Monday, April 14, 2014

The pregnant woman not his twins’ Under shock, but the kids … – Corriere della Sera

Milan , April 14, 2014 – 8:19


ROME – Those children who so desired , who could not have, she takes them in her lap four and a half months or so. But, like her husband, knows that those twins in good health, which are growing rapidly albeit with some difficulty, not theirs. That there would be a big mistake when the embryo was implanted in the center, in the Pathophysiology of Reproduction and Infertility Roman hospital ‘Sandro Pertini. ” But when it’s terrible report with laboratory tests, more or less a month ago, the pair of psychologists Roman forties – destroyed by pain, annihilated – has faced. And decided: the mother will carry the pregnancy, whatever the cost.

Only one previous to the world

“If he wanted to have an abortion, he would have already done,” he scoffs Michael Ambrosini, counsel he received from them the task of dealing with this matter which – according to experts – has only one precedent in the world, faced (but not entirely clear) with guidelines in the United States. “At least until recently, that was the intention. I say until recently because we were hoping that the case did not become known and that my client could continue this pregnancy so complex in absolute tranquility. But now I can not talk to them. I had asked for confidentiality, instead this was the result. I’m shocked, you have to respect their pain and their privacy, “he says bitterly Ambrosini.

Those names are too similar

must back to December 4 to reconstruct the story, as husband and wife – after the route taken by biologists, geneticists, gynecologists and laboratory (there are eight in-service) – are presented with three other couples to Pertini for the appointment with the hope, linked to the results of medically assisted procreation (PMA). They want to be a child of their own time and could be the decisive day because the dream becomes a reality. In the waiting room there are three other couples. Here – according to hospital sources – may have been a problem in the last couple of psychologists and another there is a difference of only three letters, with the initial identical. In short, in the confusion and emotion of the moment an aspiring mom might have misunderstood and introducing herself in front of the doctors instead of the other.

Assisted reproduction: the error in the test tubes

But the most likely hypothesis to give an explanation for what happened leads directly to the stage of embryo implantation. And the exchange of test material. Of the other three pairs, one is expecting a baby (it seems that the findings have already led to the conclusion that the child has them), another is waiting in turn twins. While the outcome of assisted reproduction for the last has not been positive on the list of treatments that morning near the psychologists, is that the couple – to hear who was involved in the affair – it seems the most likely to be involved in the exchange of test tubes with the other couple who expects his children do not.

The outcome of the CVS

checks will be arranged immediately by the Director General of ASL Roma B (which depends on the Pertini), Vitaliano De Salazar, to determine how it could have happened the resounding exchange tubes. That started when Ambrosini sent a letter to the leaders of the hospital to report the drama that customers were experiencing. Drama emerged after a delicate control – but routine – for a forty year old who learns that she is pregnant with twins: the ‘CVS’ performed at the beginning of March to “Anne” in Rome (center specializing in assisting public maternal and child ) had ruled that she was the natural mother. Another doubt meanders among the “employees to work”: that there has been an error in the compilation of reports to “Anne”?

The response of the “Saint Anne”

Assumptions not entirely ruled out, at least until yesterday. But definitely residual, compared to that of the exchange of test tubes. Another small concern in the expert has awakened to the fact that the official response of “St. Anna” has not yet been delivered by psychologists (for privacy reasons, only they can disclose) to the leaders of Pertini, so that they could compare the genetic profile of the twins with one of the other couples on 4 December were subjected to artificial insemination: the only test that can determine who are the natural parents. On three occasions were urged to do so but, at least until yesterday, nothing had arrived at the hospital. Reply Ambrosini: “Informally, the outcome of the” CVS “already have it. I do not understand … “.

April 14, 2014 | 08:19


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