Thursday, May 29, 2014

Novartis Roche, Ministry of Health asks maxirisarcimento 1200 … – TGCOM

– A maxirisarcimento from 1,200 million euro as required by the Ministry of Health to pharmaceutical companies Novartis, Roche and Hoffmann for the story of the marketing of the drugs Lucentis and Avastin. The sponsor of the competition had in fact qualified as “a horizontal restrictive” free-market behavior of companies to sell Lucentis, Avastin more expensive than equivalent. Asked 14 million to Pfizer.

Novartis Roche, Ministry of Health asks maxirisarcimento 1,200 mln

deliberation about the scandal of the Lucentis-Avastin was prepared in February this year, and it is defined precisely the behavior of the company Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Roche Spa, Novartis AG and Novartis Farma Spa as “a horizontal agreement restricting competition aimed at the commercialization of the drug Lucentis, very more expensive drug Avastin, equivalent to it. ” Following this document was required to pharmaceutical companies involved “compensation for all damage to property”, estimated at 45 million in 2012, 540 in 2013 and 615 in 2014, and those “non-property wrongfully caused to the NHS.”

case Xalatan – For Pfizer, the decision of the Competition January 11, 2012, upheld on judicial review by the State Council on February 12, said the Ministry of Health in a statement, “has defined the conduct engaged in by Pfizer ‘characterized by a clear and insisted anti-competitive intent, seeking to delay the marketing of generic drugs, even with considerable damage to the national health service.’” As a result the ministry has requested “damages, both the balance sheet (EUR 14 million) and non-pecuniary, suffered by the National Health Service in respect of the Italian company Pfizer Ltd., Pfizer Inc. and Pfizer Health AB, due to the behavior of abuse of dominant position held by them in connection with the marketing of the drug Xalatan. “

Roche replied:” Figures unreal “ – La Roche expresses” his whole surprise “for the request compensation for damages by the Ministry of Health and precise in a statement that “the figures still seem unreal.” The drugmaker added that “the measure upon which the request is the subject of an appeal before the TAR of Lazio and that there is a judgment, not of first degree, awarded to companies that have the responsibility for the alleged damage, nor does it quantify the damage “.

Novartis’ request compensation unfounded” – For Novartis “any claim is groundless as well as the figures given in the statement of the Ministry, which there is no correspondence with the reality of the facts. ” So says the claim that the pharmaceutical company in a statement said that “will make use of their rights of defense in all relevant fora.” “The spending generated by Lucentis to the NHS in January-September 2013 – Novartis precise – was equal to 38.6 million euro, in line with the data recorded in 2012.”

Ministry of Health

Chemicals and health a link in glove – The Press

Many diseases are dependent on environmental factors, too often not considered in medical diagnosis. It has been discussed in Turin at the 4th National Workshop Image
A Pandora’s box full to the brim. The list of diseases related to environmental factors is very long but little-known

Many diseases are dependent on environmental factors, too often not considered in medical diagnosis. It has been discussed in Turin at the 4th National Workshop Image

A Pandora’s box full to the brim. The list of diseases related to environmental factors is very long but little known.

“The atmosphere acts like a mirror, reflecting human substances received, more or less harmful, carried by three main vectors: the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food with which we feed. In turn, the target man can endure all those evils which form the so-called environmental disease, “said the pathologist and former professor at the University of Turin Giancarlo Ugazio, speaking at the 4th National Workshop Image, which closed on 23 May in Turin, dedicated this year to the theme “Environmental medicine and health: towards the smart health”. The result is that “life expectancy is increasing due to the advancement rough, but, for the same reasons, the healthy life expectancy is decreasing gradually since 2003.”

Behind the thousands of chemicals that populate our daily life there is a world that, in many cases, however, is not considered in the diagnosis. From irritable bowel syndrome to fibromyalgia, from headaches to gastric reflux, hypertension from urticaria: these conditions have in many cases among its causes exposure to solvents, volatile organic compounds, mold, smoke, tar, gas, engine exhaust combustion. But when you go to the doctor are rarely considered: in Italian miss skills, but also specific diagnostic tests. The “environmental medicine”, in other words, still has a long way to go. “We all know that certain diseases, see, for example, Parkinson’s disease, are linked to exposure to dyes, preservatives, pesticides, heavy metals. We can no longer continue to pretend nothing happened, “said Antonio Maria Pasciuto to Image Workshop, physician founder of ASSIMAS (Italian Association of Medical health environment), which has been studying the links between health and the environment.

These compounds, confirmed Ugazio, “may already have effects in infinitesimal doses” and “act according to a synergistic effect cocktails, potenziandosi between them.” With these dynamics interact in particular between himself asbestos, electromagnetic fields and environmental poisons. The symbol of the combined pathology of many different factors is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a fatal syndrome that “affects about 10% of the population, genetically predisposed and repeatedly exposed to environmental pathogens even at low doses.” Among these are the substances we are exposed to on a daily basis, such as detergents, perfumes, cosmetics, hair dyes, fertilizers and pesticides for houseplants, exhaust fumes and tobacco, electromagnetic fields. Since only the latter can be the basis of genetic mutations and inhibit the secretion by the pituitary melatonin, effective anti-tumor factor.

And then there’s asbestos, white killer usually identified with pleural mesothelioma, but it actually causes dozens of other diseases, cancer or not. “According to the biomedical literature, the main target organ of the pathogenic asbestos, carcinogenic and / or tumor are localized not only in the chest – lung, pleura, heart, pericardium – but also in other districts of the organism – brain, larynx, esophagus, breast, kidney, stomach, pancreas, peritoneum, small intestine, colon-rectum, penis, prostate, ovary, testis, thymus, vaginal tunic of the testicle, bladder, vagina -. Among the most important non-cancer diseases are Alzheimer’s disease and autism, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, “he added Ugazio.

How to defend? If, in Italy there is no medicine for the prevention, some actions can be put into practice in daily life, limiting the possible exposure to these risk factors: “Do not sleep next to the phone on, minimize the inhalation of substances resulting from chemical detergents, cosmetics, paints, solvents, whenever possible buy organic products. The main thing is the awareness of the people, “says Pasciuto, who with his association is committed to accurate information on these issues and organizes training courses for doctors.

Wikipedia contains errors in 90% of entries for the health –

90% of Wikipedia entries relating to health topics contain errors, inaccuracies which inevitably are taken for good by the readers of the online seeking advice about their health. And ‘the figure emerged from U.S. study published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association and reported online on BBC Health. The encyclopedia ‘of all’ is a big success of the network: contains 30 million articles in 285 languages, and experts estimate that up to 70% of physicians and medical students to use.

Conducted by Robert Hasty Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine in North Carolina, the study is based on analysis of a number of Wikipedia entries related health problems among the 10 most expensive as back pain and asthma. The Wikipedia content were compared with the official medical literature and found that in nine out of ten rumors there are errors and inaccuracies. The recommendation of Hasty is that Wikipedia is not used by patients as a primary resource of information about their health problems, but that you always trust your doctor.

Wikipedia on the other hand defends himself by saying that the study examined only a few items and that in any case there are many initiatives that involve doctors and medical associations to improve the content of the encyclopedia.



Simband announces SAMI and SimBand two projects related to Health –


Written by Simone Ziggiotto, on 28/05/14

The Korean electronics giant has introduced new digital health initiatives during an event in San Francisco titled “Voice of the body.” Samsung has introduced the SAMI platform to collect data on health and contribute to the development of new sensors. Also presented SimBand, a new wearable device to your wrist.

