Meeting on Society of Health South West
The Shareholders’ Meeting of the Society of Health South East Florentine area (15 municipalities of Chianti, Valdarno Fiorentino, Florence Valdisieve and ASL), which met in recent days has established the definitive closure of the Consortium in order to 31.3.2014 to ensure continuity of services.
Assembly in November that she had decided to overcome the form of a consortium while stressing the positive experience of the SDS, which led to a strengthening of the integration of social and health for a unified planning of the area and considerable rationalization of resources through: the unified management and co-ordinated Assistance continues to dependent persons, of all the projects zonal and unification of tendering procedures which resulted in a unique race for home care services, had acquired such a decision in the face of a failure to enact legislation that presidiasse regional consolidation. The Meeting considered that this inaction has contributed significantly to maintain a situation of uncertainty that threatens to cripple the services, be postponed making a decision to overcome the status quo.
At the same time the Assembly with the common desire and unanimous to continue to operate its commitment to promoting the prevention and the disclosure of healthy lifestyles, with the maximum integration of social care, entrust such programming to the Conference of Mayors will replace the SDS immediately after its dissolution and is committed to put in place quickly with the necessary acts for the execution of a program agreement with the local health authorities of Florence, in order to maintain and improve the level of social integration health. The Assembly also is working for the newly-formed Conference of Mayors, which will consist of all 15 municipalities that are part of the SDS Southeast, you carry two sub areas, Chianti and Valdarno / Valdisieve, to entrust the management of services social, that they will have to give in one area comprising 15 municipalities.
The Assembly decided to extend the closing of SDS at 31 March to promote the continuity of services and decided to proceed with the allocation of zonal projects currently managed by this SDS to the municipalities, with a coordination unit in the Conference of Mayors. In particular, projects:
– Educational Highway is entrusted to the City of Reggello;
– Adult Independent Living for the work action is assigned to the City of San Casciano while the action is identified housing the New Day Foundation;
– Entrust Zonal Centre, Alzheimer’s project, Minor psychiatric and Sert Projects are assigned to Bagno a Ripoli;
– Migrants and Beyond Words are assigned to the City of Pontefract;
– independent living, continuing care for dependent persons and the ASL project Home Premium Care.
During the session, the Assembly has determined that for the year 2014 the municipalities, as the Founders shall pay to the Foundation “New Days” a contribution of 0.15 per inhabitant in order to supplement the fund management same. In addition, each municipality will strive to promote awareness on their territory with the goal of reaching 500 voluntary contributions to the Foundation of EUR 200 each to fund the projects implemented by the Foundation.
“We can not hide the bitterness that has seen us, against our will, to get to the dissolution of the Consortium for the Tuscany Region has fueled the experience of the SDS and has not yet enacted legislation that presidiasse regional consolidation. This is demonstrated by the fact that a few days ago the Regional Council, on a proposal from the PDL, almost unanimously decided to overcome the trials of the Company’s Health. “Says President of the SDS Southeast, Luciano Bartolini, who continues:” There want to emphasize that we will not close because the SDS a “Carrozzone” not close to the costs, which were reduced to the cost of personnel and projects, both remain on staff costs back to the municipalities and the local health authorities and projects there will be a breakdown of the management of the same between municipalities and local health authorities. In fact – the President continues – without the Society of Health miss the cohesive force that expressed the Consortium, which we hope the Conference of Mayors, with the program agreement with the local health authorities, will secure. Precisely for this reason – continues Bartolini – we are determined and committed to protect and maintain the objectives that have been the foundation for the establishment of the Society of Health and that is the realization of projects for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, strengthening the integration between social and health care, the unified planning of the area, the unified management of social services beyond the territorial limits of the individual municipalities. This – said the President – will remain one of our heritage, which we will continue with the Conference of Mayors and together with the ASL of Florence, with whom will sign an agreement as soon as possible of the program, in order to continue to work together. “
“The Company – said the Director General of the ASL of Florence, Paolo Morello Marquis – ensures maximum availability and cooperation to carry out joint projects together and safeguard the welfare services for the citizens.”
Meeting on Society of Health South West
Source: Society of Health South East area of ??Florence
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