Friday, February 28, 2014

Health, via the national plan for rare diseases - Lettera43

The Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin.

(© ANSA) The Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin.

Thanks to more precise diagnostic techniques, continues to increase the number of identified rare diseases.
The results achieved by research in recent years has also increased the number of those that can be avoided by acting proactively .
485 RARE DISEASES surveyed. “From osteogenesis imperfecta or illness of the ‘glass bones’ to Williams syndrome, are between 6000 and 8000 rare diseases estimated, but only 485 those regularly cataloged in Italy, through national and regional registries, “said Domenica Taruscio director of the National Centre for Rare Diseases National Institute of Health.
One and a half million patients estimated rare in our country,” but those surveyed are about 110 000 and their number is constantly increasing. “
While many strides have been made to increase the life expectancy of patients and improve their quality, much remains to be done from a regulatory standpoint.
February 28, RARE DISEASES OF THE DAY. For this reason, in the day when, in a hundred Italian piazzas, we celebrate the World Day of rare diseases, with the aim of sensitizing society and institutions on , by the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, came a “commitment that, upon approval of the new Covenant of health, both at the same date the decree which identifies the essential levels of assistance and the list of rare diseases.”
READY FOR A ‘NATIONAL’. Before that, however, announced the minister, there is another important step to be taken: will be submitted shortly, under review by the State-Regions Conference, the ‘expected’ national plan for rare diseases’, ie the document, as the minister said, “is concerned with identifying the necessary actions to reduce the variables in the quality of services offered to patients and their accessibility.”
Federation Italian rare diseases ‘combine’, but asked to update the Plan, with the establishment of a national committee that participates See all stakeholders, including patient groups.
LAW STUDY ON RARE DISEASES . The agenda then there is a law on rare diseases “to ensure that the subject leave the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and see only involved also that of Research, Economic Development, Education but most importantly, Economy. There are four terms that the project has dragged on without ever arriving in port, “said Paola Binetti Choice of civic organizing the event ‘A rare encounter’ which saw the associations dealing with institutions.
DISEASES HIDDEN FROM COMMON SYMPTOMS. Featuring symptoms that vary greatly from sickness and disease and from patient to patient, often rare diseases lie behind common symptoms. For this reason, they are difficult to detect. “At the European level, we are working to try to anticipate the diagnosis as early as possible because even a few weeks later, in the beginning of the therapy, can make a difference”, said Luca Pani, Director General of the Drug Agency (AIFA).

Friday, February 28, 2014

The paper receipts? A health hazard - Italian Weather Center

card receipts? A health hazard 28/02/2014 – Attention to handle the paper of receipts . According to a study in the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, United States, about 24 volunteers, it seems that the compound of paper is dangerous to your health man . Who participated in the test held in her hand the receipt printed on paper Thermal continuously for 2 hours without protection. Well after two hours in the urine was increased by bisphenol A (BPA) substance contained in paper of receipts , than when they wore protective gloves. It seems that human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) is associated with various health problems . Therefore extreme caution.

paper receipts salutwe

Beware of paper receipts! – Photo

paper of receipts could be seriously harmful to health , man. He says a U.S. study that could give rise to various ailments including some reproductive problems in adults and delays in neurological development in children. Attention to handle this paper then.

The employee omits health conditions, the company is not ... - Il Sole 24 Ore

* Trifirò & Partners Attorneys

During the visit preassuntiva the employee must base their behavior on fairness and good faith, to avoid making the competent doctor – in the hope of being hired – false statements and severely reticent about the existence of past and / or current conditions.
Otherwise, the employer is not put in terms of assessing the compatibility of the duties assigned to the employee with the state of his health, and therefore can not be held responsible for any worsening of the latter.
So he decided the Court of Parma, with a measure of February 7, 2014, dismissing an action brought by an employee who complained about being assigned to duties that are incompatible with their health conditions and asked, therefore, the compensation for the damage resulting biological and moral.
In this case, the expert carried out in the course of the trial showed that the disease unmentioned by the applicant during the visit preassuntiva and the occurrence of which it regarded as the responsibility of the employer (cystic fibrosis) was, however, genetics.
In relation to this expertise, employee had also complained about the alleged breach of the adversarial principle, as the surveying operations were conducted by the CTU in the absence of its CTP, at that time engaged abroad. Moreover, the Court of Parma has also considered this complaint unfounded, pointing out that the CTU in calendarizzare operations expert, is only required to notify the parties, but not to go along with their requests for deferment of the same, except that such instances are motivated by a legitimate impediment, which must, in any case, to be rigorously documented.

Aged garlic: the best for heart health - Reuters

garlic seasoned develops more beneficial substances that not fresh garlic

Garlic sprouting seems to possess precious virtues antioxidants that prevent cell damage. Its power would be much higher than that of fresh garlic

Not everything that is fresh and just picked is better in terms of well-being. At least this is the idea of ??some researchers from the University of Iowa, United States. According to one of their latest studies, in fact, old garlic bulbs would be better in terms of health benefits compared with fresh garlic . Its counterpart ??green , in fact, would not count the same high mix of antioxidants are essential for heart health.

