific, however, is that of Finistère , region extreme west of Britain where the water is incredibly pure and unspoiled, wild cliffs and villages of great charm. Brittany is one of the so-called “six Celtic nations” along with Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man and Cornwall and these origins have greatly influenced the culture, language and traditions even in the area of ??Finistère.


Today this region is presented as a land of beautiful landscapes, made of crystal clear waters that lap the rugged coastline and pristine beaches and lush hills inland, creating areas of great natural charm, such as those of the mountains of Arree and the Black Mountains. The whole dotted with picturesque towns characterized by unique architecture where the granite is one of the unique elements. Do not miss Quimperle, Finistere gateway to Cornwall and the French, with its two nuclei, the lower and upper, each dominated by its church. Not to be confused with Quimper, one of the most famous places in the area, known especially for the tradition associated with the machining of ceramics. Another charming islet Concarnau which is accessed via a pedestrian bridge, and Locronan, considered one of the most beautiful villages of France with its construction in granite and its ancient Celtic origins. To visit the other hand, one of the most beautiful bays in the country you have t o reach the Finistère north-east where there is Morlaix, with its bay dominated by the castle of Taureau. This picturesque resort, located at the confluence of two rivers, the harbor also has a very distinctive and a historic center of medieval origin dotted with picturesque half-timbered houses with the typical verandine wood. To visit one, you can reach the one known as “the Duchess Anne” in which has been converted into an interesting museum.


About Algae

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Too much junk food in gravidanzapuò undermine the mental health ... - Corriere della Sera

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Australian study

Too much junk food during pregnancy
can undermine the child’s mental health

The unborn child is likely to be aggressive or hyperactive and anxious


MILAN – Few fruits and vegetables and a lot of junk food in pregnancy may increase the risk of conduct disorder, aggression and tantrums of the child already in the first few years of life, as well as mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. This was revealed by a survey conducted at Deakin University in Melbourne and published on Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . STUDY – The researchers, led by Felice Jacka, they analyzed a vast amount of data on more than 23 thousand pregnant women and their children, followed up to the fifth year of life. So far it has been studied the link between lifestyle and physical health of the expectant mother of the unborn child, particularly the risk of a child becoming obese and diabetic, we never had focused on the impact of diet during pregnancy on the mental health and behavioral small. Experts have analyzed the diet of pregnant women with a food frequency que stionnaire of 225 and then that of the babies followed from birth up to 5 years, with another questionnaire more limited. They also measured the mental health of children with the protocol “Child Behavior Checklist” which identifies the signals of aggression, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression and other disorders. What emerged was a clear association between poor diet during pregnancy full of junk food as snacks and drinks and the risk of behavioral problems of the child. A similar association emerged between feeding little and his psychological state.

(Source: USA Today)

Deaths in hospitals Maremma: the Minister of Health sends the ... - The Nation

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Carpi, fire company for separated waste. Harp: "No ... - The Daily

Into’m still to quantify, but are around EUR million fire damage that Fossoli of Carpi has destroyed the company’s warehouse Care, which is waste collection . The fire erupted Saturday, August 24 to 18 and, fueled by the wind, have taken numerous teams engaged for hours of firefighters arrived from the region. The smoke with a visible column to several km away, has also requested the intervention of ‘ Harp , but they seem conjured environmental problems.

Into “The City of Carpi,” did you know the deputy Simone Tosi , “indicates that, as soon as alerted by the Civil Protection system about the fire, ARPA AUSL and are promptly intervened reviewing and monitoring the pollution values ??for air, water and soil. All values ??are reassuring results and have not been registered pollutant concentrations harmful to the health of citizens. Precisely for this reason we were never asked to activate additional safety measures to protect the population as evacuation or other. “

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Here is the Resort for health and wellness - Il Messaggero Veneto

of Domenico Poecile Into Into The structure, futuristic race and pointin g to the maximum respect for the environment, will include 8,000 square meters, including parking areas developed on two underground floors of which is covered by a tensile structure photovoltaics. Moreover, the entire building will be energetically classified in class A, so that geothermal power plants are planned. The most modern part is that relating to plant. The roof is a structure that goes up and that will be covered with grass. There are three plans “in light” where, in addition to the lobby, will also build the 34 rooms (68 beds) with views towards the golf and mountain crown.

