“I knew that with the economic crisis, many people do not arrive at the end of the month, you have to give up a lot of expenses, but I thought that public health could still ensure all ‘Edgardo Bianchi, CEO of Lubiam is about to start factory in via Fiume, the project “Health in the company,” with free specialist visits for employees, and speaks with enthusiasm, the same, he said, showed that “the RSU, ie, the trade unions, and workers who have already booked more than fifty only in the early days. “
It all started with a notice of the Province, 10 thousand Euros for a project of collaboration between companies valances Volunteers Association. The Lubiam, which already has a consolidated experience of work-family balance (daycare, flexible hours …), this time he made a healthy choice. It involved Cav (Center for help to life, of which he is president Marcia White, the mother of Edgardo) that takes care of mothers with children coming and babies. The Cav has prepared the project due to its experience in the resort to public calls for funding.
Two other voluntary organizations were involved: Cuore Amico and the Chief, the association of the wives of doctors who quickly put their men in a position to say yes immediately. The result is that fifteen physicians has already made available, some even free, others with minimum fees (50 Euros including the use of their equipment). And there are all the major specialties.
more request, explain Stefania Quaini, human resources office, and Ilaria Riva, communication, was immediately gynecology, because of the nearly 300 employees, 85% are women, followed by pediatrics, but then I had requests for ophthalmologist, cardiologist, and so forth. “We are also contacting a dentist, although of course we can only offer the checkup and certainly not care. But the problem today, the doctors have told me in the meeting that we had – Edgardo Bianchi says – is that many people have stopped making prevention, to get control even when you do not feel good. The same ticket has become too onerous. At first I was afraid that employees trovassero that the initiative was intrusive. Instead, it was met with great interest, because privacy is fully respected. “
In this way, come to terms, most of the employees can be seen by one or two specialists. In view of the doctors who offer free or highly reduced rates, it is calculated that it should be able to do about 200 visits.
The project has been very successful because it started a thorough communication. ‘It’ was the important role of the RSU. I was afraid that somehow it was seen as something imposed from above, on the other hand was not so thanks to the fact that they just believed Stefania and Ilaria. “
“We have prepared a flyer – says Stephanie – who was inducted into the paycheck, then Ilaria, presented by the RSU, he presented the idea during a trade union meeting, were also posted ads in the common room which leads to the canteen. “
Here the mechanism of Health in the company. The worker concerned on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 12 to 13, can call the psychotherapist Elena Petrobelli (already known and appreciated for the door Family) and ask her a visit with a specialist. Or, if it is not clear the cause of the illness, the psychologist suggested the visit, in the company infirmary, a physician and surgeon general. In some cases, the specialist will visit the farm, in other cases you can make an appointment at the private specialist, when you need his tools. The working Lubiam not pay anything. The bill will come to the company and that the firm will then be reimbursed by the Province. Up to the ceiling of 10 thousand euro.
“With this die is guaranteed the privacy of the employee who trusts only with a psychologist outside, there is also the convenience gratuity and time-place: visits, except for those in private practice specialist, are held in the company in the lunch break (12-13) or in the evening after working hours, from 17 to 18.30. “
Then there is the cardiological screening to prevent heart attacks and strokes, which rarely give signals that people know to grasp. Here, then, on Saturday morning, the chance to go home in the Heart of Man, Poma Hospital, a short walk from Lubiam. With a few euro each, the Lubiam will send teams of workers to do a very careful control and instrumentation of the last generation.
February 2, 2014
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