Even as a little ‘years of eating garlic , or even supplements of garlic, has become a kind of fashion, due precisely to what is suggested by several studies that have dealt with and they have, in several cases, confirmed what was already known from folk medicine. For example, we read a little ‘everywhere its important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
About studies conducted in recent years, garlic has exceptional properties in the reduction of cholesterol , blood pressure and, consequently, to decrease the risk of heart disease . But that’s not all: it seems that also strengthens the immune system and help fight cancer.

All of these beautiful virtues, however, seems to have always been attributed with fresh garlic. The garlic sprouted, however, is always a back seat. What I had not, however, be borne in mind is that when the garlic begins to sprout will create many new compounds , including those essential for the plant to prevent the attack by agents pathogens.
All this, according to the team led by Dr.. Jong-Sang Kim, a researcher at the University of Iowa happens to all the plants, so why should not happen just in the shoots of the old heads of garlic?

According to the research team, garlic sprouted from about five days possesses antioxidant activity far higher than the bulbs more fresh and young. In addition, several metabolites were found, and this may suggest that different substances are produced.
During the study – published in the ??Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry – have been used extracts from this type of garlic and applied to some cell cultures in the laboratory. The result was that the cells were protected from external damage. “Therefore, germination can be a useful way to improve the antioxidant potential of garlic.”

The next time you see garlic sprouted, do not throw thinking that it is no longer good, but add it to your food: you could gain a lot in terms of health.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Health, Mantovani's appeal to young people: "The drinks loads of alcohol ... - The Republic

Health, Mantovani's appeal to young people: “It ‘s important to start a campaign among young people prevention on the fashion of all alcohol drinks: they hurt. Negative consequences for the organism to reveal the age of forty and often manifest as chronic diseases. ” To say it is the commissioner for Health of the Lombardy Region, Mario Mantovani, high school students and health professionals, in Monza for the presentation of the site

As is explained in a note of the Region, tthe site was produced by the ASL of Monza and Brianza and is aimed at children and teenagers, parents, teachers and educators. Provides information, ‘certified’ by the local health authorities on health issues, which may affect adolescents, with a simple and concise language, also dispelling myths

and urban legends, sexuality, food, physical activity, to drugs, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, vaccinations, smoking, alcohol and gambling. The site is presented at this time in high schools of the area and in places frequented by young people.


Mario Mantovani

Beware of receipts, contain substances harmful to health - Italian Weather Center

Beware of receipts, contain substances harmful to health 28/02/2014 – Eye to interact too much with the receipts . Would be harmful not only to our wallets but also to our health . What at first glance might seem only a joke is instead the result of a study which showed that the thermal paper receipts of could damage your health , man. This applies in particular to a special type of paper for the press of minute runs like the one used for printing faxes and receipts for of the coffers of businesses such as bars and shops. The substance contained in receipts , bisphenol, it would be harmful to human health, causing serious illnesses of the nervous system and beyond.

receipt health damage

Receipt harmful to your health – photo – ??


an American study points the finger bisphenol contained within the thermal paper used for receipts . It would be a compound harmful to humans, since it is believed to cause various diseases and disorders, such as reduced fertility in humans adultoo. Damage to the health .

Health elixir sense of balance, prevent falls and injuries -

(ANSA) – Rome, February 26 – The loss of balance begins at age 40 and falls have high consequences in terms of mortality and disability. Tests and exercises ensure vigilant balance even in old age and are now considered the new elixir of youth recommended for young people, along with aerobics and fitness. This was reported in the Wall Street Journal noted that, in the U.S., every 17 seconds a person over 65 was admitted to the emergency department because of a fall and every 30 minutes dies from the effects of trauma, according to data from the Centers of Disease Control and prevention.

fitness for balance is based on a mix of movements that are inspired by methods used in clinics for rehabilitation, such as the Tinetti test and the Berg Balance scale.

“These techniques should be carried out from 30 years onwards, “said Jason Jackson, a physiotherapist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York that the U.S. daily show trials and movements in a video. The test to assess to what extent is their sense dell’equilibro goes from control how you get up from the chair without the help of arms as it still remains in balance after turning on themselves with their eyes closed and then opened. “The proprioception, which is the body’s ability to assess its position and then keep his balance, he trains walking on different surfaces, from grass path” says the specialist. You can improve the stability of the body even walking up and down stairs without using the handrail supports nor otherwise. The fall risk is assessed in the gym but also at home, standing on a bosu ball for, platform soft diffused in the temples of fitness, or on a couple of pillows, swinging the right leg and left arm back and forth, then lifting arms and repeating the exercise. How do you find it? You should be straight with no wobble.