Into “But beyond the container, difficult to summarize in a few lines in the details – says the project manager, Uberto Fortuna hydroxy -, the one where the idea was born is the content, ie a kind of center for health care. Not a hospital, but a point that puts all the attention and offering all services for the maintenance of good physical and mental state. They ar e in fact under the control activities for sports, physiotherapy, check-up and a whole host of offers extremely innovative health. “

Into The Resort is also developed in depth with a level of medical poliambulatoriale of about 1,500 square meters, which will be located beneath the hotel rooms. Further down you will come to the wellness plan, with rooms for massages, saunas, small in size to facilitate both the closeness and the characteristics of the user. But among the projects there is also the use of cold therapy. The resort also includes a hydro-therapy pool with a couple of lanes of 25 meters in length to facilitate swimming true. “We are evaluating – insists Fortuna hydroxy – if you increase the number of lanes, but the problem is not trivial because it is a matter of mixing the different water temperatures.” The pool will go to the outside to end in a sort of beach. There will also be a meeting room that can accommodate about 90 people .

Into It also provided for the construction of a bridge linking the resort with golf course where, among the many renovation projects and expansion, there is also that the creation of a trail with stops gym. For users, as mentioned, Villaverde points to the Northern European market. “For this – adds the project manager – it would be appropriate to set up a network of tourist Fvg to offer a rich package of offers in which this Resort could become one of the basic fields and not just for golfers.”

Into The Resort (designed by the architect Alessio Princig flanked by Coprogetti who will be responsible for construction management and dell’impiantisitica, while the structural part will be followed by Filippo e Giacomo Burelli) should be made by mid-2015. Over the next six months will be defined and disclosed other interesting details on the offer. The entire operation, including the “reinterpretation” of the golf course, will be worth more than € 20 million paid by the private sector. “And nowadays – says Fortuna hydroxy – an investment of this magnitude in Italian means to transmit a big confidence boost.”

Into Satisfaction was expressed by the Mayor of Fagagna, Aldo Burelli: “It is an important work that will do well in everything that interlocks with the City and north of Fagagna where revolves around what we have achieved for the environment. Not to mention that there will be a breath of fresh air for employment. “


Into August 24, 2013


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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Health: Progeria, a rare disease that imprisons children in ... - Weather Web

SYNDROME PROGERIA The Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome (Progeria or HCGP) is a rare and fatal genetic disease characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children . Its name derives from the greek and means “premature aging”. There are different forms of Progeria and the most common is the syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford, the names of the doctors who first described in England (Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson in 1886 and Dr. Hastings Gilford in 1897). L ‘ HGPS , the classic form of Progeria is caused by a genetic mutation in the gene LMNA that occurs during the formation of sperm , and is of paternal origin, like many spontaneous mutations. The reason is due to the large number o f divisions that progenitor cells are necessary to become mature sperm.
G ene LMNA produces a protein called Foil and which is located below the nuclear membrane, forming a kind of structural lattice where are anchoring many different proteins of the membrane itself and chromosomes . The mutation leads to the formation of a lamina shorter (progerin ) which becomes toxic to the cells, making it more susceptible to external damage and altering many internal connections from the functional point of view.

Little Antalya Rose Williams, a small web star suffering from Progeria

the small Antalya Rose Williams, a small web star suffering from Progeria

The Progeria Research Foundation (PFR) has played a key role in the discovery of the gene responsible for Progeria returning in April 2003 on the prestigious scientific journal Nature, the discovery of the gene responsible for Progeria, which took place thanks to the extraordinary work of a team of scientists from the PRF Genetics Consortium. According to the researchers, the process of premature aging typical of Progeria depend just from a defective Lamin A, which makes the nucleus unstable, causing instability phone.
Symptoms of Progeria closely resemble the normal human aging. but occur in young children. It affects a baby every 4-8 million, was in all ethnic groups and affects males and females equally. The children suffering from progeria who are apparently healthy at birth, in the first year of life show the first signs of the disease.