Samsung has a few minutes ended the press conference entitled “Voice of the body” that was held in that of San Francisco. On this occasion, the South Korean manufacturer has introduced a platform founded with the aim to collect data on health and contribute to the development of new sensors that go into products specially developed for the control of the state of people’s health.

Samsung Voice of the body

The invitation of the society for this event said that the keynote would focus on “a new form of conversation around the future of health.”

In addition to the platform, Samsung has introduced a new wearable device to your wrist, a new smartwatch called SimBand . Samsung has said it is “an experimental device not available for sale”, at least for now.

“Our goal is one day to have sensors that know a lot more of your body,” said Young Sohn, president and chief strategy officer of Samsung.

The software platform, called SAMI , or Samsung Multimodal Architecture Interactions , will have open APIs that allow to outside developers and other partners, including the University of California, San Francisco, to collaborate with Samsung. A bio-digital newspaper aimed at researchers and developers will give them access to highly detailed information on the human body, along with analytical tools, in order to develop new software-based SAMI.

Simband announces SAMI and SimBand

The news is the first major initiative that comes from the new Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center which is located in Silicon Valley. The group – which is a part of the Business Division of Samsung, not Devices division – was formed in Menlo Park, Calif., to create new technologies, develop partnerships and make investments in new hardware. Young Sohn, chief executive of the group, also has the role of president and chief strategy officer of the Korean parent company, Samsung Electronics.

Simband announces SAMI and SimBand

During the training SSIC (acronym of Samsung Group Strategy and Innovation Center), Samsung has also introduced 100 million dollars of investment funds, the Catalyst Fund Samsung to increase its presence in the U.S. market and stimulate innovation in areas related to cloud computing and mobile privacy (mobile security). In February, SCA has announced a partnership with the University of California at San Francisco to create new sensors, algorithms, and digital health technologies for preventive health.

The field of ‘health’ has become a major area of ??interest for many companies in the technology sector. Many manufacturers have introduced gadgets with sensors that can track the status of the health of a person, such as the Gear Fit Samsung or Up24 Jawbone, and countless others are working on smart wearable devices and similar products that do the same. Many companies believe in the ability to collect and process data of a patient’s health in order to prevent any diseases.

Apple, Samsung’s main rival, is also making major investments in health and fitness, and the next generation of the company’s mobile operating system, iOS, 8, natively integrate new applications that will track the health of users: among these apps there will be a program called Healthbook.

Wikipedia contains errors in 90% of the voices that speak of health –

90% of Wikipedia entries relating to health topics contain errors, inaccuracies which inevitably are taken for good by the readers of the online seeking advice about their health.

And ‘the data showed U.S. study published by the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association and reported online on BBC Health. The encyclopedia ‘of all’ is a big success of the network: contains 30 million articles in 285 languages, and experts estimate that up to 70% of physicians and medical students to use.

Conducted by Robert Hasty Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine in North Carolina, the study is based on analysis of a number of Wikipedia entries related health problems among the 10 most expensive as back pain and asthma. The Wikipedia content were compared with the official medical literature and found that in nine out of ten rumors there are errors and inaccuracies.

Hasty’s recommendation is that Wikipedia is not used by patients as a primary resource for information relating to their health problems, but that you always trust your doctor.

Wikipedia on the other hand defends himself by saying that the study examined only a few items and that in any case there are many initiatives that involving doctors and medical associations to improve the content of the encyclopedia.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cure for macular degeneration, the Ministry of Health calls for 1.2 billion … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on May 28, 2014 at 19:18.
The last change is the May 28, 2014 at 22:02.

The Ministry of Health has requested damages in the amount of EUR 1,200 million for three years to companies Novartis, Roche and Hoffmann for the story of the marketing of the drugs Lucentis and Avastin. The ministry has instead requested a compensation of 14 million company Pfizer.

It is a maxirisarcimento one billion and 200 million euro for the costs incurred by the NHS due to the cartel offense between Roche and Novartis which has led to the marketing of a drug against macular much more expensive than another. It is the demand shock that the Ministry of Health is to Roche and Novartis after the case Lucentis-Avastin, already cost the two giants farmacuetici a fine Authority. The ministry said in a statement, “following the resolution AGCM 24823 of February, 2014, described the behavior of company F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Roche Spa, Novartis AG and Novartis Pharmaceuticals S.pA. as “a horizontal agreement restricting competition aimed at the commercialization of the drug Lucentis much more expensive drug Avastin, equivalent to it”, has required pharmaceutical companies to the aforementioned compensation for all damage to property (approximately 45 million in 2012, 540 million in 2013, and 615 million in 2014) and non-property wrongfully caused to the NHS. ”

“The President of the Italian Ophthalmological Society once again confounds and mystifies. Roche has confidence in the Tar today that the decision was also requested from us. ” The exact pharmaceutical group Roche on the case of maxi-arranged by the Antitrust Authority fined the company and Novartis, for an agreement deemed anti-competitive marketing of drugs Avastin (bevacizumab) and Lucentis (ranibizumab), on the decision of Roche do not ask for the suspension of the penalty today before the TAR of Lazio.

A choice “dictated solely by the desire to accelerate the discussion on the merits of the measure, in order to reach such a judgment without any further delay,” the company said. “It is not surprising that the president of the Soi has once again confused and misrepresented what happened, extending its self from the scientific to the legal system,” says Roche. “The decision to accelerate as much as possible the decision at first instance by the Tar is dictated by the determination of Roche as soon as possible to clarify the correctness of their actions, hoping thus to curb the uncontrollable proliferation of inaccuracies that the president of Soi not miss to dispense with almost daily. Roche is confident that it can be the Tar Lazio the forum in which to discuss in depth the issues under appeal, including whether – as competence – the scientific profiles that the President of the SOI is determined to trivialize. ”

It is not long in coming also statement of Novartis. According to the company headquartered in Basel, the demand for maxirisarcimento from the Ministry of Health for the case Avastin-Lucentis is “unfounded.” The company also stated that it did not “received any notification at the time.” Novartis’ firmly rejects accusations of anti-competitive practices and this has challenged the decision of the Competition Authority before the TAR of Lazio: the process is still ongoing and the ruling is expected later this year. ” Therefore, the pharmaceutical company writes, “any claim is groundless as well as the figures indicated in the notice of the Ministry that find no correspondence with the facts: the expenditure generated by Lucentis borne by the NHS in January-September 2013 amounted to 38.6 million euro, in line with the data recorded in 2012. ” Novartis’ reaffirms the correctness of its actions and has always acted in full compliance with Italian and European legislation, which is now being challenged by a “controlled liberalization” off-label use of Avastin, in contravention of rules and established processes and shared at Community level, which were designed to protect the health of the patient and ensure the sustainability of the system. Novartis will make use of their rights of defense in all relevant fora. “


Use alarm: “On Wikipedia, 90% of health items it contains errors” – TGCOM

  • Tgcom24 >
  • Health >

    Alarm Use: “On Wikipedia, 90% of the items of health contains errors”

– More and more people consult the web case of health problems, diagnosis and recommendations for DIY. The most famous online encyclopedia of the Network, Wikipedia, however, contain errors and inaccuracies in 90 percent of items dedicated to the medicine. According to a study by the Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine in North Carolina, these contents in nine cases out of ten do not match the official medical literature.

