Saturday, June 29, 2013

South Africa: Mandela health ruin Obama's visit. Which sees only the ... - Reuters Press Agency

(AFP) – Johannesburg, June 29 -” A meeting in private to pay their wishes and prayers during this difficult time.” So ‘the White House has described the character of the meeting today in Johannesburg, including U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle with the family of Nelson Mandela who struggle in these hours between life and death, which is why the couple U.S. presidential gave up to see it. Salta, so ‘, the encounter between the first black president of South Africa and the first black president of the United States of America: the fact was supposed to be the highlight of the stay of Obama in South Africa, the second leg of African tour that has already ‘taken in Senegal and will end’ in Tanzania. From Johannesburg, Obama phoned the wife of former South African president, Graca Machel, who is attending her husband hospitalized in the capital, Pretoria, and to which the tenant of the White House has expressed its” support”. ” I’m honored: finding the time to call me to express their solidarity ‘and to meet our grandchildren, they added a touch of warmth and personality of the Obama family,” said Mrs. Mandela after talking to the U.S. president and the first lady, Michelle. ” I’ve already ‘reported their message to Madiba,” she added using the affectionate nickname by which the South Africans used to call the leader of the end of apartheid. ” His courage and moral ‘was a source of personal inspiration and a source of inspiration in the world,” Obama said of Mandela during a joint press conference with South African President, Jacob Zuma. The latter, on the same occasion, he reported that his predecessor and ”’ in critical condition, but stable. Hopefully it will come out soon from the hospital where” and ‘hospitalized since last June 8 for severe p ulmonary insufficiency. Obama, who” respect” for the state of health of Mandela declined to see him, called his” hero”, stressing that” the triumph of Nelson Mandela and of this nation says something very deep in the the human spirit.” The U.S. president has met only once Madiba in 2005, when he was still just a simple senator after the first election to the White House, the two felt more ‘times on the phone, but never seen in person. Meanwhile in Johannesburg Obama and ‘went to the meeting scheduled with college students, despite the protests of a few hundred protesters – mainly with critical U.S. foreign policy – that the police dispersed using sound bombs. stt / sam /

South Africa: "health Mandela ruin Obama visit. Which only sees ... - Reuters Press Agency

(AFP) – Johannesburg, June 29 -” A meeting in private to pay their wishes and prayers during this difficult time.” So ‘the White House has described the character of the meeting today in Johannesburg, including U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle with the family of Nelson Mandela who struggle in these hours between life and death, which is why the couple U.S. presidential gave up to see it. Salta, so ‘, the encounter between the first black president of South Africa and the first black president of the United States of America: the fact was supposed to be the highlight of the stay of Obama in South Africa, the second leg of African tour that has already ‘taken in Senegal and will end’ in Tanzania. From Johannesburg, Obama phoned the wife of former South African president, Graca Machel, who is attending her husband hospitalized in the capital, Pretoria, and to which the tenant of the White House has expressed its” support”. ” I’m honored: finding the time to call me to express their solidarity ‘and to meet our grandchildren, they added a touch of warmth and personality of the Obama family,” said Mrs. Mandela after talking to the U.S. president and the first lady, Michelle. ” I’ve already ‘reported their message to Madiba,” she added using the affectionate nickname by which the South Africans used to call the leader of the end of apartheid. ” His courage and moral ‘was a source of personal inspiration and a source of inspiration in the world,” Obama said of Mandela during a joint press conference with South African President, Jacob Zuma. The latter, on the same occasion, he reported that his predecessor and ”’ in critical condition, but stable. Hopefully it will come out soon from the hospital where” and ‘hospitalized since last June 8 for severe p ulmonary insufficiency. Obama, who” respect” for the state of health of Mandela declined to see him, called his” hero”, stressing that” the triumph of Nelson Mandela and of this nation says something very deep in the the human spirit.” The U.S. president has met only once Madiba in 2005, when he was still just a simple senator after the first election to the White House, the two felt more ‘times on the phone, but never seen in person. Meanwhile in Johannesburg Obama and ‘went to the meeting scheduled with college students, despite the protests of a few hundred protesters – mainly with critical U.S. foreign policy – that the police dispersed using sound bombs. stt / sam /

New health warning to his former agent Adriano: "It is ... - The Morning

RIO DE JANEIRO – A former member of Hadrian, Gilmar Rinaldi, interviewed by Uol Esporte, launched another appeal to his former client: “I fear for his life. She needs a psychologist.”
According to Rinaldi was suffering from deep depression. No Club for over a year, the former Emperor of Inter would suffer greatly for refusing Internacional, which after the athletic tests it was deemed “unfit to return to play at a high level.” Into Rinaldi admitted even feared for the life of his former client. “I do not care about the player’s career, I’m concerned for the man. Suffers from a great depression and no one is helping him,” said Rinaldi, according to which “the death of his fat her, problems with alcohol, night raids and never severed ties with the favela where he was born and raised are not the real problems of Hadrian, but rather the consequences of a deep depression and an inadequately deal with it.