The main symptoms:

  • lack of growth during the first year of life,
  • loss of eyebrows and eyelashes,
  • macrocephaly (large head compared to the size of the face),
  • dry, scaly, thin,
  • face shrunken and wrinkled,
  • generalized atherosclerosis,
  • delayed formation or absence of teeth,
  • small jaw (micrognathia)
  • PROGERIA OK The children suffering from Progeria are genetically predisposed to the onset progressive and premature cardiovascular disease and their death is almost always due to cardiovascular disorders popular. Suffering from cardiovascular disease, are: high blood pressure, onset of stroke, angina (chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart), enlarged heart and heart attack.
    Usually the progeria is not passed down through families and rarely seen more than one child in a family. Patients usually only live through adolescence, although some can reach 20 years. The HGPS is characterized by an autosomal dominant mutation (because it’s enough just to have a copy of the gene mutation for their appearance) < strong> sporadic (because it is a new mutation).
    Children with Progeria age 8 times faster than normal, in practice, are creatures whose body is trapped in that of an old, albeit with mental development corresponding to their age, with intelligence and emotions linked to it.
    For parents who have never had a child with Progeria, the possibility of giving birth to a child with HGPS is 1 in 4 million to 8 million, while in the case in which they have already had a child with Progeria , the risk that happen again, is about 2-3%. This increase in the percentage of risk is associated with mosaicism, a condition in which a parent has a genetic mutation of Progeria in a small percentage of its cells, but does not have the Progeria.

    PROGERIA OK1 As the gene mutation responsible for progeria has been identified, the Progeria Research Foundation ( PRF) has scheduled a diagnostic test with which to identify the change, the mutation of the gene that causes the syndrome HGPS. After the medical examination and history taking a blood sample is analyzed to search for the Progeria gene, with scientific precision, and so early, so you can treat children in a suitable way. There are now remedies for solving for progeria but only treatments to cure or prevent some of the consequences caused by the disease such as vascular risks, including stroke, heart attack and heart disease. The search, however, is trying to reverse the genetic process, trying to limit the damage of the toxicity of proge rin through the use of specific inhibitors that make it more unstable and therefore more easily eliminated. There are currently experimental protocols used different in France, Italy and the United States regarding the combined use of drugs already known to other diseases: pravastatin and zoledronic acid.

    These drugs act on the process of formation of the lamina (progerin) mature and thus interfere with its chemical modification (farnesylation), making the protein less toxic. Other studies have used an experimental drug, the lonafarnib, which would be able to block some of the devastating effects of the protein progerin: in all children treated with this drug, there have been positive effects, such as increased muscle strength or improvement of the condition of the blood vessels.

    The financial statements of Green Schooner, here is the state of health of the Italian sea ... - Inform to resist