To reduce the risk falls you can finally walk in a circle getting smaller and smaller, so that the curve becomes gradually narrower. (ANSA).

Michael Schumacher / Latest health news: President ... - The

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All the breaking news

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Study: BPA to health risks for those handling receipts for hours - The Republic

The alarm from an American research sull’anomala presence of bisphenol A in the urine of those who for reasons of work is in prolonged contact with the thermal paper receipts of purchase. Among the possible effects also reduced reproductive capacity

ROME – Handle all day receipts exposed to contact with a chemical, bisphenol A, which is the subject of research for a number of health risks. Now it has been found that in people who work to continually handle these receipts, the levels of BPA in urine are higher than those of their colleagues who wear gloves. This was revealed in a study published in ‘Jama’.

Spotlight receipts are printed on thermal paper: research has shown that just two hours of uninterrupted work without gloves go up to see the concentrations of this chemical. Exposure to bisphenol A has been associated with adverse health effects, including those on reproductive function in adults and neurological development in children who come into contact with this substance shortly before or shortly after birth.

“The exposure to BPA occurs mainly through diet, such as the consumption of canned foods. A source of exposure rather less studied is the thermal receipt paper, handled daily by many people in the supermarkets, but also at ATMs and service stations, “the researchers point out.

The team of Shelley Ehrlich, Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati (USA), has conducted a study to examine the effect of the receipts in paper Thermal levels of BPA in the urine. The authors recruited 24 volunteers who provided samples before and after handling (with or without gloves) of receipt printed on thermal paper for a continuous period two hours. The BPA was detected in 83% (20) of the urine samples at baseline and in 100% of those who had received touched without gloves. In particular, researchers have observed an increase in urinary concentrations of BPA after two hours of work without gloves, which did not

occurred when the participants had used gloves.

The clinical implications of the peak level and chronic exposure are unknown, but may be particularly relevant to people with a history of occupational exposure as cashiers, managing revenue of 40 or more hours per week, the authors write. “And ‘need a larger study to confirm our findings and to evaluate the clinical implications.”

bisphenol a,
thermal paper receipts

Gaining Health with Sicilian cuisine -

 Gaining Health <br /> with Sicilian cuisine “title =” Gaining Health <br /> with Sicilian cuisine “/> </p>  <p class= According to the World Health Organization, 86% of deaths, 77% of the loss of life years in good health and 75% of healthcare costs in Europe and in Italy are caused by certain diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus, etc.) that have in common modifiable risk factors such as tobacco smoking, obesity and overweight, alcohol abuse, poor consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical inactivity, excess blood fats and high blood pressure. These risk factors are responsible – alone – 60% of the loss of life years in good health. Currently in our country, about 44% of the adult population being overweight or obese. The southern regions have a higher prevalence, 28.7% higher than in the north. In Sicily, over three million people suffer from severe weight problems.

Scientific studies have shown that some foods produced in Sicily that make up the Mediterranean diet is associated with a significant reduction in overall mortality, the reduction of cardiovascular risk, neoplasms, cerebrovascular risk and that the use of these products, combined with sound principles of health education is able to fight obesity.

With the presentation of epidemiological data and scientific evidence has opened this morning at the Professional Institute of Palermo Peter’s Square, the Fed Workshop presentation of the project (training, education, diet) promoted by ‘ Department of Health of the Region of Sicily and organized by the Health Promotion Service of stessoAassessorato, directed by Dr. Salvatore Requirez. The meeting was opened by Councillor health, Dr. Lucia Borsellino.

Currently in Sicily is leading many worthwhile initiatives to promote proper nutrition. The same, however, are often overlapping due to the lack of coordination that allows you to transmit messages unique and shared by the scientific literature. This suggested the need to establish a regional control room able to plan and coordinate effectively, throughout the region, with many initiatives to promote proper nutrition from the centrality of the traditional diet of Sicily.

result of a collaboration between area health, education and agribusiness project tends to spread widely in Sicily the principles of healthy and sustainable food education.

“The goal is to train the new types of food educators in order to affect the culture and lifestyles – said dr. Salvatore Requirez – and prerogatives that have until now not frequent: to comply with the scientific evidence and those speaking the same language against different targets. Because if epidemiologists are responsible for reporting the problem, prevention associations will also be other figures of society, from the family and school that must be supported by good practices in the teaching of nutritionists, pediatricians, psychologists, etc. .. An ambitious and challenging that makes us look with responsibility towards the important goal of EXPO 2015 “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” which, focusing attention on the issue of future power generation and offers the opportunity to give force to the logic of healthy and Nutrition Education to develop an instrument to support its diffusion achieving health benefits and economic order. “

As part of the restoration, also collective (schools, hospitals, canteens, community) will promote the dissemination and consumption of healthy foods, promoting respect for the seasonality of the product, the local production, the biological and traceability in supply chains, improving the composition of foods, enhancing and protecting those traditional Sicilian food, the Born in Sicily.