For me it is like Adriano a child – continued Rinaldi – and my main concern is for his life, not for his career. If I’m afraid to commit suicide? do not know, I just say that I am very concerned and would need to be followed by a specialist ” .

Friday, June 28, 2013

World against coal, damage to climate, health, economy -

Into ROME – The world mobilizes’ against coal considered a” harm to the environment, health and the economy.” While on the twitter hashtag # endcoal travels to trend levels, on the site ‘’ you can get information for the Day against fossil” more ‘polluting”, scheduled for tomorrow. At the cry ‘End the age of coal’, slogan of the event to ‘turn off’ the energy source” more ‘dirty that there is”, involving both the WWF Greenpeace.

Now, if at international signals on the fight against CO2 emissions (of which coal is considered primarily responsible) are these days relaxing, especially after the announcement of a G reen Plan by Barack Obama, in Italy – say WWF and Greenpeace – if uses it still too high. This inquiry ‘of the past” deliver an energy source hazardous to health and the climate.”

The association of Panda remember that in our country, for example, there are two of the 30 plants coal” more ‘pollutants in Europe, both owned”’ Enel Brindisi south, in ninth place, and that of Civitavecchia, 14 / or place, which together emit nearly 23 million tons of CO2 per ‘year. In Italy, according to” 13” and” coal power plants in 2010 produced about 39,734 GWh (gigawatt hours), contributing to 11, 6% of the total electricity needs, have produced about 35 million tons of CO2 corresponding to more than 30% of all emissions of the national electricity system.” Just in Civitavecchia Greenpeace held a protest against the use of coal in the sea, in front of the power plant, opened a huge banner floating of 1, 500 square meters with the words ‘No to coal, coal quit’. From a ranking made by Greenpeace on CO2 emissions from large plants in 2012 in our country shows that Enel’s Brindisi south would issue 12.2 million tons, followed by there ‘Torrevaldaliga north with 10.4 million tons , in third place, close to the podium, there ‘Ilva Taranto with 10.3 million tons. In fourth place is the square of Taranto plant property ‘of Taranto energy (7.5 million tonnes) and the fifth Sarroch Saras refinery (5.9 million tons).

” E ‘come – says Andrea Boraschi, head of Greenpeace’s climate and energy campaign – time for a change and the government must assume its responsibility”’. But in Italy, says the WWF, despite the Planet” is going in another direction,” you are still thinking of converting coal to the Central Porto Tolle in the park of the Po Delta, open a new one in Saline and Joniche expand to V ado Ligure. ” The WWF asks that you put aside the decision with plans for new coal-fired plants – said Kim Carstensen, head of Climate and Energy, WWF Italy – are also closed existing coal plants, starting from the most ‘polluting the climate and the health”.

A guide to healthy aging - Corriere della Sera


A guide to healthy aging

There are more than 65 million over-65s in Italy. A “silver dot” to verify the quality of care in Rsa


More than twelve million people over sixty Italian. Still “young” compared to those who had the same age as only 50 years ago. Still “young” compared to their peers in other countries (excluding Japan), thanks to an efficient public health service so far. A multitude likely to increase because it is happening with regard to the Italian average longevity. In shape and good health for years yes yet, but sooner or later destined to present conditions of frailty, disability and concomitant set of various diseases and chronic conditions. Elderly who may, if family circumstances do not allow otherwise, end their lives in a nursing home (Rsa). And here are not always treated as they should, sometimes bad. Here is the need for a monitoring organization of these structures. The proposal comes from Ancona, where the network “Long-lived Italian” presented his next targets: a guide to healthy aging (“Learning longevity”) and a “sil ver dot” for checking the quality of care in Rsa.

