| Home class=”c12″>> , Church > News of 09.02.2014 08:52:06 src=”http://it.radiovaticana.va/global_images/x.gif” src=”http://it.radiovaticana.va/global_images/x.gif” height=”5″ id=”content2″ class=”c15″>” Trust, a dynamics of life “are the words of Msgr. Armand Maillard, Archbishop of Bourges, France, called her reflection for today Monday of Health. The church north of the Alps, in fact, celebrated every year on the feast closest to February 11, World Day of the Sick, a special Sunday to call the faithful to its proximity to the suffering, but also to invite people to disease prevention. “Confidence – writes Msgr. Maillard – a balance is precious, but fragile, which can be put at risk from the disease, especially in today’s world, the pace of which can isolate and depress people. ” Hence the exhortation of the bishop to believe, because “faith is trust in God and in God” and gives to man “the strength to face and overcome difficulties.” “The Way of the Cross – said the archbishop of Bourges – was experienced by Jesus and trust in the Father, even if the men had abandoned him.” And again: Mgr. Maillard emphasizes that “confidence is contagious because a happy person can give hope to those who are sad or depressed.” Hence, the invitation to listen and talk to patients, establishing a dialogue with them and helping them to come out of isolation caused by disease, so that they also know they can count something for someone. Fundamental, then, is to pray together to the sick, “because – says the prelate – the Catholic religion is the religion of the Covenant between God and men,” and it helps those who are suffering to “find their place in society.” Finally, Msgr. Maillard urges both the sick that their family to “fraternity” and the “proximity”. (I. P.) Share | | | | src=”http://it.radiovaticana.va/global_images/xx.gif” | |
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