In all exercises of public catering FED involved in the project and in line with its objectives will be awarded the mark “Live Healthy. Eat Sicilian. ” Mandatory requirements for the label are: food safety, nutritional value, respect for the traditions of the culture, and offer seasonal menus constant diversification.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Launch of the first epidemiological study on the health status of the citizens ... - gonews

away the first study to investigate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension and diabetes in the Chinese community in Prato. The presentation is scheduled for tomorrow, February 25, 2014, at 18, Careggi Hospital in Florence, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (former chair).

search “Chinese in Prato” (CHIP) is a collaboration between the University of Florence and the Institute of Heart, Lung & Blood Vessel Diseases Beijing, as part of a project of the European Society of Hypertension face to analyze the health of immigrant populations in Europe.

The objective is to compare the Chinese community in Prato, the third in Europe by population, and with the citizens of Prato, with both the resident population in China, to evaluate the effect of habits and style Life on heart health.

will attend the Consul General of the Republic of China Wang Xinxia, ??the commissioner the right to health of the Region of Tuscany Louis Brown, the commissioner of immigration of the Municipality of Prato Giorgio Silli, the President of Cossum (Council of Health Sciences human), University of Florence, Gian Franco Gensini and general managers: hospital company – Careggi University Monica Inkwells, company health care Lawn care company Edoardo Majno and Florence Marquis Paolo Morello.

Source: Regione Toscana

All news of Prato

Women are happier and healthier if housework is ... - Italian Weather Center

women are happier and healthier if they are helped with housework from husbands 02/24/2014 – Husbands who make themselves useful in the house make their wives happy. So far there is nothing astonishing in this sentence. However, one study has verified that increase the well-being of women, particularly their health status would have beneficial effects. The reasoning confirmed in this study , is simple: if the husbands working, women more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health . It is not always laziness reigns in the house. Indeed, there are husbands who help their wives with the housework. And this would be beneficial. Not only a practical level, but also in the psychological. The beneficiaries would be the wives, happier and healthier . He says scientific research. To prove it is a study performed in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces.

women more happy if you help by husbands at home

happy if you help more women by their husbands at home, image source:

Women more happy and healthy , then, if the husbands help in housework . If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem does not arise, but certainly for those husbands work omestici does not just want to hear the news that we are about to give is certainly not the best. But for women , the thing is certain, it is easier to keep happier and salut and if the husbands or companions help in the handling of housework .

Monday, February 24, 2014

Women happy and healthy if the husband works a lot at home - Italian Weather Center

Women happy and healthy if the husband works a lot at home 24.02.2014 – It is not always laziness reigns in the house. Indeed, there are husbands who help their wives with the housework. And this would be beneficial. Not only a practical level, but also in the psychological. The beneficiaries would be the wives, happier and healthier . He says scientific research. To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. The reasoning confirmed in this study , is simple: if the husbands working, women more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health . Resignation for husbands lazy, instead of relief for those husbands help work a lot at home and help in handling everyday tasks and perhaps even to this has so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their women , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health .

happiest wives if the husbands help at home

happiest wives if the husbands help at home, image source:

studio inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, perhaps tired from work or otherwise, can not wait to get home to get in front of the television and enjoy perhaps, pace of women of the house, a beer in front of a football game. Women more happy and healthy , then, if the husbands help in housework . If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem does not arise, but certainly for those husbands work omestici does not just want to hear the news that we are about to give is certainly not the best. But for women , the fact is certain, is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husbands or companions help in the handling of housework .

Michael Schumacher / Latest news health conditions. Sabine ... - The

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Comano, Valley of Health: a dip at the spa and two steps in the villages - The Messenger

It’s called Valley of Health and it is no coincidence: in Comano, between Lake Garda and the Brenta Dolomites in fact you are living an experience of well-being.

Submit Your Travel Diary

This site does not promise miracles but it sure does feel good. The secret is the combination spa and nature. We are in the heart of the Alps of Trentino, in a corner not yet touched by mass tourism and this ensures an authentic relationship with the places and with the people of this land. So, after a dive in the benefits of the thermal waters you can explore the villages in the valley, their history and their culture, tasting flavors.

But first of all you can take advantage of the thermal waters. It is the right time to book: The season starts on April 4 and the spa will remain open until November 2 and then re-open again from early December until mid-January. The ancient Romans knew already knew the properties and take advantage of it: the mineral water, bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium Comano has a constant temperature of 27 degrees and is ideal in a natural way to cure skin diseases and allergies in adults and children.

