February 8 – Following the high rating that got the initiative last year, the Ministry of Health has decided to build also for 2014 “A year in health “, an agenda that is a useful tool to remind those who puff that our health depends first of all on us. The original mode of communication is based on the use of comic books to convey messages of prevention and awareness about the world of health. Each month a different theme is addressed and a designer will tell, according to his personal style graphic and creative, a story containing – between the lines or more declared – an invitation to face everyday life with a healthy lifestyle.
Every individual is in fact the primary responsibility for protecting their own health. Not everyone yet know, for example, that the onset of the main and most disabling chronic diseases can be avoided altogether, or delay much, but paying attention to a few determinants of health risk factors: smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity and incorrect power. Quit smoking, not abusing alcohol, physical activity steadily and eat a balanced lifestyle are convincingly that should accompany each of us in the choices to make every day.
To achieve the agenda has been set up a working group made up of diverse artists, doctors, researchers and communication experts who have pooled their expertise with the aim of creating an editorial product suitable for everyone.
Looking through the pages you can find, in addition to information and health tips, some QR-code, cryptograms, black and white, thanks to a smart phone, will allow you to see in real time some of the most recent commercials institutional Ministry of Health.
For the distribution of the agenda, the Ministry collaborates free of publisher Mondadori. From Wednesday, February 12, 2014, in fact, at 23 outlets in the circuit – after filling out a questionnaire designed to gauge satisfaction with the initiative to the public – will be able to withdraw all its own copy of “A year in health” ( see list).
results of last year
Following the distribution of agendas 22,300 last year have been collected 8,340 questionnaires containing evaluations and suggestions expressed by citizens .
Studies at the University La Sapienza of Rome, with which he was entrusted with the task of developing organically emerged from the survey data with a system of statistical aggregation process that included the socio-cultural variables, showed that the instrument cartoon has been considered effective to illustrate the topics chosen.
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