Monday, February 3, 2014

Health: a table Covenant health care construction investments -

(ANSAmed) – ROME, FEBRUARY 3 – The investment in health are the topic on the agenda today at the table between the Ministry and the Regions for the definition of the new Pact for Health .

“There is no doubt sharing and working to find funds to finance investments in health care, fundamental to restructure and create the necessary structures to rationalize the existing ones, thus implementing an optimization and reduced spending,” says Luke Coletto, Councillor of Health of the Veneto region and coordinator of the Health Commission of the Conference of the Regions. The restructuring of the public hospital assets, technological modernization, the adjustment of the safety standards of buildings and facilities, the construction of nursing homes and the reorganization of the network, said Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin during a recent hearing in the Social Affairs Committee of the House, should be subject to an “effective and efficient allocation of investments for the purpose of containment of public health expenditure.” The regions, for their part, always during a hearing in the House, had already decided on the theme “no longer be postponed,” and stressed “the need to identify an investment plan characterized by allocation and provision of certain resources.” The problem is, though, how much and how to finance the former article 20 of Law 68/1988, for which the commissioners asking for resources, estimated at 5 billion and extra Health Fund, “the fund for the support levels is the bottom for levels of care, Article 20 is Article 20, “sums Coletto. But change will soon be the mode of access to finance, where the rules are being redefined and probably will be included in the Covenant, which should see the light at the end of February. “It takes planning, and investments – comments about Coletto – without programming you do not make investments.” (ANSA).

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