Who wants to devote himself to beauty treatments can benefit from a modern wellness sector with a dedicated staff that will help you choose custom programs to get back in shape. You can do massages, facials and body, laser therapy and much more. But the initiative that now is the most popular is the path as “pass for the spa.” There is in fact a real walk of the school, which teaches how to take care of themselves and take on different techniques of way of walking with the feet, with the breath, the body, in thought, balance, and coordination .
Step by step, you can also discover the many picturesque villages that surround the hot springs where you can still trace the customs and traditions of the past. Like, for example, the dwelling site of Fiavè UNESCO World Heritage Site: the remains of villages survive here more than four thousand years ago and you can visit the Lake Dwelling Museum with its collection of kitchen utensils and work tools that reports the Bronze Age. Also worth seeing is the site of St Martin in Lundo, which preserves the signs of a barbaric age fortress, castles Stenico, the seat of the Provincial Art Museum, Castel Noble Field, a private residence, and the ruins of Castel Restor and Hands.
Among other Comano boasts on its territory, two of the 4 “most beautiful villages in Italy» Trentino: Rank and San Lorenzo Banal, to discover walking among the houses, doorways, narrow passages and antique galleries.


Tourist info:
Apt Comano and the Brenta Dolomites: tel. 0465-702626,

Info on the web:

Where to sleep:

Grand Hotel Terme
A modern building that winds along the natural curves of the land, surrounded by a park of fourteen acres. With the exception of a spa and medical spa center for health and beauty of skin. Directly overlooking the woods bordering the thermal park, there is a new fitness center. The hotel is part of Vitanova, the club of the spa hotel in Trentino and is certified Quality Park: offering warm hospitality and respect for the environment and the link with the territory.
Comano: tel. 0465 701421,

The wife is healthy if the husband works too - Moms Tomorrow

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woman logo The wives are in good health if the husbands spend many hours at work, available in this way have much money to spend on beauty treatments, gym, yoga classes etc..

This is the conclusion I have arrived researchers from the University of Texas and Indiana, according to the research, conducted in collaboration by the two U.S. universities and published in the trade journal “Social Forces”, if the man is dependent from work and then be able to earn much, woman will definitely be taken care of by medical point of view and healthy.

women laugh

Of course it all depends on your point of view: the stress that you might have to handle a husband to whom you really want to, but it is considered a nuisance or based solely on the absence from home of their male counterparts .

greater availability of funds deriving from the very job of a part of the couple can help in taking care of themselves, but help in the home with the children or perhaps would not achieve the same goal?

There are also asked where does the harmony of the couple in this case, if not in a gray space contained in the limited time that the two people have to live with everyday.

This finding comes from an examination of the physical conditions of women and men in their forties in different economic conditions, and comparing them to the hours of work for him and her, have concluded that women who have husbands who work a lot, including overtime, are healthier.

balance in the formula is not her home, he at work, but rather her to work (not more than 40 hours per week) while he is busy a lot more to take home more money.

This mechanism, as they warn, does not work in case to do overtime at work is the woman: the economic performance is not the same as that applied to men.

Source: Website Social Forces

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"The base money has priority over the health of the people" - Redacon

Assembly to Poiatica to insist on the immediate closure of the landfill Poiatica “as opposed to the current administration Carpineti, that it would accept a condition of the sixth batch to give only biostabilised from the TMB”

Assembly Poiatica

Public Meeting convened by the committees and ecologically Stop the Landfill very well attended, about 250 people at Dovecote Carpineti in the afternoon of Saturday, February 22. In the air you could feel the concern of the people and a strong desire to continue in the struggle for the immediate closure of the landfill Poiatica.

Opening speech of Mr. Raymond Zanelli, concerned about the health effects, complains that the base money has priority over the right to life of the people. Illustrated regional waste management plan, which still provides activities Poiatica until 2020; exposed inconsistencies in the plan and concerns that the facility will be used for the disposal of waste incinerators , in addition to biostabilised. Focus on health, many substances produced by the landfill are geno-toxic and carcinogenic, and although it has not yet demonstrated the direct link between cause and effect, what should prevail is the principle precaution (Article 301 Legislative Decree 152/06) and the protection of health. The Participants shall require studies focused on the population adjacent to the landfill, carried out by universities or third parties. concerns the adequacy of the site Poiatica: hydrogeological, proximity to the river Secchia (already overflows in the ’60s), protection of the landscape and of agro-food products.

has been made a report on the activities of the Committee of the City of landfill Carpineti were requested assurances to the representatives of the health care institutions, but have not been denied to our concerns. Reaffirmed concerns about the artifact box inside the landfill, for which it was made by the committees a report to the prosecutor in Reggio Emilia about the continuing maintenance work overtime the last two years. Debated the question radiation, which is illustrated by the engineer Davoli. It tells of his visit to the landfill, during which he detected an increase in radioactivity of the site Poiatica, than outside. It also complains that the management of the landfill by Iren, in addition to contracts awarded to companies from their non-transparent and questionable. Remember, also, the various checks carried out by the State Forestry Corps, which have detected irregularities punished with administrative sanctions that Iren pay no appeals. Aldrovandi also spoke Gialfranco to talk about the landfill Novellara and how epidemiological studies conducted have yielded results concern. Intervention also Ottavio Tarabelloni, which urges citizens to take more responsible practices in daily production of household waste, on the line of Zero Waste.