Also browse by doctors and students – So be careful with online diagnosis. The errors on the pages of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias on the Internet can in fact be taken as good from the player, putting your health at risk. Not only for experienced up to 70 percent of doctors and students use these pages to work and study. The research, published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, is based on a series of rumors about ten o’clock health problems, including asthma and back pain.

seeks to improve Wikipedia – The recommendation of the researchers then is to not improvise, but always consult your doctor. Wiki , however, defends itself by stating that the study has looked at a too low number of entries; In addition, the encyclopedia is seeking to better health pages thanks to the work of doctors and associations.

Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
Wallace North Carolina School of Osteopathic Medicine


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How to stay healthy – Corriere della Sera

Milan , May 27, 2014 – 13:24


Forse you see the exit of the tunnel of economic crisis, maybe not. However, few are willing to spend, even for health. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. have published a guide to staying healthy and preventing illness in times of family budgets reduced (often) to the bone: few, little common sense tips that can really help you to keep away to treat such problems, then we would really have to spend much.

cheap Health Tips

The first choice at no cost to stay healthy, according to experts from overseas, it is certainly not to smoke: cigarettes cost a lot, a lot more than increase the risk of many diseases, from lung cancer to chronic respiratory diseases, which involve health and social costs enormous. “That’s why it’s never too late to quit, doing well in the portfolio and eliminating the danger of serious chronic illnesses. You can say goodbye to cigarettes and in addition to willpower can help low-cost methods: there are many opportunities to get help free of charge, both online and off, “write the authors of the paper. Step number two is to stay healthy for a long time to make the move: you do not need to enroll in the gym fashionable to beat a sedentary lifestyle and risks resulting therefrom, may be enough to walk briskly or regularly engage in sports that require little expense such as travel, cycling, swimming. The important thing is to exercise consistently and regularly at least two and a half hours a week, alternating aerobic work that improves the cardiovascular system to resistance, which strengthens the muscles: with little money, say the Americans, you can reduce the risk of diabetes , obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer and problems with muscles and joints. Another “rule” to stay healthy on a budget, comply with vaccination programs for themselves and their children: many vaccines are provided free of charge in different regions, to take advantage of these tools is important to prevent serious diseases and dangerous.

Little and health spending on the table

A large part of the advice” cheap “to improve the health concerns food choices: to follow a healthy diet, according to experts of ‘overseas, you do not need to be rich, indeed. “You can replace meat with vegetables, rich in protein and less expensive – the authors write -. To have good fruit and vegetables at a reasonable cost, so the seasonal produce grown not too far from where you live; or, even better, you can create a small vegetable garden or even on the terrace to grow their own healthy, tasty and inexpensive. To stay healthy and reduce expenses, in addition, you can cut the portions not wasting food is important to keep costs down and also to avoid introducing excess calories. ” Equally recommendable choice of water as the main drink: you pay less than any other drink and unlike any other drink contains no calories or sugars. It is, in short, the healthiest beverage and low cost all in preference to wine, beer and soft drinks. “Finally, to stay healthy and spend less you have to avoid taking unnecessary medications – observe the American experts -. A classic example is antibiotics, which many use for viral infections against which these drugs do not serve. ” The drugs cost money and if they are taken out of turn can hurt because side effects may outweigh the possible advantages of taking the pills only when you need it and if your doctor has prescribed, without taking home arsenals of drugs that use case or almost it is therefore a great way to save being healthy.

May 27, 2014 | 13:24


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

“The right to health guaranteed less” – Corriere della Sera

Milan , May 27, 2014 – 15:46


“In 2012, health policies have been aimed at cost containment and in some regions, the provision of Lea, the basic levels of care and the right to health, are not guaranteed.” He said Stelio Mangiameli, director dell’Issirfa-CNR (Institute for the Study of Regional Systems of the National Research Council), anticipating the results of the “Report on the Regions in Italy 2013 ‘, presented Tuesday at the Chamber of Deputies. The study shows striking differences, even in fiscal terms, with an increase in pressure and cuts in services due to the economic situation in general and the health and welfare policies in particular. “The cross-section shows the regions of the North engaged with European standards and those of the South slip into unsustainable levels of inefficiency,” summarizes Mangiameli. The survey found that the average health care spending was reduced and remained stable in relation to GDP (7%), however, increased between 1 and 2% in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Abruzzo, Sardinia, Trento and Bolzano, while fell in Liguria (3.2%), Basilicata, Piedmont, Tuscany, Marche, Molise, Campania, Puglia. The expenditure on medicines in agreement (reimbursed) decreased almost 9%.

Growth stops, ensures the existing

“The socio-political welfare affected by the economic crisis. Without the boost to growth, there is a tendency to ensure the existing – explains Mangiameli -. The year 2012 was a year of great difficulty, as the Stability Law has allocated the National Fund for Social Policies only EUR 70 million, of which just 10.7 for the regions, many of which are continuing to support low-income families with elderly and / or disabled, and to intervene in the child care services. ” Some regions have attempted to restrict access to social benefits for length of residence in the territory, the criterion that the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional. “The report shows that, despite some institutional limits Italian, judgment remains positive on the Regions – concludes Mangiameli -. Regionalism has improved public policies, making it more bearable the hardships that people, families and businesses are suffering in these years. With regard to the system of relations and the division of powers between center and periphery, the crisis has, however, marked a return to centralism. “

May 27, 2014 | 15:46


Health? It ‘a matter of balance – The Press

the vision of health second Khemsar Lama Rinpoche and tradition

The disease is nothing but the manifestation of an imbalance and can be cured only if you know the causes (including mental) that ‘ have generated. The words of Khemsar Rinpoche Lama in an exclusive interview for The

We live in a universe where everything is clear, even if we are too taken from our lives for realizing it. What our eyes are able to perceive is a mere manifestation of pulsating life, where a relentless pace of empty and full distinguishes the breath of life itself.
Through observation of such perfection one wonders how it is possible that there suffering or disease, alternating with moments of joy and serenity.
Perhaps it is here that lies the true ?? knowledge. In spite of everything we read, we study and conceptualize, the foundation of true knowledge have always been in front of our eyes.
diseases, in fact, are not generated by bacteria, viruses, or other malfunction of organs, but these factors could be considered – in a broader perspective – only the consequence of an imbalance. Or, rather, an attempt of the Universe in which we live (re) find the balance. If this kind of view is correct, we should stop lashing against the disease, but try to accept it and understand it.

To explain his vision of global well-being is the Lama Khemsar Rinpoche , on the occasion of his visit to Italy, has released an exclusive interview to our newspaper.
“There are remedies of folk medicine is that Tibetan medicine. According to Tibetan medicine is important to balance the three humors: the mood of wind, bile and phlegm. Rebalance these is very important. When they are out of balance, in fact, begins the disease and its imbalance – explains Khemsar Lama Rinpoche – To balance them you need to use Tibetan medicine, folk medicine but is better. In my approach to folk medicine, it is important to adjust the diet: a certain food may be suitable for one person but not to another. Again, it depends on the three humors. For example, if a person has mood bile is important to reduce high fat foods such oil and butter, but if you wind up the mood of these foods are suitable for him. So you have to understand what kind of food is necessary depending on the person that we face, because for me the food is medicine and medicine is food. This according to the tradition of my folk medicine and, more particularly, to that of my family, from my grandfather to my dad, the tradition continues today. To our view, the food is more important than medicine .
Obviously, the medicine helps us to balance the humors, but if we take the wrong food, the imbalance returns. The medicine helps only temporarily. To maintain health we need to know the right food. The food is not only to feel full, we have to feed on almost as if we assume a medicine. The right food is medicine; what is wrong poison. “