THE REPORT CARD – So older people themselves and their families will be able to choose on the basis of a sort of “report card” compiled by experts. “Long-lived Italian” is the national network of aging research, established by the Ministry of Health with the Marche Region and the Scientific Institute of geriatrics INRCA of Ancona. It ‘directed by Roberto Bernabei, geriatrician and neuroscientist at the Catholic University of Rome. “The manual – says Bernabei – offers a glimpse into the habits of life of the peoples of the oldest in the world, identified through the five ‘All Blue’ with the greatest number of centenarians. Which have been summarized into simple rules of everyday life: from diet to having a purpose, faith, family and social network. With prevention rules. “

STANDARDS – The project for the upliftment of the standard of care offered by RSA, however, is based on data collected in various Italian regions and identifies specific indicators of quality, in order to create a system of certification of the level of care provided by each facility. A tentativo of colmare a vuoto, perché in Italia attualmente not esiste alcun meccanismo of controllo dell’appropriatezza and the qualità dell’assistenza erogata. A dedicated website will know in real time the quality of the services provided in each of the care facilities in the country.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lorenzin, Covenant health challenge overcome regional differences -

(ANSAmed) – ROME, JUNE 27 -” One of the challenges of the new Health Pact” and ‘to” overcome the great diversity’ between the regions, with an ‘objective health ‘more’ homogenous territory.

not be ‘easy but I think we’re getting there.” He said the Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin during the recording of cameras, noting that” after” vicious cuts in recent years and now ‘time to defend the health fund” without interrupting the fight against waste that” are odious but throughout the public administration in health ‘become immoral.”

The waste, he added,” are always the result of poor management and administration, never scarce scientific expertise.” For this we must act on the” governance, close what is wrong and promote what ‘that works.” Health expenditure, said the minister, and ”’ the most’ known and for this reason the most ‘attackable.” The important ‘do not go back to spending” cheerful” of the past, including through the empowerment of” territorial levels.

All Regions I happen to agree, knowing that you do not spend in good health ‘, even more so at a time like this, means taking responsibility’ huge towards the citizens.” (ANSA).

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sanita ': Federanziani, tar Campania restores health law - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

Research and Development

17:54 June 26, 2013 Into (AGI) – Rome, June 26 – The Court of Justice for the People’s Right to Health and Federanziani, a federation of the third age ‘, applaud the Regional Administrative Court of Campania which annulled the decree commissioner in the region that prevented residents of care in neighboring regions. The tar, emphasizes Federanziani, annulled a law providing for “the restriction of the right to health protected by art. 32, unreasonably impacting on freedom ‘of choice of place of care, without pursuing the objectives of containment of public spending.” In addition, the limitations imposed by the decree in question “were discriminatory compared to only regions to which it applied, or those adjacent to Campania. Finally, the delays in the composition of the committees that were supposed to release the” without prejudice “, threaten ed to be a further burden to the detriment of citizens. ” “More and more, ‘” said the President of Federanziani Roberto Messina on behalf of the Court of Justice for the People’s Right to Health “we are faced with certain rules (constitutional) hassled by local rules that are imposed without any basis in law, and more and more ‘commitment to Federanziani and’ face to defend the right to health so ‘as enshrined in the Constitution. ” “Not surprisingly,” concluded the President Messina “staff Federanziani through information that comes from more than 3 million members of the federation, supervises and will ensure ‘more and more’ on every measure of the Regions, local health services, Asp, to protect not only to members but to Federanziani of all Italian citizens. “

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Health: "Doctors SItI meet Lorenzin, prevention winning" - Reuters Press Agency

(ASCA) – Rome, 26 June – Reduce unnecessary costs through the sale of inefficient practices, enhance the supply effective preventive; promote active aging, through actions on lifestyles; rebalance the relationship between health and the environment and ensure food security. These are the proposals made by the Societa ‘Italian of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Health’ Public (sites) and presented to the Minister of Health during a meeting held at the offices of Tiber Ripa in Rome. ” On behalf of the Minister Lorenzin SItI Thank you for having listened to our concerns and we look forward to a concrete commitment in the directions indicated” state Michele Conversano, president and Sandro Cinquetti, Coordinator of Operators SItI, present at the meeting. The Delegation of the Societa ‘of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Health’ Public, which includes more than 3,000 operators in the Nati onal Health Service, academics and researchers, adopted the holder of Health some concrete proposals to be implemented in the short term, stressing that prevention can ‘be the winning weapon to fight disease the most important social phenomenon and worsening of chronicity’. A weapon that, according to the SItI, can ‘also favor paths fairness’ and social security of great use’ in a period inevitably affected by restrictions on economic and structural reorganization. Even in light of recent statements by the Minister Lorenzin importance that prevention is, SItI offers maximum availability ‘collaborative to the Ministry of Health. ” How ‘known the current situation in Italy is not’ comforting since in recent years” save ‘only on the first of the LEA (Essential Levels of Care), that of collective prevention – stress Conversano and Conquetti -. Despite the agreements between the central government and the reg ions, for prevention is not spent even 5% of the total health expenditure, with the result that they are omitted numerous actions to protect the health of citizens. E ‘therefore very important – to complete the two members of the SItI – that with the new National Prevention Plan for the next 5 years there should be a turning point for the promotion of Health”. red / mpd