In summary committees intend to continue in the battle, with the on-line petition on addressed to Vasco Errani, and are preparing a demonstration right in front of the palaces of the region in Bologna request to revise the regional plan for waste management. Also present in writing to the Region, in good time, his views on the necessary immediate closure of the fifth lot, “as opposed to the current administration Carpineti, that it would accept a condition of the sixth batch to give only biostabilised from the TMB.”

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Wives happy and healthy? Easy, if your husband a hand in the house - Weather Centre Italian

wives happy and healthy? Easy, if your husband a hand at home 23.02.2014 – If you are from out at home is easier to have multiple wives happy and in a state of optimal health. Of course the news will not make you jump for joy to those types of husband to lend a hand with the work of home just do not want to hear about. A research carried out in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces, shows that for the wives and women in general, is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husband or partner from a hand in the handling of jobs in home .

Wives happy and healthy? Easy, if your husband a hand at home

wives happy and healthy? Easy, if your husband a hand in the house

The assumption of the study is straightforward and simple: if the husband a hand in the house , wives have more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . So in Health . The study inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, but it is time to put aside the classic men’s selfishness and help in giving a hand at home , becoming husband model that works closely with pleasure and also a desire to see his wife happy and health.

Men who help in the home, women without stress and health - Italian Weather Center

Men who help in the home, women without stress and health 02/23/2014 . The men who help in the house would be ideal companions for women without stress and in perfect health. For women are in fact more likely to experience stress-free and to enjoy good health having at his side men available to share efforts to cope with the work of home . It supports a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces.

Men who help in the home, women without stress and in health

Men who help in the home, women without stress and health

men that help at home and collaborate in the routine of housework, done allow them to women to live more peacefully and, consequently, reach a state of mental and physical ideal. Do not have stress are granting men and women of course more likely to maintain a good state of health .

Wives happy and healthy if the husband works at home - Italian Weather Center

wives happy and healthy if the husband works at home 02.23.2014 – If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem does not arise, but certainly for those types husband that works home just do not want to hear about, the news certainly will not make them happy. To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. For wives and women in general, the thing is certain: it is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husband or partner collaborates in the handling of home jobs . The reasoning confirmed in this study, is simple: if the husband works at home , wives have more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health .

Wives happy and healthy if the husband works at home

wives happy and healthy if the husband works at home


for husband lazy, instead relief for husband that works working a lot at home and helping in the handling of daily activities and that perhaps for this reason has so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their wives , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health . The study inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, but it is time to put aside selfishness and contribute to the work of the house, becoming husband model that works also a desire to see his wife happy and Health .

In 4 regions, already the Houses of Health - The XIX Century

A House of Health in Tuscany

House of Health in Tuscany

Milan. In Lombardy, Tuscany, Veneto and Emilia Romagna the redesign of health , which through the Houses of Health aims to strengthen primary care to save on excess hospitalizations, is already reality. Elsewhere, more or less quickly, trying in recent months, to recover the time lost. Already provided for in the Law Balduzzi in September 2012, the reform of the area of ??medicine, designed to specifically address the issue of chronicity, it is now one of the main chapters within the wider confrontation on the Pact for Health, which will redraw the boundaries Italian Health Service.

But the lack of funds and red tape have slowed the coming on of houses of Health, health care facilities designed to accommodate family doctors and other health professionals Associates to provide assistance 24 hours a day and lighten so the burdens on hospitals and emergency rooms. Among the best practices, Lombardy where the pattern of “caring” is in testing since 2010 and are now in 5 Asl 63 475 chronic patients and 484 physicians involved .

In Veneto, the spread of the form of association of family medicine, however, has already begun in 2001-2004, with spontaneous groupings and today, with the Socio-Health Plan 2012-2016, has outlined the framework for development normative. In Tuscany since 2010 have experienced forms of health care initiative, which now covers 40% of the population and the Houses of Health are for the Regional Minister Louis Brown, real and its “pillars of the regional health care reform.”

Emilia Romagna 56 are currently active and are a reference point for 800,000 people, about a fifth of the population, while 60 are in the program. In Umbria, are actually in Marsciano, where in 2011 it was converted hospital, and Bastia, but soon it will also add to the Trevi. Proceeds more slowly in other regions.

In Calabria was presented a project for the construction of structures 8 , following the example of the models that start in Chiaravalle Centrale, Siderno and S. Marco Argentano. In Puglia working to restructure following the example of St. Paul Regional Multipurpose Center of Bari who has taken charge assisted 15 000 and allowed the saving of at least a thousand admissions “useless”.