Lama Khemsar, there are differences between the old and the medicine of today, although natural?
« Speaking in a generic way, and in my opinion, medicines pharmaceutical industries are not optimal and in some cases may even be toxic, while the herbal medicines are supposed to be good. But nowadays even the herbs used for natural medicines tend to pump up growth with the use of fertilizers, and this practice is widespread in many countries. It ‘clear that from this point of view not we face the real herbal medicine in ancient times. Because in the folk tradition, in the Tibetan and in Ayurveda, gathered wild herbs, but now everything is industrialized and there un’overproduzione. It goes without saying that the medicines of today are not the same that were used many years ago. “

Probably not even the preparations are the same, right?
“Right. In the old days when they were preparing medicines were chosen also favorable periods, for example when the moon was full, and we went to pick them up in the mountains. Here was the shaman who asked Mother Earth for permission to collect them. We have rich traditions and authentic. After asking permission, then, is gathered and essiccavano plants – not the sun, but the shade: it is important to protect the active ingredients. Allow to dry herbs in the sun or in dryers is totally wrong. The drugs were prepared only by hand and not by machine. In addition, during the preparation of the people did not have to speak, and he covered his mouth with a mask, or at a scheduled time, reciting the mantra of the Buddha of medicine. And when all was complete they brought the drugs into the temple, the altar in the room, and again recited a ritual to consecrate, energize and give them power. Only then will the herbal medicine was ready. But ours is not only herbal medicine. The herbal base is: were also used purified metals such as gold and silver. “

From the words of Lama Khemsar shows how the ancient traditions were not only provided with a great knowledge and awareness, but also an extraordinary openness of heart that allowed you to stay connected with the whole of creation. But when the vision is so wide, you have to wonder if you can really be able to cure all diseases or not.
“In our view, all diseases – explains Khemsar Lama Rinpoche – occur through the three humors and therefore all are treatable. However, it is important to consider the roots of primary and secondary disease. Therefore we can say that everything could be treatable – a cancer – if we can understand the underlying causes.
For example, today in modern medicine, a patient with cancer chemotherapy is applied, but this is not the same point of view of Tibetan medicine. Ensuring in this way, the symptoms of cancer would be suppressed and not would know the roots of the disease. Before applying this (or other) therapies is important to know and treat the causes. “

In ancient times there were remedies for cancer diseases?
“There were, however, in times past were not used herbs, but meditation or mantra. Many diseases are treated only with the mantra. Beware though: it is not a treatment where you recite a mantra and heal. To be able to cure by these means you have to meet a genuine teacher and receive an education, power, transmission, and understanding the instructions. Then, once received, the teacher invites you to go to a lonely place in which you will have to stay there for at least three years without seeing anyone. The only thing to which we will focus is the recitation of mantras for nine hundred thousand times. At that point, you have to wait for a sign, and from that moment you will be able to return to the world and treat people with the mantra. “

An example of this kind of healing?
“I remember when my mother had a bad breast cancer, and there were many discussions in my family because many said that for the care you had to turn to the British doctors. But my mom said, “No, I want to go from my blade.” Other relatives, however were not convinced of his choice. However, my mother had great faith in his blade and went to him and told him to have a breast cancer: it was very much ugly, big and with loss of serum. The Lama said, “I will make thy because you have faith in me.” This blade was formed after the withdrawal of three years, three months and three days: so it was a very powerful blade. He began to recite his mantra, which is also very powerful, and repeatedly blew on my mother’s womb. This, according to tradition, is one of the most effective treatments. The first month was terrible because my mother sick sinus lost so much fluid and blood, and you feel severe pain. But she was confident. The Lama told her not to worry, so he continued his care twenty-one days. Sometimes Lama gave her water to drink after having blown inside. Eventually, the breast cancer healed completely and without any sign that remained. Indeed, after this event gave birth to eight more children, and all were breast-fed. “

Lama Khemsar Thanks for sharing with us this amazing story. Finally, could you give some advice to our readers in order to stay healthy?
[The Lama smiles] “What can I say? Your journal is very nice, but it is very important to practice. I am honest and therefore I will be with you too: without practice it remained just intellectual and philosophical. So you have to experience, practice, even if only for three months (which is the minimum). It ‘important to recite the mantra, and for a minimum of one hundred thousand times. If so, then you can put together your knowledge with the practice of the mantra, and this is good. I have to be honest. Thank you! “

Who is Lama Rinpoche Khemsar
E ‘an eminent master of the spiritual Yungdrung Bön tradition, the ancient native Buddhism of Tibet. He received teachings of philosophy and spiritual practices of Yungdrung Bön and Buddhism, including the Sutra, Tantra and Dzog-chen.
Also practice the ancient Tibetan medicine and folk remedies. Rinpoche is the founder and spiritual director of the Tibetan Bön Yungdrung Study Centre (TYBSC) in Britain, Kun Ling-zhi in Switzerland, Italy and Kun-zhi Ling Tibetan Bön Yungdrung Institute in Miami Florida, USA.

Thanks for the valuable collaboration and Availability: Carla Perotti, Anna Tower Tamburini, Christian (Krish) Welcome.

Growing health tourism – Information

The health tourism is an opportunity for the canton (Tipress)

Monday, 05/26/14 15:55 – last updated 26/05/14 20:17

health tourism is an opportunity for the Ticino, and to attract a growing number of stakeholders, the platform was created Ticino Health, presented Monday to the press.

The project is followed and funded within the health and wellness industry, the regional economic policy of the canton.

Health Ticino is intended as a platform aggregative reference and promotion of the services of the Ticino health and welfare and part of a growing market: the most recent estimates indicate a level of global revenues of approximately $ 100 billion in 2012.

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Red. MM.


Health: with the new glasses for the elderly increases the risk falls – Web Weather



VIEW ELDERLY If the blurred vision contributes the risk of falls in the elderly, change glasses and use new ones, with a change in the prescription, it could also increase this kind of danger, rather than decrease it. To support it, a new study published in ‘Optometry and Vision Science’, the official journal of the American Academy of Optometry, by David B. Elliot and his group at the University of Bradford, UK. Falls are the leading cause of accidental death and non-fatal injury in older adults in the United States. At least one-third of healthy adults age ‘of 65 years fall at least once a year. For those of eta ‘more than 90 years, then, the risk increases to approximately 60 percent. The reduced vision and ‘an important risk factor, which suggests that interventions to correct vision, in particular spectacles and cataract surgery, reduce the risk of experiencing falls. However, the glasses with new shades can make objects appear more ‘neighbors or more’ away than they really are, thus influencing ‘the reflections that connect the vestibular system of balance with eye movements, and thus inducing’ falls.

Monday, May 26, 2014

5 goals for improving global health –

are those identified in Geneva by the World Health Organization

 WHO Assembly

It’s been a busy week, that of the 3,500 delegates who took part in the 67th World Health Assembly . In Geneva, the experts of ‘ WHO have found themselves faced with a dense network of issues, as stated by the Director-General Margaret Chan : “ It is a clear projection of the increasing complexity of issues related to health, and our deep interest in dealing with “. There are five key objectives that can be drawn from the 20 resolutions adopted by the organization in recent days.

1. Guaranteed access to basic medicines
Improving global access to essential medicines has been a cornerstone of the Assembly. In particular, it was approved the selection of a list of medicines (on the basis of price, availability and targeted use) that may serve to improve the quality of medical care in many countries. Not only that, the WHO has also made available to assist national governments to evaluate investments, related to medical technology , highlighting the priorities and recommending the right strategy to avoid unnecessary expenses.