    application/pdf icon download offenses under 6 ‘ umbrella

    130 points polluted, one every 57 km of coastline. Bad treatment, oil extraction, illegal, coastal land use, pollution from large ships and military activities in the dossier are crimes under the umbrella. There is still too much maladepurazione in Italy. 130 samples results are polluted by the presence of non-purified sewage – one every 57 km of coastline – the total of 263 microbiological analyzes from the mobile laboratory of Green Schooner in summer 2013. In practice, almost 50 percent of monitored points along the coastal areas of 7,412.6 kilometers from the boat touched environmentalist. And of these sampling results well beyond the limits of the law 104 – 80 percent – have had a judgment of heavily polluted, ie with concentration of bacteria of faecal origin at least twice a s much as possible . 90 percent of the polluted points were taken at the mouths of rivers, streams, canals, rivers, ditches, or in the vicinity of discharges of purifiers that are broken, you confirm the number one enemy of our sea. In this gloomy picture, than to deal with the critical projects on time and permanent, in the South are also risks losing well 1.7 billion of funds for works to upgrade the sewage system. A loss to which you can also add a salty and fine for the infringement procedure which led to condemnation for failure to comply with the European directive on waste water treatment and sewerage. Seas and the Italian coast ended up in the viewfinder of six killer: maladepurazione, oil extraction, illegal construction, land use coastal pollution from large ships and military activities. Assassins in action from north to south of the Peninsula, twenty crime scenes in the dossier shows that Legambiente “You crimes under the umbrella. The yel low of August. ” These are the numbers of the final edition 2013 Green Schooner, the historic campaign that Legambiente for two months has circumnavigated the boot, monitoring the state of health of the Italian sea, realized thanks to the contribution of Coou, Mandatory Consortium of Used Oils, and with the participation of Corepla, the factory, and Nau Solbian. Thirty-four stops along the coasts of Italy, to act on the many battles in defense of the marine ecosystem of the area that carries Legambiente since 1986, denouncing, informing, involving citizens with the hope to promote positive examples in the name of environmental sustainability. A budget presented this morning in Rome, the seat of Legambiente, in the presence of Stefano Ciafani , vice president of Legambiente Giorgio Zampetti , scientific director of Legambiente Serena Carpenters , Head of Green Schooner and Antonio Mastrostefano , director of the Communication Coou. From north to south of the Peninsula’s lab Green Schooner went looking at sea and at the mouths of rivers, canals, streams and drains, of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci, performing water analysis according to the regulations on bathing (Legislative Decree 116/2008 and Ministerial Decree of 30 March 2010). No region is found free from the attack of bad treatment: a lack of or inadequate treatment of sewage that, according to Legambiente elaboration of ISTAT data, is still about 25% of citizens, discharging directly or indirectly into the sea through rivers and canals used as actual drains. A critical issue that not only affects the coastal municipalities, but also those of the hinterland, caused not only by the chronic shortage of equipment, but also the contribution of the pollutant load of wastewater that are not adequately treated by the facilities in place, because they are obsolete or malfunctioning. Green Sc hooner, it is worth repeating, take a snapshot that is not a substitute for monitoring officers, but make it available to local authorities and agencies responsible for checks its results to go in search of the cause of contamination. “For yet another year we find ourselves in a situation report about the purification of waste water that has become embarrassing and that is remedied once and for all. – Declares Giorgio Zampetti , scientific director of Legambiente -. In this emergency situation is always responds the same way: postponing the problem and trying to plug the holes of a system ineffective in the three summer months to appease the anger of bathers and tourists. In the South, then, the damage you are going to join the prank. It may, in fact, losing 1.7 billion euro of well CIPE funds for the construction and adjustment of systems that are due to expire in December. As if that were not enough, in addition, we also prepare to make citize ns pay fines Italian millionaire by the European Union for the inability to manage the cycle of waste water. Money that could instead be invested to open new sites for purification. Achieving efficient and modern – concludes Zampetti – must become a priority in Italian politics. It is yet another shame that this country does not deserve. It is no longer just to defend rivers and seas, a true great asset of this nation, but leaves the entire national economy, much of which is based on tourism. ” Among other things, very often mouths of streams and rivers are enjoyed by bathers which still is not guaranteed correct information. Of the total foci and channels results polluted and heavily polluted by Green Schooner, 40% is declared bathing waters from the Portal of the Ministry of Health. 35% of the points taken into analysis, moreover, are not completely sampled by the authorities although often these traits, yet in correspondence of foci an d canals, are still frequented by bathers. Why, it is imperative that the authorities introduce or intensify controls in the vicinity of these possible sources of pollution. Instead, the sea area defined by the portal as bathing for reasons of pollution, are missing in 18% of cases the signs prohibiting swimming. In terms of information in Italy is still struggling to take off a truly integrated system between the various agencies to provide clear information (the Harp performing sampling, regions and municipalities define the areas used for bathing, municipalities, based on the data , should affix signs of quality and / or a swimming ban, Portal of the waters that should put all the information in the network). Yet, the European Directive on bathing discipline clearly the communication and exchange with citizens. Despite this, to date, is not provided to the citizens a “guide” to report situations of pollution and require, therefore, that such situations be deep ened by the proper authorities. And ‘maybe that’s why this summer, Legambiente has received more than 200 reports from the service of SOS Green Schooner as well as dozens and dozens of phone calls.