Mental health: Bologna, visiting delegation from Indonesia - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

13:49 June 26, 2013 Into (AGI) – Bologna, June 26 – Know and study the organization of the Department of Mental Health of the USL di Bologna to overcome the Pasung, a method in use in Indonesia who sees the internment in the lives of people with mental disorders. And ‘the main objective of the Indonesian delegation, made up of MPs and doctors, received today in Roncati in Via S. Isaiah in Bologna by Fioritti Angel and Mara Morini, directors, respectively, of the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Primary Care Health Unit of Bologna, and Domenico Berardi, professor of psychiatry at the University ‘of Bologna.
The meeting was̵ 7; focused on the organization of the Department of Mental Health, and on his way to work through treatment programs and personalized rehabilitation for people with mental disorders and a network-oriented social integration, which includes the Health Centers mental, psychiatric hospital services (SPDC), day care centers, residences and psychiatric groups apartment. During the meeting, the Indonesian delegation expressed particular interest in the regional project Leggieri, active in Bologna for over ten years, with the close collaboration between family physicians and psychiatrists, with their respective responsibilities, for taking care of the patient with mental health problems. The delegation ‘to Italy to study the Italian law Dr. and experience in the field of mental health care, recognized by the community’ international scientific as the most ‘evolved on the ground of social integration of citizens with mental health problems.
Today’s visi t to the department of Bologna and ‘the fifth in order of time, over the last few months, as part of a foreign delegation. Previously, in fact, psychiatric services to the Health of Bologna were the subject of study by ministerial delegations of Portugal, Brazil, Denmark and Sweden. In September and ‘wait, however, a delegation from the Government of Belgium. (AGI).

Yes, to travel, but eye health - The XIX Century

Travelling with an eye to healthInto Travelling with an eye on health

Into Genova – One out of ten. If you are going on vacation with their children, put in a program that will ten percent possibility of getting ill ruining a few days of earned rest. The ranking of the ills summer there are the classic intestinal infections , with a stomach ache, diarrhea and slight fever, followed closely by sunburn and bug bites particularly annoying.

compile this ranking is Alberto Ferrando , pediatrician and protagonist of the first event dedicated to the health of the initiative “In a healthy body”, organized by The Century XIX . Today, from 17, readers are invited to the “Ready, Set …. Via “the theater of Youth via Caesarea, which is dedicated to the holidays.

Into Along with Ferrando will be available to answer questions from the audience Anna Graziella Ravines , a dermatologist at the company University Hospital San Martino di Genova, Giancarlo Icard , director Institute of Hygiene, University of Genoa and Daniela Panetta, expert insurance for travel. The meeting, free entry , is organized with the support of Yovis Travel and Allianz Global Assistance: The objective is to better understand how to avoid surprises during the holidays.

Into The secret to a relaxing holiday, in every way, starting from the time of departure. Even and especially if there are children. “It is essential that you use for smaller seats and that children are securely blocked, because unfortunately the serious injuries and deaths in children after a car accident, unfortunately, are often linked to the lack of an adequate fixing the seats themselves – precise Ferrando.

Into Then you should always travel in the cool hours , also to avoid standing still for hours in the sun in the queue, and remember that if the child suffers the car is always helpful to make your stay coincide with a nap. The pediatrician may indicate simple remedies, from ginger to drugs antihistamines , which can help the baby to rest. “

Into The situation obviously changes when the goals are not in range of the car. For those who have chosen exotic countries, prevention through vaccinations targeted and remedies are ready to reset the intestine.

Into “It’s always important to undergo prophylaxis when you go in hazardous areas, such as the danger of malaria or yellow fever , a disease that can be prevented by a as well as the meningitis vaccine in Central Africa and Latin America – says Icard – Likewise mu st act in advance for other infections that are often overlooked, such as hepatitis A : for this disease there is a preventive vaccine.

the classic traveler’s diarrhea , in addition to symptomatic drugs and the use of oral rehydration salts or solution, aid may come from probiotics, also as a preventive measure, which help to restore the intestinal flora , as well as careful food hygiene ‘.