2. More attention to the resistance of microorganisms
The delegates shared some concern about the increasing drug resistance demonstrated by some microorganisms, and insisted on the need to strengthen international cooperation in matter, in order to increase the wealth of information. For this reason, the organization will seek to develop an action plan concrete to combat these resistances to antibiotics, with the aim of reaching an approval and implementation of the project as early as 2015.

3. Support for the Convention on the Minamata mercury
The Assembly requested that the WHO Secretariat given such help governments around the world to support and implement the Convention Minamata mercury ever considered among the most dangerous chemicals to public health. The agreement, dated 2013 and signed by 140 states (also including Italy) aims to prohibit the marketing of mercury by 2020 and to protect people and the environment from toxic emissions: will enter into force when at least 50 states have ratified it.

4. Combating violence against women
Each year about 1.4 million of people lose their lives due to violence and it has been estimated that, globally, a in three women is a victim of physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. The WHO is a partner internationally to combat this phenomenon, developing a plan to strengthen the role of national health systems in this area.

5. Reduction of child mortality
was approved the first comprehensive plan to reduce infant mortality, in the light of a situation that can not be ignored: every year about 3 million children die in the first month Life , and 2.6 million others die in the last 3 months of pregnancy or during childbirth. The objective of the Organization is to reduce mortality below the threshold of 1% of births by 2035, carrying out projects for prevention and training side by side with national governments.

Educating for life skills to promote health: 150 teachers from 17 … – gonews

will be held next Thursday, May 29 , the 17.00 in the auditorium “Elizabeth Chiarugi” Administrative Centre ASL 11 , in Via dei Cappuccini n. 79, Empoli , the final meeting of the training program “Educate to life skills to promote health “, which involved 150 teachers of kindergartens, primary and secondary First Instance of 17 institutes of the country.

The project (aimed at the formation of emotional skills, cognitive, social life) has provided during the school year 2013-2014 also a campus for each of the 5 working groups which were divided teachers interested in the training program.

After each campus, each group has participated in 5 training sessions of three hours each, with the aim of bringing out the emotional skills, interpersonal and communication of teachers, enhancing and sharing of teaching experiences.

The meetings were held from December 9, 2013 to 14 April 2014.

After teachers have applied in their classes project defined during training. The operators of Education for Health 11 ASL had the task to observe and supervise the activities in individual schools.

Next Thursday, the presence of institutional authorities of the Region of Tuscany, supporters of school leaders project and general management ASL 11, it will compare the experiences of the project by all the protagonists.


Source: Health Service ASL 11 Empoli

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Forlimpopoli, Paul greets Zoffoli: “Let a municipality in great … – ForlìToday

Press Release

Forlimpopoli Dear, come to the end of this wonderful experience (8 years in Department of Health, Social Services and Environment and 10 years as Mayor) I feel the need / duty to thank . I write now that they are “bad, but not yet expired,” to the polls closed, when the electoral game is pretty much finished. 18 are many, one-third of my life! In these 18 years, our country and especially our City has undergone momentous changes even through difficult moments! So many years, first with the Administration Castagnoli, then with my Directors of great effort by all, Administrators, Directors of majority and the opposition, Municipal Employees, but especially on the part of many Forlimpopoli men who care about their city and the their territory.

The new mayor and the new administration let a municipality in great health: the few remaining mortgage-debt, taxation are among the lowest, services of the highest quality at very low cost, many investments made in areas that we consider most important for the quality of life (Culture, School, Social Services-Health, Environment and Sport), many works and projects and many others planned and some even already funded. We accepted and won very difficult challenges: the draft Forlimpopoli City Artusiana that allowed us to take a very important role in promoting the identity of our territory in the world, the door to door collection of waste in 2006 by trawlers throughout the territory for a reversal of policy that exceeds the incineration of waste and seeks the closure of the recycling chain, we have invested a lot of resources to provide adequate schools for our children, we have transformed the hospital in House of Health to make sure that our structure health can have a secure future and that would give the answer to the needs of health, social health and social services to all Forlimpopoli and Bertinoresi, we realized that infrastructure
always wanted Forlimpopoli (city park, swimming pool, road quality with the western ring road, bike paths a little ‘everywhere
, parking, etc.)., urbanistically we completed a journey that began in 2000 and which has led to a historic center almost completely renovated and inhabited, a new craft area and some important areas of expansion and urban redevelopment.

All this and much more has been achieved, were also made sure mistakes, but I defy anyone to say they have not been made in good faith or for personal gain. The thing we are most proud of, however, is to have helped to create that pride of being Forlimpolesi that has made it so that many citizens have been brought into play in an absolutely passionate and non-profit, in politics or in Voluntary Associations or as “simple citizens” for the good of Forlimpopoli and its citizens. Today I, on behalf of the Administration that I represented, I feel the need to thank and hug everyone, one by one! The biggest hope is that this pride that I do, even in a world where the values ??are plummeting and selfishness reigns unfortunately, can still more
consolidate and spread like wildfire. I, for tomorrow and as a private citizen, I will continue to work for it. At the end of my last outburst as Mayor I wish the new administration because Forlimpopoli can continue to govern for the next five years with passion, skill and a little ‘luck that never hurts so that we and our children can live in an increasingly migiore! With much love and lots of gratitude. “

Paolo Zoffoli
Mayor of Forlimpopoli (” even for a few hours! “)

Via tattoos without laser? Doctors denounce health problems – Italian Weather Center

Via tattoos without laser? Doctors denounce health problems 05/26/2014 – Apprehension and alarm by the scientific and medical world for tattoos . The method to eliminate tattoos without the use of laser can ‘be dangerous and this should be suspended marketing of the product. The decision ‘came from the Ministry of Health. The judiciary after reporting a citizen, has opened a file and investigated the owner of the company that markets the product in Turin Italy for the marketing of products hazardous to health . It seems that the lactic acid based liquid injected under the skin for the removal of tattoos , even if it ‘classified as a cosmetic can be extremely irritating to eyes and skin with risk of infections that can degenerate into granulomas epidermis.

laser tattoo remove

Tattoo dangerous without laser? – Photo

So halt to the new method experienced. From now on will be the judiciary to see clearly. Pending the findings of the ministry has therefore banned the company marketing the product. The investigation and prosecution of the ‘game after an e-mail when a citizen reported the method. We’ll see how it will end with tattoos .

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Remove tattoos without laser: Health Hazard – Weather Centre Italian

Remove tattoos without laser: 25.5.2014 health hazard – Apprehension and alarm by the world’s scientific and medical for tattoos . The method to eliminate tattoos without the use of laser can ‘be dangerous and this should be suspended marketing of the product. The decision ‘came from the Ministry of Health. The judiciary after reporting a citizen, has opened a file and investigated the owner of the company that markets the product in Turin Italy for the marketing of products hazardous to health . It seems that the lactic acid based liquid injected under the skin for the removal of tattoos , even if it ‘classified as a cosmetic can be extremely irritating to eyes and skin with risk of infections that can degenerate into granulomas epidermis.

tattoos laser

Tattoos and laser care creams – photo

unque halt to the new method experienced. From now on will be the judiciary to see clearly. Pending the findings of the ministry has therefore banned the company marketing the product. The investigation and prosecution of the ‘game after an e-mail when a citizen reported the method. We’ll see how it will end with tattoos .