    are crimes under the umbrella

    Into It’s not just the bad treatment to put at risk the health of our seas and coasts. This is why Legambiente this year, at the conclusion of his historic campaign, presents the dossier “You crimes under the umbrella. The yellow of August. “ You are crimes that tinge of yellow summer Italian, perpetrated under the eyes of all. Many guilty one victim: our sea. Seas and coasts Italian finished in the viewfinder of six killer: maladepurazione, oil extraction, illegal construction, land use coastal pollution from large ships and military activities. “Compared to the classics of yellow this time to discover the murderess will not be needed twists. The killers of our seas have an identikit precise – said Stefano Ciafani , vice president of Legambiente -. Crimes committed without distinction and without convictions throughout the peninsula. A yellow apparently outcome for granted, but which highlights the variety of attacks that are undergoing the waters of rivers and seas, the coast, the sea bed. An assault to the marine ecosystem and unprecedented river that goes dall’assente or bad treatment, the infamous national energy choice to focus more on oil or to never pay illegal and concrete industry. It’s time to put an end to this massacre. It is not enough the mere statement of principles, but need a common strategy for ensuring the protection and restoration of our ecosystems, while ensuring the ecological correctness of economic activities linked to the marine environment. Regions, municipalities and provinces, as well as the central government, are called to a choice of field without delay is that will finally start to the much-vaunted green new deal . “

    Into The maladepurazione is acting undisturbed from north to south of the Peninsula. From Domitian Coast Flegreo , where is compromising irreversibly one of the mo st beautiful stretches of coastline bell. Then there are Molfetta and the coast between Bari and Barletta : here is worrying the state faced by the plants. A Crotone in the high and Ionian Calabrese were seized several plants for errors and poor management. This is not news nor the return of the “killer” in the province of Reggio Calabria and in particular for the mouths of the rivers Mesima, Menga and Petrace. Not be better to Palermo : the capital of the region is part of Commons implicated in the condemnation of the European Court of Justice for non-compliance of the directive on the treatment of municipal wastewater. The murderess was again this year also marked the mouth of the Tiber . Pure in Brands the crime scenes favorites are the mouths of the rivers mouths sampled eight out of ten this year were heavily polluted. In Ferrara moves to the Po Delta in Comacchio . A stretch of sea, among other things, also affected by intensive fish deaths.

    The oil extraction represent the other defendant excellent : sott’accusa to croaker sea and in ‘ central and southern Adriatic as well as in Ionian Sea and the Strait of Sicily . The onslaught of new drills from the oil companies is unabated. A hunt is open to new fields, despite the contrary opinion of citizens, associations and local and regional authorities themselves and the ridiculous amount in the game that would run out in a few weeks.

    Into Vecchio, but defiant and never subdued the “cement illegal” . The illegal construction remains a scourge mainly in southern Italy. We report three “crime scenes.” Triscina, in the province of Trapani, marina, Castelvetrano, with over 5 thousand illegal houses wins the absolute record of advancing the concrete. Here no one has ever seen the shadow of a bulldozer. Ischia and the province of Salerno deliver postcards abuse with sea view. To finish with a holiday abusive to Tower Miletus, in Lesina (FG), set chosen in the ’70s by vacationers abusive for the construction of an entire coastal village completely illegal.