Into What to do? Attention to water, which in unsafe areas should only be taken from sealed bottles, do not add ice of dubious origin, avoid the plants, fish and raw seafood , if washed with water sourced doubtful.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Yes, to travel, but eye health - The XIX Century

Travelling with an eye to healthInto Travelling with an eye on health

Into Genova – One out of ten. If you are going on vacation with their children, put in a program that will ten percent possibility of getting ill ruining a few days of earned rest. The ranking of the ills summer there are the classic intestinal infections , with a stomach ache, diarrhea and slight fever, followed closely by sunburn and bug bites particularly annoying.

compile this ranking is Alberto Ferrando , pediatrician and protagonist of the first event dedicated to the health of the initiative “In a healthy body”, organized by The Century XIX . Tomorrow, starting at 17, readers are invited to the “Ready, Set …. Via “the theater of Youth via Caesarea, which is dedicated to the holidays.

Into Along with Ferrando will be available to answer questions from the audience Anna Graziella Ravines , a dermatologist at the company University Hospital San Martino di Genova, Giancarlo Icard , director Institute of Hygiene, University of Genoa and Daniela Panetta, expert insurance for travel. The meeting, free entry , is organized with the support of Yovis Travel and Allianz Global Assistance: The objective is to better understand how to avoid surprises during the holidays.

Into The secret to a relaxing holiday, in every way, starting from the time of departure. Even and especially if there are children. “It is essential that you use for smaller seats and that children are securely blocked, because unfortunately the serious injuries and deaths in children after a car accident, unfortunately, are often linked to the lack of an adequate fixing the seats themselves – precise Ferrando.

Into Then you should always travel in the cool hours , also to avoid standing still for hours in the sun in the queue, and remember that if the child suffers the car is always helpful to make your stay coincide with a nap. The pediatrician may indicate simple remedies, from ginger to drugs antihistamines , which can help the baby to rest. “

Into The situation obviously changes when the goals are not in range of the car. For those who have chosen exotic countries, prevention through vaccinations targeted and remedies are ready to reset the intestine.

Into “It’s always important to undergo prophylaxis when you go in hazardous areas, such as the danger of malaria or yellow fever , a disease that can be prevented by a as well as the meningitis vaccine in Central Africa and Latin America – says Icard – Likewise mu st act in advance for other infections that are often overlooked, such as hepatitis A : for this disease there is a preventive vaccine.

the classic traveler’s diarrhea , in addition to symptomatic drugs and the use of oral rehydration salts or solution, aid may come from probiotics, also as a preventive measure, which help to restore the intestinal flora , as well as careful food hygiene ‘.

Into What to do? Attention to water, which in unsafe areas should only be taken from sealed bottles, do not add ice of dubious origin, avoid the plants, fish and raw seafood , if washed with water sourced doubtful.

© All rights reserved

Other health spa

Mandela, do not improve the health -

Video SHEET Mandela, a life of struggle in the name of freedom
Into The family members of former South African president gathered in the village of his childhood, Qunu. South Africa continues to pray

Nelson Mandela (ANSA)

Nelson Mandela (Ansa)

Related Articles
Into Rome, giugn0 25, 2013 – The South Africa continues to pray for Nelson Mandela , who was admitted to hospital in Pretoria since last June 8 for a lung infection. A crowd of people continue to go in front of the house of the ‘father of democracy’ in a suburb of Johannesburg to express the hope of his recovery. Family members of the former South African president is are gathered today in the village of his childhood, Qunu, in the south of the country. One of the daughters and two grandchildren arrived at the villa built by the father of the struggle against apartheid after his release.
South African President Jacob Zuma has said on Sunday, and insisted yesterday that the 94enne Madiba is in critical condition . Meanwhile, the program remains in Barack Obama’s visit to South Africa as part of his tour in Africa starts tomorrow.

Into PRAY FOR MANDELA SOUTH AFRICA – In hundreds of Zuma accepted the invitation to pray for 94enne Madiba. It was in fact just yesterday Zuma to reiterate the hope that people pray for the health of the Nobel Prize for Peace, and South Africans continue to present numerous near the home of Nelson Mandela in a suburb of Johannesburg, bringing their thinking for ‘ former president. Madiba Zuma went to the hospital over the weekend and reported that he was “asleep” as the visit took place in the late evening. Speaking to reporters yesterday, also, Zuma reiterated that Mandela remains in critical condition and the doctors are doing everything they can to make her comfortable situation. The president did not, however, declined to give more details on the conditions of the Nobel Prize, said he was not a doctor.