In the Marches, by June 2014 will be defined as a sizing program structures: among those to adapt, convert and create from scratch, should be around forty. In New York for 2014 envisages the construction of 48 houses of Health . The first will be in Sezze, Rocca Priora and Pontecorvo and Forlimpopoli and last week, has started a training program for doctors and so-called ‘hospitals in the vicinity. “

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Women happier and healthier if their husbands help with housework - Italian Weather Center

Women happier and healthier if you help with housework from husbands 02/22/2014 – If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem does not arise, but for some those husbands work omestici do not want to just hear the news that we are about to give is certainly not the best. But for women , the fact is certain, is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husbands or companions help in the handling of housework . To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. The reasoning confirmed in this study , is simple: if the husbands working, women more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health .

Photo source:

Photo source:

Resignation for husbands lazy, instead of relief for those husbands help work a lot at home and help in handling the daily activities and that perhaps precisely because of this have so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their women , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health . The studio inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, perhaps tired from work or otherwise, can not wait to get home to stand in front of the television and perhaps enjoy, pace of women of the house, a beer in front of a football game. Women more happy and healthy , then, if the husbands help in housework .

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Her husband works at home? Wives will be happier and healthier - Italian Weather Center

Her husband works at home? Wives will be happier and healthier 22/02/2014 – To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. The reasoning confirmed in this study, is simple: if the husband works at home , wives have more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health . If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem is not arises, but certainly for those types of husband housework just do not want to hear about, the news certainly will not make them happy. Resignation to the husband lazy, instead of relief for the husband that works working a lot at home and helping in the handling of the activities quotidi

If the husband works at home wives are happier and healthier

If the husband works at home wives are more happy and healthy

ane and maybe for this reason has so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their wives , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health .

The study

inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, perhaps tired from work or otherwise, can not wait to get home to stand in front of the television and enjoy perhaps, pace of women of the house, a beer in front of a football game. But for wives and women in general, the thing is certain: it is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husband or partner collaborates in the handling of home jobs .

Wives more happy and healthy at home if the husband works - Italian Weather Center

Wives happier and healthier if the husband works at home 02.22.2014 – If you are financially able to afford a domestic worker, the problem does not arise, but certainly for those types of husband housework just do not want to hear about, the news certainly will not make them happy. But for wives and women in general, the thing is certain: it is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husband or partner collaborates in the handling of home jobs . To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. The reasoning confirmed in this study, is simple: if the husband is working, the wives more time for themselves, to devote themselves , their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health .

Wives happier and healthier if the husband works at home Resignation for husband lazy, instead of relief for the husband that works is working hard at home and helping in the handling of daily activities and maybe for this reason has so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their wives , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health . The study inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, perhaps tired from work or otherwise, can not wait to get home to stand in front of the television and enjoy perhaps, pace of women of the house, a beer in front of a football game. Wives happier and healthier , then, if the husbands cooperate in housework .

Women happier and healthier if their husbands help with housework - Italian Weather Center

Women happier and healthier if their husbands help with housework 22/02/2014 – Not really a blessing for those husbands work home just do not want to hear about. But for women , the fact is certain, is more easy to stay happier and salut and if the husbands or companions help in the household chores. To prove it is a search made in the USA, the University of Texas at Dallas and Indiana, and from that published in the magazine Social Forces. The reasoning confirmed in this study , is simple: if the husbands working, women more time for themselves, to devote to themselves, their hobbies and their own passions and are therefore happier . Happier , you know, it also means better conditions of health .

Photo source:

Photo source:

studio inaugurates perhaps hard times for those husbands is a bit ‘lazy, perhaps tired from work or otherwise, can not wait to get home to get in front of the television and enjoy perhaps, pace of women of the house, a beer in front of a football game. Resignation for husbands lazy, instead of relief for those husbands help work a lot at home and help in handling everyday tasks and perhaps even to this has so far been mocked by friends and relatives. For them it is a victory: they can demonstrate how their involvement in housework is important for their women , both in terms of time savings especially at the level of Health . Women more happy and healthy , then, if the husbands cooperate home .

Meeting the Regional Observatory of Health and Environment, Ferrando ... - Your Newspaper

Item No. 258574 of 22.02.2014 – 11:38

Quiliano . Bringing clarity on the Centre’s Regional Health Environment. And ‘this is the purpose of the public meeting organized this morning in the new theater of Valleggia. To explain the reasons which have prompted the City of Quiliano to organize it is the mayor Alberto Ferrando: “We decided to make this public lecture today because I believe that it is appropriate and necessary that there be clarity and trasperenza on health and the environment” .