    Into The coastal land use was relentless in his work of destruction, out of 8 regions taken under consideration by Legambiente (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Sicily, Campania and Lazio) on 1,800 km of coastline, more than 55% is irreversibly transformed by urbanization and infrastructure. The crime scenes identified between the province of Teramo and Pescara , where only 9 per cent of the falls in a protected area; between Rome and Latina , where not only is irreversibl y transformed the landscape in favor of bathing establishments, often “locked”, but where walls and fences have concealed the view of the sea; between Imperia and Ospedaletti , victims the mockery of gigantism port.

    The dock also end the “Big ships.” Not only Giglio Island , where the giant of the tragedy is still there and no one is able to say when (and if …) the Concordia will be moved, but also in the Venice Lagoon where the floating cities continue to pass the imposing San Marco canal to offer tourists the thrill of touching the bell tower world’s most famous.

    Into The Sardinia is instead under the failure of contamination and remediation to be completed due to military activities: former military arsenal de La Maddalena , and polygon Quirra in Ogliastra where military activities continue to damage the environment and health.

    Into This year Mandatory Consortium of Used Oil was Main Partner of the historic summer campaign of Legambiente. “The defense of the environment, and the sea in particular, represents one of the cornerstones of our action,” said Antonio Mastrostefano, Head of Communication of the COOU. The oil used is what is recovered at the end of the life cycle of lubricants in industrial machinery, but also in cars, boats and agricultural vehicles of every citizen. “If removed incorrectly – said Mastrostefano – this hazardous waste can damage the environment so serious: 4 pounds of used oil, the transmission of a car, if paid in sea pollute an area as big as six Olympic swimming pools.” In contact with water, lubricating oil creates a thin coating that prevents the flora and fauna below to breathe. “With our communication activities – concluded Mastrostefano – we try to change the misbehavior of those who believe that small amounts of lubricating oil released into the environment cause little pollution.”

    RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF SCHOONER GREEN 2013 (carried out between 11 June and 8 August)

    The images of the crimes

    application/pdf icon download offenses under 6 ‘ umbrella

    The Scientific monitoring

    Into Sampling and analysis of Green Schooner are performed by the team of biologists from Legambiente that anticipates the boat trip aboard a mobile laboratory equipped. The samples for microbiological analyzes were collected in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator until analysis, which takes place in the mobile laboratory on the same day of sampling or in any case within 24 hours of collection. The parameters investigated are microbiological (intestinal enterococci, Escherichia coli) and physico-chemical (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity / salinity). The chemical analyzes are carried out directly in situ with the aid of field instrumentation. The number of samples taken is defined in proportion to the miles of coastline in each region.


    Into Referring to the limit values ??prescribed by the regulations on bathing waters in force in Italy (Legislative Decree 116/2008 and the implementing decree of 30 March 2010) the opinions are expressed on the basis of the following:

    CONTAMINATED = Intestinal Enterococci more than 200 CFU/100 ml and / or Escherichia coli more than 500 UFC/100ml

    heavily polluted = Intestinal Enterococci more than 400 CFU/100 ml and / or Escherichia coli more than 1,000 CFU/100 ml