Into OBAMA VISITS IN SOUTH AFRICA – Meanwhile, no waiting for the imminent arrival of Barack Obama, who will ar rive in South Africa Friday for a three-day visit as part of a tour in three countries Africans. Obama will start tomorrow from the United States: the first stage will be Senegal, then will travel to South Africa and Tanzania. “ U.S. President Obama will be visiting South Africa ” despite the critical condition of Nelson Mandela, Zuma said, adding that “I do not think that it should cancel the trip because someone is sick.” The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, did not put forward hypotheses on the impact of health Mandela on Obama’s visit, saying only that the U.S. president “ continues to maintain enthusiasm for his journey.” “ The President Mandela has obviously always seen as one of his personal heroes, and I think it is the only one in the U.S. or the rest of the world,” added Carney.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Nelson Mandela, health conditions "critical" -

Into the last 24 hours have deteriorated further the health of the former South African President Nelson Mandela , from 15 days hospitalized in Pretoria for a lung infection.

report it are the sources of South African Presidency yesterday, in an official statement, they announced, “The health of former president Nelson Mandela, who is always in the hospital in Pretoria, has become critical “and then the call to the nation and to the world” to pray for him. ” “The doctors do everything they can because his was the best, because Madiba is treated with every respect and it will return to feel good.” At his bedside, the statement said, there are at this time his wife, Graza Machel, President Jacob Zuma and the ANC vice president – his party, in power since 1994 – Cyril Ramaphosa.

Into the new, dramatic bulletin of Mandela, 94, comes just a day after the presidency itself was forced to break a silence that lasted a week, saying that his condition persisted ‘serious but stable’: a clarification made inevitable statements of the issuer by CBS, according to what his con dition would be “much more serious than did transpire official communications”, stating that upon his arrival at the hospital Mandela had to be revived, that his liver and kidney function were now reduced by 50%, which is actually the elder statesman ‘gave no response to treatment. ” It also revealed that at the time of transport to the hospital, on June 8, the ambulance had been broken down and Mandela, the anguish of his wife and of his family, he had to wait 40 minutes at the edge of the motorway because it came a ‘other.

Into (AP PHOTO / LaPresse)

Health: "Lorenzin visit Biomedical Campus, focus on prevention" - Reuters Press Agency

(ASCA) – Rome, June 24 -” I visited an efficient structure, which has a rationality ‘in its operation and that focuses on the patient. It ‘a model of good health’ and host extremely important in view of the application of the Directive on the mobilizes’ European patients. In Italy, in fact, we have facilities like this, first quality ‘, that have nothing to envy to the northern European centers and are thus able to win this new challenge.” So ‘the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, on a visit today to the Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico of Rome. She was welcomed, among many present, the new President of the University ‘Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Happy Barela, the Honorary President, Paul Arullani, and the General Manager of the Hospital, Gianluca Oricchio. The minister, who has personally visited a ward and service of Radiation Oncology, and ‘entertai ned especially with women waiting to make an inspection visit to the clinic’ Open ‘Senology, giving to each of these gerbera as a ‘flower of prevention’. Lorenzin personally thanked the patients present because” ‘- he said – with your courage and putting his face testified that we should not be afraid of the disease. You are the hope.” ” The data – added the Minister – they say that you are lowering the age ‘of onset of breast cancer, for this’ more and more’ important to do prevention. ‘Cause prevent it means saving lives and at the same time contain the cost of treatment.” About 30-40% of cancers that affect women ‘under 40′, in fact, turns out to be just breast cancer, the most ‘common form of cancer for young women. While, on the effectiveness of prevention, a recent survey by the College of Primary Oncologists shows that up to now in Italy four women out of a hundred life was saved thanks to screening, even more ‘important for the patients’ young, between the which all studies report a greater aggressiveness’ of the disease. ” The Campus Bio-Medico – said at the end of the visit, the President of the Campus Bio-Medico, Happy Barela – is a reality ‘health important to the national health system and regional level. They say that the assisted each year choose to contact our structure and that the last five years increased by 78%. For this reason, we welcome with interest and hope the commitment of the Minister Lorenzin to abandon the path of linear cuts, which has long indiscriminate our health care system, without distinguishing between reality ‘virtuous and inefficiencies. We hope that the path of confrontation with the institutions can come to a turning point, moving from unilateral reductions of budget already ‘agreed to a scheduling policy that enhances who does good healt h”’. red / mpd

