Sunday, February 2, 2014

Brands: 'The data of the Ministry of Health show the problem ... - Online-News

Hospital Umberto I, Ancona

The final figures for the 2012 Ministry of Health, prepared by the CISL Fp Marche, Marche deliver a health situation in 2012 “between light and shadow, but with the confirmation of ministerial data about the validity of the criticisms and struggles undertaken by the unions for months,” says Secretary of CISL Fp Luke Talevi. “In the face of an almost equal number of admissions in 2012 than the year before (230 954, -0.02% compared to 2011), there have been savings in 2011-2012 on the staff of only 28 million euro resulting in thousands of days weekly rest jump, continuous availability, often unpaid overtime systematic, and thousands of vacation days not carried out. In fact. stresses Taleva – this is the only heavy but real savings made in health care. ” ‘Worrying’ data on passive mobility “who see only the Marche region of central Italy again with this problem. If it is true that 24 931 Marches have chosen not to heal in the Marche, Marche 29 366 well have chosen to care outside the region, with a deficit in 2012 of 4,435 patients and a cost for the passive mobility of well 33 million EUR 680,000. Ben 14,074 Marche in 2012 chose to heal in Emilia Romagna – presses Talevi -, 3,247 in England, 2,413 in New York and 2,330 in Umbria. On the other hand our Health has welcomed 12,956 patients Abruzzo, Puglia 2,232, 2,278 Emilia Romagna, Lazio 2,202. ” But – Talevi emphasizes – “what is clear is that, except Abruzzo, Marche collect only a small part of the mobility coming from the regions of the South, who prefer to our health of Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lombardy. Even the small can Umbria in 2012 to have nearly nine million Euros of active mobility. ” For the secretary of CISL Fp “it is good that the Marche Region and senior health question themselves about why in 2012 the balance of active mobility (over 108 million euro) and passive mobility (141 850) is negative for almost 34 million Euros» . With regard to the grids Lea (the mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of disbursements of services), the Marches are in seventh place with the Basilicata and after Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont and Umbria. “A good location – notes – but definitely improvable.” The data are rather positive “about the number of deaths among hospitalized acute (less than 120 deaths compared to 2011) and caesarean sections performed (less than 0.82%) while increasing those who left the hospital are brought to the RSA or assigned to home care, a path will intensify in the coming years. ” CISL then asks you to deal with the region “on these and other data that are clearly infer the strengths but also the structural weakness of our system.”

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