Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:08
In Sicily over three million people suffer from severe weight problems: the current demographic and epidemiological profile of the population evidence, in fact, a progressive increase in the prevalence of diseases related to excess weight and to a wrong supply. Diabetes, hypertension, heart failure and respiratory rates are only some of them can have a negative impact on the quality ‘of life. Preventing obesity ‘or degenerative and chronic diseases by focusing on the Mediterranean diet and Sicily, and’ the goal of the Fed (training, education, diet) promoted by the Regional Health. The project will be ‘presented at
Palermo in a workshop Monday, ‘February 24, 2014, the Professional Institute Peter’s Square. The meeting was organized by the Health Promotion Service of the Regional Health, directed by Salvatore Requirez, will present the Regional Councillor for Health Lucia Borsellino and experts from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Health Authorities. “The Fed project aims to improve the health of citizens – said in a statement – by changing behaviors and lifestyles that favor the occurrence of inadequate chronic diseases of high epidemiological importance and of great socio-economic impact. For this and ‘necessary to align the activities’ of health promotion in the field of nutrition education, combining them with the acquisition of good practice from the traditional diet of Sicily and the creation of a network of collaboration between all stakeholders, institutional and not (associations parents, educational institutions, consortiums, associations), to convey unique messages and shared by the scientific literature. ” Knowledge and skills that will be sent through uniformity ‘of language and measurements, through a system of “Integrated Territorial Networks” to ensure effective training, can produce a cultural change and lead to an improvement in eating behaviors in the population. The project provides opportunities for training, communication and research collaboration with physicians, veterinarians, pharmacists, biologists, nutritionists, dietitians, but also the regional officials of ‘agricultural area and business, chambers of commerce and teachers of hotel schools. The operational phase also envisages specific information campaigns, and actions in the area such as the promotion of agricultural products quality ‘and the birth of the brand “Live Healthy, eating Sicilian.”
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