    Green Schooner is a campaign of Legambiente

    Main partners : COOU

    Technical partners : Corepla, Nau, the factory, Solbian

    Media Partners : The New Ecology, PescaTv – Sky channel 236,

    The debts ruin the health - Corriere del Giorno di Puglia and Lucania

    Into debts Being overwhelmed by debt ruin your health, with damage not only psychological (stress, anxiety and depression), but also physical. In particular, even in the younger the “debt-effect ‘drives up blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The warning comes from researchers at Northwestern University in the U.S., authors of a study published in the journal ‘Social Science and Medicine’, conducted by analyzing data from 8,400 Americans aged 24 to 32 years. “Today we live in an economy fueled by debt – observes the ‘author of the research Elizabeth Sweet – Since the 80s, the U.S. household debt has tripled and it is important to understand the consequences that this has on health. ” Previous studies have shown that the fact of being in debt is associated with negative psychological conditions, but this is the first time that we also evaluate the physical effects of having a lot of money to someone. “
    20% of the study participants reported debts so high that even giving the bottom of all goods available, it would be possible to extinguish them. The analysis shows that the greater the disparity between debt and bank account, the worse the conditions perceived general health, and higher diastolic blood pressure (the so-called ‘minimum’).
    The study shows that young people with more debt have increased by 1, 3% of the minimum pressure: from the clinical point of view, a significant increase. Suffice it to say that an increase of 2 points is associated with a 17% risk of high blood pressure and a 15% chance of stroke. Compared with those who had debts ‘softer’, young people who had the greatest reported also higher levels of stress (+11.7% compared to the average) and depressive symptoms (13.2%).
    ” It was assumed that we found an association between debt and physical health in people so young, “assures Sweet. “We have to take note of this association and deepen it,” because “our study – he says – is only a first look at what may be the consequences of debt on physical health.”

    Click here to buy and browse the digital version of the Courier of the Day, full of news and insights are also available back copies. It is not essential to the credit card you can also operate with the phone.

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Attention to the preservation of medicines, here are some tips - Tiscali

    The proper storage of drugs, as is known, is necessary, to maintain the effectiveness of the active ingredients contained in them and, therefore, their therapeutic power. Follow the instructions in the leaflet inside the packaging of the drug is essential for the safety of the patient consuming it, especially during the summer when high temperatures and exposure to the sun can really affect its validity.

    Into To understand how to properly store medicines helps us the Operational Unit Pharmaceutical ASL 11 .

    Into First, as also recommended the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) , you must carefully read the warnings on the packaging and the package leaflet of the drug.

    The information that can be reported are

    Do not store above 30 ° C

    Into Do not store above 25 ° C

    Into Store between 2 ° and 8 ° C (in a refrigerator)

    Into Do not freeze or put in the refrigerator

    Into Sub Zero – keep in the freezer

    Into If not documented by any of the specified expressions, it is advisable to keep the medicine in a cool, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. For drugs for which is expected storage in the refrigerator (between 2 and 8 ° C), for journeys or short periods away from home, you need the transport and storage in the appropriate thermal containers.

    Into E ‘known that weather conditions such as excessive light and sudden changes in temperature can result in chemical alteration of molecules and therefore does not guarantee the effectiveness of the drug itself.

    Specifically, the summer heat and the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays can impact on the integrity and effectiveness of the products that you are taking , with direct risks and indirect health effects. A trick to keep in mind is, therefore, to avoid direct exposure to heat or direct sunlight.

    Health: debt to the bone causes serious psychological damage and physical ... - Weather Web

    DUE into debt to the bone ruin health, with damage not only psychological (stress, anxiety and depression), but also physical. In particular, even in the most ‘young people the “debt-effect’ drives up blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The warning comes from researchers at Northwestern University in the U.S., authors of a study published in the journal ‘Social Science and Medicine’, conducted by analyzing data from 8,400 Americans aged 24 to 32 years. “Today we live in an economy fueled by debt – notes lead author of the research Elizabeth Sweet – Since the 80s, the U.S. household debt and ‘tripled and’ important to understand the consequences that this has on health. ” P withdrawing studies have shown that the fact of being in debt is associated with negative psychological conditions, but this is’ the first time that we also evaluate the physical effects of having a lot of money to someone. ” 20% of study participants reported debts so high that even giving the bottom of all goods available, it would be possible to extinguish them. The analysis shows that most ‘big’ the disproportion between debt and bank account, the worse the conditions perceived general health, and more ‘high diastolic blood pressure (the so-called’ minimum ‘).
    The study shows that young people with more ‘debts have increased by 1, 3% of the minimum pressure: from clinical point of view, a significant increase. Suffice it to say that an increase of 2 points and ‘associated with a 17% risk of high blood pressure and a 15% chance’ of stroke. Compared with those who had debts more ‘light’, young people who had more ‘big also reported higher levels of stress (+11.7% compared to the average) and depressive symptoms (13.2%). “N on it was assumed that we would have found an association between debt and physical health in young people so much” , ensures Sweet. “D obbiamo take note of this association and deepen it,” ’cause “Our study – he says – is only a first look at what may be the consequences of debt on physical health.”