Our health sold at 26 cents here is the business of thieves ... - The Republic

The investigation: who spy / 5. From the U.S. to Italy, assault to the data. “Offered ACASE pharmaceutical and insurance”

MILAN – 007, gall bladder operation. The Cold War is over, the lights have learned to recycle. And in a world where health is priceless and diseases are worth gold, the new frontier of Big Brother is the theft of the web (and sale) of all the most intimate secrets of our health. The health systems of the world – has admitted a few months ago in an alarming bulletin the Department to American security – are vulnerable to a sieve “that jeopardizes health and privacy of citizens.” Into Someone’s already noticed: the market – black, but not only – it is full of insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and lawyers prepared to pay handsomely (in some cases under the table) the values ??of our blood pressure, the list of medicines that we take our curriculum and failure. Objective: To deny us life insurance policie s or assumptions, propose miracle cures or send ad hoc publicity if we are hypertensive or hemophiliacs. Where there is demand, it is an old law of capitalism, check the offer: and so from 2009 to today – calculates the Office of Civil Rights U.S. – diseases of the thieves got their hands on the medical records of more than 22 million Americans. How? By entering illegally into the databases of hospitals, stealing laptops and even intercepting (it happens more and more often) wireless data transmitted to doctors from defibrillators and insulin pumps implanted under the skin.

The loot, given the prices

currents, it is potentially billionaire. The medical record – strictly anonymous – a single patient of diabetes or cancer is worth 26 cents on the legitimate market (rate of Leadplease. Com according to the Financial Times ), discounted to € 0.14 for those who buy wholesale from 50 to 100 thousand. These figures in the gray area of ??l awlessness – where in the file, in addition to health data is a valuable commodity such as name, surname and address of the person – you can multiply by 10. Laurie Napper – lab technician at Howard University Hospital in Washington – has just been sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for selling semi-complete data of 40 patients at $ 2100, $ 52.5 each. The temptation is strong. And even in Australia the Government was forced to stop in the area Cesarini the project for the national electronic health card (the doctor identikit of every citizen) after that only in the experimental phase were recorded over a thousand suspected intrusion in a computer system, in theory, supposed to be bombproof.

No wonder. “The information of this type are the currency of the future,” said Ken candid Riff Medtronic. To serve the pharmaceutical industry to save big on research, evaluate drugs that doctors prescribe and plan marketing strategies and advertising. They are used by the giants of supplementary pension schemes to reduce the cost of health care by working on prevention. How much is for them to know how we are and the value of our cholesterol? Especially, if it is true that the Johnson and Johnson – been concerned by the cost of medical coverage for employees – offers $ 500 to its employees who share the company’s health curriculum. It adds 250 to those who agree to undergo regular colonoscopy as.


Whenever we do tests, we are hospitalized or we donate blood, we leave behind a small gold mine of information that the stakes of privacy, unfortunately, defe nd only in fits and starts.

The America say – where 50% of medical information is online and their sale, McKinsey estimates will be worth $ 10 billion in 2020 – has very strict rules: this data can be sold legally by those who guards them (not the patients) only if “cleaned” 18 well-defined parameters such as address, name, age, sex. And they do already in many, twelve states have placed nearly two million medical records without a name (in theory) to insurance companies and the Department of Health brothers cashing something like 2 million euro in 2011. So did the British National Health Service which has a tariff ad hoc (8 thousand pounds for a package of a few thousand “file”, 140 pounds more for options such as age, sex and geolocation of each) for your records. And the Bupa – one of the biggest security reality of London – has already been set in line to detect block the service.

Too bad that the algorithms of Big Data hasten much faster wit h the rules on data protection personal. And as shown by a pair of recent research, a software just a little ‘sophisticated to be able to combine to different types of these legalissime identity cards medical sale a face and a specific person. “Needless illusions, those who give their health data to a structure to be seriously privacy,” says Latanya Sweeney of Harvard University. But stopping a runaway train is difficult: Washington has allocated 30 billion to computerize medical all memory of the country (which would save $ 450 billion a year on health care costs, says McKinsey). And in front of figures of this kind also the sacred right to privacy falters.


