Friday, February 7, 2014

The major associations of civic write a letter ... -

 photo of the minister of health Beatrice Lorenzin The main associations of civil wrote an open letter to Minister Lorenzin, Regions and ANCI

‘going on these days the examination of the first articles of the Covenant Health is committed to the Minister of Health and the Working Group composed of representatives of the various regions. Recall that the Pact for Health is a financial and programmatic agreement between the Government and the Regions, which is done every three years, with regard to spending and planning of the National Health Service, which aims to improve the quality services, to promote the appropriateness of the services and to ensure the unity of the system.

In these days of comparison was reached agreement on the 2014-2016 Fund should ensure that updating Lea (essential levels of care) by 30 June and on the overall the norm, the concept of internal spending review aimed at improving the health care system.

The performance of the discussion is recorded appeal launched with an open letter to the Minister Lorenzin , Regions and ANCI signed by some of the major associations of civil commitment, including also the FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps), “immediately conclude the Pact for Health to open a new site social reorganize services, ensuring universal rights “.

So the group’s statement: “The time is dictated by the new confrontation between the government and the Conference of Regions on the right Pact for Health, a positive sign for the future of the National Health Service strained by cuts Linear these years. The negative effects in terms of protecting the health of citizens are all too evident.

The first concrete step to make credible the Covenant actually lies right on the allocation of funding for 2014: 109.902 billion, consisting of $ 2 billion to prevent new ticket.Ma from the open letter also shows strong concern for the ‘misuse, irresponsible and unsustainable that might connote the spending review. It can not be targeted to make cash in the game when there are health rights of people . Waste and poor health care are pretty impressed by counteracting the inefficiency, corruption, lack of transparency. And the savings are kept in the National Health Service.

The petitioners call on the Government and the Regions to “ open a shipyard social ” for the reorganization of the social health system with a wider democratic participation to return item Citizens. A place and a way to tackle the new emergencies, the needs of high social value such as chronic and not self-sufficient , the dependencies The mental health , passing a health care management only and favoring instead the ‘social inclusion .

no coincidence that the articulated open letter ends with a strong aspiration: “We want to take Italy out of the crisis that is far too long and contribute to the rehabilitation and revival of our country: makes our welfare spending a great investment that will ensure the rights of citizenship, creates good jobs, food development. To do this you need a big collective effort.

Among the priorities outlined in the letter: prevention and health promotion, true integration between health and social care, expanding services in the area,
universality in access to services .

FISH – Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps / fishonlus / fishonlus

The text of the open letter on the Pact for Health



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  • Sunday, February 2, 2014 00:01

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