    Health, Arkansas: little girl defeats parasite Naegleria floweri - Weather Centre Italian

    Into The news you do not expect. A little girl has literally defeated by their own efforts the parasite Naegleria floweri . The girl from the area of ??”Arkansas, Harding Kali, in the previous month of July has become aware of the symptoms caused by the protist, question of meningoencephalitis Primary amoebic. It has been subjected to multiple therapies and reported no damage and is alive in good health. The disease was contracted within a water park in Arkansas. The parasite is very present during wet weather, lakes or rivers in the mountains. If present in the water there is a risk that it can be inserted into the nostrils and through the human olfactory nerve to reach the brain beginning to feed themselves and nidificarsi, enacting a play really fast. Attacking the brain tissue, in many individuals going to cause forms of acute meningitis that 90 percent of the time leading to death.

    Into neg The parasite Naegleria floweri is a protist, in one of its phases outwardly similar to an amoeba that lives in fresh water at varying temperatures, growing best in warm water up to 42 º C. In humans, infection with Naegleria fowleri can cause an extremely serious disease, the primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, which affects the central nervous system. The disease has a rapid trend which, if not diagnosed and treated quickly leads to death within a week.

    Residenza Porta Porta Guelfa

    Health: Oer Puglia, no new case Seu -

    Health: Oer Puglia, no new case Seu (ANSAmed) – BRUSSELS, Aug. 15 – There are no new cases of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in addition to the 7 children (under the age of 3 years) admitted to the pediatric Bari and the three small and an adult already resigned. It is learned Regional Epidemiological Observatory (Oer) Puglia. ” The situation is unchanged from yesterday – explains the prof.Cinzia Germinario, scientific director dell’Oer Puglia – we just finished all affected by the emergency room and the situation is calm.”

    Mental Health Center still empty - La Nuova Sardegna

    Barbara Mastiff Into

    Into the past few weeks the premises have been the subject of visits, with the technical staff and the commissioner of Social Services Gigi Sarobba, and have been cleaning and tidying. This also serves to remedy the damage caused by the many acts of vandalism that over the years have been spending a lot of money to the city to patch up the premises and make them ready to accept the CSM.

    Into Now it seems all right. But to see the opening will be necessary to arrive at the conclusion of the process that will lead to the signing of the final contract between ASL and the City and that we proceed to the removal of equipment and personnel at this time working in the former butter factory, in Vittorio Veneto.

    Into Meanwhile, the user suffers, because in recent months the CSM has suffered staff cuts because of some transfers and now operates almost “through service.”

    For this

    users, especially their families, we do not see it clearly. “How is it possible to expect that the transfer ports to Pinceto benefit, if in the meantime the service suffers cuts?». Legitimate question. But you have to wait for an answer to reopen the new premises.

    Into Only then, hopefully, you can see the center in full operation, also joined, as provided for by the Agreement between the Municipality and health, other services such as SERD, the Service Dependencies, and the new outpatient point of Neuropsychiatry childhood and adolescence.

    Into August 15, 2013

    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    Health, Emilia confirmed outbreak of bird flu - Weather Centre Italian

    laying hens were those within which has been found in a strain of type H7. This was reported after specific analysis, the National Reference Center of Padua. Within the same, also, there are 128,000 chickens and is located exactly in Osterley, in the heart of the province of Ferrara. Company which, according to local sources would have received the order of isolation and slaughter of these animals inside.

    Into hens It ‘was the Emilia-Romagna region intensively to strengthen controls by issuing an ordinance very important for safety of public health and the continuous control and monitoring of food.

    Residenza Porta Porta Guelfa