“It ‘a commitment to the citizens. Only now we get to do it because only recently the Liguria Region has funded the activities of the Centre, with a major effort for which we can only say thank you, to give an answer waiting for too long, “he adds Ferrando, on the body says, “I like how the observatory is working: you are seated around a table persons who are appointed to talk about the environment and health from the relevant ministries, to get to the departments of the Region, ASL, all’Arpal, the Province and municipalities through their research. “

Among the speakers at the meeting is also Fabrizio Bianchi, director of research of the National Research Council, Head of Environmental Epidemiology Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR, Pisa and a member of the Regional Observatory for the City of Vado “Today we present to the citizens of our work. We have initiated a study project to put on the same knowledge, which today are still a bit ‘backward, to do a prospective study that looks forward. The roads are to be followed to monitor the situation well past, the present and to develop a system that can, very quickly, identify possible anomalies and giving fresh information on the population’s state of health. “

“To do so we must be based on international standards that tell you how to do these things with scientific rigor and having available data on mortality, hospital admissions, drug consumption and other environmental data that are important. The Observatory of the tasks that are restricted and which are different from those of other local facilities. In these few months, was born last April, has done a good job, “continues Smith.

The manager of the CNR keeps us then to specify how the Centre operates on a level quite different from that of the judiciary: “Clearly the prosecutor responds to the questions to try to identify offenses and then commissioned studies to prove the existence of this type of elements. We face a public health problem and therefore we want to make the studies very different going instead to identify profiles of health status for a system of epidemiological surveillance. Within a year I think from our side we will start to produce the first results. “

Health and the environment, immediately analyzes and Boscofangone -

Category: Politics


Roghi toxic

Roghi toxic

The city is also built with proper controls against environmental disasters: the group Sel AreaNolana offers immediate checks to Boscofangone.

The City Council must first defend the quality of life and the health of its citizens and of all living beings of their territory, beginning to remove suspicions and to have any confirmations to intervene in an immediate way.

Everyone remembers the statement of regret Alfieri on spills of toxic waste in the Boscofangone, ¬ where there is the Vulcano Buono Mall, and many remember the complaints of the peasants of the area that already in the eighties and nineties in riscontravano irrigation wells in the presence of hot water mixed with traces of oily substances, not to mention the burning of the candle factory Nappi last year has spread fumes and poisons on campaigns and Nola homes and neighborhoods.

An administration Municipal

can not pretend nothing too uninterested to the continuous complaints and demands from local environmental organizations from Environment Forum Area Nolana.

Biancardi and his junta have underestimated the risks to the health of citizens. The City Proper, instead it builds fostering interventions and participation of those who daily fight against environmental disasters, taking as its reference the proposals, the City Proper builds favoring agreements with neighboring municipalities for the maintenance of the territory that would avoid possible landslides, establishing memoranda of understanding for the installation of units for the analysis of the quality of the air and soil.

City Proper, with a little ‘courage, it builds with immediate action and low-cost financing for activating a device, in collaboration with the ARPAC, for all the necessary tests on the territories of Boscofangone. An immediate step, at lower cost, which can give the sense of a real change, a real interest for the collective health of an ecological culture to which we can not give up more.
( Photo source: Network Internet )

Author: C.S.

Health and food: too many harmful substances in food packaging - Blogosfere (Blog)

Thumbnail image for Food-packaged-danni.jpg

packaged foods may lead, in the long run a serious risk to health. If only we dwell in reasoning, we would realize that in fact the alarm raised by a team of researchers from the Food Packaging Forum Foundation in Zurich is not to be underestimated. As explained by the authors of the research, published in the journal “ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health “, it seems that the materials used for wrapping and packaging of all foods arriving daily on our tables contain a number of chemicals is highly toxic if taken in high quantities.

It ‘s true, there are regulations on the standards of the materials they are made products, but considering that most of the food we eat is actually packed, you will understand some of the health risks are actually quite high.

Among the chemicals

there would be condemned by the scientific research primarily formaldehyde, a substance used in food preservation in fact, and that – as many of you know – is highly carcinogenic. They end up in the dock also other substances such as melamine (often used for making dishes). As demonstrated by several studies, however, if (heated in the oven, microwave or even if you are put on the dishes too hot) it can release harmful substances that migrate on food we eat.

Experts also point out, one of the harmful substances, even bisphenol A (or BPA), tributyltin , the triclosan and phthalates . In short, it seems that in the food packaging harmful substances are not lacking at all, and to cause a stir is the fact that the negative consequences of these substances are well known in the scientific world, but far less known in our homes, as they explain the same experts, who can not help but wonder what might be the effects of chronic exposure to these substances.

“While the science some of these substances are the subject of debate and policy makers struggle to meet the needs of stakeholders, consumers are exposed to these chemicals every day, mostly unknowingly. “

Sure, the scientists themselves admit that it is difficult to conduct research on the subject, since exposure to FCM (materials in contact with food) is pretty widespread throughout the world’s population, but put a stop to all this is more necessary than ever, and to do that, the first to protect our health, at this point, we have to be ourselves, trying to avoid as much as possible to packaged foods.

Photos | Pinterest by Debbie Jones

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