Health: approved the first plan of action against the deaths of babies – Web Weather



BIRTHS ITALY - Copy L ‘Annual Meeting of the World Health’ Organization (WHO) meeting in Geneva, approved the “Plan first ever worldwide” to end the preventable deaths of infants and cases of stillbirths by 2035.’s plan – says the World Health Organization ‘- calls on countries to pursue the objective to record less than 10 infant deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths less than 10 per 1000 live births by 2035. Every year nearly 3 million children die in the first month of life and the stillbirth-rate (death in the last 3 months of pregnancy or during childbirth) are 2.6 million. According to the WHO, most of these deaths could be prevented by effective interventions also from the point of view of the costs (cost-effective). The objectives of the Plan will require all countries to invest in high-quality care ‘for interventions and coaching before, during and after birth for every pregnant woman and her baby boy. During the annual meeting (May 19 to 24), the 67 / World Health Assembly ‘has approved more’ than 20 resolutions on public health issues of global importance, the fight against drug-resistance access to basic medicines and palliative care to the challenge of violence that affects women and girls in particular. To the Director-General of WHO, Dr Margaret Chan, and ‘treaty’ assembly intense, with a record number of agenda items, documents and resolutions and nearly 3,500 registered delegates. ” This, said Chan, “reflects the growing complexity ‘of a large number of health issues and the keen interest of governments to deal with them.” The World Health Assembly ‘and’ the supreme decision-making body of WHO. E ‘, among other things, responsible for determining the policies of the Organization, the Director-General to appoint, supervise the financial policies and approve the budget for the proposed program.

Tattoos: a laser to remove them without danger to health – Imprint Unika


repent of having done a tattoo is normal and you can go back, but the methods used triggered the investigation by the Ministry of salute.Sotto accusation products that promise the removal of tattoos without the use of laser.Secondo advice entrusted by the prosecutor Guariniello fact, the lactic acid based liquid injected under the skin for tattoo removal, although it is classified as a cosmetic can be extremely irritating to eyes and skin with risk of infection which can lead to epidermal granulomas.

The method uses a machine for micro pigmentation with which you make of microdermoabrasioni to remove tattoos. According to the opinion of the Ministry of Health an indication of cosmetic appliance does not comply with the rules, and does not fall under the definition of cosmetic product, as well as the injected solution.

The product is not labeled in Italian and liquid is labeled “corrosive” and “cause irritation to the skin,” and is therefore incompatible with the intended use of injecting the product in the epidermis. Pending the findings of the ministry has therefore banned the company marketing the product. The investigation by the Prosecutor’s game after an e-mail when a citizen reported the method.

The prosecutor of Turin has opened a file for violation of the Commercial Code in respect of medoto Skinial, born in Germany and marketed in Italy by a company in Turin, Build the Dream Street Montevecchio. Thanks to the reporting of a user, the police Nas have launched the first findings: The survey is coordinated by prosecutor Raffaele Guarinello, that the case has also affected the Ministry of Health which has been stuck on the market and use of the method, pending further investigations.

According to experts cream, inoculated into the skin with the tattoo machine, cause the necrotic tissue. Marketed as a cosmetic product, its application would be invasive in stark contrast to the European legislation.


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Labor, health, environment: what will make the new European Parliament – Corriere della Sera

Milan , May 24, 2014 – 20:14


public investments to create jobs and to revitalize small businesses. Guaranteed minimum income in combating poverty and social inclusion. Protection against risks to health caused by the use of chemicals in agriculture, telecommunications or from electromagnetic waves from the side effects of many drugs. Environmental protection and minority rights. Controls on financial speculation and the public billions dished out by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. Resetting the roaming charges by 2015 for those who use the phone between the 28 member countries. These are just some of the many issues on which the new European parliament will take action affecting the daily lives of some 500 million Europeans. It may be useful then vote to represent them adequately in Brussels and Strasbourg in the only EU institution directly elected by the citizens, who can balance on the side of the existing collective dominance of the Council of governments and bureaucrats of the European Commission. The Lisbon Treaty has increased the number of areas where MEPs were a real co-decision-making power in the approval of European laws, promoted by the Commission and finalized by the Council.

The Chair of the Commission

In addition, in this campaign, the European parliament has committed to earn even more political clout. The five main europartiti (popular, socialists, liberals, greens and extreme left) presented their candidate for the presidency of the European Commission. In this way, citizens would have to vote on a nomination so far decided by the heads of state and government (often with confidential negotiations). The goal is not granted. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already said that the prime minister did not give up their prerogative. But the outcome of this “tug of war” institutional remains open because the European parliament can bring to bear its right to approve (or reject) the new President of the Commission.

Salaries and privileges

In the legislative deadline in a large mass of MEPs have not appeared the best that they could send 28 member countries in Europe. Many have attracted criticism for the subjection to powerful lobbies, for the lack of capacity or absenteeism. There remains the problem of their salaries and privileges, often excessive in relation to the work involved. A scandal has confirmed suspicions about the existence of a market for ‘black’ amendments for a fee, which can penalize millions of citizens with few rows inserted into directives hundreds of items.


But ‘ European Parliament has, however, produced significant results for the 500 million Europeans. During the crisis has been the only EU institution impegnatasi least to complain about the excessive austerity measures imposed by Brussels for eurozone countries with budget difficulties, which were later revealed recessive and generating rampant unemployment. She demanded by leaders of the ECB greater transparency in decisions intended to move avalanche of billions of taxpayers (often to the benefit of private banks). Got that would allow the EU banking – at least partly – not to pay more taxpayers bailouts of banks overwhelmed by reckless financial speculation. He promoted an anti-tax speculators (on the model of the Tobin tax) being approved by 10 member countries, including Germany, France and Italy. He called for limits on “golden salaries ‘and bankers’ bonuses. He welcomed the popular protests taking out the Europe Agreement Acta, wanted by the United States and already accepted by other non-EU countries, which limits the freedom of the computer network and the non-commercial sharing of information, videos and music. He asked the blocking of access to financial data of European citizens and granted subject to the constraints in the White House counter-terrorism, when the case Snowden has revealed the degeneration of espionage Use (got to intercept the phone’s Chancellor Merkel). It has strengthened the Erasmus program for young people to study abroad by extending the training and sport. Has limited the intrusiveness of the rich and powerful tobacco lobby in the new anti-smoking rules, which have expanded to 65% of the surface of cigarette packs alarms shock to the serious health risks. Approved more guarantees for consumers in online shopping.

The next targets

In the next term we will have to implement an EU foreign policy with Russia able to defuse the tension exploded in the Ukraine case. You will have to convince big polluters in the world (U.S., China, India) to share the European line-oriented to a greater focus on the environment. The European parliament will protect small business owners from the effects of mega-free-trade agreement between the EU and the U.S., being defined between Brussels and Washington under pressure from big business lobby. New measures should ensure consumers by the advance of “junk food” and of GMOs. We are waiting for a more incisive action to protect children from child abuse (including via the Internet). It is urgent to stop the trafficking of human beings and the tragedies caused by the influx of illegal immigrants into the ‘EU. A dossier important concerns undeclared work and illegal use of labor (making it appear as assumed in another EU country where there are fewer rights and wages). Once again it is announced (this time in 2016) that a compulsory register of lobbyists, which can increase transparency and reduce the high risks of corruption in the ratio of pressure groups with MEPs and Eurocrats. Of course, in the Halls of Brussels and Strasbourg would be possible to launch many other interventions in the five-year term. Much will depend on the quality of the candidates put on the list by the parties. But it is also the responsibility of the decisive voters in the vote on the best (or least worst).

May 24, 2014 | 20:14


Novi: inauguration of the House of Health – Sassuolo 2000


An important day for the Health District Carpi and in particular for the City of Novi di Modena: Two years after the earthquake, which has put a strain on even the network of health services, was inaugurated the House of Health of Novi.