And Italy? Delays computer of Italy, in this case a virtue. It gave time to the guarantor to try to lock down meshed – where possible – the secrets of the patients. Insurance, experts and employers, to say, they can not access our Electronic Health Record, the identikit of the personal data kept by the health service in the heart of computer. A card can save your life in case of emergency and available only from doctors and hospitals explicitly indicated by the patient.

Even here, however, the risk of loopholes in the system are high. A few years ago the police have dismantled a network of 1,500 physicians who had gathered in the cooperative sold to pharmaceutical companies for about € 2 million data of 1.5 million people. Where there are no bad guys, it affects the genetic approximation flag. The Authority of Antonello Soro had to intervene because the software of the Health Record in Friuli, one of the most advanced experiments in the country, put at the disposal of all physicians in the region (and not only to the care provider) data of all patients. The guarantor has blocked also published on the websites of 26 municipalities of data on citizens for which you provided for the mandatory medical treatment, where they were placed next to the name and surname as well as assessments “person with suicidal tendencies.” The Puglia region took 45 thousand euro fine for having published on the corporate website of sensitive information 5 thousand disabled people who had benefited from subsidies for the purchase of computers. Initiative that has fed on the black market of medical records a small fortune. In the viewfinder is over as well a private Roman after providing free services as part of a campaign to prevent the mandatory then turn without applying for consent to pharmaceutical companies. Business is business. Although the best one he did the daughter of a doctor Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Florida, which has sold three x-rays for $ 45,000. But it was a rare piece: it was chest films of Marilyn Monroe.
(5 – continued)

The first episode – The second – The third – The fourth

Mandela, worse health conditions Daughter: "I just hope ... -

Video SHEET Mandela,
a life of struggle in the name of freedom
Into A note says that doctors “are doing everything possible” to ensure that the conditions of the leading anti-aparatheid, who is 94 years old, “improve”. At his bedside his wife Graça Machel

Nelson Mandela (Reuters)

Nelson Mandela (Reuters)

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Into Johannesburg, June 24, 2013 – The conditions of Nelson Mandela , the father of modern South Africa , have worsened and are now “become critical “. This was announced by Mac Maharaj, spokesman for President Jacob Zuma . Mandela is now hospitalized for 16 days for the resurgence of a serious lung infection. The leader of the struggle against apartheid is hospitalized since last June 8 at a hospital in Pretoria. At his bedside, in addition to President Zuma, his wife Graça Machel and Vice President of the ANC (the party of the late Mandela, the Government), Cyril Ramaphosa.

Into “As a daughter, I pray that the transition is sweet ” This is the hope expressed by Makaziwe Mandela, daughter of the hero of the struggle against apartheid. “He is at peace with himself, his daughter said on CNN, has given so much to the world. I think he’s at peace.” “We live day by day and pray to God,” he said Makaziwe. The daughter of the Nobel Prize for Peace has also pointed the finger at the “media circus.” “It ‘a father and a grandfather. We could not have him with us for most of our years. This is a sacred moment for us and I would expect that the world would leave us in peace . Give the space to be with my father is that these are his last moments with us or that there is still time. ” Before the South African President Mandela announce that the conditions had deteriorated, the daughter talked about his state of physical and mental health. ‘R 21;I have not stopped doctors to treat him with the best medicines in the world . Opens eyes again …”.
“In our culture, the culture Tembu – he added – will not let go off a person until this has not already asked my father so far has not done so. “

Into In a statement released yesterday evening we read that the doctors “are doing everything possible ” to ensure that the conditions of the leading anti-aparatheid, who is 94 years old, “improve” . The president’s office has announced that Madiba Zuma has visited in the hospital and that his condition has worsened in the last 24 hours. His lung problems date back tuberculosis that Mandela contracted in 1980 while he was in prison Robbem Island where he spent 27 years. In 1993 he won the Nobel Peace Prize with the last white president Frederik Willem de Klerk , which brought an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa. In 1994 he became the first black president-elect and resigned after 5 years. Since 2004 he retired from public life. From December was hospitalized 4 times in the hospital.

Into After a week of silence, yesterday the President had announced that t he conditions of the former president were “serious but stable”, forced perhaps a clarification to tow statements of the issuer Cbs , according to which his condition would have been much more serious than did shine through official press releases” . On the South African press have meanwhile emerged details on relief apparently late in the evening of admission: according to some media reports the ambulance that was carrying the former president would have failed and after 40 minutes before the arrival of another emergency vehicle.

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