The property was named “Manuela Lorenzetti,” doctor of the USL of Modena, who prematurely died in 2013, he served as head of primary care Carpi, was a tireless promoter of integrated care pathways in the area that have contributed to the realization of this House of Health; a professional woman and full of humanity, capable of listening to citizens and colleagues, an example of tenacity and understanding in daily work.

The House of Health Novi di Modena, whose construction was made possible thanks to a path that involving the local community, voluntary associations, social network and health professionals, local authorities and major commercial realities of the territory, is first of all an important step towards a return to normalcy in an area hard hit by the earthquake of 2012; also represents a significant element of an innovative organizational model that approaches the local services to citizens by simplifying the usability and enhancing their efficiency. In the territory of the district of Carpi, the presentation of the House of Health in Novi, which is based on a Canzio Zoldi, completes the path already started last year with the opening of the first location in the village of Rovereto.

House of Health is a new organizational model of the health care system that offers numerous benefits to citizens from the presence of a multiplicity of figures welfare, General Practitioners, pediatrician and other health workers (nurses, doctors continuity care and specialists) so they can work side by side in the same building further enhancing the integration between them. A strong idea, created to offer you the guarantee of quality care and greater protection in the care of the therapy and care.

Inside the venue of Novi are a information point, the one-stop-CUP SAUB, a Paediatrician’s surgery, surgery nurse, a sampling point, a point immunization of Community Paediatrics, the Child Neuropsychiatry, the Family Counseling and Women’s Health, the offices of the associations AVIS and AUSER and activities specialist cardiology, ophthalmology, clinical psychology, diet – nutrition. In the adjacent headquarters of the medical group that hosts Novi 4 General Practitioners who have always worked with their business projects to take charge and integration with the territory.

The premises of the office Novi were built by Coop Estense and made available on concessional terms, to the City of Novi which assigned them in use Azienda USL and the voluntary and AVIS AUSER. The structure consists of two compartments with independent access by stairs and elevator, each with a surface area of ??about 330 square meters. The fund that the company shares with healthcare associations is made up of spaces for waiting, with a dining area, reception room, levies, dirty-clean area, 5 surgeries, 2 closets for storage, sterilization area. The fund is adjacent to the site of a medical group consisting of General Practitioners.

At the inauguration ceremony was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Health Policies in the Emilia-Romagna Carlo Lusenti , the Mayor of Novi di Modena Luisa Turci , the Director Coop Estense Catia Allegretti , the Director General of the Health Services of Modena Mariella Martini , the Director of the Sanitary District of Claudio Carpi Vagnini . The pastor of Novi, Don Ivan Zanoni , blessed the new premises.


The House of Health two locations, one being stationed in Novi Canzio Zoldi 38H and the other in the village of Rovereto via Curiel 48. Seats retain their specificities and peculiarities in terms of both development paths of integration models. Together, they deliver the presence of health services for the City of Novi di Modena and the villages of Rovereto sulla Secchia and St. Anthony in Mercadello: a territory, which is the area to the north of the district of Carpi 52 square kilometers, equivalent to about 20 percent of the total territory of the district and a resident population of about 11 thousand people.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

To contain health costs – Information

An excellent but expensive health care system (keystone)

Friday, 05/23/14 17:19 – last updated 05/23/14 17:19

The Swiss health care system “is among the best in the world”, but it has a price that is steadily increasing. To counter this trend, the PPD has prepared an action plan that provides for greater transparency and more effective health strategy at the national level, in the document “Health in Switzerland.”

Four Points main strategy: more targeted use of the proceeds from the taxes on the one hand and on the other by the premiums health insurance, greater transparency and effectiveness from the point of view of performance, more individual responsibility and greater solidarity and finally the development of a national strategy for health care.

The document also contains proposals already put forward by the party in the past, such as the fact that children do not have to pay health insurance premiums.


Health Pact, Borsellino: “No facility will close” – Live Sicily

the commissioner

-> ->

Saturday, May 24, 2014 – 21:10
Article read 264 times


“With the new pact health between the State and the regions riqualificheranno services, thanks to the resources that are freed from the waste are implemented instead. “


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 purse, hospitals, health pact, Sicily, structures

Lucia Borsellino

PALERMO – In relation to the news published by some media on the structures Italian hospital with less than 60 beds, according to the provisions of the new Pact for health between the State and the regions to be defined within a few months, would be destined to close, the Regional Councillor for Health, Lucia Borsellino, clarifies the hospital network in Sicily: “No closure but the redevelopment and improvement of services, thanks to the resources that are freed from the waste are implemented instead of laying the groundwork for an organization network that sees the integration between the hospital functions and the main territorial backbone. “” The model of the hospitals that we have gathered characterized within the network , responds – he adds – this need for quality, safety of care, not just cost . The 23 Sicilian hospitals with fewer than 60 seats, ‘made safe’ and functionally integrated with one another within the same district and other referral hospitals will allow it to balance, in the new structure, the principle of equity of access care to all citizens throughout the region with the principle of economic sustainability. “In the next step of the new plan will be with the Conference of Mayors and then conclude the process at the regional council and the commission of the Ars VI. ->


Last modified: May 24, 21:10

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Michael Schumacher / Latest news health conditions: Rosberg and … – The

-> ->



MICHAEL SCHUMACHER NEWS AND LATEST NEWS ON HIS CONDITION AFTER CRASH (UPDATE) – Michael Schumacher is still in hospital in a coma famracologico hospital in Grenoble, after skiing accident on the slopes of Meribel of 29 December. Meanwhile, the Formula 1 is experiencing its sixth round of the season in spectacular Monte Carlo, where the riders are not forgotten their illustrious colleague. In particular, Nico Rosberg of Mercedes, Schumacher’s compatriot, Jules Bianchi and Marussia have recalled in an interview more than repeating “Get well soon Schumi”. Rosberg is one of the favorites on the Monaco circuit where he triumphed last year, who knows that can not happen again and to dedicate the success to the most successful German pilot.

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Tattoos, stop by the Ministry of Health to removal without laser … – The Morning

ROME – Repent of your tattoo and you can go back through the removal, but the methods used triggered the investigation by the ministry of health.

The method originated in Germany for remove tattoos without the use of lasers can be dangerous and for this reason should be suspended marketing of the product. The decision came from the Ministry of Health “pending investigation” after the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello had requested an opinion on the method. The magistrate, after reporting a citizen, has opened a file and investigated the owner of the company that markets the product in Turin Italy for the marketing of products hazardous to health.

According to a consultation carried by the prosecutor Guariniello fact, the lactic acid based liquid injected under the skin for tattoo removal, although it is classified as a ‘cosmetic’ may be ‘extremely irritating to eyes and skin » with’ risk infections which can lead to epidermal granulomas. ” The method uses a machine for micro pigmentation with which are made of microdermoabrasioni to remove tattoos. According to the opinion of the Ministry of Health an indication of cosmetic appliance does not comply with the rules, and does not fall under the definition of cosmetic product, as well as the injected solution.

Besides, the product is not labeled in Italian and the liquid is labeled “corrosive” and “cause irritation to the skin,” and is therefore incompatible with the intended use of injecting the product in the epidermis. Pending the findings of the ministry has therefore banned the company marketing the product. The investigation by the Prosecutor’s game after an e-mail when a citizen reported the method. The prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello has also asked for a valuation Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

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 Saturday, May 24, 2014 – 15:22 Last adj.:


Friday, May 23, 2014

Concern for the health of Paul McCartney: postponed concerts in … – Italian Weather Center

Concern for the health of Paul McCartney: postponed concerts in Japan 23/05 / 2014 – There’s greatest concern for the state of health British singer and artist Paul McCartney . His staff had to cancel all scheduled dates in Japan . It is believed that require several hospital admissions for reasons still not fully understood. But it seems that the situation of Paul is really worrying. It goes back a few days ago the news that his condition of health had even required hospitalization. The dates will be deleted, because even if there was an immediate recovery, Japanese doctors have recommended a strict rest for the next few days. Sent to concerts then.


Concern about the health of Paul – photo

Fan with bated breath for the health Paul McCarteney , perhaps struggling with a bad bad and had to postpone the scheduled concerts in Japan . The fans are really worried because the singer in his long career has canceled or postponed a few shows. Hopefully Paul , former Beatles still active can overcome everything.

WHO: Climate change threatens the health of mankind – The Republic

The World Health Assembly has analyzed the relationship between climate and health strategy and calling it a touchy subject, to be included on the agenda as soon as possible after 2015.’s report, submitted at the meeting of the World Health Organization held in Geneva in recent days has focused attention on the crucial role of environmental degradation and global warming, they are having an undeniable direct and indirect impact on the populations.

The theme is been addressed by the Deputy Minister of Health of Cuba, Jose Angel Portal, who explained how this phenomenon is the cause of the emergence of new diseases and the proliferation of agents of transmission, also due to the decrease in the availability of water and the lack of food over that the increase in natural disasters.

But it is not just climate change that increase the risk for the population, it would in fact also the excessive heat one of the major causes of death, caused by heat stroke and the consequences of exposure to solar radiation, that can cause disease of the skin. Also for this reason, then Portal reiterated the need to include health considerations post-2015 agenda, so as to ensure greater attention to the planet on issues deemed to be of paramount importance to ensure the survival of humanity.

(* the preparation of RINNOVABILI.IT)


Thursday, May 22, 2014

The health of the world: life gets longer but increases childhood obesity – Panorama

Tags: WHO health childhood obesity children’s mortality

Martha Buonadonna

brings together these days in Geneva, the General Assembly of the World Health Organization, where delegates of various states which are part and representatives of agencies, organizations and foundations that dealing with health Consider and adopt resolutions on some key issues for global health policies . Among the issues on which the Director-General Margaret Chan has attracted the attention of the delegates is that of growing childhood obesity , which increases at a faster rate in developing countries.

To address this issue, Chan has created a commission to study how curb to childhood obesity and will produce a report, to be submitted to the next year, which contains proposals for strategies that have the greatest chance of being effective in different contexts. The 2014 edition of the World Health Statistics, published a few days ago, the rest is clear: our children are getting fatter. In 2012, according to the report, about 44 million children with less than 5 years (6.7% of the total) were overweight or obese, up from 31 million (5%) surveyed in 1990.

The increase is global, but the geography of childhood obesity is changing. When it comes to overweight we all have in mind the U.S. and rich countries in general, but in African countries that are part of the WHO, that is, all except Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Somalia, the number of overweight children has increased 4000000-10000000 in 22 years. To stop the advance of obesity in early childhood is already one of the six goals for improving maternal and child nutrition at the global level and that of the WHO proposes to center by 2025. Promoting breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of a child’s life is one of the suggested strategies to prevent overweight.

Meanwhile, between 2000 and 2012 there was a net in the world improvement child survival . Mortality in children under 5 years of age has increased from 75 in 1000 to 48 in 1000. Notwithstanding it in 2012 are 6.6 million deaths of children , 44% of them in the first 28 days of life. The complications related to pre-term have been the leading cause of death (17.3%), followed by pneumonia (15.2%), trauma and asphyxia birth (11.4%), non-communicable diseases (10.8%) and diarrhea (9.5%).

Overall, there was an increase of ‘ life expectancy . The global averages say that a child born in 2012 can expect to live to 73 years old, a child under 68: it is six years longer than those born in 1990. But where one is born still makes all the difference. If it is true that the greatest increases in life expectancy over the last 22 years there have been in very poor countries such as Liberia (42 to 62 years old) , Ethiopia (45 to 64) Maldives (58 to 77), Cambodia (54 to 72), East Timor (50 to 66) and Rwanda (48 to 65), the difference between high and low income remains jarring.

A male born in 2012 in a wealthy country can hope to celebrate birthdays 76 , 16 more than a child born in a low-income country. An even greater difference exists between the girls: have a good chance of living up to 82 years in those born well-being, as they arrive on average only 63 years the girls born in poor countries. Italy ranks in the top ten of longevity: seventh for men (80.2 years) and sixth for women (85 years ). At the top we find for men Iceland (81.2 years) and for women, as always, Japan (87 years).

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Project ‘Words of Health’ in the libraries of the Network The 28 … – gonews

Libraries are a key resource for the cultural growth of the population, a place for the storage of memory and knowledge land and from which they develop knowledge and skills.

In our country the network of public libraries is a cultural service widespread and consolidated, undoubtedly the most widely known and used by citizens, able to meet the needs of culture and information of the entire population.

Citizens who attend libraries have increased over time and this is also thanks to the many initiatives aimed at children, parents and students.

The “Words of health @ your library ” is a collaboration of the Departments of Culture and the Right to Health of the Region of Tuscany in order to promote health education by strengthening the role of the public library as a ‘news agency’ in the area, particularly on health issues.

The primary objective of the project is therefore to support the dissemination of health promotion issues, improve educational opportunities and cultural promote the welfare of the population in collaboration with the USL 11. The Network has successfully participated in the project since its activation, enriching the heritage of books with specific books on wellness and organizing conferences and speeches at some libraries of the Net

In 2011, the municipal libraries of Fucecchio and Empoli in collaboration with the Department of Prevention – Health Education to the Health in Empoli 11, the Cooperative The Little Prince Empoli have realized, the video spot titled “ Do not take chances. Come to the library! Lifestyle and road safety “ aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 years.

In 2014, the project has expanded to all the libraries of the network and will be achieved by taking into libraries experiential workshops designed to promote health and wellness.

The project is divided into various locations of the libraries in which they will be made thematic meetings involving one or more readings of excerpts from the books in this series “I’M GOOD. 10 books that will take care of you “ published by the publishing house joints. The meetings will be held in the afternoon of school and will involve the children and families. The readings will be supplemented by specific laboratories in which children, depending on age will have to express, through the game, with drawings or with a short text, their emotions with respect to the issues covered. At the same time parents accompanying their children will be involved in workshops-meetings with experts in health promotion and wellness on issues related to the book read to children.

Assets Words of health in 2014 will be implemented by the Cooperative Promocultura and at each meeting there will be an operator of the USL 11. E ‘was established a timetable for each library that will include two types of workshops:

  • “I’m fine” under 6 and under 8 multi-sensory art workshops designed for young children, where the different languages ??of art mingle with each other, and come to life thanks to the alternation of moments of reading nursery rhymes and activities.
  • ” Harmony of the meeting “- workshops for older children when you bring the magic of listening to the center from which to meet emotionally, in the parent-child relationship. Experience is divided into two stages, the first is characterized by reading aloud some books and specially selected tunes; the second time, rather more practical and requires children to engage in creative workshops separately.

Montespertoli, at the Biblioteca Comunale E. Balducci, there is a workshop, “I’m well “under 6 to be held May 28 from 16.30.

‘mandatory the reservation, which can also be made by telephone to the numbers 0571 600228/260. Maximum participation of 20 children.


Source: City of Montespertoli

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